The following is the class given by His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami on August 2nd 1995 in Melbourne, Australia. The class begins with a reading from Chaitanya Caritāmṛta Adi Līlā chapter 9, verse 37-39.
vande 'haḿ śrī-guroḥ śrī-yuta-pada-kamalaḿ śrī-gurun vaiṣṇavāḿś ca
śrī-rūpaḿ sāgrajātaḿ saha-gaṇa-raghunāthānvitaḿ taḿ sa jīvam
sādvaitaḿ sāvadhūtaḿ parijana-sahitaḿ kṛṣṇa-caitanya-devaḿ
śrī-rādhā-kṛṣṇa-pādān saha-gaṇa-lalitā- śrī-viśākhānvitāḿś ca
These are the desires of Lord Chaitanya Mahāprabhu, he wants to see the devotion to the Supreme Lord distributed all over the world, to see the people get love for Kṛṣṇa and to see everyone become free from the miseries of old age, death, birth and deceases. This is Lord’s special mercy, when Kṛṣṇa desires something happen, then it happens.
In the Mahābhārata, its mentioned about the Kurukṣetra war and if you studied the different personalities and the people, the armies, one can draw a logical conclusion like Duryodan did, he was inconvincible, he had grandfather Bhīṣma, he had Droṇācārya, he had a bigger army, he had Karṇa, he had so many mahārathīs.
So, the Pāṇḍavas didn’t have as many kings supporting them and Arjuna was a much newer general than Bhīṣma or Dronacharya. So somehow Duryodhana, he could have avoided the whole war but he was very confident about being victorious so why should I give him, Even at the beginning Arjuna said “What's the use of fighting?” seeing so many people die but there is a whole hidden situation behind the war but in any case the Lord, he had made his decision had already decided who is going to win, who is going to lose and so he told Arjuna you should fight but don’t think about winning or losing and just fight on the principle of religion, just fight to please me.
Prabhupad mentioned many times, fighting on the principle of religion is much more important than non-violence. So as a result, of course after everything was done, Arjuna, he never changed, he was the general of the Pāṇḍava side from beginning to the end but on the opposing side, they had to change the general so many times, Bhīṣma, then Droṇācārya then after that Karṇa, then after Karṇa.... Went through many changes someone raised hand [Not Clear – 00:04:12] he was also general for all, there were so many changes and in the end they lost. These are kind of historical examples that show how the Lord will stand on the persecute, the examples the potency to-do something is coming down from the Lord.
So in every universe there is an expansion of the Supreme Lord, he is expansion of the Supreme Lord can take many forms, some of the forms are... almost complete 94% and then Kṛṣṇa is the full form, but they are all the same person just the manifesting in different forms, in this universe there is the Viṣṇu form, in every universe so Lord Viṣṇu maintains the things, he comes when there is some big emergency in the Devas the ministers. Generally, the Devas they all work together to keep the order in the universe.
Some Devas approached Lord Chaitanya when he was in the womb of his mother and they pleaded to him that please have your mercy upon us, you come in so many different incarnations, in different form of half man-half lion, form of the fish, form of the matsya, Kūrma, Varāha, you come in the form of Lord Ramachandra, you come in so many different forms and in all these forms you give out liberation, very rarely do you give out Bhakti but in this form you are coming as a devotee, you are giving out love for Godhead, love of Godhead very freely, so we are your devotees, we are not, we are coming from the heavenly planet, we don't want any more material blessings because we have already got enough of it in the Heavenly planets, in fact there is so much sense gratification in the Heavenly planets there is practically hardly any suffering, only have two problems.
Sometimes we get attacked by the demons and we have to fight with them that the main problem we face and the other problem is that there is so much material happiness that we forget about serving you that determination to serve you in pure devotion doesn't come and this is the greatest suffering to get this kind of virtual happiness from the material senses and be deprived of the real spiritual happiness coming from the level of the self.
So, we want your blessings in this incarnation to be able to serve you and have your pure devotion.
So these Devas, their living in a very elevated situation, long life, happiness, people who are pious and religious they go to heaven. Heaven is another part of the material world according to the Vedas where people can enjoy a better life, materially, but from there again we have to come back down according to the laws of nature, beyond Heaven there is the Spiritual world which is totally outside of the material world and that’s the actual spiritual kingdom of God, people who are concerned about doing material welfare for others, they go to one of the higher spiritual planets, material planets, Heavenly planets. Only those who have developed love for God, they go back to the Spiritual world.
