Timeline of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami's Life - 1968-1977

1971 March 24 - Letter from Śrīla Prabhupāda. from Bombay to Jayapatākā Swami. Calcutta (Kolkata)

Bombay, 24 March, 1971

My Dear Jayapataka Maharaja,

Please accept my blessings. Since I have come back from Calcutta to Bombay, I have not received any letter from you, so I am very much anxious to hear from you. Here the program begins from the 25th instant and goes on until the 4th of April. After that I do not know whether I shall have to go back to Calcutta.

Whether there has been any negotiation with Jabed Ali and some other man for purchasing the Mayapur land or whether you have selected any other land nearby? Mr. Mohta wanted to send me a letter regarding negotiations for purchasing his brother's house. So these things are pending. Another thing, I wrote a letter to Mr. K. K. Birla, the copy of which is enclosed herewith. If you have received any reply from him? I am awaiting your reply to the above points immediately by return of post with a report of your activities there.

Acyutananda Maharaja wanted to come to Bombay during the ceremony and I think you also thought like that. I have no objection if you come here to join this ceremony, only thing is whether in your absence Calcutta work will suffer? If you come here, you can bring our dandas and umbrella which are left there with the books in storage.

Another thing is that I requested Mr. Singh Roy's son to give us the whole first floor on long lease and at reduced rent. If they do so, then we shall give up the idea of purchasing a house in Calcutta. Two big apartments will be sufficient for our preaching work. We can occupy both the flats if they agree to accept Rs. 1,500 per month.

Hoping this will meet you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami