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19920316 Caitanya līlā Day 5

16 Mar 1992|Duration: 00:47:17|English|Śrī Caitanya-Bhāgavata|Śrī Māyāpur, India

The following is a part of seminar given by His Holiness Jayapataka Swami on

March 16th

, 1992 in Sri Dham Mayapur. The talk was given during the Chaitanya Lila


Question: Explain how Lord Chaitanya made from other sampradayas cross buds from Nimbarka to Gopi bhava and following in the footsteps of Srimati Radharani

Guru Maharaj: Yes!

Question: We heard today that Madhavendra Puri was in his personal abode, away from this planet 1:20  sampradaya. Could you explain something more about these Nimbarkas?


Guru Maharaja: So, different sampradaya, he got taught by the four kumaras about

Radha and Krishna. So, he… I don’t know the exact year when he appeared. I think

it was earlier but, his sampradaya is not that expanded as others, but, it has temples

in different places. So, all the sampradayas other than Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, of the

four sampradayas, Nimbarkas is worshiping Radha and Krishna, Ramanuja worships

Laxmi Narayan, mainly, Madhvacharya worships Krishna alone or other Vishnu

avatars and Vishnu Swami is worshiping Bal Gopal, Nathji, only Nimbarkas

worshipping Radha and Krishna amongst the four and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is

worshipping Radha and Krishna. So, he told them, that, I am going to be worshiping Radha

and Krishna. So, this essence, I am taking from your sampradaya. But, essence

means that…that essence in Lord Chaitanya, how the essence came to Lord

Chaitanya’s sampradaya is through Madhavendra Puri, but that essence...  each other. So,

therefore, there's the unification, not that, he is taking it literally. He is taking it from his

own sampradaya, but, those truths are also present in the other sampradaya. So, in

that sense, he is taking from the others. The essence…those essence he is taking

and preaching, that’s one way…one way of expressing it, but, the actual, these are, it came in it's own way and those things, points are existing in the other

sampradayas, so that, each sampradaya can find a connection. So, our sampradaya,

how, we got Radha and Krishna, we didn’t get from Nimbarka, we got from Madhavendra

puri, but, Nimbarka got from four kumaras and from Chaitanya… the four kumaras

3:25 Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Radha Krishna to the Nimbarka Acharya, here in

Nabadwip Dham.

Okay. Thank you. Hare Krishna.


When we were in Shantipur, we explained, how, Advaita Goswami had prayed for the

advent of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. The Lord had previously decided to come into the material world, had made a promise He would come, but Advaita,

specific…Advaita Acharya specifically brought Him. Explains in the Chaitanya Mangal,

that, in the age of Dvapara yuga, Narada muni could see that, there was lot of

symptoms of the Kali Yuga already beginning. People were becoming more

quarrelsome. They were becoming more attached to sense gratification. In Dvapara

yuga, people were spontaneously, naturally more inclined to religious activities. In the

age of Kali, people become more animalistic, more attached to the sense gratification.

So, seeing these different symptoms, he could anticipate that, the end of the age of

Dvapara yuga was very near and he knew that only meant one thing, that, Lord Krishna was

leaving and he became very upset. He became very concerned. If, Krishna leaves or

when Krishna leaves, what’s going to happen to all of the people of the Kali yuga. All

these people, how will they get delivered and Narada muni didn’t feel himself capable of

delivering them. So, he decided to go to see Lord Krishna. Meanwhile, Krishna was

in the house of Satyabhama in Dwarka. He was in the house of Satyabhama and He

gave a message to Rukmini, that He was going to go to visit Rukmini. So, at that time, as

soon as Rukmini got the news that Krishna was coming, she immediately got

everyone ready, to prepare grand welcome for Krishna. She cleans the palace,

although, the palace was already clean, it was almost spotless, still, make especially

clean for Lord Krishna, everyone was cleaning again. She brought brahmans, she

brought various musicians to play beautiful kirtans, brahmanas to chant mantras,

decorated the children very nicely, had garlands made for Lord Krishna, had

sugarcane stalks put over the door, had the bananas with the bunches hanging, full

water pots, every auspicious item, everything to make Krishna’s welcome the most

wonderful appropriate joyful welcome possible. Lord Krishna, finally, came to the

house of Rukmini. The brahmanas were singing, reciting the Vedas, the musicians

were playing the various songs and kirtans to the Lord, the devotees were offering

their prayers, the children came and offered a garland to Krishna. Everything was just

perfect. Krishna went with Rukmini into the private quarters and there Rukmini had

