Timeline of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami's Life - 2011-2020

2012 January 13 - Secretary Diary. 20120113 PVP Case. Coimbatore, India

13th January 2012 , 2.40am

On the 6th January i received news about Prabha Vishnu Prabhu's difficulties in maintaining his sanyas ashram from Markendaya Rishi Prabhu who was in Madurai. I didnt tell this to GM until i get a confirmation. After getting the confirmation i told GM on the 7th Morning.
He was quite worried and shocked hearing the news. 7th was ratha yatra in COimbatore. 

The next day GM and PVP had phone conversation. Every day GM wrote email to PVP and the GBCs regarding this issue. After the ratha yatra programs in the hall GM comes home late around 11 pm. Despite of tiredness he stays back till 2am dictating letter for PVP and Gbcs try to save PVP and his disciples.

On the 10th we moved to Chennai. We stayed in BSNL quarters. On the 13th January at 2.40am he called MKD prabhu who was doing night shift and told him to bring a recorder because he wanted to dictate a letter to PVP. He said i cant sleep now, i am thinking about PVP and his disciples. Then he dicatated a letter till 4am.

Next day morning as usual when i went to clean his eyes. I expressed my feelings about the down fall of PVP. How much i was affected by this. GM told me i am not going to give up, i am going to try my best to bring him or make to stay back. 

Following is the letter he dictated;

-----Original Message-----
From: jayapataka@gmail.com
Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2012 02:44:08
To: Prabhavisnu Das<Prabhavisnu.ACBSP@pamho.net>
Reply-To: jayapataka@gmail.com

My dear Prabha Vishnu Prabhu,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to His Divine Grace AC Bhakti Vedanta Swami Prabhupada!

Well, I read your letter to the disciples,I guess you sent it off by now. So, there is no need of commenting further. So, this is just a little comment for you.I read how you were under extreme pressure and deal with conflicts which is not your nature and you are
basically a non conflicting person. So, at this juncture, I feel, I owe you an apology, because I was not able to help you during my sickness. And otherwise in matters like long standing conflict between Bhakti Siddanta Das and the  leaders of the katmandu temple and other personalities, may be Bangladesh, Malaysia, but not dealt with by me but you dealt with it, in a very good way in fact. But I guess all these took a toll.

So from very core of my heart i would like to beg an apology this time.
Further I am deeply moved by your  expressions, I would like to say,  "I am
sorry". That due to the stroke I was away recuperating when I should have been helping you.

In connection with your personal situation, Prabhupada said in the Gajendra
Moksha part of the 8th Canto that in case a sanyasi felt unable to effectively fight with maya alone, he could get married and continue the fight with maya. This is as far as i am remembering it, you can read the exact words. But the gist of the issue was one should be fighting against maya. Indirectly, your letter says that.  You would like to see the situation, to see if it works out. If it does You would like to help  in Bangkok, Thailand yatra. If it doesn't workout in Thailand you would stay in some ISKCON center, may be in South India.

This fight against maya and achievement of krsna's
lotus feet that should be the primary focus.  And for achieving  that as the
goal to get krsna's lotus feet that would encourage  me and your disciples.
You said well, you accepted the disciples not just on your behalf. But on
behalf of Prabhupada and whole parampara.

Of course that's our philosophy. Then guru is the last thing to connect them. Certainly you are very important in their eyes. I talked with Atul Krishna, he is one of your senior  disciple, he teaches in the MIHE and many students are taught by him. He is inspired to do that. He has put his absolute faith in you and after this he doesn't think he can put his faith, in anyone else. So you have a very far reaching effect. How far it is difficult to say now. Much more than you think. In any case that will be reassuring everyone if you clearly state that you really want to achieve Krsna's lotus feet somehow either as a sanyasi or as a grihasta and continue to fight with Maya, Whichever way you find it possible with more strength.

You said that this wouldn't  be a big set back in Lord Caitanya's sankirtan
movement. Just a blip. In this regard you see SRILA PRABHUPADA there were few devotees he really appreciated, and as far as I see you are one of them. He really appreciated you and he likes you. He talked to you. He told you be
courageous  like a British soldier and have a heart like Bengali mother. Both are very exceptional in their areas. In so many ways he loves you. There are lots of significant things you have done. I don't know all the things but you are one of the pioneers during soviet union and in Bangladesh you are the main source of funding for different projects like Pundrik Dham, Rupa Sanatan Smirti Tirtha, and many others in Bangladesh. In Nepal you were the main person in Kathmandu Temple. I think you have done a lot of major work for ISKCON. I am sure that Krsna always remembering you for that. But it is hard, I don't think that you can just go. Your going is very very aching. Prabhupada will never forgive us if we don't fall at your feet and beg you please stay in Krishna Consciousness. I take this opportunity to fall at your feet three times beg you please stay in and fight against Maya and stay with Krsna. This objective we don't give up. Many will be very happy if you can maintain your vows of renounce order. But if you feel stronger by having someone by your side that is alright. But you should be there fighting in your own ways and this will encourage everyone.

There are many who left their positions. It is not big deal. Renouncing your position as the gbc doesn't make sense because you know, that anyone leaves sanyas ashram will automatically be off the gbc. Renouncing sanyas is not big thing either. Renouncing  disciples is a big thing. We have examples in ISKCON , say Bhanu Swami, he was authorized as a guru but he never took disciples. Why he didn't take? Jayadvaita Maharaj he also stopped and
authorized Kadamba Kanana Swami. Mahanidhi Swami, he has few disciples. So
having a thousands or more  disciples, those disciples took vow in you to
follow the principles and chant sixteen rounds. Now all those disciples they
can understand, they know you and if you say that I will be happier like this but the point is as long as you are in Krishna Consciousness, I think that they can swallow it although it is hard still they swallow. Most important thing is that somehow or other you remain in Krishna Consciousness.  I really like you and apart from working together where I have sometime acted officially,  but as a person, as a GODBROTHER, as a devotee, I like you. I want to have your association and I don't want to see you lost. The third chapter of NOD says those who want  bukti and mukti who are not interested in devotional service are like those who are possessed by some black wicked witch. I think you are very dear son of Srila Prabhupad somehow you have to stay under Srila Prabhupada's  shelter. Hari BOL!

Your servant,

Jayapataka Swami

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