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20200703 Entrance of Haridāsa in the Role of the Director

3 Jul 2020|Duration: 00:42:33|English|Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book|Śrī Māyāpur, India

Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book Compilation by His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami Mahārāja on 03rd July 2020 in Śrīdhāma Māyāpur, India

mūkaṁ karoti vācālaṁ paṅguṁ laṅghayate girim
yat-kṛpā tam ahaṁ vande śrī-guruṁ dīna-tāraṇam
paramānandaṁ mādhavaṁ śrī caitanya iśvaram
hariḥ oṁ tat sat

Introduction: Today we had the meeting of the GBC, and they decided that they will have every two weeks, on Wednesday, such a meeting. Unless, there is some holiday on Wednesday, like Ekādaśī or Janamāṣṭamī, then they may have a day earlier or later. The meeting will be hour and a half and next meeting will be on Wednesday after next. So, that’s why the class is a bit later now. This is our first internet meeting of the GBC. We also wish to offer our sincere prayers that if Kṛṣṇa so please, He may allow His Holiness Bhakti Cāru Mahārāja to be healthy again. We pray to Prahlāda Narasiṁha, Rādhā Mādhava, Aṣṭa-sakhī, Pañca-tattva, Rādhā Mādhava Māyāpur-candra, and Lord Jagannātha, Baladeva and Subhadrā, in Rājāpur, for if They are so pleased, for the recovery of Bhakti Cāru Swami. Today we are reading the chapter:

Entrance of Haridāsa in the Role of the Director

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Madhya-khaṇḍa 18.039

vaikuṇṭhakoṭāla-veśe haridāsera sakalake sāvadhāna karaṇa—

prathame praviṣṭa hailā prabhu haridāsa
mahā dui goṁpha kari' vadane vilāsa

Jayapatākā Swami: So first entered on the stage, Haridāsa Prabhu, decorated with a long handlebar moustache, on his charming face. His face was decorated with a long handlebar moustache, and he was acting as the director of the drama.

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Madhya-khaṇḍa 18.040

mahā-pāga śobhe śire dhaṭī-paridhāna
daṇḍa haste sabāre karaye sāvadhāna

Jayapatākā Swami: So, he had a large turban on his head, and he was dressed in a dhoti, and he had a stick in his hand, and he was cautioning everyone.

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Madhya-khaṇḍa 18.041

“āre āre bhāi saba hao sāvadhāna
nāciba lakṣmīra veśe jagatera prāṇa”

Translation: “O dear brothers! Get ready, be careful, The Lord of the Universe, the life of the universe, will now dance and play the part in the dress of Lakṣmī.”

Purport by Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura: The phrase jagatera prāṇa refers to Śrī Gaurasundara.

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.44

(tataḥ praviśati gṛhīta-sūtradhāra-bhūmiko haridāsaḥ |

kiyad-dūre upaviṣṭe alakṣitākāre prema-bhakti-maitryau ca |)

(Accepting the role of the Director, Haridāsa enters. At some distance, unseen, Maitrī and Prema Bhakti sit).

sūtradhāraḥ (puṣpāñjalim añjalau kṛtvā):

Translation: Director: (holding a flower-offering in his folded palms)

diśo viśadayā kāntiṁ dvija-śreṇījāṁ
bibhrāṇaḥ parito lasat-parimalaḥ proddāma-santoṣa-bhūḥ
śuddhaḥ pāda-saroruhe bhagavataḥ puṣṭiṁ nakhendu-śriyāṁ
tanvan hāsa ivaiṣa nāṭya-rahasaḥ puṣpāñjaliḥ kīryate

Translation: Illuminating all directions with pure moonlight, filling all directions with a sweet fragrance, a source of happiness, nourishing the new moon-rays, and like this play's secret smile, this flower-offering is now scattered unto the Lord’s feet.

Jayapatākā Swami: So, this drama is unfolding and is very sweet. It’s a source of spiritual happiness, and the sweet fragrance was filling all the sides. So, the atmosphere was very auspicious, in the beginning of the play.

(iti tathā karoti |)

(He does that).

