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20200726 Zoom TOVP Talk Show

26 Jul 2020|Duration: 00:58:37|English|Others|Transcription|Śrī Māyāpur, India

Lecture Code: 20200726

Occasion: TOVP Talks Webinar

Date: 26-Jul-2020

Place: Sridham Māyāpur


Transcribed By: Jayarasehswari dd

Transcribed On: 29-Jul-2020


1st Level Proofer: bhavataarini radhika dd

1st Level Proofed on: 2-Aug-2020


Editorial Changes (non voice): Usha

Date: 25-Jan-2020


 Status: Completed














20200726 His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami Maharaj, Live on TOVP Talks, Webinar, Śrī Māyāpur Dham, India.

mūkaṁ karoti vācālaṁ

paṅguṁ laṅghayate girim

yat-kṛpā tam ahaṁ vande


Śrī Caitanya Īśvaram



My obeisance’s to Ambarish prabhu and also blessings to Brajavilas prabhu!

 Brajavilas prabhu: Today we are having a talk about TOVP, on fulfillment of the desire of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu. Before we start, we would like to offer our humble and respectful obeisance’s to His Holiness Bhakti Cāru Swami maharaj, who we are remembering with affection and great appreciation, for his tremendous amount of quality of pure devotional service, which he rendered at the lotus feet of Śrīla Prabhupāda!

Śrīla Bhakti Cāru maharaj ki jai!

Today, we are very very fortunate to have with us His Holiness Śrīla Jayapatākā Swami maharaj and also co-hosting with me is His Grace Ambarish prabhu. When he heard that Jayapatakamaharaj is coming on the show, he said I am definitely going to be there as a co-host of this show, and we are fortunate that maharaj in spite of his busy schedule, he is in Zoom all over the world, everyday constantly, he has taken the time to come for this show called TOVP talks. And I wanted to give a little introduction about maharaj. Many of you know about maharaj. But if I start introducing about maharaj, the whole show will only go in introducing about maharaj!

But I used to always say that Māyāpur is incomplete without His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami maharaj. He has done such a great service for Śrīla Prabhupāda. Śrīla Prabhupāda had said that, I have given you this estate, please develop, and maharaj was very instrumental in developing this Head Quarters in Śrīdhāma Māyāpur. A little introduction about maharaj – maharaj was born in 1949 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in the United States of America. He studied in Brown university. Joined ISKCON in 1968 at the age of 18. He took the order of sannyāsa at the age of 21.

This year we are going to celebrate the 50th sannyāsa year of His Holiness Śrīla Jayapatākā Swami maharaj, probably the celebration would be in Māyāpur, due to the COVID reasons, we are planning how to do it, but the management of Māyāpur and maharaj disciples will let us know how it is going to be celebrated. And maharaj is one of the longest serving GBC members of the International Society for Kṛṣṇa Consciousness. Currently, maharaj is the senior most sannyāsī in the Gauḍīya sampradāya.

Maharaj is also the vice president of the World Hindu Federation, and he is also the chairman for the TOVP Exhibits. And we have Ambarish prabhu, chairman of TOVP. And maharaj is also the lifetime chairman of the Bhaktivedanta Swami Charity Trust. This is a small introduction. Of course, his achievements are far great, and his services are huge. Very significant service he has done for Śrīla Prabhupāda. He has initiated more than 50,000 devotees, which Śrīla Prabhupāda had asked him to initiate. 50,000 disciples he has all over the world.

Maharaj, Hare Kṛṣṇa and thank you very much for participating in this TOVP Talks. Now, many of the devotees have asked me to ask this question first, like many devotees, like Shyāma Vallabha, Raseswari, all your disciples, and many want to know including myself, can you tell something about your upbringing and how you joined Kṛṣṇa consciousness – with this we will start the show. Over to you maharaj.

 His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: I don’t know how this relates with the TOVP. (Brajavilas das: Maharaj it very much relates with the TOVP because you signify TOVP and since many of the devotees are interested to know how you joined Kṛṣṇa consciousness so they can understand how this vision has come upon you about whatever Śrīla Prabhupāda had given you this instruction, so that you can take this instruction very seriously and make this happen.) I was looking for a spiritual master. I tried different processes – I tried astro projection, Buddhism, Aṣṭāṅga yoga but either there were no teachers or the teachers were always less something to be desired.