Him sit, take His seat on His very own special aasan. And then, she began to wash

His lotus feet. As she was washing His lotus feet, she just grabbed His two lotus feet

and held them to her chest and she was gazing at His lotus eyes, at His lotus face

and while she was gazing at His lotus face, a tear started to roll down her cheeks

from her eyes. And Krishna was astonished, I am just coming, it’s a happy occasion

everything is joyful, everything is happy, why is Rukmini crying? So, He asked her, why

are you crying? Rukmini just kept looking at Him and more tears were coming, and

she is holding His lotus feet very tightly to her heart. He said, what happened? Did a servant

argue with you today or was there fighting amongst the children. He started proposing

so many different reasons, why, she might be crying. And Rukmini was incredulous. I

mean, she couldn’t believe that, Krishna couldn’t understand, what was really in her

heart. She just kept holding His lotus feet to her heart and crying and Krishna kept

asking more and more probing questions, trying to understand, why was she crying.

Finally, she said that, Lord, my pati, what is it, You know what Brahma is doing in Satyaloka.

You know what Lord Shiva is doing in Kailash. You know what everyone is doing. She said, You, only, don’t know, this is the one thing You don’t know. You don’t know what Your

devotee is feeling for You. I know Radharani knows, what, I am feeling today. She

knows, but, is it, that You don’t know. That was very heavy for Lord Krishna. Nobody ever told Him like that, something He didn’t know. He said, what do you mean Rukmini? Please

explain yourself. What you mean I don’t know? Then, Rukmini said, I know Radharani

knows, what I am feeling. She is going through the same thing which I am apprehensive of.

Today, I have Your lotus feet, but, one day, You leave, and I no longer have these two lotus

feet. She was holding so tightly to her heart. So, how can I help, but,  cry, thinking of losing

You again, losing Your priceless association. It seems, this is the only thing, You don’t

know, how much Your devotees love You, feel for You. You promise me, You never

leave my house. Your lotus feet will always stay here and then, I won’t cry. Will You

promise? Then, Krishna, well! I am not going to leave. He started to try to pacify her,

lifted her up on His side, stopped the tears from her eyes, tried to comfort her with

sweet words. Meanwhile, Narada Muni comes flying through the window, and Lord

Krishna said, Narada muni, our guru. He was respecting Narada muni, like, a kshatriya

respects a brahmana guru, he is like His guru. Actually, Narada Muni, knows that,

Krishna is the Supreme Lord, but, he also knows Krishna is playing His lilas. So, he has

to go along with it. So, there is even a higher seat than Krishna’s, in Dwarka, there is a

seat of the guru, and Krishna makes Narada sit on that seat, bathed his feet, offers him

all respect. Then, Krishna saw that, Narada Muni is very agitated. He was very

surprised. You are always the most peaceful, dhira, shanta, how is it today, I see, you are

disturbed. I never saw you disturbed before. So, My Lord, I am afraid, I see the symptoms

of Kali yuga coming, I fear that You are going to be leaving this world, very soon, and

I am very concerned, what’s going to happen for the people of Kali yuga, how will they

get Your love, Your devotion. How will they be delivered, when You leave with -

dharma, jnana, tapa and all the good qualities, how will these peoples get love for

Krishna, what is Your plan, how are You going to deliver them. So, then, Lord

Krishna …it is a very difficult day for Him. He had both His queen, accusing Him of

not knowing what His devotee feels for Him and His most peaceful [break]

completely preoccupied and disturbed about the fallen souls, in the age of Kali. So,