So, the Devas, that’s what they wanted; they didn’t want this material happiness. We can see that in the Purāṇas and histories, the universe, there is a few major wars held between the Devas and the demons, massive Star Wars very interesting.
One was long time ago when Hiraṇyakaśipu was leader before he go got all his blessings and they had this massive… all the demons came out and started to attack all the Devas.
So, there was Karthikeya, he is the general of the Devas, there was Ganesh, there was Yamaraj, there was Indra, who is the king of the Devas. There was Shani and Vāyu and all the different leading Devas and soldiers and all the demons came out, demons they are riding on their own mounts of chariots and animals, Devas are riding on elephants and chariots.
In the Padma Purāṇa it mentions, there is a massive battles, whatever you see in star wars it is nothing compared to these battles, amazing! All kinds of mystical weapons, nuclear weapons, all kinds of missiles, all projected through mantras and bows and arrows, different flying saucers and things, really amazing, the kind of wars that they were having and at one point many, each of the Devas met with one of the major demonic people in the universe they had this massive fight and then, so one after another Karthikeya, he defeated his person Ganesh was fighting with the son of Tripurasur, and he said your father killed my father, I am gonna kill you because Lord Shiva killed Tripurasur by knocking his flying ships out of the air when he fought with the Devas on one occasion so he left weapons against Ganesh and he had his mystical weapons and he left it back against him and then this demon was riding on a big elephant and this elephant attacked the rat, the servant, Ganesh’s mystic rat attacking elephant, his carrier started attacking war between the carrier.
So finally Ganesh defeats him then somehow there was a demon Madhu, madhu he came awake and he started to challenge Indra and this is a very long battle with Indra, at one point he tried ployed because what happened he actually was defeating Indra and what he did is that using his mystic powers he changed all the demons to make them look like devas so then all the enemies, the demons, they knew who was who but to Devas they saw that like football team like only one side know only to the other side, so everybody is the same.
So, the demons who looked like the Devas, they were killing the Devas, the Devas couldn’t figure out why is my friend killing me [devotees laugh] and they didn’t know, why should I kill him, so it became very confusing and then seeing this Lord Brahmā requested Lord Viṣṇu that you please solve this because... so Viṣṇu, he just kind of watching the whole thing so then he, he knew who is who, so he left his Sudarshan Chakra to kill all the demons who are taking the form of the Devas. and so, then all the; Sudarshan Chakra was killing all the demons in the form of Devas but the Devas are seeing Sudarshan Chakra is killing Devas [devotees laugh] why is it that Viṣṇu is against us now?
why is he killing us?
you know they got kind of confused so taking this advantage of the confusion then, Madhu he changed himself in the form looking just like Lord Shiva, riding on the Nandi bull and he comes out and he said Viṣṇu I challenge you because you have killed all the Devas, now I am going to punish you and Viṣṇu said I know you are this Madhu demon and you have just taken the form of Śiva so they had a fight and Viṣṇu sent his weapon against him so Madhu believe he was killed and quickly changed his form again left the mystical dead form of.. Look like Śiva and came in the form of Durgā, said you have killed my husband [devotees laugh] you killed the Devas, now I am going to kill you, this is strategy [devotees laugh] and then, so Viṣṇu said you are still the madhu demon you are [devotees laugh] you are just you never know Kṛṣṇa is the master of all mystic powers so he can’t be bewildered by these things.
In the form of Durgā, he attacks so again he left that body so then madhu already assumed Śiva and Durgā and now he goes in other form and he influences Kartikeya, look Viṣṇu has just killed your mother and father and Kartikeya got so overwhelmed that suddenly in emotion he was going to attack Viṣṇu, Murugan and then Brahmā, he quickly came and stopped and said your mother and father up there in another world, this is all mystical confusion created by these demons, by their black magic and Murugan came to his senses and..
In the meantime this Madhu had been like very much, he was so he came back in a very, he got some rejuvenation from Sukracharya, the Guru of the demons and then he came back and he had a very big battle with Lord Viṣṇu and then finally liberated him and he became known as Madhusūdana the killer of madhu demon, madhu is very powerful demon he could create so much confusion even Murugan got confused, everyone got confused.
Except for Brahmā, Śiva and Durgā everyone else was bewildered and of course Viṣṇu.
