Lecture Code: 19950525
Scripture: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam
Verse: 3.6.31
Date: 25th May 1995
Place: New Panihatti Dham, Atlanta Georgia
Transcribed By: Dipadatri Gaurangi DD
Transcribed On: 31st March 2020
STATUS: Completed
First Level Proofer: Avni Pooja mj
First Level Proofed on: 31st May 2020
Editorial Changes (non voice): Usha
Date: 5-Jan-2021
https://archives.Jayapatākā swami.com/courses/304945/lectures/5000889
The following is a class given by His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami on May 25th 1995 at New Panihatti Dham in Atlanta, Georgia. The class begins with a reading from Śrīmad Bhāgavatam, 3rd Canto, Chapter 6, verse 31.
Thereafter the power of protection was generated from the arms of the gigantic virāṭ form, and in relation to such power the kṣatriyas also came into existence by following the kṣatriya principle of protecting society from the disturbance of thieves and miscreants. (Devotees repeat after JPS)
Purport by Śrīla Prabhupāda:
As the brāhmaṇas are recognized by their particular qualification of inclination towards the transcendental knowledge of Vedic wisdom, so also the kṣatriyas are recognized by the power to protect society from the disturbing elements of thieves and miscreants. The word anuvrataḥ is significant. A person who follows the kṣatriya principles by protecting society from thieves and miscreants is called a kṣatriya, not the one who is simply born a kṣatriya. The conception of the caste system is always based on quality and not on the qualification of birth. Birth is an extraneous consideration; it is not the main feature of the orders and divisions. In Bhagavad-gītā (18.41-44) the qualifications of the brāhmaṇas, kṣatriyas, vaiśyas and śūdras are specifically mentioned, and it is understood that all such qualifications are needed before one can be designated as belonging to a particular group.
Lord Viṣṇu is always mentioned as the puruṣa in all Vedic scriptures. Sometimes the living entities are also mentioned as puruṣas, although they are essentially puruṣa-śakti (parā śakti or parā prakṛti), the superior energy of the puruṣa. Illusioned by the external potency of the puruṣa (the Lord), the living entities falsely think of themselves as the puruṣa although they actually have no qualifications. The Lord has the power to protect. Of the three deities Brahmā, Viṣṇu and Maheśvara, the first has the power to create, the second has the power to protect, and the third has the power to destroy. The word puruṣa is significant in this verse because the kṣatriyas are expected to represent the puruṣa Lord in giving protection to the prajās, or all those who are born in the land and water. Protection is therefore meant for both man and the animals. In modern society the prajās are not protected from the hands of thieves and miscreants. The modern democratic state, which has no kṣatriyas, is a government of the vaiśyas and śūdras, and not of brāhmaṇas and kṣatriyasas formerly. Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira and his grandson, Mahārāja Parīkṣit, were typical kṣatriya kings, for they gave protection to all men and animals. When the personification of Kali attempted to kill a cow, Mahārāja Parīkṣit at once prepared himself to kill the miscreant, and the personification of Kali was banished from his kingdom. That is the sign of puruṣa, or the representative of Lord Viṣṇu. According to Vedic civilization, a qualified kṣatriya monarch is given the respect of the Lord because he represents the Lord by giving protection to the prajās. Modern elected presidents cannot even give protection from theft cases, and therefore one has to take protection from an insurance company. The problems of modern human society are due to the lack of qualified brāhmaṇas and kṣatriyas and the overinfluence of the vaiśyas and śūdras by so-called general franchise.
His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: Thus, ends the Bhaktivedanta Swami translation and purport to the Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 3rd canto 6th chapter 31st text in the matter of the creation of the universal form
Om Tat Sat.
Not only do we have to pay taxes in the modern society, but we also have to pay insurance companies. Previously if you paid tax it was enough because the kṣatriya’s, the government was effective enough that by having an effective government they would keep the thieved under control, they would keep natural balances and harmony simply by in engaging all the people in God conscious activities.