Krishna…Lord Krishna replied, that, alright! I am going to satisfy both of you.  Today,

both of you have said very serious thing. So, I promise, in the age of Kali, I am

going to come back, I am going to come back as My own devotee. So, then, I can

know, what, the devotee feels in devotion for Me and I will take the mood and the

colour of Radharani. And as a devotee, I am going to give out, love of Krishna freely,

to everyone and I will give out the Harinam sankirtan, to deliver the people of the age

of Kali, to satisfy Narada muni. So, in this way, Krishna already predicted, He would satisfy,

the desire of Narada and Rukmini. But, when, He was going to come, Kali yuga is four

million two, three hundred and…or rather four hundred thirty-two thousand years

long. So, the exact time, known as, setting was right, then, Advaita Gosai called down

the Lord. He personally came.

CC Ādi 13.71

kṛṣṇera āhvāna kare saghana huṅkāra

huṅkāre ākṛṣṭa hailā vrajendra-kumāra


By loud cries He invited Kṛṣṇa to appear, and this repeated invitation attracted Lord

Kṛṣṇa to descend.

CC Ādi 13.72

jagannāthamiśra-patnī śacīra udare

aṣṭa kanyā krame haila, janmi’ janmi’ mare


Before the birth of Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu, eight daughters took birth one after

another from the womb of Śacīmātā, the wife of Jagannātha Miśra. But just after

their birth, they all died.

CC Ādi 13.73

apatya-virahe miśrera duḥkhī haila mana

putra lāgi’ ārādhila viṣṇura caraṇa


Jagannātha Miśra was very unhappy at the death of his children one after another.

Therefore, desiring a son, he worshiped the lotus feet of Lord Viṣṇu.

CC Ādi 13.74

tabe putra janamilā ‘viśvarūpa’ nāma

mahā-guṇavān teṅha — ‘baladeva’-dhāma


After this, Jagannātha Miśra got a son of the name Viśvarūpa, who was most

powerful and highly qualified because He was an incarnation of Baladeva.

Vishavarupa was Lord Chaitanya’s older brother. The gigantic universal form,

Prabhupada explained, is called Vishvarupa incarnation, Maha Sankarshana. So, this

Sankarshana expansion is Vishvarupa, the son of Jagannatha Mishra, elder brother

of Krishna. So, Nityananda is original Shankarsana and Vishavarupa is an

expansion. Just like Baladeva came first and prepared for Krishna to come,

Vishvarupa came first and prepared for Sri Krishna Chaitanya, to appear.

CC Ādi 13.79

putra pāñā dampati hailā ānandita mana

viśeṣe sevana kare govinda-caraṇa


The husband and wife [Jagannātha Miśra and Śacīmātā], having gotten Viśvarūpa

as their son, were very pleased within their minds. Because of their pleasure, they

specifically began to serve the lotus feet of Govinda.


There is a common saying in India that everyone goes to worship the Supreme

Personality of Godhead when he is in distress, but when a person is in an opulent

position, he forgets God. And there is quote explaining that... The husband and wife, Jagannātha Miśra and Śacīmātā, were very unhappy

because their eight daughters had passed away. Now, when they got Viśvarūpa as

their son, certainly they became extremely happy. They knew that it was by the

grace of the Lord that they were endowed with such happiness and opulence.

Therefore, instead of forgetting the Lord, they became more and more adherent in

rendering service to the lotus feet of Govinda. When a common man becomes

opulent, he forgets God; but the more opulent a devotee becomes by the grace of

the Lord, the more he becomes attached to the service of the Lord.

So, it's a very important principle. The more the devotee becomes opulent, the more he

becomes attracted to the Lord, attached to the service of the Lord and the materialist, the

more opulent, the more they go away from Krishna. They think “What do I need Krishna

for?” So, here, in India many times people, they say, why you want to worship

Krishna, when you are young, wait till you're old. People’s ideas, wait till you can't enjoy

anymore and then, you serve Krishna. But, here, you see Jagannātha Miśra and

Śacīmātā, they are worshiping the Lord out of gratitude, that He has provided so many

things to them.