So, I decided that I will go to India, to find a guru. But then I met the devotees in San Francisco. And I was engaged by Jayānanda prabhu in building the first ratha yatra. Then I heard a lot about Śrīla Prabhupāda. So, I wanted to meet him. So, after the ratha yatra, I flew to New York and then to Montreal. So, I visited all the temples in ISKCON, at that time – there were only three! Ha! San Francisco, New York and Montreal. Now it is very difficult. There are 800 temples. To visit all 800, you have to be really, I don’t know what to say!

So, I met Śrīla Prabhupāda and he was very merciful to me. He engaged me in his service. He asked me what I wanted to do. Then I told him that I thought, I should go to India. He said, I will send you to India, but first I will train you up. So, for about two years, I was in Canada, and in Montreal, and also in Toronto temple. Like that I was engaged by Śrīla Prabhupāda in various services. So, to make a long story short, he sent me to India and I was first in Calcutta, I was temple president in Calcutta. There he gave me the sannyāsa, on Rādhāṣṭamī day in 1970. As you said, that this is my 50th anniversary of sannyāsa. And that basically is how I came.

 And about my upbringing, my grandfather was an industrialist. He had a Badger paint company which he sold to the Household paint at that time in the 1960s or 50s maybe for 54 million dollars. I was brought up in that, he had a big mansion. And then I went to the Military Academy in Pewaukee and then later I got a scholarship to Brown university. I went there. There I met a professor from Harvard, he was giving a lecture on Lord Buddha, how Buddha was trying to find out about reincarnation. So that made me think and then I wanted to have a guru, who could explain these things, what is the purpose of life?

 Anyway, that led me to finally reach Śrīla Prabhupāda. I thought my parents would be very happy. I wrote to them. But my father was not happy. He said he would disown me and turn my name over to the Draft because I left college. And so, I asked Śrīla Prabhupāda, that my father wants me to serve in the US Army, what should I do?

He said, it is better you serve in Kṛṣṇa’s Army! So, I have been serving Kṛṣṇa’s army ever since!

 Brajavilas prabhu: Maharaj it is wonderful. You wanted to know about reincarnation, now through this temple you are going to teach about reincarnation probably in the Exhibits, and the question will come. Now as the second question, we wanted to ask you, what is your view on the relation of Lord Nityānanda Prabhu’s prediction of the Adhbuta mandir and the Temple of Vedic Planetarium (TOVP)?

His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: As we know, Lord Nityānanda predicted ekadbhut mandir hoibeprakash, Gaurangernityasevahoibevikas. So, we are trying to build the adbhut mandir. But we don’t know if this is the mandir. We are trying our best, Ambarish prabhu is trying his best to make it the adbhut mandir. And the idea is that it is the highest temple in India, and maybe in the whole world. Also, it is certainly adbhut and wonderful.

So, we hope that this fulfills the predictions. But the subsequent generations want to build a bigger temple, we would be very happy. But as far as we know right now, this is the adhbut temple.

 Brajavilas prabhu: Wonderful, wonderful, maharaj. That was a very nice explanation about the adhbut mandir. I remember the statement where Śrīla Prabhupāda said, that what is the use of you being American, European, if you cannot build something wonderful in Sridham Māyāpur as you said, adhbut which translates to something wonderful, which is coming up in Sridham Māyāpur. If you can describe about Śrīla Prabhupāda’s personal involvement in visualizing and planning the TOVP because you were there in the early days and Śrīla Prabhupāda used to talk so much of this TOVP which he very much wants to build in Sridham Māyāpur. So, if you can tell us about Śrīla Prabhupāda’s personal involvement in visualizing this TOVP?

 His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: First, I would like to say that even before I went to India, SrilaPrabhupada had formed the Māyāpur Vṛndāvana Trust and one of its members was at that time, Gopal Kṛṣṇa das Adhikārī. He later became Goswami. He mentioned to me that in the late 60s, Śrīla Prabhupāda was already talking about Māyāpur temple. When I went to India, we got land, I forget how many acres (3 acres).

I remember 11 bhigas. Three bhigas is one acre. Anyway, in that first land, Śrīla Prabhupāda marked out four guest houses and one temple. Right from the beginning before we had anything, we had only a grass hut. He was thinking, I want to make a temple here. Then, as we got more land, his vision also expanded. And he engaged various people in making prototype temples. Nara Nārāyaṇa prabhu, Surabi prabhu, he engaged many different people and they came up with many models. I remember one model had 108 domes. Like that he had different models. So, he was very much involved and he wanted something wonderful. I think that the temple we have TOVP is more than any of the prototypes he had designed. Certainly, he will be very happy. So, he was very much involved. I think that Ambarish prabhu wants to say something on that.

