Timeline of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami's Life - 2011-2020

2011 July 21 - Secretary Diary. 20110721 Corneal Abrasion Story. Delhi, India

21 July 2011 MYR-CCU-DEL

On the 9th of July ,we returned to mayapur after a week stay in CCU for their ratha yatra festival. On the way we stopped in Habibpur for a class, at their ratha yatra pandal.After the class in Habibpur we drove from the festival site to temple which is about 5 mins drive. GM just had a pit stop there to use the toilet.
After sitting in the car he complained about his eyes aching. The eye lid weight was not there. He told me EKG has taken it off. The eyes were red too.

After reaching myr around 11.30pm i saw the eye was more reddish. I applied vigamox antibiotic drops before he went to sleep.

The eye remain red during the whole stay in Mayapur. Dr.Manjula (opthal) from Manipal was here in Mayapur during the whole period helping GM to treat his eye. She was consulting Dr. from Bhaktivedanta Hospital Mumbai. For almost 4 days no changes and instead it was getting worse day by day. We even brought slit lamp from a shantipur eye clinic along with a eye specialist. We detected there was an abrasion on his cornes about 3mm size.

The eye specialist form Shantipur said we should keep the eye closed for few days and it will heal by itself. 
Dr. Manjula , after consulting with drs in BVH said it could be an abrasion along with conjunctivitis.

With so much treatment the left eye remained the same till the day we left from Mayapur to Delhi. We suppose to stay overnight in Delhi and the next day 22nd , we fly to LHR-BHX.

GM left Mayapur around 7am and travelled all the way by airport. Middle of the way he felt like using the toilet , so we took him to a petrol station. It was quite cumbersome for him to that small toilet. It was raining as well. 

Our flight suppose to leave at 1.45pm but flight was delayed due to the poor weather. We instead left around 
2.45pm and reached Delhi around 5pm. Before going to the temple for a over night stay we dropped by at one of the eye hospital (centre for sight). We had a quick access through one of the devotee doctor who works there. We met a cornea specialist there, dr. ramendra bhaksee. I explained to her about the history of the eye. She checked the eye through the slit lamp and said  the abrasion has become bigger. She even said GM has to take good rest by keeping the eye closed for few days. And that he should come back to her for a follow up after few days. I explained to her that we are leaving to UK tommorow morning and she became furios, " You cannot travel with this condition, It will become worst. You may loose your eye sight. Then we may have to go for a corneal transplant.

I was asking her many questions and at one point she said i am a doctor and i have done 500 cornea transplant. So listen my advice. She then prescribed some ointment and taped GM's eye. 

After reaching ISKCON New Delhi at 8pm, passing through quickly the eagerly waiting crowd of 50 over devotees,we put GM to take a nap. He told me the taping was off. I took out the whole thing and re taped the eye. I thought , it is good if he just take early rest and so we could wake up early at 3.30am to catch our flight to DEL-LHR. We also tried to keep the crowd away. Reffering to the big bandage on his eye, it was helpful to keep the crowd away from GM. We told the crowd about the condition of his eye. 

After 15 mins GM woke up and told me he wants to take darshan. I was quite upset. I didnt like the idea though it is important for him. Last few days i have been thinking how to make him to sleep early in delhi. HE should sleep atleast 6 hours, so he could drain out all the water from hisleg and this will help to prevent the infection from reoccuring. 

We just had a second infection in During South American tour which was like a month before in JUne 2011. So we really took a risk of taking him for another tour. BHX ratha yatra festival and Moscow BV festival.

Right from the second infection he was very weak physically, due to the antibiotic he was taking. Now with the fear of another infection and on top of that with eye condition, Dr.Bhaksee's warning, i was mentally burst, when i heard he want to go for Darshan. I persuaded him but he was so determined. Finally i have to agree. Then we took him for darshan. After taking darshan, he said he wants to give 15 mins class, since there were about 300 devotees in the hall. With the big bandage on the eye, he gave class. 

As soon as he started his class, i just left the temple hall since i was mentally very disturbed with GM determination to give class too. I know this class will not end in 15 mins. I went to the restaurant and had my dinner to cool off myself mentally. He came back around 9.45 after the class. It was like 35 mins class. He had his dinner and then went to sleep around 11.00pm.

Despite of all the difficulties of travelling whole day from 7am from Mayapur-Airport-Delhi-Eye clinic-then temple, and with such big bandage on the eye he didnt even bother slightly about his body instead was so eager to give class and take darshan. Didnt bother about his eye, the flight next day morning, Drs warning, leg infection, etc. As soon as he sees the devotees he forgets himself. The next day we woke up at 3.30am and got ready to leave to the airport by 6am.

In the airport i had problem to get him on board by BA airlines. The staffs at the check in counter were little apprehensive seeing the big bandage on his eye. I have to tell them that yesterday upon ariving at the temple, devotees received him with garlands and someone accidentally hit him on his eye while garlanding. So the doctor told him to keep his eye closed for few days for self healing.

Finally they accepted him