CC Ādi 13.80

caudda-śata chaya śake śeṣa māgha māse

jagannātha-śacīra dehe kṛṣṇera praveśe


In the month of January in the year 1406 of the Śaka Era (A.D. 1485), Lord Kṛṣṇa

entered the bodies of both Jagannātha Miśra and Śacī.

So, Lord Chaitanya was in the womb for thirteen months, this, we were explaining

before, how Jagannātha Miśra was worshipped very opulently, by all the people. Then,

finally, on the Phalgun Purnima, which is tomorrow, there was a full moon and there

was a lunar eclipse. At that time, Sachinandan, took His appearance. This is a special

nature of the Lord; He gives His mercy to the devotees. He appears according to His

own schedule. So, Nabadwip that time, people were very materialistic, people were

into al kinds of Vedas, Brahmanical studies, but, they were not into devotion. They were into

showing off, how much they learn, arguing and debate, all these things. People were

into showing off, that, they were very religious. So, some people they would marry

their daughters and spend lot of money and others, they wanted to

defeat them and spent more money on a big and opulent marriage ceremony. If, they had

no more daughters, so then, they married Shiva and Parvati doll, clay deity together and

someone else wanted to do one-upmanship, then he married trees together,

someone married a male and female cat together, male and female dog together, putting

garland, putting little helmet on their head, giving them a feast, decorating them with

ornaments, making a farce of the whole religious system. Actually, they are just doing in

the name of religion,  they are just doing a personal puja, personal worship, they want

everyone think oh! He is a religious guy, and they make a whole farce of

things. Even, today, you see people, in the name of puja, they are just playing out cinema

songs and doing weird things. So, sometimes, it becomes more, to project their own

image, rather than, actually do something religious or pleasing to the Lord and His

devotees. So, that, whole time was really tough. Tough time to spread Krishna

consciousness. No one was allowed to chant the holy names. It was considered, if, you chant out loud, the names of Krishna and Ram, you are going to pollute the names. So,

therefore, they won’t chant the holy name. But, when, Lord Chaitanya was appearing,

everyone became blissful, everyone started to chant the holy names because on a

full moon eclipse, the lunar eclipse, everyone goes down to the Ganges and bathes.

So, when you are bathing in the Ganges, you are pure, so you can chant out loud. So,

it describes —

C.B.Adi 2.88

niravadhi nṛtya, gīta, vādya-kolāhala

nā śune kṛṣṇera nāma parama maṅgala

Also, another quote - This is before he got to that point.

C.B.Adi 2.89

kṛṣṇa-śūnya maṅgale devera nāhi sukha

viśeṣa advaita mane pāya baḍa duḥkha

I was explaining, before Lord Chaitanya’s appearance, no one would chant, just make

a…when, they do the puja, they ring the bells, and blow the trumpets and make so much noise,

everything, but the Holy name of Krishna. It's actually, when, Lord Chaitanya appeared.

That’s when, everyone started to chant and many people were critical, that time, against

Srivas Pandit also, someone was saying, what is this Vaishnava doing here in our

village, just break down his house and drive him out. He is going to finish us all by

his offensive things, chanting out loud the name of God, he is going to pollute the

whole atmosphere, he is ruining all the auspiciousness of our whole village. Who

does this austerity give us? He is making our whole Brahminical village into one of

candalas. So, all the atheistic people, they could not appreciate the glories of

chanting the holy name, they were devastated by the chanting of holy name, he is ruining

everything. When they here all this, the devotees, they are practically crying, how,

they can chant the name of Krishna. People are so offensive, so ugra, so aggressive,

not to let them chant. Advaita, that’s why, he became so angry. He said, I had to bring down

the Lord, I have to bring Him down and couldn’t wait any longer. So, then, the preparation

for the Lord's coming, Vishvarupa came as it explained. Vishvarupa was more beautiful

than cupid. [Looks aside and says: Confirmed]. And everybody saw Him became

very happy, very pleased. But, from His very birth, Vishvarupa was very detached. What He

would do, when, it was play time, He would go and look in the scriptures. He loved to read about

