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19920315 Caitanya līlā Day 4

15 Mar 1992|Duration: 00:35:52|English|Śrī Caitanya-Bhāgavata|Transcription|Śrī Māyāpur, India

The following is the seminar given by His Holiness Jayapataka Swami on March 15th 1992 in Sridham Mayapur. The talk [not clear:00:00:31] by Caitanya Lila seminar.


Vidya Vacaspati said that my home, whole dynasty is fortunate because here Lord Gauranga has come to my house. So now everyone is yours – You can stay here and I won’t tell anyone. It is your house, for your service

Suni tara vakya prabhu santustha hoila

Tara bhagye koto din tathai rahila

So, Lord Chaitanya was pleased with his words and he remained there for some time – few days. 

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

But can you keep the rising sun a secret. All the people, very soon, heard that the Lord had returned back to Bengal.

Navadvipa adi sarva dike koilo dhvani
Vacaspati ghare aila Nyasi Siromani (Chaitanya Bhagvat verse)

In the house of Vacaspati, the top crown jewel of all the sannyasis has come.

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

Hearing thus, the people became very, their consciousness became filled with ecstasy, excitement and their whole bodies, they felt they were living  in; even though they were in this material world, this material body, they felt like they were in Vaikunta. They were so happy to hear that Lord Chaitanya had come back. 

Anande sakala loka bole hari hari (Chaitanya Bhagvat verse)

Hari Hari (crowd chants Hari Hari), Hari Hari (crowd chants Hari Hari), Hari Hari (crowd chants Hari Hari)

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

Women, sons, house, body – everything was forgotten. Every person, they all became completely excited and unable to contain their enthusiasm.

 Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

Let’s go, Let’s go and see his lotus feet. Let’s see the lotus feet of Gauranga. Gauranga! (Crowd chants Gauranga!) Gauranga! (Crowd chants Gauranga!) Gauranga! (Crowd chants Gauranga!

Eito bole sarva loka parama ulhase
Age pache dur loka nahi kara sambhase (Chaitanya Bhagvat verse)

So seeing that everyone, they just started running with great enthusiasm. Someone was ahead, someone behind, some were older people but nobody was thinking about any etiquette. They are just running. They are just going very hardly towards Lord Chaitanya.  

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

And seeing here – unlimited hundreds of millions of people are here; you just cannot count. They are so many of them. They all are chanting “Hari Hari” Hari Hari (crowd chants Hari Hari). Gaura Hari (crowd chants Gaura Hari) “Gaura Hari” (crowd chants Gaura Hari) 

 Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

Gauranga! (Crowd chants Gauranga!) Sri Hari! (Crowd chantsSri Hari!)

So they all ran to see Gauranga – Sri Hari. 

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

There are not at all so much room on the road for so many people so they are smashing through people’s gardens, they are going through the fields. It is just a mob of huge unlimited people going. 

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

Listen listen my dear brothers to the glories of Lord Chaitanya – how he has delivered all the fallen souls. 

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

Although they are banging to the flowers, to the gardens but nobody gets hurt. Someone is like “Hey what are you doing to my garden” – Gauranga Gauranga. (Crowd chants Gauranga!) Gauranga has come. They would jump also and break down the next person’s garden. Nobody is thinking. Nobody is caring. Once seeing that Lord Gauranga is there – whoever was disturbed they also joined the crowd and ran also.

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

Lord Chaitanya causes transcendental pastimes that really there is an ocean of all forest of ocean of people. And everybody just went out on the street, whatever they were doing, whatever they were busy with – they forgot everything and they ran on the street. And they all are chanting Gaura Hari(Crowd chants Gaura Hari!), Gaura Hari(Crowd chants Gaura Hari!).

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

Someone said I am gonna grab his lotus feet and tell him to free me from this material bondage.  

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

If I can see him with my eyes – I have nothing to ask for. I have everything that I can desire. Just to see him. 

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

Now I know his greatness; I know who he is now realised that I committed so many offences against him, criticizing him – if I get there, I gonna to grab his lotus feet and beg him to forgive me for all my offences and sins.  

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

Like that everyone is thinking what they are going to ask Lord Chaitanya. Someone is thinking I will ask for a blessing for my son to become a good devotee. Someone’s is thinking how I will take shelter of his lotus feet and touch my head to his feet. Then, someone’s thinking I want to get a blessing to simply always be with Gaurasundar and in this way everyone, all the people – they are all enthused in so much expectations  - they are all going ahead in great transcendental bliss. 

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

So in a few moments they arrived at the boat ghat and there the boat the ferry man they are there to carry people across the river. So all of a sudden, everyone appeared. 

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

Thousands and thousands of people – they are all going; so when they all jump onto the boat, the boatman is saying “No, not so many”. The boat sinks and they are upto their knees in the water. So all the boats are broken into pieces and people were all just stuck on this side. All the boats are destroyed. Gauranga!