 Ambarish prabhu: Of course, I wasn’t in Māyāpur when he gave me the instruction, we were in Detroit. But he was describing all about the temple, that it would confront the modern scientific, atheistic theory that is generally accepted. It would confront the scientists, we would have exhibits that would talk about all the different aspects of Kṛṣṇa conscious philosophy, and so he asked me at one point, what do you think of this? And I had never been to Māyāpur, this is 1976. So, I said, it sounds like a very nice idea, and it did sound wonderful. So, he said, oh, you like it too! So, you can finance!

(His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: Ha! Ha!) Ever since then I have had my marching orders. But maharaj, you have been there on the ground longer than anybody I can remember, so I would rather hear from you!

 Brajavilas prabhu: Maharaj, you said how Śrīla Prabhupāda was totally involved in this project and how Śrīla Prabhupāda would be so happy that the TOVP, the current design is far exceeding all the previous designs, which was a very nice statement you made. Just also wanted to ask you this – how the TOVP will change the face of life and preaching in Sridham Māyāpur as well as the whole world? Because this has a significant effect, probably this was the question which Ambarish prabhu was supposed to ask you. You want to add to this Ambarish prabhu?

 Ambarish prabhu: No, no, no! You said everything. That’s fine.

 Brajavilas prabhu: So how is it going to change the preaching in the coming years in Māyāpur as well as the whole world?


His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: Having this TOVP temple is definitely an expression that we take very seriously the teachings of His Divine Grace A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda. Even now millions of people visit Māyāpur every year. And in the future when the TOVP is open, the number should increase, multifold. And as Śrīla Prabhupāda said, we are trying to present the descending knowledge. Today we had a meeting of the Executive Committee of the TOVP Planetarium and Exhibits meeting. We were discussing Prabhupāda Exhibits script.

So, we want to present how the human beings naturally want to know when they look up at the stars, who am I?

Why have I come here?

What is the purpose of life?

So, the materialistic scientists they say that well, all these planets, they have no life. But in the Vedas, there is a description that in every planet there is life, and that life does not necessarily have to be the way that we know it. So, in our presentation, we are trying to show how the Vedic science explains these basic questions of the human being has, and also gives the cosmology and other things. Some of which we can see, and some are beyond our perception This is a very interesting presentation. So, due to various limitations, at this time we are only trying to open up the two floors – the first floor and the fourth floor. First, second and third we will do later. Now, some of the first-floor exhibits, second floor exhibits will be on the ground floor and some of the third-floor exhibits will be on the fourth floor. So that people will have a little idea of what we want to do when all the exhibits open.

But Śrīla Prabhupāda was challenging that life comes from life. That the Vedas are good science. And there is a limit to our material science. But the descending knowledge that Kṛṣṇa gives us has a much higher scope, there is no limit. So, we have a limit what we can understand by our human perception. And some of the basic questions are still unanswered. So, we want that by coming to the temple, they not only see the temple, but they actually get some of their life questions answered, and establish more faith in the Vedic vision. I think that this is something very dynamic in the world! And it will force people to think, what is the purpose of life, what are they meant for?

So Śrīla Prabhupāda wanted that when they see the Lord in the temple, they should understand that He descended from the spiritual world. That there is a spiritual sky and that we all belong there. The present pandemic of the corona virus, we realize this world is not a very healthy and safe place to be. But people, don’t know what alternatives there are!

So, this temple reveals that the Vedas tell us about the world with no death, no birth, no old age, no disease! And we are in a very small portion of the universe. So, I think this can change the way that people think. Śrīla Prabhupāda was asked, what is his purpose?

He said, my purpose is to change the way that people think. So, this temple should do that! TOVP.

 Brajavilas prabhu: Amazing maharaj, amazing! You brought out many, many important points. One of the points which you brought is that for the opening of the TOVP, there will be two floors – one is the base level, utility floor where you will show the exhibits of the first, second and third floors, and the fourth floor is planetarium theater. Of course, you are pushing so much so that it can be opened and now 2022 is probably is a bit difficult, but 2023, definitely, we can try to open. And also, we have engaged Cushman and Weikfield for the planetarium and design consultant, called Alcove who was also engaged in making the vision into reality. We are also very, very grateful to those team members, including Sachin and others. Now maharaj, how does TOVP which you said, Śrīla Prabhupāda wanted to challenge, the modern atheistic scientists around the world, how is it going to challenge?