So it is another big universal war which happened after the churning when the Devas and the demons were churning and then after all the devas got the nectar and the demons got cheated then they got really angry at that time it was headed by Bali maharaj and then they started attacking all the Devas and there was another huge war with Indra leading the battle at that time, Kartikeya everyone was there.
Even that time Bhadrakālī was riding as well as Lord Śiva and they also got in trouble and they prayed to... Bali Maharaj he was given such a hard time by Indra that he created gigantic mystical mountains and things to be showering down all kinds of flaming trees and boulders and all kinds of things, there was a created such a situation that floods and all kinds of illusions were created, the Devas were getting killed and these illusion and even Indra didn’t know what to do?
So then he had to pray to Lord Viṣṇu and Viṣṇu appeared and removed all these things so then by his transcendental potency.
So, this interesting story that one time like this sometimes the Devas and demons have this war as long Viṣṇu doesn’t enter in, the demons stand and chant sometimes you see the Devas are more powerful.
But there was a similar fight between the demons and the devas and every time the demons would get, this was the Tripurasur time every time the demons would get killed, they would come back, their bodies would be taken back and dipped in the special well of nectar that mayadanava had, they can become rejuvenated so it was getting very frustrating, because Lord Śiva would be killing the demons and then they come back again alive the next day to fight again it is like how many times I have to kill the same person.
So then Lord Viṣṇu took the form of a cow and Brahmā took the form of small calf, just wandered right into the, right into the camp of the demons and went right over to where the well was and then Viṣṇu in the form of a cow drank all the water out of the well, all the nectar, all the special medicine that could repair bodies instantly and bring it back to life, imagine had a bottle of that to market in the world [devotees laugh].
So, when mayāsura saw, someone told look at this the cow is drinking all the nectar, he saw the nectar is almost gone, then he realized this is Lord Viṣṇu, no one else can do.
And then he said, “Doesn’t matter whether you are a Deva or whether you are a demon whether you are a human, whatever you might be, once the Supreme Lord decides your fate, then that's it, nobody can change it”.
You know, till that point you have the chance but once he has decided then the game is over.
So, in the Purāṇas, it shows that you have very big universal powers, good powers and demoniac powers, its interesting Prabhupad he writes the point in this purport of all this universal fights, the real solution is that everyone, Devas and demons should take up Kṛṣṇa Consciousness because this is a transcendental process, in this everyone can get love for Godhead and everyone can be delivered. Once the Lord makes a decision then that’s it.
So here the Lord already decided, he wants to see the world flooded with love for Godhead, he is just looking for persons to work through, persons who take up his order, then again get empowered by him and they will be able to give love for Godhead to other people.
Now it’s a different world, it’s not a world where violence and cutting demons, it’s a spiritual conquest where people’s hearts are conquered and they are given love for Godhead and they are freed from their illusion and suffering, what it is a basic of dharma, yajña and nature of the people is killed, but the person is not killed, everybody is turned into pure goodness, transcendental.
So when the Kurukṣetra battle was fought that was also really a war between the Devas and demons, all the demons had taken birth in that time, Dwapar Yuga, they took birth as the kingly families, in fact when duryudhan got defeated after the time of the Gandharvas, there was a time when gandharvas fought with Duryodhan and defeated him then the Pāṇḍavas came and rescued him and at that time when Yudishtir said between our self we are 100 against 5 but against the rest of the world we are 105 against everyone and so he defeated the gandharvas where Duryodhana was captured by them. So he was so embarrassed that he wanted fighting and he was taken by the demons to the planet, they kind of took him and, he never remembered what they told him but they took and explained to him that we have empowered you to defeat the agents of the Demigods or the Devas on the planet, in this battle of Kurukshethra, you are going to be victorious, you are gonna have Droṇācārya, Bhīṣma and all these kings they are massive powers will be on your side, you are gonna be able to defeat the Pāṇḍavas, the Pāṇḍavas are all the descendants of Sūrya, Indra, Yamaraj and so on.
