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20201023 Reaching Chatrabhoga Lord Caitanya Takes Bath in the Ganges in Ambuliṅga-ghāṭa

23 Oct 2020|Duration: 00:30:25|English|Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book|Transcription|Śrī Māyāpur, India

Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book

Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book Compilation By His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami Mahārāja on 23rd October 2020 in Śrīdhāma Māyāpur, India

mūkaṁ karoti vācālaṁ paṅguṁ laṅghayate girim
yat-kṛpā tam ahaṁ vande śrī-guruṁ dīna-tāraṇam

paramānandaṁ mādhavaṁ śrī caitanya iśvaram

Hariḥ oṁ tat sat!

Introduction: So today we are continuing with the Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya-līlā book compilation. Today’s topic is:

Reaching Chatrabhoga Lord Caitanya Takes Bath in the Ganges in Ambuliṅga-ghāṭa

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa 2.57

paradivasa prāte āṭisārā-tyāga—

śubha-dṛṣṭi ananta-paṇḍita-prati kari'
prabhāte calilā prabhu bali' `hari hari'

Jayapatākā Swami: Lord Caitanya glanced mercifully on Ananta Paṇḍita, and early in the morning He left, chanting the holy names of Hari! Haribol! Haribol! Hari Hari!

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa 2.58

dekhi' sarva-tāpahara śrī-candra-vadana
`hari' bali' sarva-loke ḍāke anukṣaṇa

Jayapatākā Swami: Seeing Lord Caitanya’s moonlike face, which destroys all miseries, everyone chanted repeatedly, “Haribol! Haribol!”

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa 2.59

yogīndra-hṛdaye ati durlabha caraṇa
hena prabhu cali' yāya dekhe sarva-jana

Jayapatākā Swami: Lord Caitanya’s lotus feet, which are rarely seen by the topmost yogīs, in their hearts, that Lord was now walking before the vision of everyone. Haribol! So, so special is the appearance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, that He is walking on the earth, so everyone can see Him. Otherwise, it is very difficult to see Him even by the topmost yogis in meditation. But sometimes, He comes in the visible appearance, and He is visible to everyone. Now this is an incomparable mercy, bestowed on the fallen souls of this world.

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa 2.60


ei-mata prabhu jāhnavīra kūle kūle
āilena chatrabhoga mahā-kutūhale

Jayapatākā Swami: In this way the Lord Caitanya on the side of mother Ganges, walked on her bank, and He came to the holy place of Chatrabhoga, with great transcendental bliss.

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa 2.61

sei chatrabhoge gaṅgā hai' śatamukhī
vahite āchena sarva-jane kari' sukhī

Jayapatākā Swami: At this holy place of Chatrabhoga the Ganges flows in a hundred streams, thereby making all the people very happy.

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa 2.61

jala-maya śiva-liṅga āche sei sthāne
`ambu-liṅga ghāṭa' kari' bale sarva-jane

Jayapatākā Swami: A Śiva-liṅga made of water, is at that place. It is known as Ambuliṅga-ghāṭa, by all the people I went to that place and it is situated south of 24-Parganas, and there since the Ganges is carried on the head of Lord Śiva, He appears in the water as a Śiva-liṅga. This is called Ambuliṅga. The water Śiva liṅga.