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.45

prema-bhaktiḥ (nirvarṇya): suvihitam eva vihitaṁ bhavatā | yadyapi nepathye eva nāndī paṭhitā, tathāpi raṅga-pūjā-prasaṅgena bhagavat-pāda eva puṣpāñjaliḥ kīrṇaḥ | paśya vatse | paśya—

Translation: Prema Bhakti: (looking) You have done well. Although the invocation was recited behind the scenes, at the time of worship, you have offered this handful of flowers to the Lord’s feet. “Look, child! Look!”

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.46

hāri kaṇṭhe śravaṇa-yugale kuṇḍalī cāvataṁsī
sragvī bhūyasy urasi bhujayor aṅgadī kaṅkaṇī ca
apy uṣṇīṣī śirasi padayor nūpurī nāṭya-lakṣmyā
mūrtas tejo-bhara iva puro haridāsa-pratīkaḥ

Translation: A necklace on his neck, kuṇḍalas and ornaments (on his head) on ears, a garland on his broad chest, bracelets and armlets on his arms, a turban on his head, and ankle-bells on his feet, Haridāsa is like the personified splendor of the dramatic art.”

Jayapatākā Swami: So Haridāsa Ṭhākura by entering the stage as the director, he is establishing the artistic flavor of the drama, and his appearance is very splendid.

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.47

maitrī: dei! ṇa kkhu aaṁ sakhīo maggo | [devi, na khalv ayaṁ śāstrīyo mārgaḥ |]

Translation: Maitrī: Goddess, this indeed is not the path of the scriptures.

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.48

prema-bhaktiḥ: śrūyatām—

śāstrīyaḥ khalu mārgaḥ pṛthag anurāgasya mārgo'nyaḥ
prathamo'rhati saniyamatām aniyamatām antimo bhajate

Translation: Prema Bhakti: Listen. Indeed, the path of the scriptures in one and another different path is that of spontaneous love. At first (in the path of the scriptures) one follows the regulations and then in the end (in the second path of spontaneous love) one worships without the regulations.

Jayapatākā Swami: So Prema Bhakti is showing how, in the beginning of devotional service, one has to follow certain rules and regulations, when actually one’s love for Kṛṣṇa is awakened, then that spontaneous love is not restricted by regulations.

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.49

maitrī: aṇiadamaggeṇa calantassa bilambeṇa jjebba gammalāho hoi | [anirata-mārgeṇa calato vilambenaiva gamya-lābho bhavati |]

Translation: Maitrī: By following the path without rules, the desired destination is simply delayed.

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.50

prema-bhaktiḥ: idam anaikāntikam | tathā hi—

Translation: Prema Bhakti: It is not certain (that the result is delayed on the path without rules and it is quick on the path of the scriptures).

The evidence–

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.51

vanyāsu taraṇi-saraṇir javena gamyaṁ nayaty aniyatāpi |
na sahaja-kuṭileṣu punar nadī-pravāheṣv atiniyatāpi

Translation: During a flood a boat can quickly go without following any established path. On the other hand, the boat cannot go quickly even on the most established path due to the nature of the meandering swift river.

Jayapatākā Swami: So, an example is being given, a boat may be carried away very quickly by flood water, and the boat it’s said, doesn’t go on any established route. If we wanted to take the boat on some established route, that is also not possible by the nature of the flood currents.

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.52

tad alam anayā vārtayā |
śṛṇumas tāvat kim ayaṁ prastauti |

Translation: Enough with this talk! Let us listen as to what the Director plots to.

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.53

sūtradhāraḥ: alam ativistareṇa | bho bho! adyāhaṁ bhagavataḥ kamalayoneś caraṇa-kamalopakaṇṭhād dainandina-vandanādikaṁ nirvāhya nivartamāno mānonnatena daivāt tatraivopasīdatā nāradena nāradena samādiṣṭo'smi |

Translation: Director: Enough with these elaborate speeches! Ho! Ho! Today, as I was returning after performing my daily prayers and obeisances at Lord Brahmā's lotus feet, I was approached and respectfully directed by the greatly respected sage Nārada:


As follows–

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.54

haṁho gandharva-rāja! rāja-mano'ticirāya mama manoratho varīvarti, bhavadbhir narīnṛtyamānā bhagavataḥ śrī-vṛndāvana-vihāriṇaḥ kāpi keli-kaumudī nayana-viṣayī-kartavyeti tad yathā sampadyate ’dya te tathā kauśalena bhavitavyam |

Translation: “O Gandharvarāja, for a long time I have constantly cherished a specified desire, that Your dramatic acting would place before my eyes a cetain keli-kaumudī (moonlight of the pastimes) of Vṛndāvana-vihāri. You ought to skillfully make it happen today so that this desire is to be fulfilled.”

