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19970917 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 7.5.5

17 Sep 1997|English|Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam|Bangalore, India

Lecture Code: 19970917-SB-09


Scripture: Srimad Bhagavatam

Verse: 7.5.5

Date: 17th September 1997


Place: Bangalore India


Transcripted by : Parampurusa Madhav  Das

Transcripted on : 06-06-2019


STATUS: Completed


His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaj:


How much he loves us you see, Sri Krishna Chandra Radhakrishna Chandra, So much he loves all his Devotees, loves all his living entities, we are not loving him so much. Radharani has so much love for Krishna. We could have a drop of love Will be over flooded, but we are drying up, we are not getting love because of our offensive mentality and somehow missing the point. So we don’t want any Devotee not to be in the nectar by this always worrying me because I see so many Devotees are not getting bliss. Why they are not getting bliss we know the catagories offences, weeds, Material Desires, slack in devotion service. I am not getting any bliss; I don’t find any time chant. What’s wrong we chant, you chant properly. You feel more bliss feeling any happiness, nobody loves me, nobody appreciates me, we are not thinking that I am not appreciating anybody else. If we actually at this time give love immediately, if you Happy. So one thing we found in ISKCON that Devotees have wrong expectations and because they have wrong expectations. Once those expectations aren’t fulfilled they frustrated. So this is very important we know that what is the correct expectation. Hiranyakashipu he had expectations from his son, my son obey has stupid give, I would say how do you like school? He will say oh very nice this is expectation. I like to play instead his son give whole lecture (Laugh) right? and purpose of life, and Hiranyakashipu was not happy. Actually he should have been very happy and such a wonderful son and such a great saint. But being a demon he had a different expectation. So if we have right expectations then world will be able to advance nicely, will be able to see things in the right perspectives. If we don’t have right expectations, then even something happens which we should be very happy about it. You won’t be happy, hiranyakashipu should have been happy, Son said a verse so wonderful reading at Shastra in the Bhagavatam instead his father is upset. So we should be in the proper line, proper consciousness then we can become, we can survive otherwise it’s very easy to become bitter. One of the disqualification to be a spiritual leader of Vrindavan or any kind of a preacher is to be a bitter person. We should be a better person and not bitter person. Bitterness is the thing in Kaliyuga fall into. As we see so many things going wrong. If you want we can easily find things to be bitter about but instead, if we just take everybody sincerely trying we are not expert. How we can help, how we can do something to make things better. So the so many things which are not up to the marks, we think how do find those, how to improve them, how to improve myself, but only think negatively against other's we loose our trust in the other devotees, we loose our love for the other devotees you become bitter. So months ago it's so easy to misunderstand to happen. I heard one devotee was becoming bitter against me. During the big rush of Guru pooja, she had come up and somehow I didn't give her sweet, she thought Guru has rejected me. I knew it he doesn't love me anymore. I didn't know it somehow it happened you know, I was busy doing something on my computer, same thing whatever I was doing, she walked in front of me, I didn't see her, I didn't say anything, she thought I am ignoring her. Guru



Transcribed by Parampurusa Madhav Das
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