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20110906 Question and Answer Session

6 Sep 2011|Duration: 00:24:48|English|Question and Answer Session|Śrī Māyāpur, India

20110906 His. Holiness. Jayapatākā Swāmi Mahārāja gives a Q & A session in Māyāpur.



mūkaṁ karoti vācālaṁ

paṅguṁ laṅghayate girim

yat-kṛpā tam ahaṁ vande


Śrī Caitanya Iswaram

Hari Oṁ Tat Sat.


This verse tells us, we should not unnecessarily doubt the words of the śāstras. We should put our faith in the words of the śāstras, just like how do we know who our father is? We have to take the word of our mother. She is he only one who knows; otherwise it is not practical to test every man in the world to see who has the same D.N.A. So, we accept what our mother says. “This is your father.” And we accept that.

Like that śāstra is our mother, and guru is our father. So, we take śāstra, guru and sādhus. So, in this way we place our faith. We have faith that we will be able to understand Krishna.

If you do not have faith in anything, this śloka says that we will have no existence in this life or in the life after this birth.

So, Lord Caitanya, He put His faith in the words of śāstra.

Jaya Gaurāṅga.......................[Gaurāṅga]


Today is Champakalatā’s appearance day, and she had her Champā Orchard in Ritudwipā Dhām, Nabadwip Dhāma. She had so many Champā flowers that from this day onwards it has become known as Champāhāti. We go there and there is a Gaura Gadādhara temple manifested there. So, Champakalatā Sakhi, she would cultivate her Campā flowers here in Nabadwip Dhāma.

I am a little today because we had a meeting of all the co-directors. It was a internet meeting. His Holiness Bhakti Chāru Mahārāj was present??, His Grace Pragosh was in U.K, and His Holiness Bhakti Puruṣottam Mahārāja and others were in Māyāpura. So, now the co-directors are having regular meetings. We are watching.

Any questions:

Question: While chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa if we think of Rādhā-Mādhava as Hare and Kṛṣṇa, and Balarāma as Hare Rāma, is that rasābhash?


Well, Rāma could mean Balarāma or Ramachandra or...there are three Ramas – Parasuram...


Or you could also think of Kṛṣṇa, because Lord Kṛṣṇa appears as all His... in His avatars.

Question: Hare Kṛṣṇa Gurumahārāja, please accept my humble obeisance’s. How can I please you.

Your humble servant Brajeshwar Mādhava Dāsa

Gurumahārāja : Is he here?

Well, If you help me to fulfil Śrīla Prabhupāda’s desires, and you help me with those services, then I will be very pleased.

There could be also be other ways. This question was asked to Śrīla Prabhupāda. He said, “He was happy when he saw disciples advance in Kṛṣṇa consciousness.”

I got a message from a devotee from England, that Rādhā-Londenshwara on Radhāasthami Day had worn a dress of flowers, and the picture of the same was sent to me. I was very happy to receive.  Some things make me very happy.


Question: Yesterday morning my sisha guru, Śrīmad Gaura Govinda Maharāja was speaking about crookedness and simplicity. Gurumahārāja if you please advice how to become free from crookedness and become simple in our heart, and simultaneously how to think of Kṛṣṇa always.

Gurumahārāja: Lord Caitanya has advised that we should keep the third verse of the Sikshastakam, and in that verse it is said that if we follow we can always chant Hare Kṛṣṇa.

Question: Please accept my humble obeisance’s respected Gurumāhārja. All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda. Gurumahārāja I live in Vṛṇdvana, and the stock of Gaṅgā water can be limited. Can we use Yamunā water for Deity worship in such cases?

Your eternal servant, Ramyā Vṛṇdāvana Devī Dāsī.

Gurumahārāja: In Kṛsṇa book it’s mentioned that previously the Yamunā was called the Ganges, and we know that the Yamunā is also sacred. In fact authorities say that it is a hundred times more purifying than the Ganges. So, I would think that Yamunā for some things. I do not know if the... I know that the Ganges water is self-purifying. I don’t know if Yamunā has that quality.

Last question.

Question: I do not know if I have committed Vaiṣṇava Aparādha, but I am feeling like maybe I have done it, because my mind is very bad, I am feeling really bad, I have no peace of mind. Even though I am chanting more rounds, still I am not able to pacify my mind.

How can I get out of this situation?

Gurumahārāja: We get impediments or difficulties from offences and weeds. What has happened, one should investigate in oneself, and try to get ... 20.29. if one cannot figure out what offence has been committed, then one can consult other Vaiṣṇavas and get some advice from them.

One time Rūpa Goswāmi was laughing in ecstasy. Just at that time unknown to Rūpa Goswami one devotee who was cripple, he came by, and that devotee thought, “Aha! I never expected Rūpa Goswāmi to laugh at him. sississi sissisisi .” So, Rūpa Goswāmi couldn’t understand who he had offended. He asked Sanātana Goswāmi, and Sanātana said, “Invite everyone for a feast.” And that person who does not come, he must feel offended. So, like that one can somehow or other find out who they have offended. 

So, there is some Prasad which I will try to give out, but we have to let the Brahmachāris go first. Those who want to go early they can leave, but we would try to serve the Brahmachāris first.

This side for men, and this side for ladies.

Transcribed by Sadānanda Kṛṣnaprema Dāsa
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