Krishna! And the latter biggening of Kali yuga, it was already showing, what the future

activity was going to be like, because, people became without devotion, to the Lord. In

other words, now, we are already in a different area, where, the era of Chaitanya

Mahaprabhu and there is a revival of spirituality, but, right after, Kali yuga started, at that

time, five hundred years ago, people were more forgetful of their spirituality and they

are into superficial religion. Now, people are looking for the truth, looking to find out,

what is the cause of everything. But there was a period, when, people were just into

very superficial religiosity and they didn’t have any devotion for Govinda at all. So,

that is actually, kind of, a symptom of, what’s going to happen latter, but, what’s happening

in those places where Lord Chaitanya’s message hasn’t reached yet. Even though,

the people were worldly religious, in actuality, they were atheists. They were not at all

devoted. So, in this way, the Lord entered into the heart of Jagannātha Miśra and from his

heart, went to the heart of mother Śacī and in the month of Magha, appeared in the womb of Śacī and now, month of Phalgun, He is going to appear. In the Satya yuga

You came…each yuga, what was the different activities of the Lord. Dvapara yuga

came in a blackish colour.

C.B.Adi 2.167

kali-yuge vipra-rüpe dhari’ péta-varëa

bujhäbäre veda-gopya saìkértana-dharma

In the age of Kali, You came in a golden colour to explain the hidden secrets of the

Vedas and the sankirtan practice. This, all the devas are explaining. You came as

Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Hyagriva, Narasimha. So, in this way, finally, the Lord appeared.

All the devas are coming and watching, waiting for, when the Lord is going to appear and on that

sacred day, everything in the whole universe became auspicious. Sankirtan was filling

the whole world, even though, the people were normally never chanting, in the name

of the lunar eclipse, everyone started to chant. It was Lord's desire, that, everyone chant.

C.B.Adi 2.198

éçvarera karma bujhibära çakti käya?

candre äcchädila rähu éçvara-icchäya

C.B.Adi 2.199

sarva-navadvépe,—dekhe haila grahaëa

uöhila maìgala-dhvani çré-hari-kértana

So, in the name Rahu swallowing the moon all the people went to Ganga and started

to sing Hari Bol! Hari Bol! [devotee: Hari Bol! Hari Bol!]

C.B.Adi 2.200

ananta arbuda loka gaìgä-snäne yäya

’hari bola’ ’hari bola’ bali’ sabe dhäya

Hundreds and thousands, millions of people all in the Ganges everyone chanting.

Hari!!! Bol! [devotee: Hari!!! Bol!] No, they chant louder than that.

Hari!!! Bol

[devotee: Hari!!! Bol]

Hari!!!!!!! Bol

[devotee: Hari!!!! Bol]

C.B.Adi 2.201

hena hari-dhvani haila sarva-nadéyäya

brahmäëòa püriyä dhvani sthäna nähi päya

C.B.Adi 2.202

apürva çuniyä saba bhägavata-gaëa

sabe bale,—’nirantara hauka grahaëa’

So, the whole Nadia was filled with this chanting of the holy names there was no

where you can go when you are doing here Hari!!!!! Bol [devotee: Hari Bol] and all

the devotees they said eclipses are great. Let there always be an eclipse [Guru Maharaj laughs].

Let everyone chant all of the time. [Guru Maharaj laughs]

C.B.Adi 2.203

sabe bale,—’äji baòa väsiye ulläsa

hena bujhi, kibä kåñëa karilä prakäça

Someone said, “Today Krishna has appeared”. Everyone is chanting Hari!!! Bol!

[devotee: Hari Bol] little did that devotee know that it was today Krishna had

appeared as Sachinandan [devotee: Sachinandan] So… sabe bale,—’äji baòa

väsiye ulläsa hena bujhi, kibä kåñëa karilä prakäça Why I am filling so happy is it

Krishna has appeared today, just see how wonderful. Actually, Krishna had

appeared. So, let’s see I have read this already.