So now, not only do we have to pay taxes, we have to also pay our insurance because we can’t depend upon our government to protect us, we can’t protect the society to be that karma free that people won’t suffer calamities.
There’s a… Prabhupāda refers to in the Kṛṣṇa book a famous Indian astrologer called Konar, she has a book Konar Vachan, where she gives different omens and, in the book, she says if in India if it rains in the month of Magh, it means that the King is very pious and said if it rains in some other particular months which are not good for the… it means that the king is impious. Sometimes if we get rain if roots are cropped, sometimes if we get rain it good for the agriculture so all these things would be synchronized, they could calculate if the King or government was any good by how it was raining.
Nowadays we see even in the north America it’s not uncommon they have massive floods, have tornadoes, hurricanes and of course nobody thinks that it was the governments fault, it’s just life!
But actually, if a country is so pious and God conscious then such calamity would not occur. And a government in the Vedic context is not responsible simply for the mundane management but also to see that the people were engaged in God conscious activities; there was a separation of church at state in that the church was above the state unless a church was deviating.
Just like if Brāhmaṇa was deviating from his duties… then... they wouldn’t punish, i mean then they would protect the Brāhmaṇa, he was deviating then only kshatriya could take some step there was some obvious deviation from a religious principle.
Prabhupāda refers sometimes he said that even some of the human stories of India you can get an insight of their culture of India, that time the religion and the culture was inseparable from the rest of all the other activities. There was this one story of Gopal Bhat story.
Sometime Prabhupāda would…in the more lighter moment tell some of these story it seems to fit in right now though so take the liberty.
One time the King Kṛṣṇa Chandra was going along with his courtier, his adviser Gopal. I guess later, medieval times in AM in Europe the court jester would just like be a clown, I don’t really know what a court jester did but in the Vedic time they had one person in the court the king of the king was allowed to spoof on the king but he was traditionally very intelligent, Prabhupāda gave an example of Gopal one time…the king could also spoof on him everyone else he had to treat very seriously, he made fun on his prime minister everyone would laugh at him, they would interfere with the Prime minister’s ability to do his job, so the one person the king could break the normal gravity to some kind of deal with so many heavy things because that time the King was the justice department and executive both and legislature all in one but legislatury also had advisers and he would take their advice then he would give the final digit.
So Prabhupāda gave example one time you know that one example just to understand who the personalities are was, that Gopal came in the court of the King and the King said you are…you are an ass and then Gopal and said no I’m not there’s a difference between me and an ass, and He said no you are an ass, what is the difference between, then fight going on back and forth so what’s the difference between you and an ass and then Gopal (not sure 11:03) said the difference between himself and the King (laughter) I see (devotes laugh), so anyway that just now we know the personality are.
So now Kṛṣṇa Chandra he was going along, it was very situation this time, he sees a Brāhmaṇa wearing a Saligrama Śilā around his neck on the side of the road passing nature call and he is very upset, what is this a Brāhmaṇa is passing and his wearing a Saligrama, why doesn’t he hang the Saligrama on the tree branch or something go take a shower, so he has this Brāhmaṇa arrested, he said because of Brāhmaṇa ’s like you our whole kingdom…Karma is being affected, you are committing offence to the Saligrama Śilā , I’m going to have you beheaded at sunset and then the Brāhmaṇa was very repentive and begging for mercy and everything but the king said no Brāhmaṇa ’s like you in the kingdom, committing offences to the Saligram, all the citizens are going to suffer, everyone.
Gopal he talked to others, some comments secretly considered in this case the Brāhmaṇa was very…considerate anyway he got an idea so that he was saying Maharaj, he is only the carrier, He just looks says this is not funny business we are dealing with the Karma of whole kingdom, don’t joke around now, I’m not joking I’m being very serious he’s only the carrier, he’s looking, listen Gopal I don’t want to joke around, this is very serious, I’m serious he is only the carrier, can’t you understand?
What do you mean he is only the carrier?
My lord when you are riding on your horse and your horse passes, do you consider yourself impure?
Do you have to go take shower or something?
