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19950122 Address On Sunday Program

22 Jan 1995|Duration: 00:25:10|English|Sunday Feast|Bangalore, India

The following is the class given by HH. Jayapataka Swami on January 22, 1995 in Bangalore, Karnataka, India .The class ___   Sunday feast. 


You can raise your Hands and we can say 

Krsna Balaram ki jai (Devotee repeats)

Krsna Balaram ki jai (Devotee repeats) 

Krsna Balaram ki jai (Devotee repeats)


Nitai Gaur ki 

Hari Bol

Hariiiii bol 

Hariii bol 



Hare Krsna,  (Devotee repeats)

Hare Krsna, (Devotee repeats)

Krsna Krsna (Devotee repeats)

Hare Hare(Devotee repeats)

Hare Rama (Devotee repeats)

Hare Rama,(Devotee repeats)

 Rama Rama (Devotee repeats)

 Hare Hare (Devotee repeats)


Hari i bol

Hari bol 

Srila Prabhupada ki jai (Devotee.. Jaiiiiii )


oṁ ajñāna-timirāndhasya
cakṣur unmīlitaṁ yena
tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ


Nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

srimate bhaktivedantha-svamin iti namine


namas te sarasvaqte deve gaura-vani -pracarine



Sri krsna Caitanya prabhu nityananda sri Advaita Gadhadhara

srivasati gaura bhaktha vrnda


Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


mukam karoti vacalam

pangum langhayate girim

yat-krpa tam aham vande

sri-gurum dina-taranam

paramananda madhavam

sri-caitanya isvaram


____ bestowing blessings on different devotees in the temple in the meantime or short time ,we will discuss more about Krsna consciousness we do know in Bhagavad Gita Lord Krsna Says


paritrāṇāya sādhūnāṁ
vināśāya ca duṣkṛtām
sambhavāmi yuge yuge


That I come to this world to destroy the miscreants and to protect the devotees, to establish the religious principle, right now, we are in the age actually the Lord is coming especially to give the blessings to His devotees, the religious principles are established by Lord , so that we can try to hear. This material world is a place for reformation and as soon as we can get reformed ,get rehabilitated and go back home back to Godhead to the Spiritual World. This is the special gift of human life, human life is __ much of endeavor, we have got 84lakh species of life, 8,400,000 species of life, taking so many birth the Vedas also believe in evolution but not evolution of Darwin's theory but a spiritual evolution that atma is going to different species of life, until it reaches human species, as a human being we should have a free will, that maharaj has discussed, HH. Banu Swami, we have got a free will in order to engage ourselves in lord Krsna's service that is the most direct means of getting completely purified from the material contamination. by nature we are all pure spirit soul and the nature of the soul is to be Anandamaya to be spiritual bliss and happiness but inspite of that, in spite of our spiritual nature, we have to because that is our nature, we are suppose to be topper of three fold misers of material world, adhyātmic, adhibhautic and adhidaivic , pains from our own body and mind , miseries from other living entities, like mosquitoes, other drivers  on the street,buses , lorry drivers, and neighbors, envy dogs and all kinds of other living entities, to cause us trouble, even sometimes one's own relatives may cause one trouble, isn't it, so there are been adhidaivic, means the klesa which are coming from by natures cause, in Japan one of the richest countries in the world they ___ massive earth quake, (what is the name of the city of Maharaj) cobe, Maharaj personally went to Cobe is on the ocean, and over thousands of people __ destruction, its beyond the control of man  is natural causes like earthquake, Haricane, cyclone, plaque, too much sun, too  much cold, and so many natural causes, acts of God and it’s called, Volcano, under the island some Volcanoes are beginning to erupt, so this all beyond, so the Government study well they cannot Volcano's to stop erupting is beyond our control that's why it's called adhidaivic . coming  from some higher natural causes, some divine, of the devas, so these three kinds of problems are ___ in material life but the spiritual world is known as Vaikunta , because f there is no anxiety , no sufferings there, none of these things exist there, because there everyone is God Conscious everyone is spiritually awakened, In this world everyone is awaken in spiritual conscious we would also become a transformed person and __ leave this material atmosphere and go to the spiritual atmosphere, which are hindering, ___ spirit, the divine, spiritual unlimited bliss , is what actually we are aiming for , we look for the mundane activity and not able to get the satisfaction what we are seeking,  so Caitanya Mahaprabhu even though he traveled  to South India,  and traveled all over India and he said to everyone to chant  