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

So some people, somehow they got across by boat – giving whatever they had – their cloth or something; they didn’t have money. Somehow they got across and those who didn’t get the boat – they thought helplessly how to cross the river. Some people they just started swimming across the river. Some people cut down a banana tree and they tied it and they started using it as a raft to get across. Somebody is just swimming. And they to all the sage abd Everywhere all that you could hear was people just shouting “Gaura Hari”(Crowd chants Gaura Hari!) “Gaura Hari”(Crowd chants Gaura Hari!) “Gaura Hari”(Crowd chants Gaura Hari!) “Gaura Hari”(Crowd chants Gaura Hari!)

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

So the whole universe was filled with the vibration of “Gaura Hari”(Crowd chants Gaura Hari!) “Gaura Hari”(Crowd chants Gaura Hari!)

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

Now the people – they were just mad to see Lord Chaitanya – some by boat, some by swimming, some by raft – anyway they could – somehow or other they are going across the river. Who else than the Lord himself can attract all the people to go with so much spontaneous enthusiasm, so much attraction. 

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

As soon as they see the river, there are so many people are crossing the river. The whole river became black. Ganga is normally saffron or brown colour but that day it became black with so many people’s black hair from their head. It was just filled with people. And when they finally got across, some people reached to Vacaspati – grabbed his lotus feet and said that “You are the most fortunate person. You are the most pious, spiritual person that Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has come to your house. 

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

So you are so blessed; you please deliver us now

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

We are so sinful. We have fallen in the dark well of birth and death. Even though we are from the same village as the Lord but we could not understand his greatness – who he was. 

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

Let us see his lotus feet. Let us see his lotus feet now then all sinful people will be freed from our offences and sins.

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

When Vacaspati saw the eagerness and devotion of all this people, he could not control himself but tears started coming in his eyes to see all this people coming with so much devotion forGaura Hari”(Crowd chants Gaura Hari!).



Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

So, in this way so many people came to his temple – 100s and 1000s, many millions – so many people; we cannot even count.  They came over to his temple and they all chanting “Gaura Hari”(Crowd chants Gaura Hari!). Haribol

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

Every mouth, every person was chanting the holy names of Hari. Gaura Hari!

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

The Lord is an ocean of mercy. Sri Gaurasundar when he heard everyone chanting the holy names, he became very satisfied and therefore he came out to give his blessings to all of the people.

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

It is described herein with very poetic language the beautiful form of Lord Chaitanya. His form was a transcendental form with so beautiful that it will attract the mind of the whole universe. And No comparison can be made with his form or his body but simply by seeing his face, you immediately be filled with spiritual satisfaction and his eyes are just like what. His eyes are so beautiful, so attractive that they just put one in a kind of current of ecstasy, a kind of flow of bliss. So poetically, when the devotees were watching with their eyes to see the Lord – that it was as if they were licking the sandalwood paste of the Lord with their eyes. That’s the example given here. And in advance so much intensely they were all looking. It was like they were applying or they were licking it or applying it. You can say applying it with their eyes. Their eyes were glued to him is what we can say in English normal usage. So, the Lord has ofcourse Lord has got sandalwood all over his body. He has got a full flower garland on his chest. He walks like an elephant – very strongly. His arms are down to his knees. He raises his 2 hands high in the air and just like a sing like a lion’s roar, he tells everyone “Haribol” (Crowd chants Haribol) “Haribol” (Crowd chants Haribol).

So when the people saw the Lord – the people were surrounding him from all the sides. All the people around him just started chanting “Hari Hari, Gaura Hari!” And then they all started to dance in ecstacy.  

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

And then they paid prostrated obeisances before the Lord. 

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

And then they kept on chanting“Haribol” (Crowd chants Haribol).

l. And everyone raised their 2 arms and prayed to the Lord.



Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

“We are all sinners.”

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

The Lord smiles over all the people and he gave them all the blessings “May you all be attached in pure devotion to Lord Krishna. 

Nitai gaur sitanath premanande hari hari haribol!!!

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

Chant the name of Krishna. Worship Krishna. Listen to Krishna’s holy name. May Krishna be all of yours life, your wealth; your very life and soul.

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

So when the people heard his blessings, then again they started chanting - Haribol. (Crowd chants Haribol) Haribol. (Crowd chants Haribol)


Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

In order to deliver the whole universe, you have come here in disguise. You are here in the womb of Mother Saci in Navadvipa. We are all sinners, we could not recognise you – we are in a dark well and we are just suffering. You are an ocean of mercy. You are the well-wisher of all people – para-hitakari. Please have your mercy upon us that we will never stray away from your lotus feet.

