Timeline of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami's Life - 2001-2010

2008 November 24 - Secretary Diary. 20081124 Hinduja Hospital. Mumbai, India

24th Nov 2008 Evening shift 6pm - 6am

We reached the hospital at 7pm this evening. Hinduja Hospital is just 11kms away from The Juhu Temple, yet it takes almost 1 hour to reach there because of the traffic. This evening HH Bhakti Purushottama Swami, HG Braja Hari Prabhu and HG Bhadra Balaram Prabhu were there with GM when we reached the hospital. Maharaj was presenting the first copy of his book on Sri Ksetra Parikrama to GM. This is a new guide book about Puri Dham written by HH Bhakti Purushottama Maharaj. It was glossy and full of colorful pictures.

Around 7.45pm before leaving the hospital Maharaj told me to daily read from the book for GM. At 8pm when i went inside to see GM his eyes were slightly closed.I offered my obeisances mentally. Then i rubbed his hand gently and said,"GM,i am Maha Varaha here" He grabbed my hand. I asked him,"Should i read for you from the new book?" GM nodded yes. After reading two pages from the book i had a realisation. What would i do if i were given a new book to read? I thought, first thing i would glance through the book especialy the pictures in the book.

I told GM,"Now we will go on Sri Ksetra Parikrama by looking at the pictures. GM remained silent. I held the book infront him,showed him picture by pictures of all the holy places in Puri Dham with brief explanation. GM was looking at them very peacefuly with rapt attention. He was also reading some of the explanations by himself. Couple of times he signaled me not to turn the pages too fast. In between he pointed his face couple of times, asking me to scratch his face. I realised it is time to shave up his beard. Miss Leena, the nurse who was there sitting and updating records on GM file, was amazed to see GM responses to the book. She switched on more lights to help GM to read the book by himself. We went on the book parikrama for almost 40 minutes non stop. At 8.40pm few other nurses came and stopped our parikrama. They told me to go out because they need to change the physical position of GM. I kept the book on the table where Miss Leena was doing her work and walked out of ICU. After 15 minutes i peeped through the entrance door, Miss Leena and another christian nurse were glancing through the book with full attention. Jaganath Swami Ki Jai!!

I waited outside with HG Sitaram Prabhu and Dr.Sagar for another 15 minutes before i heard an announcement 'Bed number 20'. When i went in again GM showed me a sign that he wants his dinner. I asked the nurse if i can feed him now? She told me that there is a trace of food found in the trachea tube of GM and therefore we have to consult with Dr.Hegde whether oral feeding can be continued. I know the doctor doesnt have a fix time for the routine check up. So i suggested the nurse to call up the doctor immidiately as GM feeling hungry. She answered,"I cant do that and i have to wait for the doctor to come." I told GM the reason of not feeding him now. He asked by sign of his fingers,"How much time?" I said very soon. After 15 minutes GM slept off.

Meanwhile, i told everything to Dr.Acyutananda from The Bhaktivedanta Hospital who just came in for an evening shift replacing Dr.Sagar. He consulted few of his doctor friends. But we could do nothing. Dr.Hegde showed up at 10.30pm and allowed oral feeding to be continued. Me and Sitaram Prabhu went in again at 10.40pm to feed GM. GM was still sleeping. I woke him up and asked if he still wants to have his dinner. He nodded yes. We had vegetable soup and milk for him. While feeding vegetable soup, GM asked with his hand sign, what is that in the other container which was kept on the table at the end of his feet?

I said,"Milk from the temple,we will give you once you finish eating this creamy soup." He agreed. After feeding about 10 spoons of soup he started coughing. Nurse advised us to stop feeding. I asked her,"What about the milk?" She said,"Nothing.Do not feed anything more otherwise he may vomit them out. We have to do the suction after some time." I told GM about it. GM asked me what is the time now by pointing at the watch. I said "11pm." He told me to give him a massage. Before giving the massage i cleaned his mouth and started the massage from his face, then both hands and ended with his legs. When i was massaging his feet, he asked me for his milk again. I reminded him that he cannot consume anything now until the suction been done. At the end of the massage he fall asleep. It was 11.20pm.

25th Nov 2008 - 5.45am
Me and Sitaram Prabhu went in to see GM. He was fully awake and looked very fresh. GM asked, "Wath tang nau?" This time not with his fingers sign but he spoke. We were shocked. He repeated the same thing. Though it was not so clear but we understood his question,"What time now?" We answered,"It is 6am." I told GM,"We are in Mayapur now and going to attend the mangala arati program." He nodded his head. We held Sri Sri Radha Madhava picture infront of him and sang the full mangala arati song. He was kept gazing at Their Lordship till we finished the full song.Then we took him to have the darshan of Their Lordship Sri Sri Panca Tattva. GM raised his left hand and showed a sign to put the picture on his forehead. After Sri Pancatattva darshan i held Lord Nrshingadev picture infront of him and asked him,"Do you want to do the arati for Lord Nrshingadeva?" GM nodded yes. We sang Nrshimadev Prayers for him.

At the end of our morning program I told GM it is time for us to go and Dharesh Prabhu will be coming in soon to be with you. GM spoke again,"I can't hear you." This time he spoke better. He spoke very clearly. I repeated to him the same thing. He said,"Dharesh! Dharesh!" Again it was very clear. I told him,"Yes Dharesh is out there waiting to join you soon. He then grabbed my hand to bid farewell.When i was about to go out a nurse passed by. I interrupted her by asking,"Does Swamiji has the speech valve fixed on him?" She said,"No." We were so happy with the clarity of GM's speech  which he spoke without the speech valve. We went out so happily discussing about the steady day by day progress GM is making.