So you are really gonna get the Devas and demons go against each other so when Duryodhan was put back into memory, he couldn’t remember exactly what they said but he had this complete, he was reprogrammed by the demons that you are going to be victorious and that’s why he wouldn’t listen to anybody when they tell not to fight and the demons thought this was our chance, we can defeat through Duryodhan but again they were at fault you don’t know whets the influences in the world but it seem in kali yuga, there is a lot of demonic influence is going on even other people want to have a peaceful, most people have got, but they get influenced, you have the demoniac influence, you have so many demoniac kind of things going on in the world Syria still people want to do nuclear tests, you know, they want to have nuclear wars, not something that’s really, totally out of the picture here, we have all things going on in Bosnia, you have so many different kinds of things going on in the world but show that just very much still demoniac influence in the world and so little fancy wars are being fought between the Devas and the demons on the small scale.
The Prabhupad said actually we are not although it looks like we are on the side of the Devas but actually we are not even Kṛṣṇa is not really taking one side or the other they are all his descendants in one sense, they are all part of his creation but the demons they don’t believe in God generally so they don’t ask God for any help and the Devas, the Godly people, they ask God please give us your help, so he just reciprocates, he is neutral, you don’t want my help, I won’t give it , you want my help, I will give it.
So in that way he is neutral but actually he is transcendental to this battle of good and evil in the material sense but there is higher status of good, absolute good which is far beyond the material good and bad. Devas are his devotees and they work on his behalf and therefore he always looks for him those who asks help to help them those who oppose the supreme universe through demoniac influences and they face this problem.
Prabhupad, he mentions that we are as devotees, we are serving Kṛṣṇa and Balarām, we are serving Nitāi and Gaur, we also transcendental to this whole conflict between good and evil, in the mundane sense, we don't want people just to be good materially, we don’t want to annihilate the bad people, we want to see everybody become transcendentally situated, we want to see the bad, the demonic people eradicated everywhere we want to see even the good people transcend even their mundane goodness and come up to a higher level of transcendental vision.
So externally pure goodness looks like goodness from a material point of view almost but it goes beyond material goodness. So anyway all this stories universal wars in that I just tried to give a few example, ultimately whoever Kṛṣṇa enters into whatever he expresses his will, then it’s already a fair conflict so lord, he doesn’t express his will and things.
In this case Kṛṣṇa himself is expressing his desire, I want to see the fruits of Love of Godhead distributed all over the world and I want the people to take this up and to do it so that means it’s going to happen that’s just a question that could happen through you, it can happen through me, it can happen through anybody who wants to take up the message of Lord Chaitanya Mahāprabhu and we want to do is Lord Chaitanya wanted every human being to take it up, we are trying to facilitate people, that’s why I discussed yesterday to take it up. Especially there is a special mandate for people who are born in Indian culture
bhārata-bhūmite haila manuṣya-janma yāra
janma sārthaka kari' kara para-upakāra
(CC Adi 9.41)
one who has taken his birth as a human being in the land of India, Bharat Varsha, should make his life successful work for the benefit of all other people.
Prabhupad said Bharat Varsha, in some translation means the whole planet of bharat as compared to Bhumandal, but in a more specific sense bharat means India, so Prabhupad said that human life is meant for God realization as stated in the Vedānta Sūtra,
Athāto brahmā jijñāsā
anyone who takes birth in land of India, bharat varsha has a special privilege of being able to take advantage of the instructions and guidance through the Vedic civilization, he automatically receives the basic principle of spiritual life but 99.9 % of Indian people even simple village farmers and others who are needed education does not believe in the transmigration of the soul, believe in past and future life, believe in God and factually want to worship the supreme Personality of Godhead or his representative, it like the natural inheritance of persons born in India and he goes on to explain the glories of India.
Of course, when Prabhupad came here to Melbourne because most of the Indian had come to Australia, coming here to get a job, to get economic development so Prabhupāda landed here that here in the ask him that Prabhupad, “Swamiji you are coming from a poor country, so what are you... rich country Australia, so what are you coming here to get, what are you coming to take from us?”
Melbourne you know, [devotees laugh]
And then Prabhupad, he said “I have not come here to take anything from here, I have come here to save you from the cat and dog’s life [devotees laugh]”.
If he could give it, Prabhupad could give it too he was surprised, we are living a cat and dog’s life and then Prabhupad said, “cats and dogs, what do they do?”
They eat, they may be eating on the ground or anywhere may be in a bowl you are eating in a big restaurant but eating is the same. Cats and dogs they sleep, they sleep in a little sandbox or anywhere, you may sleep in a big hotel or something but the sleeping is the same. Thereafter they are having sex life and well, you are also doing the same thing, maybe you do in a more sophisticated manner but activity, most of the same and then dogs are fighting, they use teeth and claws and you are using rockets and machine guns and so on but the fighting is still there. So, this is the only purpose of life, if you don’t go beyond this, then what is it same as cat and dog life real human life means that there is a higher purpose, higher spiritual purpose so I have come to save you from the cat and dog life and give you the the real purpose of life.
