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20130411 Arrival Address

11 Apr 2013|Duration: 00:28:41|English|Public Address|Silchar, India


Mukha karoti…

(Transcribed and translated from Bengali to English)

There was a plan of mine to come to Silchar in 2008. All of a sudden I had a stroke and the doctors said there was no chance of my survival. Zero% chance of survival. But many devotees prayed for me and because of Krishna and guru’s mercy I am here. I was in the Hinduja Hospital in Mumbai and the Hinduja brothers came and saw me and said, you had a miraculous recovery! Haribol! I thank everyone of you who prayed for me here. Haribol! My wish is that I should visit Silchar every year, if you all so want! So this time I have come here along with the safari. Devotees from almost thirty countries will perform some cultural shows in front of you from tomorrow. Silchar is near the birthplace of Lord Caitanya’s mother Sachi. And there is scope for a lot of preaching here. Caitanya Mahaprabhu in the Caitanya Caritamrita says that He is a bhakti vriksha and He is the gardener. But to distribute the fruits of this bhakti vriksha, some may get, some may not, so Mahaprabhu ordered that everyone in this world should eat this prema fruit and distribute it as well.  Haribol! I hope that all of you are getting this Krishna prema fruit? And distributing it? This is Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s special leela. Here Gaurnitai das prabhu is there in Puri and there Bhakti Vinod Thakur had received an instruction from Krishna in a dream that if you did bhajan near Haridas Thakur’s Samadhi, do Hari naam, then you will achieve Krishna consciousness, Krishna bhakti will be spread over throughout the world! Haribol!

This way it is my desire that the blessing of Caitanya Mahaprabhu be reached to one and all. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, Bharat bhoomi te manushya janma hoilo jaar, janma saarthoko kori koro paroupakaar. Those who are born in Bharat they should attain perfection of their lives and make an effort to help others. All over the earth, man is searching what is the goal of life? That thing which people all over the world are searching for as to what is the goal of life is easily available in Bharat varsha (India).  But that which the western world has thrown away, the Indians are very busy trying to acquire that! But that which is India’s priceless jewel, that which all the world is craving for, the people of India have forgotten it! Is this right? Actually the problem of life is death, old age, disease and birth. These four things can easily be overcome if one has Krishna bhakti. Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita janma karma cha me divyam, evam yo vetti tattvataha, tyaktva deham punar janma, naiti maam eti so Arjuna. Lord Krishna says that one who understands His birth and His actions, they will have no birth in this material world. What is the problem? It is very easy. All of you can be liberated. If we don’t get out then again and again we will go through the cycle of birth and death, birth and death, old age and disease, old age and disease. You are my friend, my well-wisher, I don’t wish that you go through the cycle of birth and death again and again. I wish that all of you go back to Godhead! Haribol! Haribol! Haribol! 

Three days ago we had a program in Guwahati. There the governor of Assam was there. The Governor was saying that Jayapataka Swami is from the USA. I said that my body was born in the USA but I am now an Indian! I have an Indian passport! And speak the Indian language. Haribol! And talk Indian culture as well! So my gurudev’s instruction was that I should stay in Mayapur dham and to preach in Bengali. Here in Silchar, Assam, some of you understand Bengali. Srila Prabhupad told me to preach in the whole world. But I give longer time in Mayapur. Many of you have gone and seen Mayapur. We tell you what are all the places of pilgrimage in Mayapur Navadvip Dham and where they are located. Like Jagadananda Pandit has said in the Prema Vaivartha that he had gone along with Caitanya Mahaprabhu to Harihar Kshetra on the banks of the Alakananda river. Where is Alakananda river, where is Harihar Kshetra and where the leela was enacted, we know. Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad said where this place is and this way about 50% of the leela places have been found. Even now 50% of the leela places have still not been rediscovered. Jagadananda Pandit says when Caitanya Mahaprabhu and he were in school and they were playing together they saw one parrot. Caitanya Mahaprabhu told the parrot that you are non-different from Shukadev Goswami. You sing the glories of Radha and Krishna. Sing, He said. And the parrot started chanting Gaura Gaura! Gaura Gaura! Gaura Gaura! Gaura Gaura! Caitanya Mahaprabhu closed His ears and said, no, no, no! I do not want to hear this. I want to hear the glories of Radha and Krishna! So please sing the glories of Radha and Krishna! Again the parrot started chanting: Who here can dance like the parrot? Gaura Gaura! Gaura Gaura! Gaura Gaura! Gaura Gaura! Nimai said, no, no, no. I do not want to hear this! This place is non-different from Vrndavan. So chant and sing the glories of Radha and Krishna. The bird then replied yes, this place is non-different from Vrndavan. But here Radha and Krishna are one body in the form of Gauranga. So then I will sing and chant in my own mood. You chant and sing the way You wish. Gaura Gaura! Gaura Gaura! Gaura Gaura! Gaura Gaura! Gauranga Mahaprabhu covered His ears with His hands and ran away! Because in this leela of Lord Gauranga was in the form of His devotee and therefore did not like to hear His glories. IN this way we are trying to protect the various leela places of Navadvip dham. There was a maharaj from the Devananda Gaudiya Matth who came and did the smrithi of Devananda Pandit. In many places there is nothing permanent.

 Last year we had four parikrama parties – International, Bengali, Hindi and Russian. This year we have five parties. Two Bengali, one international, one Russian and one Hindi. I tried every day to go to all the five parties. Who amongst you have done the Navadvip mandal parikrama? Please raise your hands. There are devotees from Bangladesh, Assam, Cooch Behar, Silchar who come for the parikrama. Please come from time to time and get the priceless mercy of Navadvip dham. I won’t talk more now. There is still tomorrow and day after. I was to have reached here at 5 pm but I believe I slept so heavily that they could not wake me up! Yesterday the program we had finished at 1.30 am. That is why my throat is not so good. But seeing all of you I am extremely happy. Haribol!


Transcribed by Jayaraseshwari dd
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