Jayapatākā Swami: So Nārada is expressing his desire to see the particular pastime of the Lord, in Vṛndāvana. So, he is acting the director, to please show this pastime, very skillfully. So, this is attracting all the people so that they will desire to see this special pastime of Vṛndāvana-vihāri.

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.55

tad ahaṁ tatra yatiṣye |
(iti purato'valokya)
bho bhoḥ! ita itaḥ |

Translation: Therefore, I will go there. (looking ahead) Oh! Oh! Here! Here!

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Madhya-khaṇḍa 18.042

hāte naḍi cāri-dike dhāiyā veḍāya
sarvāṅge pulaka ‘kṛṣṇa’ sabāre jāgāya

Jayapatākā Swami: Carrying a stick in his hand, he ran around on the stage in all directions, and with hairs standing on end, he was calling out Kṛṣṇa, and waking up everyone.

Purport by Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura: The word naḍi refers to a bamboo pole, a stick, or a cane.

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Madhya-khaṇḍa 18.043

“kṛṣṇa bhaja, kṛṣṇa seva, bala kṛṣṇa nāma”
dambha kari' haridāsa karaye āhvāna

Jayapatākā Swami: Haridāsa, very proudly invited everyone, calling out everyone and told them to, “Worship Lord Kṛṣṇa! Serve Lord Kṛṣṇa, and Chant Kṛṣṇa’s holy names!”

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Madhya-khaṇḍa 18.044

haridāsake dekhiyā sakalera tatparicaya jijñāsā o haridāsera uttara evaṁ murāri-saha paribhramaṇa—

haridāsa dekhiyā sakala-gaṇa hāse
“ke tumi, ekhāya kene”sabei jijñāse

Jayapatākā Swami: All the audience seeing Haridāsa Ṭhākura, they laughed, and they asked him, “Who are you? Why are you here?”

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Madhya-khaṇḍa 18.045

haridāsa bale,—“āmi vaikunṭha-koṭāla
kṛṣṇa jāgāiyā āmi buli sarva-kāla

Jayapatākā Swami: Haridāsa replied, “I am the watchman of Vaikuṇṭha, the spiritual world. I always wander around, awakening people to Lord Kṛṣṇa.”

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Madhya-khaṇḍa 18.046

vaikunṭha chāḍiyā prabhu āilena ethā
prema-bhakti loṭāiba ṭhākura sarvathā

Jayapatākā Swami: The Lord has left Vaikuṇṭha and has come here, Lord Gaurāṅga, the Lord, will distribute pure love of Godhead, everywhere.

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Madhya-khaṇḍa 18.047

lakṣmī-veśe nṛtya āji kariba āpane

prema-bhakti luṭi' āji lao sāvadhāne”

Jayapatākā Swami: The Lord will today dance in the form or dress of Lakṣmī-devī, and therefore, today plunder the ecstatic pure love carefully.

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Madhya-khaṇḍa 18.048

eta bali’ dui goṁpha mucuḍiyā hāte
baḍa diyā bule gupta-murārira sāthe

Jayapatākā Swami: After speaking in this way, Haridāsa curled the two sides of his moustache with his hands, in this way he ran about with Murāri Gupta.

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Madhya-khaṇḍa 18.049

dui mahā-vihvala kṛṣṇera priya-dāsa
du’yere śarīre gauracandrera vilāsa

Jayapatākā Swami: The two dear servitors of Lord Kṛṣṇa were overwhelmed in spiritual love. For Gauracandra, He was present in their bodies, and He enjoyed His pastimes through them.

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.56

(praviśya) pāripārśvikaḥ: kim ājñāpayati bhāvaḥ?

(Stage assistant enters)

Translation: Stage assistant: Dear Sir, what do you order?

sūtradhāraḥ: māriṣa! adyāham uparodhito'smi tatrabhavatā bhagavatā nāradena |

Translation: Director: Gentle one, today I was entreated by Lord Nārada who met me on the way.

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.57

pāripārśvikaḥ: katham iva ?