 His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: The point is, the word you said, atheistic. We are not against science. We are not against technology. We are using it now. In our exhibits we are planning to use technology, but because they think that everything happened accidentally, they are basically atheistic. That aspect, we want to challenge. Because that is not possible.

Even Einstein, after seeing how everything was working, he said, there must be an intelligence behind it. So Kṛṣṇa, directly or indirectly, He designed all the unlimited universes.

Just like, Śrīla Prabhupāda said in his purports that scientists have put satellites in outer space. And they are running the satellite from the remote area. So certainly, that is a wonderful achievement. But then, if someone has a greater intelligence than human beings, then can’t he do something more wonderful?

So, the point was that the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Bhagavān, Śrī Kṛṣṇa, He has unlimited intelligence. So therefore, He could design each universe. So, getting the information from Him, what is the structure of the universe, what are the laws that cover the human beings, all these facts, we get from the Lord, directly. That answers a lot of the questions, which the human beings, by their scientific explanations, cannot answer. In spite of all the radio telescopes, we still don’t know why we are here?

What is our duty?

So, the sages in Naimiṣāraṇya, they asked these questions. So, we are also planning to have a Naimiṣāraṇya exhibit. We are planning to have modern intelligence. I met one of the physics Nobel laureates. He said, that 20 years ago, if you told me I would be talking with spiritualists, I would say, humbug! Impossible! But I am here today, because we have reached a limit in our physics. What is consciousness? There is no explanation in modern physics. And we don’t know. So therefore, I am coming to you, to find out, to learn something. So, the open scientists are looking for answers. So, the common people are bewildered. A lot of things, they don’t know. So, I met the chief minister of Assam, some years ago. And his idea was fully different.

He said the Aryans came from Europe and he had a completely wrong idea. When I explained how the Vedas say that the Aryans where in India, and Paraśurāma was killing the kṣatriyas, many of them fled to Europe. He said, that it makes sense, I never heard that before. People don’t know, even in India, they don’t know, what the Indian scriptures say! The Vedic literatures are very scientific. They talk about medicine, about architecture, about astronomy, so many things. I think the West, they need this information. Maybe by making this temple, having these exhibits, will force people to pay attention. It will make them think, what is the purpose of life? How there is a Supreme Personality of Godhead?

In the Brahmā Vaivarta Purāṇa, Kṛṣṇa predicted that 5000 years after the beginning of Kali yuga, will be a ten thousand years Golden Age, when everybody will be God conscious. And so, the TOVP comes at the beginning of this ten thousand years! So, let us bring it in!

 Brajavilas prabhu: Amazing, amazing statement! Actually, my next question was that because Sarvajaya Mādhava prabhu, one of your disciples asked me to ask you, what is the connection between the Golden Age and the TOVP, and you just immediately answered the question, that the TOVP is the beginning of the Golden Age.

Now before I go to the next question, Ambarish prabhu do you have any questions?

Because you wanted to ask maharaj’s personal role. But before I go to the next question, Ambarish prabhu will think about that question, about maharaj’s personal role in the TOVP. I have put a polling question, where everybody can answer and you have 15 seconds to answer this question – my first polling question, I am going to launch the first polling question. As soon as it is launched, please I am asking all the viewers, to take 15 seconds in answering this question. And we are very, very grateful to all those who are participating today. I have launched the question. The question is, the TOVP is a project with many aspects to serve. Which aspect of the TOVP interests you the most? Multiple choice. First choice, the temple itself, the deities, kīrtan, festivals, preaching opportunities, the planetarium wing, the universal chandelier, the exhibits.

So, I am going to end the poll now and am going to publish the result which maharaj can also see. The poll has ended and I am going to share the results. 58% of devotees have said the TOVP’s main purpose is the preaching opportunities which it has, which maharaj also said, that it would preach, and this is the starting of the Golden Era, the next ten thousand years, which Śrīla Prabhupāda is the founder ācārya for the Golden Age. And the TOVP will serve the preaching opportunities through this temple. 58% of the devotees have polled for preaching opportunities. Then next we have the temple itself, the main purposes, then the planetarium wing, 39% of the devotees have voted for the planetarium wing, the major aspect of the TOVP is also the planetarium wing. Then the universal chandelier, is 37% along with the deities and the exhibits, has polled 39% Everybody is very enthusiastic to see about the exhibits. I am going to ask maharaj the next question after Ambarish prabhu asks the question about maharaj’s personal role. Thank you all for polling. We are going to come up with another poll question. In the meantime, Ambarish prabhu is going to ask the question to maharaj.