C.B.Adi 2.204

gaìgä-snäne calilä sakala bhakta-gaëa

niravadhi catur-dike hari-saìkértana

C.B.Adi 2.205

kibä çiçu, våddha, näré, sajjana, durjana

sabe ’hari’ ’hari’ bole dekhiyä ’grahaëa’

So, everyone went to the Ganges all size people chanting Hari sankirtan whether a

child, whether a woman, whether good people, whether bad people everyone was


Hari!!!!!! Bol

[devotee: Hari Bol]

C.B.Adi 2.206

’hari bola’ ’hari bola’ sabe ei çuni

sakala-brahmäëòe vyäpileka hari-dhvani

Hari Bol

[devotee: Hari Bol]

Hari!!!!!!! Bol

[devotee: Hari Bol]

So, everyone can hear the Hari Bol and until the whole universe was filled with the Hari

dhvani, with the sound of the holy names of the Lord. And this way, the devas started

showering down flowers from the heaven. Heavenly drums, dundubhi drums were

playing and one could hear Jai! Jai! Jai! Jai! from the heaven.

C.B.Adi 2.208

henai samaye sarva-jagat-jévana

avatérëa hailena çri-çacé-nandana

At that time, the life of all… of all the universes, the Lord Sacinandana, Sri Guar Hari,

had appeared.

Gaura Hari

[devotee: Gaura Hari]

C.B.Adi 2.209

rähu-kavale indu, parakäça näma-sindu,

kali-mardana bäje bäëä

pahuì bhela parakäça, bhuvana catur-daça,

jaya jaya paòila ghoñaëä

C.B.Adi 2.210

dekhite gauräìga-candra

nadéyära loka- çoka saba näçala,

dine dine bäòala änanda

So, now it’s going into very poetic explanation. How, so,

Nabadwipchandra or Sachichandra, the moon of Nabadwip, Gaurachandra, by His

presence, the moon hid his face, allowing the moon of Śacī’s transcendental child,

Lord Chaitanya, to give out His transcendental effulgence. Beauty of Lord

Chaitanya is inconceivable. So, actually, at that time, Lord Chaitanya, He is more brilliant than

millions of moons. All of His potencies were brought with the Lord and the lotus feet of the

Lord bore all the auspicious signs — dhvaja, vajra, the flag, the lightning bolt — all of

His aspects of His body were all transcendental. At this auspicious movement, the Lord

appeared, when everyone was chanting.

Hari Bol!!

[devotee: Hari Bol]

Gaura Hari!!

[devotee: Gaura Hari]

So, Prabhupada explains, in his purport, that auspicious movement was very…

astrologically auspicious movement. Bhakivinod thakur explains at the time of the birth of

Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the constellations were situated as follows Sukra, Venus

and I can guess the whole detail, I don’t know who understand it. The deva sinha

lagna. So, according to Jotir veda Vedic astronomy, when, the figure of lion appears both

in the zodiac, then, the time of birth lagna, this indicates a very high conjunctional

planets and area under the influence of shadvarga and ashtavarga, which are all

auspicious movements. So, these are [break] you can tell, what is the auspicious

constellation. And Nilamber Chakravarty, he could ascertain, when, was the

auspicious movement, when, the Lord would appear and just at that time, the Lord

appeared. So, when, the spotless moon of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu became visible,

what would be the need of moon, black mark on his body. So, the whole world was

chanting the Hare Krishna mahamantra and Hari Bol. In this way, everyone became

blissful. So, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu appears in this way and this is the kind of

atmosphere, we want to keep, all over the world. Let the sound of Lord Chaitanya’s

glories be spread everywhere. Let His holy name be glorified incessantly.

Gaura Hari!!

