Timeline of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami's Life - 2001-2010

2008 December 02 - Secretary Diary. 20081202 Hinduja Hospital. Mumbai, India

2nd & 3rd December 2008 Night Shift 6pm - 6am

This evening HG Iksvaku Prabhu followed me to the hospital since today is the last day for him in Mumbai. we reached the hospital exactly at 7pm. When we went into the ICU GM was sitting on the brown sofa next to the window. After few minutes Iksvaku Prabhu started to read some get well letters to GM as i was preparing the dinner. At 8.30pm we fed dinner.

After the dinner GM was shifted over to his bed. Iksvaku Prabhu continued to read the letters. GM was quite alert and was listening to his reading.At 10.30pm Dr.Sagar and myself went in to attend GM. GM said he wants to sleep lying down on his left hand side. For the last 40 days he is been sleeping facing the ceiling. We turned him to his left facing the window and kept two pillows at the back to support him. We also placed a small pillow in between his legs. This is the regular position which GM always prefers to sleep at any time of the day. He is been sleeping on this position for so many years. The Hinduja Hospital doctors also recommended GM to sleep on his left hand side.

GM is also been complaining about his sleep for the last few days. He said he cannot sleep well because of the lights. Generaly the nurses switch off only the lights right above his head when he goes to sleep. They keep other lights on especialy the one right above his feet where they sit and update his records. So he told us to bring an eye mask which he always gets as a souvenirs from different airlines. Today i brought one thick blue British Airways eye mask. I asked the nurse if this is allowed to wear on his eyes. She rejected. She said," I will put a cotton paddings on his eyes. So you do not worry." I told GM about this. He remained silent for few minutes.

At 6am in the morning i went in again to attend GM. GM was awake and looked fresh.I applied tilak on his forehead and then started the morning program. I held the Pancatattva picture infront of him and sang the samsaradava prayers. He was kept gazing at Their Lordship till the end of the song.He was also gazing at Lord Nrshimadeva till the end of prayers. When i chanted,"Sri Nrshimadev Bhagavan ki jai! Sri Prahalad Maharaj ki Jai! he asked, "Where is Prahalad Maharaj in the picture?" I then quickly grabbed another picture of Lord Nrshimadeva with Prahalad Maharaj and held it infront of him.

After two minutes GM asked me,"Do i have any tickets left unused?" I said,"GM you still have some tickets but do not worry we are taking care of them. I have cancelled all the existing bookings. We will get a refund for all the expired ones." I then continued,"GM,devotees all over the world are praying for your speed recovery. Soon you will be able to travel and preach." After few seconds,GM said," Tell them to pray. I want to gain strength. Walk soon." Actually GM told the same thing last night to Iksvaku Prabhu. So pls keep praying intensely until GM fully recovers.

JPS Servants