 Ambarish prabhu: So you are giving me a question to ask Jayapatākā Swami. (Brajavilas prabhu: I am just giving you a hint! But before you ask, I have to also tell mother Svāhā conveyed obeisances to maharaj, which I forgot to tell earlier.)

 His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: My best wishes to mother Svāhā.

 Ambarish prabhu: I am not going to ask your question; you can ask it yourself Braj. I wanted to know from Jayapatākā Swami maharaj, this temple of course will be the center of Māyāpur and the center of the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement. Śrīla Prabhupāda however wanted a whole city in Māyāpur. Beyond the temple, how do you see the city of Māyāpur developing?

What is your vision?

 His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: Śrīla Prabhupad said, I give you this spiritual world, now develop it! Ha! It is kind of a contradiction. How to develop the spiritual world? But there is a team working on the Master Plan of Māyāpur. I was present, and of course Śrīla Prabhupāda was trying to get 350 acres from the government. And then it was going through the different steps of the government. And then the government changed. And the communist government came in. They were not interested to help us. Recently, the present TMC government, they have given us the land quota to hold 750 acres, which is a huge breakthrough. So, we have to buy the land, but now there is the 750 acres limit, which before we had a 23 acres limit. So, now we are trying to develop the whole city that Śrīla Prabhupāda had envisioned. We are trying to have a large road to the Jalangi river from the TOVP. And then Caitanya Avenue from Śrīla Bhakti Vinoda Ṭhākura’s house to the birthplace of Lord Caitanya. And a road to the east of Śrīla Prabhupāda’s samādhi. Different parks, Harinām stadiums, theme parks, guest houses. So, it will take a long time to explain but, there is a definitely a vision for the city development.

 Ambarish prabhu: Thank you maharaj, thank you very much.

 Brajavilas prabhu: There are many questions, some of them are asking, very interested to know when is the opening of the temple. As I said, earlier, we definitely wanted to open in 2022, but because of this COVID, we lost almost five months. So, we would do something very grand in 2022. But whatever month we lost in 2020, in 2023, those months would be used. We will definitely be committed and sure to open this temple, the sooner, we wanted all the devotees who are supporting us all these years, please pray for us and support as you did or even more. We would definitely keep our commitments. The temple and planetarium together we would try to open at least by 2023.

 Now maharaj I would like to do one more polling question. But before that, Ambarish prabhu was supposed to ask, but I am asking you maharaj, if you can tell something about your personal role in planning the planetarium and exhibits, you have put in so much energy in the exhibits, you had so many meetings, you wanted to see this happen. You told me in Chennai when I met you before the operation, you wanted to see this planetarium open along with the temple. So dedicated, if you can tell us what are the plans with which you are personally doing to see this planetarium come up?

 His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: I was sitting in the room when Śrīla Prabhupāda was instructing Sadāpūta prabhu about the Vedic planetarium. And he wanted the Bhāgavatam cosmology to be presented. I was listening. Then Śrīla Prabhupāda turned to me and said, you understand this also! Sadāpūta prabhu was a scientist, PhD, he had all the qualifications. I did not have much, except I was willing to serve Śrīla Prabhupāda, and he asked me. Now Sadāpūta prabhu is not here, Swarup Damodarmaharaj is not here. So, I am trying to unite our team – so we have – I am the servant of Ambarish prabhu, but I am chairing the West Wing of the TOVP. And so, I wanted to gather some qualified people, so we had Hariśauri prabhu who was Śrīla Prabhupāda’s servant, Rameswar prabhu who is a BBT Trustee, and we have Antardweep prabhu who helped the TOVP with the chandelier design, and then we have Akandadvip prabhu, he has been inter phasing with the ISKCON scientists. So, we want to have our presentation be relevant to the modern science. Because, we wanted to be acceptable to the scientists. So, like that we have a whole team – Drutakarmā prabhu, and Dinanath prabhu who was building the exhibition in Delhi, so like that we have a team. And we are trying to develop the planetarium exhibits. We have the narration for all these exhibits. We have a basic floor plan and the detailed script, are taking a little time to develop, but now we have four divisions – a construction division, a creative division – our creative director, Jagannath Tīrtha prabhu, he won something like 13 Emmys in the USA – Emmy is like, the TV equivalent of the Oscar award. So, he is a very qualified person. And then we have our Finance and we have Administration. Within that there are so many things. Fund raising, human resources, etc. So, we are trying to do the things in a very systematic way, and my role is basically to get all the people together. And see that the work goes on. And to give whatever input I can.