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

In this way all the people were offerings prayers to the Lord and in this way Lord Chaitanya is introducing everyone to his own transcendental mercy to engage in this pastime.

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

The whole place was just filled with people – the whole village, the whole city, the roofs, the roads - everywhere. There was just no place. It was completely packed everywhere. Everyone wanted to see again and again. Their eagerness to see the Lord was increasing more and more. Thousands and thousands of people – they are all going on trees. There were climbing on one huge tree just to get a glimpse of the Lord and some people they got over to the neighbouring house. So many people were there in the house. Only by the Lord’s mercy, the house did not just break and collapse. No house can hold so many people and everyone just wanted to see the Lord – the moon-like face of Lord Chaitanya and again and again the Lord was chanting “Haribol” (Crowd chants Haribol)Haribol” (Crowd chants Haribol) – just like a lion. So people were running from all sides – coming to see the Lord. 

Nobody went to their house. So, the Lord knows how to increase everyone’s desire of various ways. He knows how to expand various types of mellows and how to have various kinds of plays with his devotees. So all of a sudden, the Lord somehow he disappeared from everyone’s vision and in the village of Kulia he was not able to be seen. He took Nityananda with him and so many other associates and they went away from there not telling Vachaspati [notclear:00:21:58] Then more and more people were really in great separation of the Lord.

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

Vachaspati looked in all directions – “Where is the Lord? Where is the Lord?” Then he said “Oh no! He has gone” and then he started crying with his hands and his face in the air. He was crying in separation from the Lord.

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

The Lord left the house chanting the holy name – thousands and millions of people were chanting the holy name. The heavens, the earth, the hellish planets everyone was like, everywhere filled with people singing the holy names. Then after sometime Vachaspati went outside and he told the people that which direction, where has he gone – I don’t now anything. I am a sinner and because of that, the jewel of the sannyasis has left me. I am telling you truthfully, my brothers! I am telling all of you, I don’t know where Chaitanya has gone. To which place, to which village? People don’t believe him; they thought he is cheating. Actually, he is hiding Chaitanya in his house. So they are not believing that he left. They think maybe he is there and he is not telling the truth. 

So many, as far as all those people whom Vachaspati took in his house – “Look here. Look here that I am all alone. Look and tell everyone. Then everyone grabbed the lotus feet of Vachaspati.

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

So at least you have seen the Lord once. We have been able to see the Lord once. So they went home – relieved that they could see the Lord even once after such a long separation. 

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

Some people are are still thinking that he is not telling the truth and they are discussing. Actually, the people didn’t want to believe that the Lord was gone. So now the discussion was going on – some people were becoming very angry. So Vachaspati became very sad in the separation of the Lord. So, on one side Vachaspati is suffering because he is overwhelmed with separation of the Lord and on the other side people are all criticizing him and thinking that somewhere he has stashed Lord Chaitanya and they are not believing him. They just don’t want to think that he just left. So he is sitting there – suffering from both sides. Then all of a sudden, one Brahmana came up to him and told him that Chaitanya Gosai has gone to Kulia Nagar. The present city of Navadvipa is Kulia Nagar. There you can have your eyes filled, if you go there immediately then you can see him. As soon as Vachaspati heard, he became fully satisfied and he embraced that Brahmana very joyfully. 

Just at that time, so many people came there – so he told everyone “You people are giving me the blame; You are thinking that I hid the Lord somewhere but listen the Lord is in Kulianagar. There one dvija – one top Brahmana has told me. Let us all go if this word is true. This is what this Brahmana has told me. So all the people – they all started chanting “Haribol Haribol” and they all followed Vachaspati. At that time, with very great eagerness they went forward.

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

The jewel of all the sannyasis has come to Kulia Nagar. So that message went everywhere. People were just running madly to this place. They were just looking where is this Lord Chaitanya. They had gone over to Vidyanagar and from Vidyanagar they heard that no, he is presently in Kulia Nagar. It must have been a long way of walk – atleast 12kms. So as soon as people heard that he is in Kulia – Kulia means the present day Navadvipa, Koladvipa – they all are running again and headed over there. And then They started singing “The jewel of the sannyasis is there in Kulia” So like this, people got mad. (Guru Maharaja laughing – hahaha)

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

So there at Nadia, Kulia – it is just at the side of the Ganges. Everywhere is just running there now.

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

Anyways, thousands, I mean lacs of people, hundreds and thousands of people – from where they came, nobody can say. They also started to converge now at Kuliagram, looking for the Lord. Although everybody, now so many people are again; so there are 9 islands and between each of those islands, there were rivers in those days. So again they had to cross over various small rivers to get to one island to the next. Now its only 3,4 islands – 2,3 islands basically, but not even islands but at that time there were islands; so you had to cross over the river. So again the whole lila of sinking boats was going on; people rushing here and there – peoplemadly; looking where is Lord Chaitanya. 