Stage assistant: How did that happen?

sūtradhāraḥ: bhagavataḥ kamala-yoneḥ ity ādi paṭhati |

Translation: Director: Today, as I was returning after performing my daily prayers and obeisances at Lord Brahmā's lotus feet, I was approached and respectfully directed by the greatly respected sage Nārada: "O Gandharvarāja, for a long time I have constantly cherished a specified desire, that Your dramatic acting would place before my eyes a certain keli-kaumudi (moonlight of the pastimes) of Vṛndāvana-vihāri. You ought to skillfully make it happen today so that this desire is to be fulfilled. [Caitanya-candrodaya-nāṭaka 3.53-54]

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.58

pāripārśvikaḥ: bhāva ! katham ayam ātmayoner bhagavata ātmajaḥ sanaka-sanandanādīnām avaraja ātmārāmo brahma-bhūtaḥ satataṁ brahmānandānubhava-bhavika-śubhagambhāvukaḥ śrī-kṛṣṇasya laukikīṁ kelim anubaddha-tṛṣṇas tvām idam abhyarthitavān ?

Translation: Stage assistant: Dear Sir, the saint Nārada is the son of Lord Brahmā and the younger brother of the sages headed by Sanaka and Sanandana. He is ātmārāma (takes pleasure in ātmā, or spirit self), brahma-bhūta (liberated) constantly experience the brahmānanda (happiness of Brahman) and universal well-wisher desiring auspiciousness. How can he thirst after Śrī Kṛṣṇa's earthly pastimes and request this of you?

Jayapatākā Swami: This is imposing a question and we will hear the answer given by the director.

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.59

sūtradhāraḥ: asti rahasyam |

Translation: Director: There is a very confidential secret.

ātmārāmāś ca munayo
nirgranthā apy urukrame
kurvanty ahaitukīṁ bhaktim
ittham-bhūta-guṇo hariḥ

Translation: All different varieties of ātmārāmas [those who take pleasure in ātmā, or spirit self], especially those established on the path of self-realization, though freed from all kinds of material bondage, desire to render unalloyed devotional service unto the Personality of Godhead. This means that the Lord possesses transcendental qualities and therefore can attract everyone, including liberated souls.”

Jayapatākā Swami: So, this shows that the pastimes of Lord Kṛṣṇa are spiritual, transcendental and they have nothing to do with the material world. Therefore, even the liberated souls are eager to experience these pastimes, what to speak of others!

iti bhāgavatīyā gāthā [SB 1.7.10]

Translation: Thus, sings Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.7.10.

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.60

pāripārśvikaḥ: bhavatu nāma bhaktiṁ kurvantu, kathaṁ laukikācarite'nurajyanti?

Translation: Stage assistant: Let them engage in bhakti, but why would they become attracted to the ordinary activities of people on earth?

Director: Don’t speak in that way.

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.61

alaukikītaḥ kila laukikīyaṁ
līlāharer eti rasāyanatvam
viśvasya sṛṣṭy-ādi-kathā palaknī

Translation: It is well known that compared to Lord Hari's alaukika-līlā (uncommon pastimes), the laukika-līlā (general pastimes) is more rasāyanatva (state of being an elixir). The descriptions of the līlāvatāra (pastime incarnation) are more attractive than the very old descriptions of the creation of the universes and so on.

Jayapatākā Swami: So, the Purāṇas, Bhāgavata-Purāṇa and others tell about the creation of the material world. But more attractive are the pastimes of Kṛṣṇa, than the pastime of creating the material world. But this is revealed by Haridāsa Ṭhākura as the director. He is telling his stage assistant not to think that these activities of the Lord are mundane or ordinary.

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.62

ata uktaṁ—bhajate tādṛśīḥ krīḍā yāḥ śrutvā tat-paro bhavet

Thus, it is stated (Bhāgavatam 10.33.36)

bhajate tādṛśīḥ krīḍā
yāḥ śrutvā tat-paro bhavet

Translation: He engages in such pastimes as will attract those who hear about them to become dedicated to Him.