Does your horse pass… no he is only the carrier (devotees laugh) alright this time we’re letting you go, the king said to the Brāhmaṇa but in the future must be more careful so Gopal he also brought things down to a…
Even 300 years ago this Gopal Kṛṣṇa Chandra was doing the time of the mogul rule in India sometime after Lord Caitanya and sometime before the British, even at that time the Kings would say okay the Brāhmaṇa s does something really crazy then they could step in, ordinarily of course they would worship the Brāhmaṇa ’s and receive them with all respect they didn’t have only in power when deviating.
Prabhupāda mention once that the Government should see that someone in the name of Christianity is going completely against Christianity.
On the name of Islam, they do something completely off or in the name of Hindu or Vedic dharma they are doing something that is completely against the Vedic shastra then the government should step in.
But now people in the name of religion they do so much irreligion and there’s nobody to check it but before it was one of the duties of the kings to check irreligion in his kingdom.
Just like Parīkṣit Maharaj, he checked Kali from killing form, beating persecuting a cow and bull another government intervention there first of all they don’t know what the religion and what’s irreligion and then they don’t make any attempt to check anything so gradually they create their own morality and then they re-evaluate things and then they change it again and again in this life.
We have seen an upswing however that people are intending more morally conscious in north America. The problem is that the college that’s serves recently a *Galapo… the college educated people, people live in the big cities or more educated they seem to have a higher moral consciousness growing but those who are traditionally less educated there totally against it so in the future you may have a situation where you have a *interval [Not Clear - 00:00:45] its already seen to be happening with these malicious who are traditionally resentful for now government some of the government like why all smoking, why all the restriction, some of the restrictions are actually good some of them may be repressive, educated people can appreciate it there are no smoking they are saving people from getting cancer.
Just by being near someone whose smoking but the uneducated people they are thinking that this is a restriction of their rights and not considerate about others right so there’s a problem unless the whole population is educated simply the government makes hideous it don’t work sometime in just like make out law that everyone has chant Hare Kṛṣṇa or even in the family the parent may say ok we’re going to force everyone to chant but then what happen there may be some resentment if the people are not properly educated and why they should chant and somehow enlivened tomorrow to do it.
There’s another example given by Śrīla Bhaktisidhanta Saraswati Thakur about what another King a Hindu King some hundreds of years ago, I don’t know how many…some time ago, his name was Bhagavan Singh and he gave an order that everyone in my Kingdom has to chant Hare Kṛṣṇa Sankirtan every day in the evening otherwise will be arrested, so very good, face value is a very good instruction getting everyone to chant but instead of doing you know by sending out Brāhmaṇa ’s and preaching to the people and convincing everyone having big festivals or something.
If I do it by administrative edict, you have to do it so one day he went out in Cognito mixed amongst the people to see what’s the reaction how people are chanting or not and he came across one group of people and someone said Hey look at, it’s getting to be time for us to do our chanting.
Then one person said yeah, it’s Bhagavat Singh’s trip, it’s his thing everybody has to do this what’s the use of all this waste of time, he was shocked Here he has given an order which is meant for the wellbeing and the uplift of all the people and you get some ignorant person who is just saying what the use, it’s his trip, it’s his thing you know why should I have to do it.
So there was a certain gap between his understanding and the understanding of the people, it’s the same gap we’re seeing today in the modern American , the educated people they may understand but the general public how are they going to be educated, how are they going to understand and that comes within the principles and religion that Brāhmaṇa ’s are important they’re essential to go and educate the society about the religious principles and they should supported and protected and rather in all respect they should be acknowledged by the Kṣatriya’s because Kṣatriya’s can’t do their job of protecting society if everybody’s bad, few are thief then it works, if everybody is a thief, and a rogue and a rascal then how to manage that society, the *…(not sure 19:29)
Exactly see like years ago I remember when there was a black out in New York city, was 16 hours blackout or something and the whole city got wild, everybody started looting, robbing, raping and as soon as they thought there no light the police can’t see us they went wild, they may [Not Clear – 00:19:52] one of the nature of so many people there,
In Calcutta you have blackout everyday (devotees laugh) but people don’t get out, they don’t go looting the shops or anything, in India its quite regular to have an electrical failure and you know you have your share of thieves but it’s like…it not that if because the electricity goes off and everybody starts breaking down the shops.
