Timeline of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami's Life - 2011-2020

2011 November 21 - Secretary Diary. 20111121 Dr. Achyutānanda's comment. Delhi, India

21/11/11 Delhi 
We were in the midst of Bureau meeting. Today is ekadasi. Many SP disciples were here. Like RNS, JPS, BCS. LKS, GKG, etc. While i was in room no.5 in ISKCON Guest house along with Dr.Achyutananda Pr discussing about GM's health. He shared a very interesting point with me. I always feel happy and feel inspired to see Jayapataka Maharaj. He said despite his physical condition he is still continue doing what he was doing before.

After two mins, he agaian said, Maha Varaha Pr, i have worked in the hospital for six years as a doctor and have seen thousands of patients. Ordinary people cannot live the live he is leaving now. Imagine his situation now. With poor liver condition, so many internal health issues, his body is been pricked daily atleast 5 times for bsl and insulin, taking so many supplements and bp medicines everyday, he has to depend on so many people for every single of his physical movements, going to toilet, to pass urine, irregular passing of urine every single night, MRSA, swellling of the leg, etc etc etc.
Oh my god , normal people will go into heavy depression. Beleive me, i know what i am talking about. I have seen many people.

But look at maharaj, he is so transcendental, not affected by his bodily conditions. He is trying his best to attend meetings, festivals, parikrama, try to be everywhere, wow so inspiring for me. 

I told him it is true,how normal people like us would  become mentally condition as soon as we have little headache or sore throat.