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20170127 Evening Darśana

27 Jan 2017|Duration: 00:42:30|English|Darśana|Śyāmadeśa

Following is an evening talk given by H.H. Jayapataka Swami on January 27th 2017 in Shyamdesh. The evening talk was given with Hindi translation.

Since half my face is still paralyzed, what I say will be repeated and also with Hindi translation. I know little little Hindi (In Hindi, applause by audience and Haribol) But I speak more of Bengali (in Bengali -applause and Haribol). Bengali is getting practiced because I am speaking now (in Bengali - Applause, laughter and Haribol) Looks like there are many Bengali devotees assembled here (Loud applause, ullualtion, Haribol)

So today after I speak H.H. Kadamba Kanana Swami will chant (applause and Haribol) He chants very nicely. Today you are blessed, four sannyasis association and a number of kirtan singers like Nandakumar Das. Golokera prema dhan harinam sankirtan, say it in Hindi (Gurumaharaj to the Hindi translator, both Gurumaharaj and the translator laugh) The wealth of pure love of Goloka Vrindavana has come down to this earth by the mercy of Lord Caitanya. 

I met one person, he told me that he was chanting the Hare Krishna mahamantra for twenty six years, but he said he did not feel any bliss. I asked him, “Have you got the mantra through Lors Caitanya Mahaprabhu?” He replied, “No, we come from another Sampradaya.” So I gave him the Panchatattva Mantra: Sri Krishna Caitanya, Prabhu Nityananda, Sri Advaita Gadadhara, Srivasaadi Gaura bhakta vrinda, Sri Krishna Caitanya, Prabhu Nityananda, Sri Advaita Gadadhara, Srivasaadi Gaura bhakta vrinda, Sri Krishna Caitanya, Prabhu Nityananda, Sri Advaita Gadadhara, Srivasaadi Gaura bhakta vrinda. So he began to chant the Panchatattva Mantra and then the Hare Krishna mahamantra. So about three months later I came back to that place and that sadhu saw me from a  distance and ran to me, he paid his obeisance and he said “ What Mantra you gave me? What Mantra you gave me? I am getting great bliss. Aneka anando partchi” (I am getting great bliss in Bengali) (Followed by loud applause and Haribol)  

So twenty six years of chanting Hare Krishna mahamantra and no bliss, three months of the mercy of Lord Caitanya - unlimited bliss. Lord Caitanya is Krishna Himself, coming as a devotee to teach the conditioned souls how to practice Krishna Consciousness. Lord Krishna taught, “I have manifested Vrindavan pastimes, but people do not know how to get the benefit from this. I will come again as a devotee and teach the glories of My Vrindavan pastimes.” That’s why golokera prema dhan harinam sankirtan. That by chanting this Hare Krishna mahamantra Lord Caitanya taught the greatness of the Vrajavasis love for Krishna. Bhaktivinode Thakur, he saw in Rudradwip of Navadwip Dham a kirtan party going around Tulsi changing into the Rasalila dancing mystically. So by participating in the kirtan one can get the rasa of Vrajadham. In the material world people work to get money, to buy things. Now in Dubai it’s the last days of the shopping festival, it’s the finest shopping experience, also shocking experience, you give your money and you buy your goods. Maybe in shopping festival you can get some discount, but that’s not the real goal of life. The real thing is the love of Krishna, prema dhan and that you can get by chanting Hare Krishna, following Caitanya Mahaprabhu. His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, brought this mercy of Lord Gaura Nitai all around the world. Now you find the Lord’s worship all over the world and everywhere people are chanting the Holy Names. Lord Caitanya predicted that in every town and village of the world His names will be sung, prithvite ache yata nagaradi grama, sarvatra pracara haibe mora nama. 

So here also in Shyamdesh you have the opportunity of chanting and hearing, that’s called sravanam kirtanam visnum. That we chant the name of Visnu and we hear the names of Visnu. That is the real finest experience of life. Talk about the discount! This holy name is priceless. Gold, diamonds, jewels, Rolex watches or Mercedes cars, they are nothing in value to the chanting of the Holy Names. Lord Caitanya gave us the holy name freely. If He were to charge what it is worth, we will not be able to afford it. So He just gave out the treasure. Some people do not realize how valuable this is. They are not taking the advantage. And those are who are intelligent they chant because they know it is the greatest bliss, the greatest treasure. 

So in this material world people work and they get paid. There is no question of love. It is purely business. If you work you get the salary. I met one man, he was working in the Middle East for six months, but he did not get his pay cheque. He started to wonder, ‘May be they won’t pay me’. But if he quits his job, he will lose his sponsorship. So he is looking for another job, but has not got it yet. So month after month passes by and he works for nothing. So one would say this is a kind on cheating. You work but you don’t get paid. In the spiritual world everybody works for love, they love Krishna. They love Lord Caitanya. That is what we really want. That is what we really need.  So husband and wife they come together and worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead. 

Hussain Shah said that he thought Lord Caitanya was non-different from Allah. He was the emperor of Bengal 500 years ago. So the ministers asked him why do you say that? King asked, “Well why do you work for me?” “You are the emperor, Sir.” “No, that’s not right. I pay you. My army, my generals, my ministers, everybody works for pay. I think even my queens, but I don’t give them anything, they will leave me. Everybody in this world works for money. But I see that people run after Lord Caitanya. They want to serve Him, but He doesn’t give anything, no money. So, He must be something connected with the Supreme because we can only serve the Supreme without any remuneration.” 

So in the spiritual world, even when Krishna was present, people loved to serve Him. Like He came to the house of this king and poor brahman in Mithiladesh. Bahulāśva was a king and Śrutadeva was the poor Brahman. Lord Krishna was accompanied by various rishis. He expanded Himself into two, all rishis into two and simultaneously went to the palace of the King and the grass hut of the poor brahman. And King Bahulasva bathed Krishna’s feet with golden pots. Srutadeva brought the simple vessels for bathing Krishna’s and rishis feet. Bahulasva offered golden seats with gems to Krishna and all the rishis. Srutadeva had to borrow asanas from the neighbor to give for Krishna and rishis to sit on. Bahulasva gave gifts of diamonds, jewels and cows with golden ornaments. Srutadeva was a poor, very poor brahman. He had no diamonds, no jewels. But he gave a lotus flower to each one. Bahulasva with tears in his eyes begged that Krishna to stay for a humble meal. And he gave Him a lunch with 56 items. And Srutadeva, he asked Krishna to please take this lunch and he served the Krishna and the rishis rice, dal, sabjis; ordinary. He was a poor brahman. Srutadeva was so happy that Krishna came to his house. He started to dance. He started calling out ‘Haribol! Haribol!’ 

Lord Caitanya has brought this medicine to cure this Kaliyuga.

enechi auṣadhi māyā nāśi bāra lāgi'
hari-nāma-mahā-mantra lao tumi māgi'

bhakativinoda prabhu-caraṇe paḍiyā
sei hari-nāma-mantra laila māgiyā

Bhaktivinoda Thakur, He fell at Lord Caitanya’s lotus feet and he begged to the Holy Name and he got it. And he said, “I got It, I got It!” Haribol, Haribol, Haribol!

How many of you want it? (Haribol! from audience). So, I don’t want to talk for too long. Here is your chance to beg to His Holiness Kadamba Kanana Swami Maharaja, please give us the Holy Name! How many of you want the Holy Name? (Haribol!) So with these words, please chant and be happy! 


Transcribed by Bhuvana Pujita devi dasi and Pujita Haripriya devi dasi,
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