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


He went to Andhrapradesh  by the Godhavari river and a  place called Kurma desh and there  one Brahmana invited him to come to his house and take meal so lord Caitanya accepted Prasadam at his house and this respectful Brahmana thinking what to do, he said my family, my __, my wealth, my properties all these things are not giving me happiness, I am suffering with so many anxiety, so I would like to leave all these, join you, then Lord Caitanya said Don't ever say this again, Don't say, I forbid you, don't  talk about leaving  your family don't talk about this things, this is not the principle, you should stay in your house, and make your and practice Krishna Consciousness, you should preach to your family members, your neighbors, your friends to deliver this land, make them Krsna Conscious in this way you will get blessings of Krsna, don't be a false renouncer, this called Markada vairagya, someone wants to renounce everything like monkey, they think monkey is renounced , with no cloths , monkey is sitting there, but anyone who study the character of monkey, that monkey , they are not renounced, they are Bhogis, they are not yogis, they are simply enjoying fruits and so many things, so if we superficially, and artificially without preparing ourselves, to be just want to give up, we don't like the problems , problems should be there , this is nature of material world, but we need to transcend the problems by purifying our consciousness, so Lord Caitanya gave this order to that Kurmadeshi Brahmana 

yare deho tare kaho...


So in this way the Brahmana started to preach krsna consciousness and in all the neighboring people they became purified and Lord Caitanya wherever he went he told the people the same thing Go on Preaching, this krsna consciousness to reach to everyone to Chant 


Hare Krsna 

Hare Krsna 

Krsna Krsna 

Hare Hare

Hare Rama 

Hare Rama 

Rama Rama 

Hare Hare


So Lord Caitanya every morning he had the same program he will get up early in the morning and do his prayers, do his japa, and he will take his morning bath and about 7 in the morning he will start off on his journey, he go and stop in some other village so in this village where he was staying at 7 in the morning he got up , I mean left all finishing his morning duties, at that time there was a leper called Vasudeva. Vasudeva heard that Caitanya Mahaprabhu had come to the village and wanted to see him, this mercy be God Conscious although he was a leper and he was suffering advanced stages of the disease, in fact they may get hitting his fest, but he was already a self realized soul and he knew he was not this body , he took all this as his karma, but he was suffering because of previous sinful activity, so there were __ worms they were eating his flesh , __ their karma they should eat me, because I have done some sins and when he see that worm would fall out from his flesh, he will take the poor worm , fall out ,pick up and put back , you just enjoy (Devotee laughs.._) very detached, we cannot imagine, naturally we all attached to our body that type of renunciation is very, unfed up. so he came to see caitanya mahaprabhu but arrived he came late about 15minutes late, about 7,15 , 7.20, he asked Where is Caitanya mahaprabhu, sorry he has already gone.. and he said what he has gone No No,, No I come to see here, without seeing him what is the use of my life, I needed his blessings and he was rolling in the ground, No NO, Caitanya Mahaprabhu when will I ever see you again, When Will I see you, he was just rolling and crying, because he has so much sincere desire, immediately booof, Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared, 


Nitai Gaura Premanande, 

Caitanya Mahaprabhu ki jaii . 

Gauranga Mahaprabhu ki.. jaiii . 


So Gauranga said, When Gauranga appeared Vasudeva couldn't believe it, suddenly he is there, and he offered his obeisance’s, without waiting Gauranga just picked him up and embraced him. He said , No Don't touch me, but as soon as Gaurange touched him, he became cured, he became purified, even his body has been rotten and eaten by worms have become completely holed and destroyed ,  





Vasudev said what you have done. now, by being healthy again I will be,  I become proud and become sinful desires, why have you done this, better I would be humble and suffering like that, now proud , treated I have become cured, so now you continue to chant   


Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


and you tell everyone to chant by this chanting everyone can achieve all perfection in their life. so by constantly chanting and telling other to chant you will be protected from the contamination of the material world. Whatever blessings I give now you use this and you give Krsna Consciousness to others, so vasudev offered his obeisance’s to Lord Caitanya was gone, He had again returned to the place where He was walking. Lord Caitanya is actually Lord Krsna himself but He came as a devotee, so He will  never Let anyone calling Him Krsna, he will never let anyone publicly say He was God, ____ , he never says such things, devotee they never be God . Devotee is always devotee, But we know from Veda and puran that Krsna Himself said that I would come as a Bhakta, in this time to teach what is Bhakti, but that He is teaching by personal example. Prabhupada gives the example that sometimes teachers taking up chalk and writing on the board and say you  write like this , like that Krsna is coming as a devotee to show if you want to do Krsna Bhakti this is how to do it, If Krsna the Supreme wants to show what is Bhakta , he become His own devotee , one time Krsna Caitanya was going as a school child, he was going into the forest with his friend Jaganananda pandit, and actually so that krsna can take the mood of Gopi and He took the colour of Radharani and the mood of Radharani , who is the greatest devotee, therefore although He is Krsna he is golden color , and although He is Krsna He is always in the devotional mood, He is not in Isvara mood  He is in Bhakta Mood . He was running on the forest, in Navadwip the holy land of Navadwip where all the holy places are existing, that 's why the Holy river Halaga ganga, Ganga is also represented there by the side of Halaga Ganga is the Kashi Visvanath, Harihara ksetra there opposite side is beautiful forest , and in that forest there are running , there was one parrot, Sukha Bakshi, is called parrot of Sanskrit,  Sukha Bakshi, so when Lord Caitanya saw the , Lord Caitanya is known Gaura anga, he is golden color, Gaura means Golden , anga means body, so he saw the Sukha Bakshi , Oh you are not different from Suka Deva, the great pandit please give us , tell us about Radha and Krsna I want to hear from your lips about Radha and Krsna , O dear great parrot pandit, parrot rishi, but then the parrot started to chat, 