Prabhupad actually sent me the news clipping that came out the next day that said
“Swami has come to save us from a cat and dog’s life” and the sub heading was, he has come to hound us!! [devotees laugh] Australians are famous for their humor.
So Prabhupad, he came to give, to give a higher purpose to life, he didn’t come with illusion of that people in the West, just because they have more material things were actually happy, he could see that they were suffering, he actually was praying sometimes, how people are suffering and even the Devas feel they are suffering, they don’t have kind of sufferings we have, they have a very comfortable life and they feel frustrated that they don’t have spiritual happiness and what to speak we have car accident, diseases and old age and so many cancer and so many problems. Hatred and prejudice and ignorance.
So Śrīla Prabhupad, he had that vision, he really wanted to help people, so here is an example that someone from Bharat varsha and he has come to fulfill the order of Lord Chaitanya and help others, can you imagine if everyone from India would take up as part of their role to actually give someone the great cultural wealth that they have received by being in such a spiritual land.
Prabhupad, he said “we can use western technology but we should combine it with spiritual culture of India, the two things together can make a perfect world”.
India right now, is economically crippled sometimes he would say that, the blind and the lame man, west is like very strong economically, spiritually they are practically blind, so he said if we have a blind man and we have a lame person and if we put them together. You can put the lame person on the shoulder of blind man who has got a big body, but he can’t see, together make a team, ok go here, go there; work in a teamwork, he saw that spirituality... of course he modern Indian leaders they don’t also even know their spiritual heritage very deeply, although they may have a not, they are not the real ambassadors for this vision.
Prabhupad was actual spiritual ambassador and he has empowered so many others. So, it’s really something that the world needs and we can see that UN is not really able to solve the problems, it looks like 34 27 let all the people in Yugoslavia trying to use weapon and the problems are not solvable simply by military means, people have to have a change of heart, they have to actually see things differently. They have to use spirituality to spread the message to others, well I have to well people and things change I have seen people got married and they have other responsibilities, things didn’t happen but actually we see that in Lord Chaitanya’s movement in India, most of the people were also married people and they would just preach in their spare time, they would make some time to go and tell others about Kṛṣṇa Consciousness, some of the people were brahmacārīs and sanyasis but the vast majority were married people and they also were spreading the movement.
So, this is the order of Lord Chaitanya, all classes of devotees, all devotees, they should combined effort, anybody ever gets an opportunity to represent Lord Chaitanya, you are gonna experience a very sublime feeling that you have never experienced any other time in your life, anyone who is been able to do Sankirtan, to be able to tell people of Lord Kṛṣṇa, they could start to take the special happiness in representing God which is just totally unique it’s from the spiritual platform.
I think that the devotees who are preaching full time have been able to get the taste of that nectar and we would like to see everybody get a taste of that nectar, we can also taste that can also fill out their own experience and realization about, what is Kṛṣṇa Consciousness? Otherwise it’s probably very difficult.
There is that story about trying to understand what Kṛṣṇa Consciousness is, that there was a bee and the bee wanted to... the bee came and saw there was a honey box, so then the bee could see the honey, to smell was kind of permeating around but he couldn’t enter into the bottle so then he kind of backed up and started rubbing up his wings, [Gurumaharaj makes bee noise] and [Not Clear – 00:37:23] full speed to the bottle, thup! Banging on the bottle and cant taste It’s a kind of honey he sees the honey, why can’t I get into it? why is it so hard, gets back again, tries, [Gurumaharaj makes bee noise] thup! Again [devotees laugh] he does that a few times until he tends to go [devotees laugh] and tends to go little barely somehow he gets on top of the bottle and the smell is really strong there and he thinks, aha I have reached it, I have reached the honey, basically he was punched upon[devotees laugh] and get over, he never really reached the honey.
A lot of people get close to God realization, they get really close to it but they never actually reach it and they get so closed and they think that I have reached it but they have actually haven’t. So, we want people to actually realize.
