Timeline of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami's Life - 2011-2020

2011 August 08 - Secretary Diary. 20110808 Ankle Pain in Manor. BV Manor, UK

8th August Manor UK. 3.30am Monday

me and eka was sleeping with GM in the same room in Manor, LM room. The local servants woke us up and said GM calling me. When i attended gm he said he is having his pain on his ankle. 

The previous morning twice he climbed up the big stairs which leads to the temple hall and LM room. I infact told GM not to climb up and down which he insisted he wants to walk. I told him that better we carried him down to the temple hall by wheel chair and he may climb up by walking. Climbing down would make him to bear more weight on his ankle since he complained about the ankle pain about 5 days before while he was in moscow. Finally he agreed that we carry him down by wheel chair and he will climb up. 

Even climbing up caused him to suffer an ankle pain around 3.30am. He was having intense pain. We started giving him cold press massage using the cold pack bag. Somehow it was not cold enough since it was kept in small fridge which doenst have a freezer.

After 5 mins the cold pack became normal. Then i found two cans of ginger beer kept inside. We then started rolling the can on his ankle for almost 15 mins. While we were rolling he started singing the 'parama koruna song' and started crying and laughing as he always does.

After 20 mins the pain eased and he fell asleep.