 Brajavilas prabhu: Maharaj, wonderful. I wanted to do a polling question, but I am running out of time. But I am going to make a very important announcement. I am going to say this for the first time. You have also not heard this. Because Ambarish prabhu wanted to make this known to you today. The next year is the 125th appearance year of Śrīla Prabhupāda, and the TOVP, Ambarish prabhu has decided to install Śrīla Prabhupāda mūrti in the TOVP. We are going to have a very big festival in bringing Śrīla Prabhupāda and installing him. It is currently being made in the USA, by Locana prabhu. We wanted to install the mūrti of Śrīla Prabhupāda on February 27th, 2021, which will be a grand function, if the pandemic allows us to do it. We are waiting, by the end of this year we will come to know what the circumstances are. Based on that we might in case, the circumstances are not favorable, we have to change the dates. But right as of now, optimistically, we are going to install Śrīla Prabhupāda mūrti, because Śrīla Prabhupāda used to always come before the temple is opened and push us so that the temple can be open. It is going to be a very, very big festival. I am also going to come to you maharaj for this. And second thing is that on 26th February 2021, we are also going to open the samādhi of His Holiness Bhakti Cāru maharaj. That is the plan. If the GBCs are not able to attend, due to COVID reasons, the samādhi will be opened and we will have virtual programs, and next time when the GBCs meet, we will have a very great opening. And we are also going to have huge worldwide abhishek for the 125th year which we are going to launch, like you did for the ratha yatra and others, we are going to have a virtual abhishek for Śrīla Prabhupāda on the 125th year. This is going to be a very big celebration. There are several opportunities to sponsor the abhishek for Śrīla Prabhupāda. Please visit our website, www.tovp.org for more information on Śrīla Prabhupāda installation celebrations by the TOVP.

 Maharaj, my last question to you is that, Śrīla Prabhupāda named you Jayapatākā Swami, which means Victory Flag. And in the TOVP also to honor your service for Śrīla Prabhupāda and your dedication to Śrīla Prabhupāda, we have created an opportunity called Victory Flag. And we will be victorious, and we will open this temple, definitely by 2023, by your mercy, and this saṅkīrtana movement, through this temple, will be victorious, and maharaj, what is your secret of that victory?

 His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: The secret is a secret! Ha! Ha! It is the mercy of Śrīla Prabhupāda! By his mercy, everything is going on. So, I have been combining all the books that I could get my hands on, of Caitanya Līlā, about seven or eight books. Actually, Lord Caitanya, He had predicted that He would preach all over India. But He would send a senapati bhakta who would come after 500 years, and spread Kṛṣṇa consciousness, throughout the world. And that is Śrīla Prabhupāda!

So, he wanted that this TOVP, as his offering to Lord Caitanya. So, he wants it. So, it is a great opportunity we have to serve His Divine Grace. I think that we are all indebted to him, every one of us have unlimited mercy, and because he went to the West and he went around the world like 14 times, spreading Kṛṣṇa consciousness in every continent. Therefore, we are very grateful to him. And we want to do what he wants! He wanted that Māyāpur should be the United Nations of the Spiritual World. And the fact that people from all over the world are cooperating together to build this TOVP is something very wonderful! America, China, they are at loggerheads now. But we have Chinese devotees, American devotees, Russian devotees, all over the world, who are willing to help – are helping! So, I think that in spite of all these challenges put up by the COVID situation, somehow, we should do our level best to fulfill SrilaPrabhupada’s desire.

 Ambarish prabhu: Thank you maharaj. Jayapatākā Swami maharajki jai!

 Brajavilas prabhu: Thank you maharaj for participating, Ambarish prabhu thank you very much for being here and supporting us. And we thank all the viewers, cum participants who have participated in this program. Lastly as maharaj said, this TOVP is the beginning of the Golden Era and the message of Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu will be spread from this temple to every town and village. Thank you all very much! We are very grateful to you! Hare Kṛṣṇa!

 His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: Haribol! Thank you for your association!





Transcribed by Jayarāseśvarī devī dāsī
Verifyed by JPS Archives
Reviewed by JPS Archives

Lecture Suggetions