So the way they have to unscrew the honey bottle and we have to go inside so the honey is actually doing the devotional service to Kṛṣṇa that is really what the nectar is and the most confidential devotional service that we can do is helping Lord Chaitanya distribute this Kṛṣṇa Consciousness to all the other human beings.
So, we do hope that everyone will take the nectar of Lord Chaitanya’s mercy given out to everyone and also don’t forget to take it yourself [devotees laugh] take the fruit and eat it, this is a mystical fruit so you can eat it still remains, it’s like... then you can give it to others.
Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare
Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare.
Hearing about all these universal battles I was thinking how pleased all the Devas are, I am sure how Muragan, Ganesha everyone all pleased there when devotees are chant Hare Kṛṣṇa, that’s really like bringing him home when we do the sankirtan Yajña, all the universal devotees become very happy, really appreciate that, you see how they all lined up against the forces of evil, they are very happy because they are getting a lot of strength, it brings something good in the world, not only that but it brings people beyond goodness to transcendental goodness.
Are there any question?
[Not Clear – 00:39:55]
His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: We don’t say that, we always glorify it, we know that there are some scientists who are really sincere scientists and it is really scientists who are making the big claims, all things which are really dogmatic and not scientific, kind of making claims which are beyond things that can verify, so they kind of create a kind blind faith of dogmatism within a scientific concept which is really not even empirically confirmed just like at one point they were saying God is dead and they were saying... not every scientist, there are many of them, Einstein said, many others said that there must be an intelligence behind the creation, behind the whole existence because it is so well organized.
I think he made a statement like, he would like to know the intelligence that created this whole arrangement, so it is not that we are against science, but we are telling something is bimgger than science as far as the quantum question, Rasaraj prabhu in Bombay, he is doing a lot of research on this topic and he has a number of calculations, I am not qualified to I am not a scientist or physicist or anything to really comment but I understand the fact that they consider consciousness to be the next realm, that definitely seems to be very compatible with the eastern thought and that something that the Vedas say, that consciousness is the origin and matter, it comes from consciousness or spirit so to that extent it’s definitely some harmony as far as how actually mathematically otherwise make it work out, that Rasraj is working on them, if you are really interested in going into the technical side of it, you might, I forget what his scientific name is, but if you are in Bombay central will help you I do not remember his name but and he is doing a lot of that science.
Jay Śrī Śrī Nitāi Gaura, Jaya Rādhā, Jaya Jagannath Baladev, Subhadrā Ki
Devotees: Jai
Hare Kṛṣṇa.
His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: This is good in one effective although ethically we don’t want to present anything which is not authorized by the sādhu Śāstra, somehow or another somebody comes, even if...
I heard questions there was some devotees, they told me, that they were three young boys who had came and when we put book fair and the devotees had set up a book table there and they came there, looking at the books, they created a kind of a distraction.
One of the boys stole Bhagavad Gītā, they stole and they took it off and they were laughing [devotees laugh] devotees, who later on they read the Bhagavad Gītā [devotees laugh] and one read then the other wow, this is amazing then those three youths they all became came and surrendered and 2 of them my disciples and one Hridayānanda Maharaj’s disciple [devotees laugh].
So sometime people come, they came being naughty, stealing the book [Gurumaharaj laughing].
But there was another situation, one book distributor told me that they saw some pickpocket in Peru doing it as profession and then carrying a funny kind of chopping bag and put something in there and then doing all kind of things later on they were distributing, they saw a person come up and said I want one of those books, came up with a funny looking shopping bag and took out purse, you know, [devotees laugh] so... and there was another thing where a person was very frustrated and, very frustrated in life, my life is hopeless, there is no hope in my life, everything is lousy problem what to do? so let me just pass the time and go and fish just to get peace of mind, went with a fishing pole, went down and was fishing, oh there was a big the pole was bending taking it carefully so the rope doesn’t break, brings closely closely, this is not a fish, it's a box, so what is this, he took the box out of the water, opened up the box, it was like airtight, inside a the box there was the Bhagavad Gītā [devotees laugh] read the Gītā and surrendered to Kṛṣṇa [devotees laugh].
So, he was looking for peace of mind, he wanted to go fishing, he got it [devotees laugh] so this you know, some very amazing stories how people come.