So, we have a problem with the basic tendency of the people is to be criminal, strong government heavy police can only control the situation up to a certain point then when you reach a breaking point because of one reason or another you get riots, you get mass kind of disturbance so the government should understand that its essential to have spiritual education spread throughout the society that should be proper spiritual education so the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement Prabhupāda brought it to the west to give the whole world the principles, the underlined fundamental principles of God consciousness and give the process whereby advance to the highest perfection.
Prabhupāda was very…most broadminded and it wasn’t that…the bottom line was you didn’t have to join the Kṛṣṇa conscious movement.
I think once a brother came in here from the government Catholic church Chaitanya Das, he was facing this point also and its true when Śrīla Prabhupāda when he would find someone not particularly ready to take up Kṛṣṇa consciousness but just encourage them in their own religion, sometime He would tell Sikhs you know be a good Sikh or tell Christians you know believe in God, I’m sure Harisauri could well come up with few examples of if this, again (aside) what time do we, the class ends, (devotee speaks) (devotees laugh) what’s the real time?
And I mean even my mother went to see him to tell my father , I mean tell my spiritual father my material former ashram mother want to speak to my spiritual father Prabhupāda and convince Him that I should go back to whatever, her life, but then Prabhupāda completely disarmed her by saying we have no objection to you worshipping Jesus Christ, we don’t want to convert you rather you understand these principles then you can be better Christians , you can be a better practitioner of your religion and we will be very happy if you can utilize any of these principle because representing whole philosophy she was totally disarmed.
And in fact she started chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa and she still does although she regularly goes to her church and she say’s Prabhupāda encouraged me to be a good Christian so she believes in Jesus Christ and chants Hare Kṛṣṇa and reads Bhagavat Gītā and yet they get you know millions of people like this in the future and certainly the worlds going to better for it for she gave up most eating of meat and other things like this so it becomes a very great influence on our society.
So Prabhupāda He had broad view and one day I got dream or vision or something how Śrīla Prabhupāda was not really only coming just for the bringing Kṛṣṇa consciousness to some few but actually he was coming to deliver the entire world and to bring the entire word to a you know the well-wisher of everyone to bring all of them up to a higher level.
Just like Prabhupāda wanted to change the way people think, He really brought in a world-wide revolution of Kṛṣṇa consciousness and then of course directly to save, bring people under the direct shelter of pure devotional service but even to uplift people from all different religious backgrounds to a higher level in their own traditions which is gradually you find that when they do that gradually people do start to become favorable to Kṛṣṇa consciousness and they start to take up the principles, whether they could put all the way in this life or not but Prabhupāda was bringing them closer and closer to Kṛṣṇa as much as He could, depending on that particular person.
He wanted, Śrīla Prabhupāda stressed He wanted a Kṛṣṇa conscious society, ISKCON society to be producing principally Brāhmaṇa’s, I think He said in a group one other than 6 should be a kshatriya for protecting the temple, but he wanted to have Brāhmaṇa’s who were working for the uplift of the society so that was the big need we may have produced many Vaishnavas’ who are acting in other role but there’s certainly the need that people act also in a Brahmanical role.
In emergency a Brāhmaṇa can takes some other employment, what is the Brāhmaṇa trying to do is protect the society spiritually by educating the whole society with the principles of religion and the principle of God consciousness in a method of God consciousness and that is what the society needs whether we can if the Brāhmaṇa ’s are protected by the Kṣatriya’s then everything works very nicely, if they are persecuted by the Kṣatriya’s then there’s a big difficulty.
When you travel around Goura Mandal Bhumi this seems to be a dark period in between the Mogul rule and the British and the kings start to become weak and they couldn’t protect the Brāhmaṇa ’s and the Vaishnavas’.
