Timeline of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami's Life - 2011-2020

2011 July 29 - Secretary Diary. 20110729 Birmingham NC House. England, UK

29th July 2011 Birmingham, Nitai Charan Pr's house

GM made a visit to Birmingham for their annual RY festival. RY was held on the 24th July and on the same day he was taken to Birmingham University Hospital for a check up. He had fever and the right leg seems to be reddish. Dr.Rajneesh, Dr.Ram and Dr.Syam helped us in the hospital to complete the check up.

Finally GM was put on oral antibiotic, clindamycin with the suspicion that the MRSA is coming back. He had to take 3caps four times a day. Every 4- 6 hours gab. SOmetimes he was taking like 2am. 

While we were in BHX Nimai Pandit Das, a disciple from Spain was helping us in serving GM. He was with us from the first day till the 29th July. On the 29t July he had his train early in the morning around 6am. So he decided to do a night and leave around 3am from Nitai Charan's house.

Around 2.30am GM woke up to have his antibiotic medicines. He had some puffed rice and then continued with his medicines.
NImai Pandit was with us assisiting us. Around 3am he took permission from GM for his departure. Just before leaving GM told him that there is a devotee call Jaya Lakshmi dd in Spain, who requested to take reinitiation from me.Kindly tell her that i will accept her as my disciple and pls give my blessings to her and other disciples of mine too. 

While GM was saying this to Nimai Pandit, i was on sofa lying down lazily. i was so sleepy. Waiting for Gm to finish eating and then put him on the bed. What suprised me was that even at that period of time he was thinking of his disciple and how to help them. I was thinking about bed instead.