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20160718 Caitanya Book

18 Jul 2016|Duration: 00:34:26|English|Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book|Śrī Māyāpur, India

20160718 Caitanya Book


Mukam karoti vacalam

Pangum langhyate girim

Yat kripa tamaham vande sri gurum dina tarinam

Paramananda madhavan

Sri Chaitanya ishvaram

Hari Om Tat Sat

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In this way the Lord passed many days in happiness. Along with his friends the playfully enjoyed his pastimes.

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The lord did various kinds of mischievous activities. Along with his disciples in the Ganges he enjoyed various kinds of sporting.

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In that way the Lord Sri Gaur Sundar in Nabadwip Dham, taking his book in his hand he continuously performed various kinds of pastimes.

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As many teachers and professors as there were in Nabadwip was considered the learning in India. The Lord challenged each and every one of them. But no one was able to compete with the Lord’s potency and debate.

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The scriptures and grammar were all in his complete control and complete understanding. The Bhattacharya’s- the great teachers of Sanskrit were not even considered as a blade of glass.

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He wondered around the city wherever he liked in his own mood. Along with him were his fortunate, supremely fortunate disciples.

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By the will of providence, he met Mukunda Dutta on his way on the streets of Nabadwip. He grabbed Mukunda’s hands and holding his hands, he spoke this word’s.

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Whenever you see you, what work you have that causes you to run away. Today without discussing with me will you go away?

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So Mukunda thought to himself, today how will I defeat him. He only practices Sanskrit grammar.

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Today I will ask him about alankar. That’s sankrit poetic decorative aspects. Today I will see that his pride will be not shown anymore. I will show him.

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So then Mukunda started to ask the Lord various questions. For whatever he said, the Lord smashed it.

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Mukunda said, “Grammar is just for the children. The boys, they discuss grammar only.”

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Today I will discuss with you the alankar, the poetic Sanskrit aspects. The Lord said, “Alright! You say whatever that comes to your mind.”

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So all the poetic verses which decorate the great poems, they were read by Mukunda and when he asked the Lord, “Please tell what the alankars or poetic aspects.”

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So the incarnation of Gaur Chandra who had all potency, he smashed and smashed again describing all the faults of all the so called alankars or poetic aspects.

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Mukunda was not able to establish his points over the points that the Lord defeated debate. Laughing, smiling the Lord then said this points.

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Today return to your house and study the books very minutely and then tomorrow come back again. I want to see you again and we can discuss these issues.

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So Mukunda left, he took the dust from the Lord’s lotus feet and he was thinking to himself. Mukunda was thinking to himself in great amazement.

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Where does any human being have this great knowledge. There is no scripture that he doesn’t know and that he is not well practiced in.

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In this way with an auspicious intelligence, he was a Krishna devotee. I would not leave his association for even a second.

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So Mukunda was thinking that, that he would like to be in the association of Lord Caitanya, if only he was a devotee of Krishna. He admired his great learning. What is the use of such learning if he doesn’t use it for Krishna.

That was the only thing that kept his apart. Less intelligent people are very inspired by learning. Bu the devotee see that the mundane knowledge is of no use. In the long run one needs to know about Krishna, the ultimate conclusion of the sastras. They don’t want to stray away from the path of pure devotion. So therefore they avoid taking association from people who are not Krsihna conscious. Mukunda is drawn to Lord Caitanya. He is just wishing that if he was a devotee of Krishna, I would stay with him every second.

Hari bol

Hari bol (everyone)

Hari bol

Hari bol (everyone)

Hari bol

Hari bol (everyone)

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In this way the Lord of Vaikuntha, he was enjoying his enjoying his mellow of learning, and he was wondering by the town of Nabadwip followed by his disciples. One day he met Gadadhar.

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Smiling the Lord grabbed the two hands of Gadadhar and held them strongly. “You are studying the Sanskrit debate, logic, so tell me something.”, he challenged.

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“Ask me something”, Gadadhara said in response. The Lord asked, “Let’s see you tell what is the symptom of liberation.”

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So what the different scriptures had said on this topic Gadadhara he described. The Lord responded, “The description you have given is not proper.”

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Gadadhara said, “The cessation of suffering, this is the symptom of liberation according to the revealed scriptures.”

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So he, the husband of learning, Goddess of learning- Saraswati, showed various faults with this statement. There was no one who could debate and establish their point in his presence.

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There was no one who could speak against the Lord’s statements. Gadadhara was thinking, “Today I feel like running away.”

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The Lord said, “Gadadhara, today go to the house. Tomorrow came back again early so we discuss some more.”

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Offering respects Gadadhara returned to his house. The Lord continued to travel throughout the different parts of Nabadwip town.

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Everyone knew that the Lord is the supreme pandit and so they treated him with great awe, reverence and respect considering him as the most learned scholar or pandit.

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In the late afternoon, the Lord would go with his students and he would come to the banks of the Ganges and sit in a great enjoying mood.

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The transcendental form of the Lord which was worshipped by, served by Laxmi who is considered the daughter of the ocean, who is the unequalled Lord of the three world’s. He is more beautiful than cupid. In the Brahma Samhita, it states how Govinda is served by thousands of Goddesses of fortune. So Lord Chaitanya has his beautiful transcendental form which is indescribably attractive to everyone. He would walk amongst the people of Nabadwip and sit by the Ganges every night, he would discuss the transcendental topics of the Ganges and the sastars. So Lord Caitanya, he had not manifest his devotional aspect yet. He was acting as a very learned scholar, most learned scholar and everyone he had defeated. Naturally he knew all the scriptures because he is the writer of scriptures, he is the knower of scriptures as it is mentioned in the Bhagavat Gita.

So everyone is amazed how  he had so much learning, how he knew all the scriptures. IT’s not possible for a young man to know so much. Even the great learned scholars, they know one vedas or two vedas or certain aspects of the vedas but they don’t know everything on all the vedas. But Lord Caitanya did. Nimai Pandit did.

Whatever you would ask him, he would know the whole aspect. So he just walking around with this supreme knowledge and that was highly appreciated in Nabdwip, but he was so gentle in his behaviour that although the devotees wanted to avoid just getting into some debate where they knew that they would lose, but apart from that the general people all felt awe, reverence and respect towards Lord Caitanya. They thought that here is the greatest pandit, the greatest scholar.

So we find in the Ramayan that Lord Ram is a great warrior. Every avatar has aspects which are very prominent, every avatar. But Lord Gauranga, Gaur Sundar, as Nimai Pandit he showed the all-learning aspect. So this is… very soon he will start his devotional activities. This is telling you what is leading up to it.

All the best scholars, youths of the day they naturally went to Nimai Pandit’s school because he was the greatest scholar. He had thousands of students. How fortunate were the students to be under Nimai Pandit.

Hare Krishna.


Transcribed by : Sadananda Krishnaprem Das


Transcribed by Sadananda Krishnaprem Das
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