This why the British they had easy time to take over India because of many weak kings at that time Thousands of princely states the moguls due to the… I don’t know…they lost their own potency as time went on so what happen was some generations after this is maybe 10 generation after Srinivasa Acharya there was just like maybe just before the British came there was a marauding bandit King called Bhaskar Pandit Bhaskar Bandit.
So like he was called a pandit but really this Bhaskar Rao he came from some part of Maharastra other side Maharastra Captured, certain parts of Bengal from the existing Kings but he wasn’t a Kshatriya , maybe by birth he was a Brāhmaṇa I don’t know what he was by birth but certainly by… or he was kshatriya don’t know what he was by birth but by practice he wasn’t a kshatriya because he didn’t protect rather the first thing he would do is loot the Brāhmaṇa ’s, he was a more like a demonic kind of king, he go and raid the Brāhmaṇa ’s, loot their money, he was against Brahmanical culture, was against Vaishnavas’, so he go to the place or the ashrama of Srinivas Acharya and all around their use to be a whole big village here of Brāhmaṇa ’s and Vaishnavas’.
But when this Bhaskar Pandit raided Bengal they left from here and went to a Kingdom where there was a strong King to protect them so you could see as we went around Goura Mandal Bhumi you could see many places here there was also a big Vaishnava but Bhaskar pandit Bhaskar Bandit kept on coming in so we went to Viṣṇupur where there was actual ashram of Srinivasa Acharya where he converted and initiated the king Vrilambir Vikram Shahdev made him a Vaishnava and there 13 different temple of the 13 different generation of Kings that were following the line each king made another temple, It was like tradition and they always made very beautiful temples so now the archaeological survey of India which is protecting the archaeological relic they have notified that these are all public domain and these have to be protected so they spent tens and millions of rupee in refurbishing the exterior temples and lighting the temple when there inside there no light in the deity’s there no…there’s no, you won’t see there’s only light inside so this archaeological, this deity’s…*…(not sure 29:47) no lights pujari says look at it no clothes for the deity and it’s like total inside of puja at the end it’s only the king there’s no more kingdom he has no money he’s taken all the Rādhārāṇī’s and kept them in his house because he’s afraid people will steal the Rādhārāṇī because they have gold in them and you just see all the 13 Kṛṣṇa’s lined up in one temple with big Gaura Nitāi personally installed by Srinivasa Acharya beautiful deity, very strong Gaurāṅga Nityānanda.
It’s heart breaking you know we all gave some donation to the pujari for the deity’s hoping….and recently the government apparently, they were sending a message out that if you want to take up some of those temples maybe they will consider.
But anyway you can get an idea I mean in the future ISKCON has to think about all this thing aside, Mayapur doesn’t have the capacity, and the futures like international project protect our ancient acharyas historical heritage that they left for us for one of the interesting thing that happen is going and seeing all these historical things they showed us an interesting relic here is the canon all the people drawing and bowing down to the canon (devotees laugh) Why is people worshiping a canon?
I mean in co [Not Clear – 00:31:12] they worship Micky mouse and Donald duck that’s alright I mean a canon you know, why they would want to worship a canon.
In India so there was a reason, turned out that 10 or 11 generation from Srinivasa acharya’s presence of Vrilabhir Maharaja, the King who was present at the time he was a very great Vaishnava and he was also a strong king but he was also attacked 13 times by this Bhaskar Pandit.
Every time he repulsed him and protected the kingdom but this time Bhaskar pandit had a mast 10,000 massacres Mer [Not Clear – 00:31:58] and he was making massive campaign against the…did you hear this story before?
Massive campaign against the king the kingdom, I don’t know why but the king said before we go to attack this time for one day I want the whole country to do non-stop Harinam sankirtan no matter what no firing alarms just trying to chant this Bhaskar pandit when he heard that this was the order He thought I’m going to move out my campaign and attack him in the mid night while they’re all chanting , there not even going to defend themselves, it will be easy to walk all over them, its only in the middle of the night king hears POW POW POW POW POW cannon firing he says what is that what is going on I told nobody should fire any arms then he sent a messenger what’s going on and then the messenger came back and said that Bhaskar pandit he’s whole army is totally massacred, nobodies there, everybody’s dead, who was firing?