I couldn’t add in the paper and In one incident in Calcutta people wanted to go overseas, we have a worldwide missionary of course and so he got hundreds and hundreds of people [devotees laugh] out of that a number of people joined our missionary effort, after about 5 years one came to you know I have seen [devotees laugh] so maybe that’s your... then we sent that devotee went to the west and then actually preaching opportunities are better in India so he went back to India later on again they requested him to help in the west. So, it’s like that... it’s not really, he said there is an opportunity and any people could take the opportunity but that’s not sometimes attract people’s attention, you might use different things but you have to be ethical, not actually represent anything false, different people have different interest so we try to fulfill those interests and sometimes Kṛṣṇa brings people in amazing different ways who could expect someone fishing get a box with a Bhagavad Gītā [devotees laugh].
Any last question?
[Not Clear – 00:49:15].
It’s a gradual development, even though you are acting in the spiritual platform and you can see things in the spiritual perspective, as long as you have a material body, you are still able to see the external reality also, finally when you become fully realized then you get the spiritual body, then you don’t need the material body then you can see things in the spiritual platform.
And if you are like Nārada Muni, preaching in the material world, then you can see the material world then you can see the material reality, I don’t know how, I couldn’t imagine the perspective from which you are seeing it but you will be able to communicate [devotees laugh] but people I would think he doesn’t see the things the same we do, I don’t think there is any way to describe what a liberated soul sees when he is in the material world [devotees laugh] to a conditioned soul, I think that’s something we have to realize but it’s a thing we are able to experience since it is the finest level, its able to relate with all the gross levels.
It’s like if we have, you know, really expensive radio that has 25 bands, you can get all the bands but if you have only the cheap ones that has 6, 7 bands with 3 bands, then you can only get those, so when you have the spiritual body then you get... it has all the bands, you know, every level is available, but when you only the human vision then you know, we only have a certain bands that we can actually communicate on and... since we have the spiritual, we are spiritual but we are just covered by the body, we can develop our consciousness and build it up to actually become aware of Kṛṣṇa, when we realize Kṛṣṇa then we get our spiritual body then we can realize, we can see everything in this perspective.
Vyasadev had such vision in the first canto, Bhāgavatam where he could see the material world, the spiritual world, he could see the entire existence on all its different levels.
Lord Brahmā also had a similar realization and then he had realized there is the devī dhāma the material world as the world of Lord Śiva, there is the world of Vaikunta and then there is abode of Kṛṣṇa, Hari Dham and Golok Dham. So, he saw these 4 levels of existence.
So one can get this spiritual realization even while we are in this material body, once you get that realization well then you start see things differently but you can still relate with this world so long as you are in this world and when it’s time for you to go back to the Spiritual world this body is no longer needed and you regain your original spiritual body and go back to the spiritual world, so while we are here we are trying to... we don’t want to just go back alone we like to see a lot of friends and lot of the conditioned souls can be able to get back also, everyone to our ability, to give the mercy of Lord Chaitanya to everyone.
So Prasādam will be served right….
Śrīla Prabhupāda ki Jai……….
Transcribed By: Krsna Chaitanya
Transcribed On: 18-June-2020
Proof Reading By: Amrita Padma Devi Dasi
On 25/09/2020
Lecture Suggetions
19950912 Bhagavad-gītā 3.27
19950912 Śrīmad Bhāgavatam (7.9.20)
19950911 Bhagavad-gītā 5.4
19950911 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 7.9.20
19950910 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 7.9.20
19950823 Bhagavad-gītā 2.69 | Nāmahaṭṭa Program
19950823 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 5.2.1
19950819 Śrīla Prabhupada's Appearance Day
19950814 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 2.10.17-18
19950813 Bhagavad-gītā 17.5-6
19950813 Caitanya-caritāmṛta.Ādi-līlā.1.63.64
19950810 Bhagavad gītā - 9.22
19950809 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 10.13.52
19950807 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 10.13.50
19950806 Bhagavad-gītā 10.1
19950802 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 3.24.1-3
19950729 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.7.35
19950727 Bhagavad-gītā 8.15
19950726 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 8.11.7
19950725 Bhagavad-gītā (7.6) Class
19950722 Silver Jubilee Special Class (Bg. 10.22)
19950722 Sannyāsa Silver Jubilee Address
19950714 Bhagavad-gītā 9.22
19950626 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 2.9.24
19950610 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 7.9.38
19950606 Bhagavad-gītā 7.6
19950606 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 10.47.61
19950525 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 3.6.31
19950417 Evening Initiation Ceremony
19950407 SAFARI - Guwahati, Assam