Purport (by Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura): Chatrabhoga is situated in the 41st subdivision of the district of 24-Parganas. It is situated in the police jurisdiction of Mathurāpura. It is four and a half miles from the Mathurāpura Road railway station, which is on the East Bengal railway line. There is a huge temple of Tripurāsundarī Mahāmāyā there. The Ambuliṅga-ghāṭa is about one and a half miles from the temple of Tripurāsundarī. The present name of Ambuliṅga-ghāṭa is Baḍāsī-grāma. It is situated in the 43rd subdivision within the police jurisdiction of Mathurāpura. When Mahāprabhu visited this place, the Ganges flowed in a hundred streams on the eastern side of Baḍāsī-grāma. Although at present the hundred streams of the Ganges are not seen, there are still some signs like deep ravines there. The temple of Ambu-liṅga is still found there. When we inquired from the local people, we learned that the temple and its properties were managed by Mahānta Śrīyukta Satish Giri of Tārakeśvara, but as a result of litigation they have been transferred to one Śrīyukta Varadā prasāda Rāya Chaudhurī, a landlord of Kāśī-nagara. Within the temple is situated Ambu-liṅga Śiva. There is one piece of stone in the temple that resembles a Gaurī-paṭṭa [the base that supports a Śiva-liṅga]. In the middle of that stone there is a hole filled with water. The Ambu-liṅga is situated within that water. On the forehead of that liṅga there is a silver half-moon. Above this liṅga there are Deities of Lakṣmī-Nārāyaṇa and Gopāla. The site known as Cakra-tīrtha is situated nearly one mile southeast of Ambu-liṅga. Local people say that the Ganges flowed through that place long ago. At present one can see a pond as the remnant of the Ganges. There is a Deity of Viṣṇu there known as Mādhava. During the local festival, people first take bath in that pond and then worship the Lord at Cakra-tīrtha. In the month of May, 1930, we, along with many other Vaiṣṇavas, visited Chatrabhoga to select a place to establish the footprints of Śrī Śrī Caitanya. For an elaborate description of this, one should read Gauḍīya magazine, 8th year, number 42. Now a temple of Śrī Gaura's lotus feet has been established at this place by the joint endeavor of the President and devotees of Śrī Caitanya Maṭha, Māyāpur, the birthplace of Śrī Gaura. The site of Ambu-liṅga is currently owned by Śrīyukta Varadākānta prasāda Rāya Chaudhurī. One can still see moss-covered Ganges water at this place.

Jayapatākā Swami: This was a commentary made by Śrīla Bhaktisiddanta Saraswati Ṭhākura. I have just included it here, for your information. I don’t know if it will appear in the final book. Just to show this is a historical place, and Lord Caitanya visited here. Lord Caitanya is a historical figure. He was existing 500 years ago, and He went to these places, and we can trace out His footsteps. In fact, when He was about six years old, at that time, Columbus found the Americas. So many things happened at that time.

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa 2.63

‘ambuliṅga’-śivera upākhyāna—

ambu-liṅga-śaṅkara hailā ye nimitta
sei kathā kahi śuna hañā eka citta

Jayapatākā Swami: So how Lord Śiva appeared as the Ambuliṅga was described and everyone there listened with rapt attention.

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa 2.64

pūrve bhagīratha kari' gaṅgā-ārādhana
gaṅgā ānilena vaṁśa-uddhāra-kāraṇa

Jayapatākā Swami: Previously King Bhagīratha, he worshiped the Ganges and brought Gaṅgā devī to this world, to deliver his forefathers.

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa 2.65

gaṅgāra virahe śiva vihvala haiyā
śiva āilena śeṣe gaṅgā saṅariyā

Jayapatākā Swami: Lord Śiva became overwhelmed in separation of the Ganges. Remembering the holy Ganges river, Lord Śiva eventually came to this place.

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa 2.66

gaṅgāre dekhiyāśiva sei chatrabhoge
vihvala hailā ati gaṅgā-anurāge

Jayapatākā Swami: When Lord Śiva saw the Ganges at Chatrabhoga, he became overwhelmed with extreme attachment for the Ganges.

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa 2.67

gaṅgā dekhi' mātra śiva gaṅgāya paḍilā
jala-rūpe śiva jāhnavīte miśāilā

Jayapatākā Swami: When he saw the Ganges, Lord Śiva entered the Ganges, he fell in the Ganges, entering her waters. Then he took the form of a Śiva-liṅga made of water, and then he merged in the Ganges.

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa 2.68

jagan-mātā jāhnavī o dekhiyāśaṅkara
pūjā karilena bhakti kariyā vistara

Jayapatākā Swami: When mother of the universe, Jāhnavī, Ganges saw Lord Śaṅkara, Śiva, she worshipped him with great devotion.

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa 2.69

śiva se jānena gaṅgā-bhaktira mahimā
gaṅgā o jānena śiva-bhaktira ye sīmā

Jayapatākā Swami: Lord Śiva knew the glories of worshiping mother Ganges, and mother Ganges knew the glories of worshiping Lord Śiva.

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa 2.70

gaṅgā-jala-sparśe śiva hailā jala-maya
gaṅgā o pūjilā ati kariyā vinaya

Jayapatākā Swami: When Lord Śiva touched the water of the Ganges, he was transformed into water. And the mother Ganges also worshiped him with great humility.

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa 2.71


jala-rūpe śiva rahilena sei sthāne
`ambuliṅga ghāṭa' kari' ghoṣe sarva-jane

Jayapatākā Swami: Lord Śiva remained at that place in his water form, and everyone glorified that place as Ambuliṅga-ghāṭa. Ambu means water and liṅga is the Śiva-liṅga. Ambuliṅga means water-liṅga. So, it sounds very special, Ambuliṅga! When we saw that place, nearby there is a pond where many devotees of Lord Śiva and many devotees have their samādhis. “Ambuliṅga! Ambuliṅga!”

