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19980606 Caitanya-caritāmṛta Madhya.13

6 Jun 1998|Duration: 00:51:37|English|Caitanya-caritāmṛta|Atlanta, USA

The following is a class given by His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaj on June 6,1998 at New Panihatti Dham at Atlanta, Georgia. The class begins with reading from Caitanya Caritamrta, Madhya Lila, Chapter 13.

One of the purposes of ISKCON was to make transcendental places, for the pastimes of the Lord. It was kind off interesting because, usually there are already places which are the dhams, which are already the pastime places of the Lord. We don’t have to make them, like Vrindavan or Mayapur or Jaganath Puri. You don’t have to make them into dhams. They already, eternally, the pastime place of the Lord. Prabhupada said that: No, that to make this purpose established, ISKCON’s work that time was to make transcendental places of the pastimes of the Lord, all over the world.

So, different temples have names in ISKCON, like New Vrindavan, New Mayapur, New Jagannath Puri, new what else, new Gokula, new Raman Reti, new Goloka, new Gokula, new Govardhan and so on. So, when Prabhupada gave these different names, one of those was new Panihati. Panihati dham ki Jai!!! (devotees). It gave the local devotees an opportunity to recreate some of the pastimes of the place that they were named after.

Prabhupada said that people called New York, because some people from England were attached to York. I mean, anybody here from New York

(devotees laugh). Anybody? My brother in law (one devotee says) Your brother in law is from New York. see... Small world. So, those people who came from York, had nostalgia for York, and so they called the place and the you know …Manhattan river or whatever the river is called, New York and New Hampton. There was a place in England called Hampshire, and so on, any more “new’s” in America. New Jersey, right. There’s New Jersey also there, there’s in Ireland, a Jersey.

So, in this way, Prabhupada said ..they have some attachment for that place, so they called. So, we are remembering the pastime places of Krishna in India, and in the spiritual world, therefore we call places like New Vrindavan, New Panihati and so on.

So, somehow I am the, today still, am the GBC of Panihati in India and I am also the GBC for New Panihati. (Devotees: Haribol! Jai!) And as a result, I was able to start the festival in Panihati, where we feed today, not today tomorrow. We will be feeding over 50 000 people prasadam (Devotees Haribol!)  and for that also, I contributed, Bhakti Charu Maharaj contributed, a number of other devotees …. Those devotees who gave me donations, I don’t know if they here, some of your donations went to that prasad distribution. But that’s not how I knew about the Panihati festival in India, and then when I came here, then I saw, this is new Panihati but nobody in the west has an idea very much what is Panihati, what it stands for, what’s it all about. Of course it’s mentioned in the Chaitanya Caritamrta that whole pastime of the Chida Dahi utsava. The Panihati is one of the very, very special places of Lord Chaitanya’s pastimes. Lord Chaitanya said that there are five places that He eternally resides. And one of the five places is Panihati. Haribol! (Devotees Haribol!)

So, we praying to the Lord, Chaitanya and Nityananda, that they also eternally reside here, in New Panihati. Nitai Gaur..whats that..Nitai Gaur pramanande Hari Hari bol!( devotees haribol!!)

And at least during the festival time, we see that the Lord, very much manifests His mercy here. In Panihati dham, the presiding deities, are the Deities that Raghava Pandit worshipped, and Damayanthi Devi worshipped, are Radha Madhan Mohan. And all devotees, on the way to Jaganath Puri, might say what does Yatra have to do with Panihati. It’s kind off an extra thing here. But there also is a connection, because all the devotees who go from

Navadwip and Northern, middle Bengal, they almost pass through Panihati. And when Lord Chaitanya, after He took sannyas, He went from Shantipur, guess where He stopped on the way…Panihati ki Jai!


So, somehow, since it’s so much on the route, the Ratha Yatra route 6.23 of the rath yatra route and when. So this. Panihati is a special place Panihati is also a special place just like Navadwip a big city and where everything is going on in a very opulant way something like in a very ..in a very expensive way, hundreds and thousands of devotees and everything. Well Panihati is big festival and also Hundreds and thousands people came for taking the prasadam somehow within the Panihati festival you find that there is also very intimate (07:37 Not clear) like the exchanges between Lord Caitanya, Nithyananda, and Raghav Pandit and other social (07:51 not clear) and raghava ragunath das are very intimate loving exchanges so simultaneously lord Nithyananda was having this mass public festival everybody was coming and giving Chida dahi, feasting and so many kirtans and things were going on at the same time he was also having very confidential exchanges between his devotees. So in this festival we have morning program, we have Prabhupad puja, Prabhupad lila smaranam, we have many other different things to go on. Amongst the dedicated practicing devotees of ISKCON and also active congregation, today will be the day there is something for everybody there is also this public stage programs and things and still we have made this so many groups of devotees associating with each other and having their spiritual exchanges and this different classes of install?? Day (09:11 to 9:17 not clear ) so in this way also we have simultaneously confidential internal programs we have other programs.