Jayapatākā Swami: So Kṛṣṇa’s pastimes are displayed to attract the conditioned souls to become dedicated to serving the Lord.

iti sādhāraṇa-jana-param eva | viśeṣatas tv ayaṁ śrī-nāradaḥ śrī-vṛndāvana-vinodana-priyaḥ śrī-gopāla-mahā-mano ṛṣir api | tena yuktam evaitat | tad avilambitam eva sampādyatām pātra-vargasya bhūmikā-parigrahaḥ |

Translation: This instruction is only for the ordinary people. Especially Lord's pastimes in Vṛndāvana is dear to Śrī Nārada and he is the ṛṣi (constant chanter) of Śrī Gopāla mahā-mantra. Therefore, his desire to watch this drama is proper. Therefore, without further delay, arrange that the actors accept their respective roles.

Jayapatākā Swami: So, this sets the scene introduction.

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.63


bhāva! kṣaṇam apekṣyatām
yāvad asau muni-varaḥ samāyāti

Translation: Stage assistant: Lord, let us wait until the best of the sages, Nārada arrives.

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.64

sūtradhāraḥ: āgata-prāya eva, na khalu tādṛśām antarīkṣa-cāriṇāṁ paryaṭana-vilambaḥ |

Translation: Director: He is almost here already. Indeed, those who wander in outer space are never delayed in their travelling.

Jayapatākā Swami: Since Nārada muni can travel in outer space, he can always appear on time.

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.65

pāripārśvikaḥ: evaṁ cet kaḥ prayogo’nuṣṭhātavyas tad apy anujñāyatām |

Translation: Stage assistant: If that is so, then instruct us as to what drama should be performed?

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.66

sūtradhāraḥ: gṛhītvā jaratī-bhāvaṁ yā devyā yogamāyayā | sampādyate dāna-līlā saiva rādhā-mukundayoḥ

Translation: Director: "Rādhā and Mukunda's Dāna-līlā ", a play Yogamāyā, accepting the mood of an elderly lady, orchestrated.

Jayapatākā Swami: Lord Nityānanda is playing the role of Yogamāyā, the old little lady, and this is a special pastime of Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa’s Dāna-līlā.

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.67

pāripārśvikaḥ: katham eṣā tvaritaṁ sampādayituṁ śakyate?

Translation: Stage assistant: How can we be able to stage this play on such short notice?

sūtradhāraḥ: katham iva?

Translation: Director: Why not?

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.68

pāripārśvikaḥ: śrūyatām—

tasmin prayoge bhavatas tanūjāḥ
sarvā viśeṣād gaṇanā pravīṇāḥ |

Translation: Stage assistant: Listen. In that undertaking, all of your daughters, who are experts are to be specifically counted upon.

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.69

sūtradhāraḥ (sāśaṅkam):
kathaya, tāsāṁ svasty asti?

Translation: Director: (worrying) Tell me. Are they all doing well?

pāripārśvikaḥ: astv eva | kintu—
vṛndāvanaṁ tāḥ prayayuḥ pramodāt
sambhūya gopīśvara-pūjanārtham ||

Translation: Stage assistant: They are well. But they have gone together to Vṛndāvana for worshiping Gopīśvara happily.

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.70

sūtradhāraḥ: kiṁ karomi? katham etat nāradaḥ pratyetu? aho tad-abhiśāpād bhayena bhāvyam |

Translation: Director: What will I do? How will Nārada be believing this? Ah, I have become fearful that he would curse.

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.71

pāripārśvikaḥ: alam alaṁ cintayā | tā api samāgata-prāyā eva |

Translation: Stage assistant: Enough, enough with this anxious thought (about being cursed). They have almost returned.

sūtradhāraḥ: hanta māriṣa | na jānāsi?

Director: Gentle one, come on!

Don't you know?

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.72

vartmānabhijñāḥ kila tāḥ kumāryo
na copayuktaḥ katamo’sti bandhuḥ
dāna-dravotsikta-karaḥ karālaḥ
stambe ramo yatra sa megha-dhāmā|

Translation: These girls definitely don't know the road, and they have no suitable protector, there is no friend with them. A terrible elephant (Kṛṣṇa), dark as a raincloud, whose trunk is anointed with the waters of pride, stays there on their path.

Jayapatākā Swami: These gopīs are returning home but there is a dangerous elephant, namely, Lord Kṛṣṇa, so He may obstruct them on their path.

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.73

pāripārśvikaḥ: asti tāsāṁ saṅge yogamāyā-prabhāvā jaratī bhavac-chvaśrūḥ |

Translation: Stage assistant: Your mother-in-law Jaratī, who is powerful like Yogamāyā, is with them.