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa 2.72

śrī-caitanya-caraṇāṅkita haoyāya chātrabhogera viśeṣa mahimā—

gaṅgā-śiva-prabhāve se chatrabhoga-grāma
haila parama dhanya mahātīrtha nāma

Jayapatākā Swami: By the influence of mother Ganges and Lord Śiva the village of Chatrabhoga became supremely glorious, and became celebrated as a great tīrtha.

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa 2.73

tathi madhye viśeṣa mahimā haila āra
pāiye caitanyacandra-caraṇa-vihāra

Jayapatākā Swami: This place became even more glorious after Lord Śrī Caitanya’s lotus feet blessed that place, and the Lord enjoyed His pastimes there.

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa 2.74

prabhura śatamukhī-gaṅgādarśana o snāna—

chatrabhoge gelā prabhu ambuliṅga-ghāṭe
śatamukhī gaṅgā prabhu dekhilā nikaṭe

Jayapatākā Swami: So, Lord Caitanya visited Chatrabhoga, and went to the Ambuliṅga-ghāṭa. Lord Caitanya saw the Ganges with a hundred streams flowing nearby.

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa 2.75

dekhiyā hailā prabhu ānande vihvala
`hari' bali' huṅkāra karena kolāhala

Jayapatākā Swami: When Lord Caitanya saw the Ganges there, He became overwhelmed in ecstatic love, and He roared loudly, Haribol! Chanting the names of Hari.

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa 2.76

āchāḍa khāyena nityānanda kole kari'
sarva-gaṇe `jaya' diyā bale `hari hari'

Jayapatākā Swami: As the Lord forcefully fell to the ground, Lord Nityānanda caught hold of Him, and all the devotees chanted, “Jaya!” and also the holy names of, “Hari Hari! Hari bol!

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa 2.77

ānanda-āveśe prabhu sarva-gaṇe laiyāsei
ghāṭe snāna karilena sukhī hañā

Jayapatākā Swami: With great ecstasy Lord Caitanya taking all His associates took His bath happily at that ghāṭa.

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa 2.78

aneka kautuke prabhu karilena snāne
vedavyāsa tāhā saba likhibe purāṇe

Jayapatākā Swami: While taking His bath Lord Caitanya enacted many pastimes blissfully. These would be described by Vedavyāsa in the Purāṇas.

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa 2.79

prabhura premāśru-prasravaṇa—

snāna kari' mahāprabhu uṭhilena kūle
yei vastra pare sei tite prema-jale

Jayapatākā Swami: After taking His bath Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu came out of the water. But as soon as His put on dry clothes, it became soaked with His tears of love.

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa 2.80

pṛthivīte vahe eka śatamukhī dhāra
prabhura nayane vahe śatamukhīāra

Jayapatākā Swami: So, the Ganges flowed on the earth with a hundred streams, but another hundred streams were flowing from Lord Caitanya’s eyes.

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa 2.81

apūrva dekhiyā sabe hāse bhakta-gaṇa
hena mahāprabhu gauracandrera krandana

Jayapatākā Swami: The wonderful pastimes of the Lord were witnessed by the devotees. They all laughed, and smiled. Such was Lord Gauracandra Mahāprabhu’s crying in ecstasy. So, Lord Gaurāṅga Mahāprabhu He didn’t only visit the place, He made the place more glorified, by His presence and by His pastimes. Everywhere He went, He was crying in ecstasy of pure love. So, these places are known as mahā-mahā-tīrthas, because Lord Caitanya’s lotus foot dust is there. So, we can go to these places and get the mercy of the Lord. So we go on the Navadvīpa Parikramā, and thus we also get the dust of the Lord. So when the Lord went in Gaura Maṇḍala Bhūmi, there then also the devotees got the special mercy of Lord Caitanya there. Narottama dāsa Ṭhākura is saying, śrī-gauḍa-maṇḍala-bhūmi jebā jāne cintāmaṇi tāra haya braja-bhūme vāsa - if we understand that these places of Lord Caitanya and His associates, pastimes, are also not different from Vṛndāvana, we get this special blessing. Haribol!

Transcribed by Jayarāseśvarī devī dāsī
Verifyed by JPS Archives
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