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20160704 Initiation Address

4 Jul 2016|Duration: 00:38:50|English|Initiation Address|Kathmandu, Nepal

Note : In this lecture after half of the lecture, the translator is no more translating and the voice of Gurumaharaj is very inaudible. So later part of the lecture was not well transcribed.


Mukam karoti vacalam 

Pangum langhyate girim 

Yat kripa tamaham vande sri gurum dina tarinam

Paramananda madhavan

Sri Chaitanya ishvaram


Haribol (by everybody)

I will speak in English and it will be repeated and translated. 

Although I know some hindi and nepali, I will speak in English.  We are assembled to realize the first and the second initiation. They are taking and reconfirming their vows and also taking shelter. There are no vows for shelter. Shelter means that people who have been chanting 16 rounds and following the basic principles.  This is the practice they can do before taking initiation. 

They have to ask for initiation, so they can ask after six months or after six years. It’s upto them to ask for initiation.  So those who are taking initiation today have all asked for it. We are also expecting aspirants. That means they have aspired to take shelter and initiation sometimes in the future. They are willing to chant one round minimum, anything 16 or less, but one round minimum.  They should be at least eight years old. They want to start to establish their relationship with the guru and I pray for the aspirants everyday,  just like I pray for the sheltered, initiated and shiksha disciples. 

So today is a very special day. It’s the tirovav of Gadadhara Pandit and Bhakti Vinod Thakur.  When Lord Caitanya declared in Golok that he was going to take birth in the universe of the four headed Brahma, he was going to distribute freely love of Krishna and he was also going to establish the chanting of the hare Krishna mahamantra and he had some confidential reasons for coming.  He was going to come as his devotee to find out how his devotees love him and in what way. So he asked for any volunteers who wanted to come with him and Radharani was one of the volunteers and many gopis and queens of Dwaraka they agreed to come down. 

Later he said for Balaram to come. So Balaram came as Nitai.  So Gadadhara is that same Radharani. Jagananda Pandit was Satyabhama. So one time when Lord Caitanya was just a school child then he had an argument with Jagadananda and Satyabhama was known to be a bit argumentative with Krishna but out of love. So that same characteristic was presented when he came as Jagadananda Pandit. So Jagadananda was at the side of Ganges all day crying and all night he was crying. He didn’t eat, he didn’t sleep. 

So Lord Caitanya came to Gadadhara early in the morning just before sunrise. “Jagadananda ! Jagadananda ! Where are you?”, and then they saw Jagadannada sitting by the Ganges. 

He said, “what are you doing there?”

He said, “Prabhu, why have you come? The paths of the Ganges are filled with small stones and hard pieces of Ganges mud, it may hurt your feet.” Then Gadadhara went by Jagananada.  Lord Caitanya said, “You should come home with us, come home with us, I have not eaten or slept”

Lord Caitanya told to Jagananda, “See we fight, but we are friends. At the end of the fighting see how our love increases.” 

Rateshwari went inside Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s house and Jagananda asked some puffed rice, then Lord Caitanya said, “I also didn’t sleep last night.”, and then Jagananda fell asleep, and then mother Sachi brought back rice and hot milk in a plate. Jagananda ate that and both fell asleep.

Then Jagannath Misra, the father of Lord Caitanya,  he came and said, “get up, time to go to school.” This kind of pastimes he is having everyday. 

One day Jagananda was wondering with Lord Caitanya and Gadadhara and he saw a parrot and Lord Caitanya said, “Oh! Parrot you are like Sukadev Goswami.Chant the glories of Radha and Krishna. I only hear the glories of Radha and Govinda and Hari”

The parrot began chanting. “gaura gaura, gaura gaura, gaura gaura”

Then Lord Caitanya said, “I want to hear the glories of Radha and Krishna, why are you chanting that? I am a devotee of Radha and Krishna, I want to hear that, I want to hear the glories of Radha and Krishna.”

“I have been chanting this name since time immemorial. So that’s why I am chanting this name- Gaura, Gaura,Gaura, Gaura, …you seem to be a parrot.”

…21.50-56… (laughter)

“Gaura, Gaura, Gaura, Gaura,” … that’s best. (laughter)

Lord Caitanya threw the bird off. 

“This place is non-different from Vrindavan. So why don’t you sing the glories of Radha and Krishna?”

The parrot replied, “yes you are correct, Nabadwip is non-different from Vrindavan and Gadadhara I see as Radharani, you are Krishna, you are combined together to be Gaura, that’s why I chant, Gaura, Gaura, Gaura, Gaura, Gaura, Gaura.”

Lord Caitanya, Gadadhara and Jagadananda Pandit …23.45-24.00…

Gadadhara, he took initiation from Pundarik Vidyanidhi. That’s a long story. Lord Caitanya …24.25-35… 

Then he personally performed the yajna and Pundarik Vidyanidhi was …24.55-25.00… Viswavhanu Maharaj. 

Viswavhanu Maharaj was the father of Radharani and the guru of Gadadhara pandit. 

So …. Lord Caitanya went to Jagannath Puri and Gadadhara also and Gadadhara was worshipping the Tota Gopinath deity and there are many pastimes of Rateshwari, Gadadhara and Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

…. Radharani’s principle sakhi’s are Lalita and Visakha who were helping Lord Caitanya’s research in the form of Swarupa Damodara and Ramananda Roy. 

Similarly in the 1800 century, …26.40-2.50…

In the previous life of Lord Caitanya …27.10-27.40…

He was the district magistrate and he had to …27.45-28.00…

But he would also research where is the birth place of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He saw light coming from the birthplace –yogapith. 

And he went there with Jagannath Das Babaji and …28.40 – 29.00…. who was carried in a basket. …29.30- 29.50… whatever you plant there….  Comes out tulasi. (laughter)

So Bhakti Vinod Thakur …30.10-30.40…. a human…. Uranium…

…. That was the birth place of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. …….siddha Jagannath Das Babaji Maharaj.

In the night he would write songs, ….32.00…. jiv jago jiv jago, 

The voice…

Anechi ausadi maya nasibara lagi

Hari nama mahamantra lao tumi magi

….33.00-33.20… you can get the hari nam just for the asking, take it just by asking, Birth, death, old age, disease, everything will be cured. 

In the last verses of Bhaktivinod Thakur’s …. 

Bhakativinoda prabhu carane pariya

Sei hari nama mantra loilo magiya

…34.30- 40… I was thinking Bhaktivinod Thakur said, “I …34.45-34.0…, I found Lord Caitanyas lotus feet, …

“I have got it, I have got it.”

Hari bol (everyone)

So that’s  what the ceremony is today. Some people were asking for the harinam, … 35.55…  Lord Caitanya and Gadadhara Pandit, Bhaktivinod Thakur, Prabhuapad, …36.15 3.26… 

So …37.36…

Since this is a very serious vow we have to sometime …37.50-54…

After taking shelter, guru ashray, ….38.00-38.15…

There is no loss


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