Don’t know didn’t find anyone there, smoking cannons were their smoking guns, went out and there was an old man there sitting on the site somewhere and just…how did this happen the complete army of Bhaskar pandit had been cannon to smithereens and you know they were muzzle loading cannons…it wasn’t you know… but the cannon were going off like machine gun and was like what’s going on and they couldn’t figure out it was like 50 cannons but this was 2 cannon there and the old man said well…
I saw the deity come out in a massive form and holding one cannon under each arm and went boom boom boom boom boom going on and the deity totally destroyed everyone while you were all chanting (devotees laugh) and then they went to the temple you know that…and pujari went inside the temple room and the temple room was filled with gun powder smell (devotees laugh) so then they really had a huge festival, did a big Abhishek of the deities next day. So, recently the archaeologist found these coins in a particular place where the battle was, they found a coin from Maharastra with the symbol of Bhaskar Pandit on it showing that they were there and that’s where it ended, so he had…this is a very special deity where the deity personally came out protected the whole kingdom.
Only the Kṣatriya’s was supposed to do that. So, of course Viṣṇu, He’s the supreme protector, so he protected, I think he was so angry at offences Bhaskar Rao has committed against so many Vaishnava’s that he wanted to personally take care of him when he was going to attack, he’s defenseless devotees.
Of course, the King shouldn’t have put the devotees in that situation but anyway, had to analyze all these things now. So, we have…that’s why people go and they still worship because this was the canon held by deity’s, one of the canons was taken away somewhere and one of them is still there, the cannon that blew up this marauding bandit Prince who was persecuting specially the Vaishnava’s and the Brāhmaṇa’s.
So, there’s a difference between the Kṣatriya’s and a non-kshatriya, a kshatriya is a protector so to exploit from people to take from them they are not Kṣatriya’s, they maybe rulers but they’re not real rulers in the Vedic sense and because the king had to take because of the Vedic birth the king has to take the karma from the people.
I mention this last time, Guru has to take from the disciple, parents from the children and the…so the king was also taking their karma he was concerned of everybody been doing good karma, its direct interest like the husband has to take wife…husband there to be concerned the children, the wife should be engaged, the parents of the children engaged in spiritual activities is implicated, there’s a unity in there, people get married in this one is the karma of Mr *…(Not sure) and there is a mutual responsibility unless traditionally of course the wife is considered dependent and the husband therefore was responsible for her karma but she wasn’t responsible for her husband’s karma.
I don’t know now under the equality what happens to their karma (devotees laugh) I don’t know if the wife can say I’m not responsible, she’s not dependent any more but anyway that’s something you can have a seminar with Yamaraj about (devotee laugh) if you get out but before the wife was insulated from the husband going out doing some bad karma at his work but she would insulate, it’s a secret she would always remain very pious.
Any way Kali Yuga everything is very complicated and people are not protecting that’s another problem of course husbands supposed to protect and now they don’t protect is a big problem husbands beat their wife is very bad. Where’s the question about Pati or protector the king persecutes the people or tyrannical over his subject then where the question of protection?
Therefore there was overthrowing of tyrannical Kings but if everything works properly you have husband who is protecting parents who are protecting the children don’t abuse them you have teachers who educate the children you have Brāhmaṇa ’s who are giving proper religious principles to the society at large and if you have Kshatriyas really protecting society and taking strong action defective action against the disruptive elements then the society what happens become orderly society where people can practice God consciousness.
So, all these were put in to place and we’re working in the previous yuga’s the deficiencies which are mentioned in the śāstra.
When Kṛṣṇa had to personally come in as one of His avatars, one if His demigod assistants to straighten out things but the basic system was kept in place now is ok but what happens when there’s no system and in kali yuga it gets worst like now this is the time to spread Kṛṣṇa consciousness and through the influence of God consciousness things could be naturally brought into a proper harmony, people are god conscious then everything starts to work this a transcendental feature of spreading Kṛṣṇa consciousness things start coming into place.
