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20180730 Śrī Krishna Caitanya Book

30 Jul 2018|Duration: 00:22:13|English|Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book|Chennai, India

Nama Om…


 We are going to continue with the Caitanya book, Caitanya Carit Kaava..

It is too poetic to translate on the fly so I will just have it read out and we will work on it later. 

“Seeing the sun move slowly since it experienced joy on seeing the Lord on the path, people thought has the sun becoming red out of great attraction for the Lord now fallen down out of unsteadiness?”

“Seeing the sun like a ripe fruit desiring to set on the horizon along with the bees that swarmed about the lotuses suddenly became sad/”

“The night which gives joy to the night lotus showed enmity to the swarms of bees which flew towards the day lotuses. As a lover awakens his beloved to see her face, the bees attempted to awaken the night lotuses which were about to blossom in the night. The intoxicate bees which constantly sought the sweet honey of the lotuses, gave up their desire for the day lotuses and went to the night lotuses just as the best of people seek out a new taste. The merciful Lord desiring to sleep at night, giving up the crowds of people, enjoyed deep sleep. When dawn came the next day, a breeze was blowing. The Lord, an attractive ocean of mercy, derived great enthusiasm from this. The lotuses were most beautiful with bees awakening, coverd with pollen and freshly entering the petals of the closed lotuses. At the beginning of the day, the colorful day lotuses and night lotuses. Chief of Brahma’s creations, gave the greatest bliss to Mahaprabhu as He walked on the path. From seeing the pleasing scene, the Lord was joyful in His heart. As He wandered in the forest, the birds giving up flying, gave Him joy as He derived happiness from remembrance. The mountainous grounds woke up after a long time on being seen by the Lord and immediately shouted jai! Jai! In joy through the various chirpings of the birds. The beautiful earth at the base of the mountains with caves devoid of badari plants as if laughing with blossoming bright flowers became most beautiful for the Lord as He cast His glance on it. The earth was sometimes green like haritaal and sometimes yellow like gold. Sometimes it was black like a testing stone. Sometimes it was white like moonstones. The Lord gazed at the firm place on the road, beautiful with gavayas, cows and various deer which it sheltered. The herds of deer lying down and filled with desire, with graceful movements and side glances at every moment quickly produced sweet rasa in the Lord. Overjoyed on seeing various interesting things, the golden ocean of nectar, His mind absorbed in bliss, protected by devotees of various good qualities, shone brightly. Travelling on the forest path He brought happiness to the hearts of those men as He laughed and spoke jolly words in the manner or ordinary folk. While observing the various curious animals in the forests and fields, He delighted the many groups of deer. “

Caitanya Mangal:

So going on the way to Gaya the Lord was very blissful and He gave bliss to all the people who saw Him. 

There were animals and birds and they had tears of love filling their eyes as the Lord was going on to Gaya. And to see Lord Caitanya there were children, young people, old people and crippled people, all very enthusiastic to see the Lord. They were running to see the Lord. 

(there was a technical difficulty with the laptop there)

The people were so hasty to see the Lord that they did not have time to tie their hair. They were just running to see the Lord as He was travelling from country to country. They became half mad to see the Lord. 

The people gave up their families, they just came running to see the Lord. See the Lord He is like Hari in Vrndavan, He is very beautiful. 

To see the Lord, the people were submerged in an ocean of spiritual bliss. In this way all the people crowded on the roadside to have a glimpse of the Lord. 

As the Lord was traversing the path, everyone became very blissful. There was a stag and a deer. The stag and the deer were frolicking and everyone became very happy. 

Seeing the stag and deer frolicking the Lord mimics them by making some sounds like an ordinary person. 

The animals were filled with profit, illusion, lust and anger. If you do not worship Krishna the people are like that. They are filled with animalistic qualities. 

The Lord was travelling with His associates and He laughed as the all-knowing Bhagavan. The intelligence of the animals are like the people who are not worshipping Krishna. 

The animals do not have any knowledge of Krishna and therefore the human beings who do not worship Krishna, they are called as animals. 

Krishna who is the spiritual master of the whole world, He instructed like this while travelling along the path. The Lord was a kalpavriksha or a desire tree for the devotees.

The Lord came to the river known as the Chira. There He took His bath and gave in charity. He did all the things that are described as a ritual. 

He did worship to the devas and forefathers and He was very blissful. After finishing His pujas, the Lord entered the local temple to see the deity.

The Lord engaged in discussion on spiritual topics. He laughed, He joked, He was engaged in blissful discussions. He came to the Mandara hill and there He came to the temple after a few days.

So we will end here and we will have some questions and answers. If anyone has any questions here or on the internet, we will try to reply.

Question: We do not live like a big Indian family so I alone have to deal both with the small baby and our deities mostly alone during the day. Babies pass almost all the time, especially when teething or teeth are about to come and I cannot after cleaning the child also take a bath every few minutes. Will the deities forgive some uncleanliness if I offer them food without taking complete bath?

Guru maharaj: You take a mantra bath. Om apavitra pavitravaan sarvasva…Sri Vishnu Sri Vishnu It is alright for the house deity.

Question: Often I see how devotees put Santa’s dresses or hats on deities. Does Krishna like it? Is it bona fide? What should I think of it? Maybe at home it is okay but what about in the temple?

Guru maharaj: Deities should be dressed according to the shaastra. But if you are taking out the deity in a winter situation, then the deities should be warmly dressed. Om tat sat.

Transcribed by Jayaraseshwari dd
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