In this way, the Lord had got everyone completely eager to see him. In this way again the people are crossing over to the Kuliagram. Again the Ganges is filled with people. The news came out that he has gone over to Kulia – so again from Navadvipa people are going to Kulia from different places. All of a sudden the villages are just packed with people. From where they come, no one can say. There is just no place to stand. People are looking “Where is Lord Chaitanya?” and everyone is just chanting “Gaura hari” but they can’t find where Lord Chaitanya is, they are looking madly, Vachaspati, he was also looking. And when he started to cry out – at that time by his call, he got Gaurasundar to reveal himself. As soon as he saw the Lord, he paid his obeisances. Everyone paid their obeisances flat. Chaitanya avatar – they are glorifying again and again. They are chanting mantras again and again. Offerring their obeisances again and again. They are saying that You come to deliver the whole universe in this form of Lord Chaitanya. You come to deliver those who have fallen in a dark well of birth and death. Your mercy is as big as the ocean of water. Even birth after birth, we simply want you to be always in our consciousness. They are praying that may always in our heart, may your transcendental mercy; your holy names be always present in our hearts. In this way they are praying, they are chanting shlokas and again and again Vachaspati is offering his obeisances. So hearing all these prayers from Vachaspati, Gaurasundar replied. Vachaspati is praying to the Lord with great humility, with so much humility that he wants simply to serve the Lord. There is a long prayer here. We are getting at the end.

So what he is praying is that, Vachaspati found the Lord and paid his obeisances to him and after all the prayers, he finally said that just for a moment if you could go – no one still believes me that you left my house, they are still thinking that I am hiding you in my house. Basically,so all these people are so unfortunate, I am so unfortunate but for just one moment – if you could give them your mercy, show them – then they will be delivered and so the Lord again appeared to all the people and again everybody, they all paid their prostrated obeisances and in the way they could, everyone started to offer their own prayers to the Lord. Thousands of people shouting “Haribol” “Gaurahari”. And all at once the people are just shouting out whatever prayers to the Lord they can. So there is a huge sound. 

Chaitanya Bhagvat verse

Thousands and thousands of kirtan groups with mrdangas and kartalas; hundreds and thousands of people all there. This way the holy name filled the entire world by the mercy of Lord Chaitanya. So here Lord Chaitanya was being criticized by the students – why you are chanting the names of the ashta sakhis, the gopis? And so many trouble they caused him so Lord Chaitanya just to save these people – he said let me take sannyasa – so that they respect me at least as a sannyasi. In those days they respect. He took sannyasa; he went to Nilachala. Then he came back here – in the time he had gone away; it was like 10 years (may be less but quite some time). People became so much in separation of the Lord that they wanted to see him; so when he finally returned – he didn’t come directly to Navadvipa; he came on the other side of the river, people were mad, mad to see him and every one of them was completely surrendered to Lord Chaitanya. People became completely Chaitanya conscious. So after this, he immediately flooded the whole place with the Harinama sankirtan in the most inconceivable way. So sometimes when people feel separation of the Lord, actually their appreciation grows – this is one of the secret aspects of Lord Chaitanya’s movement – it’s that separation increases. Everyone should worship the lotus feet of Lord Chaitanya – by his mercy all kinds of ignorance, all kinds of obstacles in the spiritual path – everything is destroyed, everything is removed. So, this is a great opportunity for all of us – to worship Chaitanya Mahaprabhu here. 

Actually, Prabhupada was present but so many people didn’t appreciate how great he was and now many people are praising and appreciating his great contribution but except by some rare transcendental appearance beyond time and space, it is not possible for people to get his direct vision but we can get vision through his books and through his devotees and by other means but here the Navadvipa vasis were feeling that Lord Chaitanya left; but somehow he appeared before them – came back to Navadvipa, to Kulia on the other side – gave all of them this benediction and then went with them in different places and then he went on. So these are some of the pastimes of Lord Chaitanya. Then Lord Chaitanya went on to North Bengal and met Rupa and Sanatana and then ordered them to go to Vrindavana and he gave them initiation. Like this his pastimes are continuing. Even now his pastimes are continuing. Those who are very fortunate they can see Chaitanya Mahaprabhu even today, they have this special vision. Thank you very much. 

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

“Gaura Hari” (crowd chants Gaura Hari) “Gaura Hari” (crowd chants Gaura Hari) 


Transcribed by: Premeshvari Padmavati Dd

Transcribed on: September 05, 2020


Proof Reading By: Amrita Padma Devi Dasi

On 09/10/2020

Proof Reading by : Vecham Meghana 06/12/2020

Transcribed by Premeshvari Padmavati Dd
Verifyed by Amrita Padma Devi Dasi
Reviewed by Vecham Meghana