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.74

sūtradhāraḥ (vihasya): tadā niścinta evāsmi |

Translation: Director: (laughing) Then I am without worry.

yā na śaśyati panthānaṁ
na śṛṇoti ca yā vacaḥ
sā kiṁ karoti sāhāyyaṁ
yā jareva śarīriṇī

Translation: What can this old lady, who cannot see the road or hear words, do to help them?

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.75

pāripārśvikaḥ: maivaṁ vādīḥ |

Translation: Stage assistant: Don't talk in that way.

mahā-prabhāvā khalu yoginī sā
vayo na tasyām ativiplavāya
krameṇa vṛddhā vidhu-maṇḍalīyaṁ
na glāyati dyotata eva kāmam

Translation: She is a powerful yoginī. Age has not bewildered her intelligence. So also, as it grows older, the waxing moon does not grow weak. It shines brightly.

Jayapatākā Swami: Jaratī was the headmistress at that time and she was very intelligent. So Kṛṣṇa became very much afraid that He would be caught, by Jaratī. At that time, He went to His elder brother, Baladeva for protection. The director is saying that Jaratī, although she is old, she is very expert. [NOD]

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.76

nepathye: haṁho gandharva-pate! ko vilambas tad-abhinayasya?

Translation: A voice from behind the scenes: “O king of actors, what is the delay in this performance?”

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.77

sūtradhāraḥ (śrutim abhinīya): māriṣa! paśyāyam utkaṇṭhamāno muni-varaḥ sa-pramodam abhineṣyamāṇa-vilokanārthaṁ tvaramāṇa āgacchati |

Translation: Director: (Acts as if hearing) “O gentle one, look! The great sage, anxious and joyful, swiftly comes here, eager to see our play.”

Caitanya candrodaya nāṭaka 3.78

asmākaṁ tu na kāpi sāmagrī sampadyate, tad vayam ito gatvā tāsām eva kumārīṇām anusandhānāya yāmaḥ |

Translation: “We have not made any preparations for the drama! Let us go from here and find these girls”

Stage assistant: As it pleases you.

(iti kṣaṇaṁ tenāteneti nartitvā niṣkrāntau |)

(Having thus briefly acted in the play, they exit).

– prastāvanā –

Thus, ends prastāvanā (preface)

Jayapatākā Swami: The Sanskrit dramas take a long time, and there are various stages before. So, this is the prastāvanā stage, the preface. Now we understand they are going to show the pastime of the Dāna-līlā, between Radha and Kṛṣṇa.

Thus, ends the chapter, Entrance of Haridāsa in the Role of the Director.

One time, Tamāla Kṛṣṇa Gosvāmī, he wrote a drama of the appearance of Lord Jagannātha, He followed all these aspects of the Vedic drama. So, it was very interesting, how the topics develop. So now we are having a firsthand experience, how the drama is evolving with Lord Gaurāṅga. So, the director and stage assistant are having discussions, and the director is expressing how Nārada wants to see a particular drama, and so, they are arranging that.

In the Nectar of Devotion, it tells us how Lord Kṛṣṇa is dancing while the maidservant Jaratī is singing.

Nectar of Devotion by Śrīla Prabhupāda: When child Kṛṣṇa was dancing in response to the singing of the old maidservant Jaratī, Nārada was astonished. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, who controls all the movements of the great demigods like Lord Brahmā, was now dancing to the indications of the old maidservant. Seeing this fun Nārada also began to dance and his shoulders trembled, and his eyes moved. Due to his smiling, his teeth also became visible and on account of the glaring effulgence from his teeth, the clouds in the skies turned silver.

Any questions?

I was seeing a drama in Assam, which apparently follows similar Vedic rules, and the drama would go the whole night. I don’t know how many days it will take us to explain the drama, one hour a day.

So today people are used to half hour TV shows, there they stayed up the whole night and watch the drama, and it would be very interested. So Haridāsa Ṭhākura, he is keeping people awake, telling them that they can receive the benediction of pure love for Kṛṣṇa. Haribol!

Transcribed by Jayarāseśvarī devī dāsī (3rd July 2020)
Verifyed by JPS Archives (6th July 2020)
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