Somethings which are one after another and somethings which is side by side also. So this is not only a festival for the public its most Rath yatras like New York or Los Angalis Rath yatra which. Many yatras i dont know how many others but they are very much here for the public, but here this festival is very much for not only for the public but equally if not (ahh) as much to (ahh) primarily or whatever this i dont figure out the sentence nice but one even can say to some extent even more dear for devotees and followers of Srila Prabhupad. We also do many things for the public but thats something like goes on simultaneously not exclusively some years if i want to come in from the (10:33 not clear) for the devotees are happy when the devotees are fully engaged with that we consider all festivals to be very good success. Although we like to have new people come as established devotees get newer devotees who are following already to give association to grow back their spiritual charges Generally preaching (11:05 not clear) is harder to get personal to peronal contact and thats something is always there. We hope that as much as possible there would be an opportunity for devotees to associate to each other and get senior associatation. The rath yatra festival is observed today is also lord Chaitanya’s demonstration on how we can be always observed in the cult of Krishna. Lord Caitanya became observed in the mood of Radharani. During the Ratha Yatra festival imagine here is big Rath Yatra festival everyone is chanting and dancing, thousands of people large pandhal program this (11:59 not clear) hall and everything so Lord Caitanya he is the midst of the festival chanting and dancing but He is sometimes He was very deepened in His mood thinking of Radharani leaving Krishna in Kurusetra Krishna is the prince of Dwaraka , Dwarakadesha, Nathji, and She is asking Him to come back to Vrindavan. So it’s not the same here. You won’t be as happy here as you will be in Vrindavan. Not otherwise desires that Krishna will be Happy. So therefore it explains here in the Caitanya Caritamrta all these sentence there was a sort of competition between Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord Jagannath and see who will lead. Lord Caitanya mahaprabhu was so strong that he made Jagannath wait in His car.

ei-mata gaura-śyāme, doṅhe ṭhelāṭheli

svarathe śyāmere rākhe gaura mahā-balī (CC Madhya 13.119)


gaura yadi pāche cale, śyāma haya sthire
gaura āge cale, śyāma cale dhīre-dhīre (
CC Madhya 13.118)


dhire-dhire hoistily When Caitanya Mahāprabhu was dramatically enacting the song, He would sometimes fall behind in the procession. At such times, Lord Jagannātha would come to a standstill. When Caitanya Mahāprabhu again went forward, Lord Jagannātha’s car would slowly start again.

Lord Jagannath car was not moving and nobody can move it. They are bringing elephants and big big strong men was first tried and elephants and nothing would move the car then Lord Caitanya put His hand at the back of the car with the kirtan around and just leaning against the car jumjumjumjum...and just push forward where come to a standstill. When Caitanya Mahāprabhu again went forward, Lord Jagannātha’s car would slowly start again.

Lord Jagannath car was not moving and nobody can move it. They are bringing elephants and big big strong men was first tried and elephants and nothing would move the car then Lord Caitanya put His hand at the back of the car with the kirtan around and just leaning against the car jumjumjumjum...and just push forward where He stands(14:04 not clear) then He had organized seven kirtan parties in front of the rath and each of the three sides of Jagannath, Baladev, Subadtra, also on the sides and the behind so it was remarkable parties Lord Caitanya was dancing with all of the devotees. Sometimes Lord Caitanya would dance very simply and beautifully, gently and sometimes He would do His devastation dance. (ahahah. Devotees laugh) Devastation dance ...


kabhu stambha, kabhu prabhu bhūmite loṭāya
śuṣka-kāṣṭha-sama pada-hasta nā calaya


kabhu bhūme paḍe, kabhu śvāsa haya hīna
yāhā dekhi’ bhakta-gaṇera prāṇa haya kṣīṇa


kabhu netre nāsāya jala, mukhe paḍe phena
amṛtera dhārā candra-bimbe vahe yena


sei phena lañā śubhānanda kaila pāna
kṛṣṇa-prema-rasika teṅho mahā-bhāgyavān (CC Madyalila 13.107 to 110)


Sometimes He appeared Lord Caitanya would appear stunned, and sometimes He rolled on the ground. Indeed, sometimes His legs and hands became as hard as dry wood, and He did not move.

