Timeline of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami's Life - 2001-2010

2008 December 04 - Secretary Diary. 20081204 Hinduja Hospital. Mumbai, India

Mataji pls edit before you send as you always do. So much distraction at the place i am writing the reports. 

4th Dec 2008 Morning Shift 6am - 12 noon

Reached hospital at 6.30am. GM was resting when i went inside the ICCU. When he woke up around 8am,he said he is hungry and wanted to have his breakfast. At 8.30am we fed breakfast to him. By the time we finished feeding it was almost 10am. Feeding GM takes a lots of time because GM's muscles which helps him to swallow food are quite weak. Feeding has to be done very carefuly with full concentration and with right amount of food.Day by day the muscles are gaining strength and his food consumption increasing gradually.

When GM was about to finish his breakfast the physiotherapist came in to teach GM more exercises.Though GM had a mild fever this morning but the fever subsided after the exercise. He sweated a lot after the theraphy.From morning GM was kept asking when he will be shifted from ICCU to ICU. Our Bhaktivedanta doctors were working on it but we didnt get any confirmation regarding this. GM even asked Dr.Siromani to go and check the condition of the ICU ward. Later she came and reported to GM that the ICU is better and more quiet than ICCU. We fed lunch at 2pm and after lunch the physiotheraphist came again at 3.30pm to give more exercises. 

After the physiotheraphy GM took rest for 30 minutes and then at 5pm he was made to sit on the sofa. While sitting on the sofa i combed GM sikha and braided it while Dharesh Prabhu supplied some oil for the sikha. Meanwhile Vidvan Gauranga Prabhu was reading letters for GM. At 6pm we fed fruit for gm. After feeding the fruit we got the good news, GM is going to be shifted to ICU, second floor west wing, bed no.51. We informed GM the good news and he was quite happy upon hearing it. We shifted all our belongings and left to 2nd floor.On the way,after came out of the elevator of the 2nd floor GM told Dharesh,"You seems happy." Dharesh said,"We all are happy to see you getting transfered to a better place."

We set up a small altar and arranged all GM's belongings in the ICU. Definitely this ICU is a better place,wider and more quiet.

JPS Servants

We started to feed rice dosa and sambar brought by Dr.Siromani. GM was coughing so much while feeding the dosai. Later he commmented that sambar was hot. Then we started feeding oats. He also said to put 2 drops of stevia in the oats because it is not sweet at all. After oats we gave buttermilk and biscuits mixed with milk.

After the physiotheraphy GM very much wanted to sit. But there were not enough male assistants to make GM to sit up. So,myself, Anukulya Prabhu, a nurse, made GM to sit after a lot of hardwork. We kept the eating table against the wall to make him lean on it. In between the table and GM we kept about 4 pillows. then GM said he wanted to have his lunch while sitting on the bed. We started to feed him keeping him on that sitting position. I was not happy when i saw GM taking meal in that position. I felt he is still uncomfortable in that condition. I asked him,"GM are you feeling comfortable in this condition?"He said,"yes" After two feeding he started to cough and a small speck of food came out through the speech valve tube.

We told GM that this position is not good for eating and we should make him to lie down on the bed again. He was not happy about it. Still we managed to convinced him saying that he will made to sit on the sofa in the evening. After convinced him in this way we made him to lie down and then continued feeding. The feeding was smooth after that. After prasadam the physiotheraphist came again and taught few other theraphies. Before the Physiotheraphist was leaving GM requested me to ask her whether it is ok to sit on the bed and have his meal. SHe said it is not recommended to do two things at a time. Because it is unnecessary tension on the mind. He should concentrate on one activity at a time.