Gauraaa Gauraaa (Devotees repeats) 

Gauraaa Gauraaa (Devotees repeats) 

Gauraaa Gauraaa (Devotees repeats) 

Gauraaa Gauraaa (Devotees repeats) 

Lord Caitanya covered His ears No No, I don't want to hear that, I want to hear Radha Krsna, Radha Krsna you tell me Radha Krsna name but again the parrot started to dance and chant  


Gauraaa Gauraaa (Devotees repeats) 

Gauraaa Gauraaa (Devotees repeats) 
Gauraaa Gauraaa (Devotees repeats) 

Again Lord Caitanya covered His ears No No, I don't want to hear that, why don't to chant the names of Radha and Krsna, and the parrot replied if you want to chant the names of Radha and Krsna, you chant the names of Radha and Krsna, but for me Radha and Krsna have now come in the form of Gaura , so I simply want to chant:

Gauraaa Gauraaa (Devotees repeats) 

Gauraaa Gauraaa (Devotees repeats) 

Gauraaa Gauraaa (Devotees repeats) 

When Jaganananda pandit saw this, Lord Caitanya , why are you not covering your ears, No No I don't want to hear this, although many could recognize , rishi, sages, pandit they could recognize that Lord Caitanya was actually his avatar predicted, but generally never let anyone addressed Him like , neither He appreciate it. Because He was in the mood of researching bhakti , personal research and giving Bhakti to others. So by His  mercy today of course we know this mystery was revealed back ___ so now we can call this coming of Krsna has a given His blessings to the world. Even in Brahma Vaivartha purana mentions many puranas mentioned how, there will be a time the holy name will filled the whole world and there will be Golden years for 10000 years, so Caitanya Mahaprabhu has come and given the Yugadharma , to chant the holy names. When he went Sankara Acharya he said that , the Sankara acharaya  actually  sanyas , he didn't took the initiation vaishnava samprada , madhva line,  but he took sanyasa at that time there was no Vaishnava Sanyas ___ , he took it from the Sankara line, so although he was always teaching Bhakti, but he was technically taken sanyas from Sankara School, so Sankara acharya was in Banaras, when he asked him (not the original sankara) but one of the other asked him why are you chanting, in the streets, why don't you study Vedanta sutra,but then he explain that in this age of kali my guru told me, that I should chant the holy name, actually Brhad naradiya purna it says 


Harer nama harer name harer nama vai kevalam,

kalau nasteva nasteva nasteva gatir anyatha 


To chant the holy names, chant the holy names, chant the holy names, this is the only way,  the only way, the only way in Kali yuga there is no other alternative, so all these other things are not going to be successful ,Sastra says we should chant the holy name this is the practical means to achieve perfection. so this is what I am doing by the blessings of Guru and experiencing love for Krsna, so this our program by Lord caitanya's mercy is inviting everyone to follow the , this advise of the Vedas to chant 


Hare Krsna  (Devotees repeats) 

Hare Krsna  (Devotees repeats) 

Krsna Krsna (Devotees repeats) 

Hare Hare    (Devotees repeats) 

Hare Rama  (Devotees repeats) 

Hare Rama  (Devotees repeats) 

Rama Rama (Devotees repeats) 

Hare Hare    (Devotees repeats) 

So I want to thank all of you for your chanting, all glories to your service,

Caitanya Mahaprabhu ki Jai (Devotees says jai.. )

Krsna Balaram ki jai              (Devotee says jai... )

Nitai Gaura Premanande...    (Devotee says hari bol)



Thus end the class









Transcribed by Svayam Nitāi Das
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