So, [Not Clear - 00:39:00] all the devotees have special messenger, special empowered secret service of confidential service of Lord Caitanya to see that this mercy of the Lord is spread and the benefit will be spread to everyone, so I have heard that because here the public in Alachua gains what area gives whatever opportunity is associated with the devotees to the different sporting event of the children and through boy scouts and through open house and so many different way gradually they start to appreciate the Hare Kṛṣṇa devotees they were very nice and want to advance spiritually, heard some parents say if I had the money put my child in the Gurukul, was just a member of another ISKCON but a member of the public they appreciate it , the children and the society here so it’s a great opportunity for so many devotee’s for devotee’s to act and upright manner, don’t do things which are black marks on the whole community, they act in an exemplary manner , you have a wide impact.
So far, I have heard that it is having an impact its very enlivening, so that kind of grass root preaching is what Kali Yuga is suited for Kalo Sango Sakti you get forced by a mass, an assembly of people thank you very much for having your influence on society in this way the whole planet goes on by your continued efforts improved efforts, you can expand more and more because that’s what’s missing in the society, there no shortage of Vaishya’s and śūdra ’s in America.
But there is a shortage of Brāhmaṇa s’ and there is shortage of Kṣatriya’s people to spiritually guide and protect us the society when people are more Kṛṣṇa consciousness hopefully will start to select people who are Kṣatriya’s by the government.
Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa, Hare Hare,
Hare Rāma, Hare Rāma, Rāma Rāma, Hare Hare.
Name of the deity is Madan Mohan; the deity’s still being worshiped many other pastimes with the deity also.
(devotee speaks)
that deity was the personal deity of Vrilambar Maharaj original deity worshiped by Srinivasa Acharya.
Any other questions?
(devotee speaks) that’s a one temple that still being fully worshiped the other personal deity’s of Goura Nitāi of Srinivasa Acharya and other…His personal deity which is smaller deity Rādhā Kalachand I think also and 12 other deity, those deities are not being so well worshiped this is the deity of the original King, his ashtadhatu deity about 3-4 feet high. (devotee speaks) that’s why they would have their Raj Guru.
Normally the King would be guided by the Raj Guru and by the assembly of Brāhmaṇa councilors, before taking action against the particular Brāhmaṇa I think that in this case because it shouldn’t comeback him, he didn’t…no one else was there he just started acting and so I think what basically what Gopal was just doing not really giving any high guidance as the Brāhmaṇa but just saying there may be other way you may not be right to be taking such a drastic action against this Brāhmaṇa because you know the King would just apply alright his got the salagram maybe having a salagram around the neck wasn’t was an offence it was a then whatever got into that final thing what was because that’s something that should be decided by a Brāhmaṇa based on sastra and everything.
The King here wanted to do the right thing but he didn’t have his councils present only had was Gopal they were on a horse ride. I mean he is already started giving capital punishment to the Brāhmaṇa.
So, then Gopal was just bringing little bit of caution that there may be other ways of looking at it like…therefore he just holds off…so that’s a good point that actually the Kings…they were not…
When you study the actually we’re going to get the Mahabharat the teaching of Bhīṣma about the king to Yudhistir and you’ll find that the King was really like not just a law but a whole institution, he was Brahmanical council, he had Kṣatriya Council, he had Vaisya kind of…general kind of council which also had some Śūdra ’s in it , they would talk about the economy of the whole nation then he his ministers and he had his ministerial council and prime minister then he had the Raj Guru and the Raj Guru was an important feature of the…the Raj Guru had his representative in every council of the King and he would which was…was just sitting there watching and if he wanted council he would put him but he would report to the Raj Guru what’s going on at every single council that means like in the senate, in the supreme court and in all the places you know where Raj Guru would have His representative there and the Raj Guru if saw something wasn’t going right wasn’t going according to sastra and the representative said this is not according to sastra and people didn’t listen.
