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20130327 Talk at a Sannyāsī Initiation Ceremony.

27 Mar 2013|Duration: 00:24:59|English|Initiation Address|Śrī Māyāpur, India

20130327 H.H.Jayapataka Swami gave a talk at a Sanyaas Initiation Ceremony




I will just speak for a short time. As already this morning, but I was asking since yesterday for the names and I was only given the names today late and so that’s why the delay.

Today we have 2 sanyaas initiations, some Harinaam initiations and some second initiations. So the sanyas initiation is called brihad-vrata.

And in our society it takes many steps to accept sanyas.

To spread the movement, Prabhupad gave sanyas to many. So, I got sanyas when I was 21 years old and today its hardly possible. So, sanyas means we have to be very careful and especially with any objects of senses. Always stay with other devotees and should not meet with the member of opposite gender alone.


One lady asked  Om Vishnupad Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati Thakur that she wants to talk to him in private and he said “Ohh, these are all trusted servants and you can speak in front of them, I don’t see any women alone. So, also one should regularly visit the holy dham and the specialty of sanyas is that one is able to preach a lot but one should remain humble and one should follow the example predecessor sanyasis.


There is a verse from the Bhagavatam that Prabhupad taught us, and Lord Chaitanya chanted this again and again. It’s the Avanti brahmana, he too Tridandi sannyasa.

You see that 2 kinds of sanyaas, the mayavadis, they take ek dandi sanyaas and the vaishnavas, they take Tridandi sanyaas.

So the Avanthi brahman's prayer was 


etāṁ sa āsthāya parātma-niṣṭhām
adhyāsitāṁ pūrvatamair maharṣibhiḥ
ahaṁ tariṣyāmi duranta-pāraṁ
tamo mukundāṅghri-niṣevayaiva


We have to memorize this and chant it regularly. 

etāṁ sa āsthāya parātma-niṣṭhām” I will be very fixed up in my practice of devotional service.

adhyāsitāṁ pūrvatamair maharṣibhiḥ ” I will follow the footsteps of previous acharyas and sanyasis.” 

ahaṁ tariṣyāmi duranta-pāraṁ” I will cross over this ocean of birth and death.

tamo mukundāṅghri-niṣevayaiva” By serving the Lotus Feet of Lord Mukunda, Krishna.



Whether one takes the vows of the sanyaas or the vows of Grihastha dharma, they should be very steady in their devotional service but a sanyasi is expected to be more matured. Therefore he is respected as the spiritual master of all the other members of society. But we want to see how Lord Chaitanya as a sanyasi would distribute prasadam and do seva to the other devotees. He would clean the temple in the Gundicha  marjana and He would dance in the Kirtan. So these are the great examples shown by Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu… Om Tat sat ||


As far as the First and Second Initiation , you must have heard a lot of lectures today. So, I don’t want to repeat . 10 offenses to the Holy name you should be very careful to avoid. Especially offenses to the pure devotees of the Lord. You may not think someone as a devotee but Krishna may think he is a devotee. Anyone who chants is a devotee and to offend such chanters of the Holy name is an offense against the Holy name. Like that each offense, you have to be very careful against.


Today you are taking vows, these are considered the first orders of the Spiritual master. To not follow, is breaking the 3rd offense to the Holy Name. So this is the, considered the second birth, its called the Guru Janma. And 2nd initiation is the third birth, that is called the yājñika janma. And it gives one right to worship deities and learn how to perform yagyas. So one has to be very careful in performing his duties under the 2nd initiation. The 2nd initiation is private secret mantra. So that will be given later in secret place. So, this is the short form of my speech so that we can quickly finish and attend the Abhishek of Lord Chaitanya. HariBol…. HariBol.











Transcribed by Pujita Haripriya Devi dasi
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