[devotee: Gaura Hari]

Nitai Gaura Sitanath premanande Hari Hari Bol

[devotee: Hari Bol]

Hare Krishna

Go on, start some…

Haridas Thakur told Advaita Acharya, I understand something very special has

happened, everyone was overwhelmed. So, when, Lord Chaitanya is present,

everyone feels happy. When we are in Nabadwip parikrama, chanting the holy names,

remembering Lord Chaitanya, even though, as people have told me, as soon

as they came back, after the parikrama and then, they stopped focusing so much on Lord

Chaitanya, they start feeling that, oh my arms are aching and my feet are aching and

everything’s aching, my back and… but, when, we are on the parikrama, we weren’t feeling. That

was not just because, we are leaving early in the morning or just… because, we kept

thinking about Lord Chaitanya. When, you are thinking of Lord Chaitanya, you forget all

kinds of miseries, you just feel transcendentally blissful. So, we can always remain

focused on Lord Chaitanya, we'll always be blissful and the whole world became

blissful, when, the Lord appeared. So, we need the Lord to appear in our minds, so

we can be serving Him constantly and in that service, all the problems of life

automatically diminish and become insignificant.

Gaura Hari!!

[devotee: Gaura Hari]

Any questions!!


Question: not audible

Guru Maharaj: Comes in, after Krishna appears, in, once in a day of Brahma, He sometimes comes.

He only comes after Krishna. They come in Mars Lokeswari.


Question: Not audible

Guru Maharaj: Normally, we don’t wait for the moon rise, specially because, moon rise means, it's sunset and usually, we come back to temple and watch the Abhisheka, at that time, when, we bathe the

deities in the temple, at the time of His appearance. Usually, take bath in the midday, from

twelve in the afternoon. But, now, right opposite the temple, the current is very, very fast. If,

anyone bathes, they should go far, should go North or little South, wherever, there is not so much

current. It seems less current in north. I walked in, this morning. There's, easier to go

in and out, if, you walk north west, towards that way. So, usually, after the yajnas are

over, we take bath. In the morning, it’s dangerous to go outside. Everybody is throwing

colours around, afternoon they stop throwing colours, in the night-time, it’s not so

good to go out. But, one year, was a lunar eclipse and we went and bathe in the moon

light. Right! Remember that one! Ya! If, you can’t eat during the lunar eclipse, anyway, not

supposed to eat or anything, drink, all you supposed to do is. Hari!!! Bol!!

[devotee: Hari Bol]

Chant the holy names. So, that was very blissful. Everybody was chanting and waiting

for the eclipse , to go on remembering Lord Chaitanya appearing in the

same circumstance. It happened twice or once? Yes once. (Guru Maharaj laughs)

So, everybody is going, it's alright, but, now mostly, nobody goes in the night. It's little dangerous,

to be all alone, especially for matajis.

anyone… any other, you had a question?


Question: not audible

Guru Maharaj: You will get... when, you’ll get. It's depending on

various…  the Lord's mercy, inconceivable things, the Lord might consider. A person is doing

lot of offensive activities, then, some of these benedictions are delayed, but, eventually, he

gets. Of course, some of this… Prabhupada explain, it's, just like, by chanting Hare Krishna, once, purely, you can get love of Krishna, but, then, you see someone chanting,

why he is not getting… that name has that capacity, gives that mercy, but, then,

someone may not be chanting sincerely, there may be some other factors, but, these

other special benedictions, we go and get the  mercy of the Lord. The Lord comes…

Lord Chaitanya gives all love of Krishna, once, in a day of Lord Brahma. The other Kali

Yugas, other yugas, Vishnu comes. In other Kali Yugas, Krishna comes in a

colour covered form and He gives devotees liberation 39:01 love of Godhead, so

easily. Lord Chaitanya gives out love of Godhead, which is much, I mean unlimited times more

valuable than liberation. But, people get liberated by following the Lord in different yugas.