He’ll tell the Raj Guru, the Raja Guru would personally communicate with those people and if it didn’t work out you know just in a…He didn’t have a direct managerial authority, just if it didn’t he go with the King, call the King here and say look this thing is not going right and the King had the power, he wasn’t administrator then , he was the one who had to implement, he was to implement it but the Raj Guru was the one who was seeing that everything was going right so it was quite major position whatever the Raj guru became like a would have people for some of His Kings but didn’t have that independence but originally they had total independence.
(Devotee speak)
It’s a par with the Chandra bindoo, it’s a nasal N (devotee speak)
I mean in Bengali they write it little half-moon with a dot over it I don’t know…it’s like a kind of a nasal N, it’s not a Hard N itself
(Devotee speaks)
Like *…(Not sure) its self, it’s an N with a squiggle over it, somewhere some of those, (devotees speak) Kshatriya if he can do those things, I mean a Vaisya. krsi-go-raksya-vanijyam if you can do those activities that whatever the industries and the creativity whatever the it actually pulls those things off require certain number of practical intelligences.
It’s not easy to maintain a business I know some devotees who are in executive position and they prefer sometimes to take a job so they could practice and then there’s a problem when you take a job you have to do whatever your boss says but of course some off the union Jobs are pretty simple what you do anyway you require skills to do the practical work which is where a śūdra has to be able to the skill labor they have to have the skill, they have to be industrialist had to be able to work, had to be active.
I think there may be other places where it goes more intercut and the Vaishya they had to be resourceful and expert in those to be able to make the decisions and take the necessary risks involved in doing in their particular, Rancher now Vaishya’s and so many of those are understood so many people can understand those *…(not sure)Like I said a kshatriya all he got to do is rule but there’s little more to it, for a Vaishya Bhagavat Gītā doesn’t go into that much then you’ll know how the effects, goes into more (devotees speak)I think 11 canto
(devotee speak)
The lord he’s staying in the vishram Mahabharat (devotees speak) so that’s (devotees speak) certain it’s pretty hot all-encompassing you need a lot good qualities but to be a good *se f(Not sure) you know like working hard and being loyal and you’ll still be protected, honest
(devotee speak)
because if they’re obedient and they want to…doing central activities then they can progress (devotees laugh) Problem is that people are protected you exploit the laborer then they’ll get a strike, nowadays you get strikes anyway so really but to some extent but there was…the workers were told that they were cared for in the manic society they were given everything that they required.
Prabhupāda said had to work about 3 or 4 months a year that’s the time they had off, but trying to get down to a…some countries are turning into a 5 day a week In India it’s still 6 days working week, probably the Britishers.
Hare Kṛṣṇa.
Lecture Suggetions
19950807 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 10.13.50
19950806 Bhagavad-gītā 10.1
19950802 Caitanya-caritāmṛta Adi līlā.9.37-39
19950802 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 3.24.1-3
19950729 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.7.35
19950727 Bhagavad-gītā 8.15
19950726 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 8.11.7
19950725 Bhagavad-gītā (7.6) Class
19950722 Silver Jubilee Special Class (Bg. 10.22)
19950722 Sannyāsa Silver Jubilee Address
19950714 Bhagavad-gītā 9.22
19950626 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 2.9.24
19950610 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 7.9.38
19950606 Bhagavad-gītā 7.6
19950606 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 10.47.61
19950417 Evening Initiation Ceremony
19950407 SAFARI - Guwahati, Assam
19950402 SAFARI - Ramakeli
19950310 Caitanya-caritāmṛta Ādi-līlā.1.38-43 - Caitanya līlā Day 1
19950305 Śrī Navadviap Mandala Parikrama Bhaktivinoda Thakura House - Godruma Dvipa
19950305 Śrī Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama - Hari Hara Kshetra
19950303 Śrī Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama - Śrīvas Angan
19950128 Bhagavad-gītā 2.20 Evening Program Part 1
19950128 Glories of the Holyname
19950124 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 6.1.27
19950123 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 6.1.26
19950122 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.1.12
19950122 Address On Sunday Program
19950122 Initiation Ceremony
19950120 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 4.20.15