He comes in different yugas and other Kali yugas, He comes in different covered


 He is trying to say, how is that, we try to understand

Rahu is killing the moon? The modern scientist have another theory. See, the point is, explain, actually, earlier, here, in Prabhupada’s

purport, that, Rahu and Ketu are going, I don’t know the technical term for it, but, the

sun and the moon are, he could just oppose that just opposite them or there is a sun and

the moon and the earth and they are between the line of the sun and the earth, at that

point is called one Rahu and the other is called Ketu and at one end. So, that, when that

juxtapositions with the moon, that’s called a Rahu and when the juxtaposition with the sun is

called Ketu. So, that point is there. They were place in that particular location,

astrologically, that's explained. And you find, at that time, all water pots and all things, they become

contaminated and even the birds and other things appear. Therefore, solar eclipse, you

find all the birds become, go through various changes, different things happen.It is not

unlikely to have aeroplane crashes and things like that. Modern science, doesn’t even

know, what is the effect. They know that, but, they can’t, they have seen that. There is a very

profound effect, much more than ,what, we just explain by mere shadow. But, at, that particular

point, where the shadow is supposed to be, that is Ketu and Rahu in that position. That,

has got some special astrological influences.  I have these things, out of these things, there are different dimensions, not that, dimensions that, we can see with these eyes.

Any other questions!


Question: not audible

Guru Maharaj: Never heard of the specific connection. Everyone is Krishna consciousness, that, they,

somehow or another. Krishna in Dwarka, He practiced

Holi, on that day. So, in colours, in Vrajadham, they throw colours, but, in Gaur Lila, we

chant Hari!!! Bol

[devotee: Hari Bol]

Sarveshwari? All the people they were liberated, where are they now? They’re

liberated, then they go back.. nāpnuvanti mahātmānaḥ saṁsiddhiṁ paramāṁ gatāḥ. If,

a liberated, they go back to Godhead. No need to come back, here, again. But, if, I send

somebody back or someone wants to come back to give you Krishna consciousness,

they can come back to serve Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

Can’t understand the question? Relevance? You are

worrying about them? You are already liberated, you are way above yourself [Guru Maharaj laughs]

You are liberated. (Guru Maharaj laughs)


There was a link. There is some link between then and now, but, the problem was

that, in society, people stop to follow Lord Chaitanya’s sankirtan movement, in a pure way. There are lot of people following it in a bogus way, sahjiyas and so on. But,

few people, they are keeping alive the real philosophy, but, they are very few and

far between. This is very slim-link and it was revived and made it to a mass movement

by Bhakti Vinod thakur and then, further expanded by Bhakti Siddhant Sarasvati

Prabhupada and made into a worldwide movement by His Divine Grace A.C.

Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and it’s going on expanding. So, after two

hundred years of Lord Chaitanya’s movement, spreading and started to get

overcome, by various apsampradayas and  speculations. That’s why, Srila Prabhupada was

very strict. We have to stick with sadhu, shastra and guru, to be very careful, not to deviate

in the philosophy. But, that also, was predicted by Nityananda, that, there will be some

deviate, when, Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s movement will get almost disappeared,

but, again, come up again. It was also predicted. Wasn’t a right time for Lord

Chaitanya to appear now. Five hundred years ago, was a nice time. But, in these five

hundred years, it wasn’t a good time to preach Krishna consciousness, all over the

movement, all over the world. Now, we can take a plane and go all over the world and

spread Harinam. I can visit three times a year to South America [Guru Maharaj laughs].

Prabhupada went fourteen times around the world. Kavichandra maharaja is

spending you know one month in Hawaii, next month in Tokyo, then, in Indonesia,

then, in Nigeria, then, back. So, Kali yuga has got good and bad points. One good point

is, with all the aeroplanes, now, all the preachers are going, all over the world. So,

you can spread the movement very fast. Everybody can come here to Gaura Purnima,

with all the modern planes. You see, three hundred years ago, two hundred years ago,

what hope was there. Even, in British time, it took months to go from here to

London. So, now is a very good time for really spreading Lord Chaitanya’s movement, all

over the world, far and wide, using the modern technology, that’s available. We can

use tapes, radios. We can use aeroplanes. We can use these things. We are using

them, for spreading Lord Chaitanya’s movement. So, utility is the principle, we use

those things, which, are easily available. This is an ideal time, to spread the movement

very quickly. What Prabhupada did in twelve years, took Christianity six hundred

years to do or more, may be thousand years.


Transcribed by Subhadra Shubhangi DD
Verifyed by Sri Radha Sarojini DD
Reviewed by