When the Lord fell to the ground, sometimes His breathing almost stopped. When the devotees saw this, their lives also became very feeble.

Water flowed from His eyes and sometimes through His nostrils, and foam fell from His mouth. These flowings appeared to be torrents of nectar descending from the moon.

The foam that fell from the mouth of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu was taken and drunk by Śubhānanda because he was very fortunate and expert in relishing the mellow of ecstatic love of Kṛṣṇa.

ei-mata tāṇḍava-nṛtya kaila kata-kṣaṇa
bhāva-viśeṣe prabhura praveśila mana

After Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu had performed His devastating dance for some time, His mind entered into a mood of ecstatic love. (CC Madhya 13.111)

Lord Caitanya said Svarup Damodar to lead the kirtan and  Śubhānanda began to sing

“ ‘sei ta parāṇa-nātha pāinu
yāhā lāgi’ madana-dahane jhuri’ genu’ ”

“Now I have gained the Lord of My life, in the absence of whom I was being burned by Cupid and was withering away. ”- CC Madhya 13.113

Purport by Srila Prabhupad, Srila Prabhupad ki Jai (Devotees Repeat)


This song refers to Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī’s meeting with Kṛṣṇa at the holy place of Kurukṣetra, where Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa and His brother and sister came to visit when there was a solar eclipse. It is a song of separation from Kṛṣṇa. When Rādhārāṇī met Kṛṣṇa at Kurukṣetra, she remembered His intimate association in Vṛndāvana, and She thought, “Now I have gained the Lord of My life. In His absence I was being burned by the arrow of Cupid, and thus I was withering away. Now I have My life again.”

When this refrain was loudly sung by Svarūpa Dāmodara, Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu again began rhythmically dancing in transcendental bliss.              (CC Madhya 13.114 translation)


dhīre dhīre jagannātha karena gamana
āge nṛtya kari’ calena śacīra nandana (
CC Madhya 13.115)


The car of Lord Jagannātha began to move slowly while the son of mother Śacī went ahead and danced in front.

While dancing and singing, all the devotees in front of Lord Jagannātha kept their eyes on Him. Caitanya Mahāprabhu then went to the end of the procession with the saṅkīrtana performers. (CC Madhya 13.116 translation)


His eyes and mind fully absorbed in Lord Jagannātha, Caitanya Mahāprabhu began to play the drama of the song with His two arms.(CC Madhya 13.117 translation)

gaura yadi pāche cale,...going forward and backward Krishnadas Kaviraj explains the whole mood of Lord Jagannath.

“You are the same Kṛṣṇa, and I am the same Rādhārāṇī. We are meeting again in the same way that We met in the beginning of Our lives. Although We are both the same, My mind is still attracted to Vṛndāvana-dhāma. I wish that You will please again appear with Your lotus feet in Vṛndāvana. In Kurukṣetra there are crowds of people, elephants and horses, and also the rattling of chariots. But in Vṛndāvana there are flower gardens, and the humming of the bees and chirping of the birds can be heard. Here at Kurukṣetra You are dressed like a royal prince, accompanied by great warriors, but in Vṛndāvana You appeared just like an ordinary cowherd boy, accompanied only by Your beautiful flute. Here there is not even a drop of the ocean of transcendental happiness that I enjoyed with You in Vṛndāvana. “I therefore request You to come to Vṛndāvana and enjoy pastimes with Me. If You do so, My ambition will be fulfilled.” CC MADYALILA 13.126~131 translations.

So in this Lord Caitanya was giving every details sort in this mood and He was seeing various forms of Lord Jagannath while weeping in the mood of Radha Rani

deha-smṛti nāhi yāra, saṁsāra-kūpa kāhāṅ tāra,
tāhā haite nā cāhe uddhāra
viraha-samudra-jale, kāma-timiṅgile gile,
gopī-gaṇe neha’ tāra pāra (
CC Madhya 13.142)

Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu continued, “The gopīs have fallen into the great ocean of separation and are being devoured by the timiṅgila fish of their ambition to serve You. The gopīs are to be delivered from the mouths of these timiṅgila fish, for they are pure devotees. Since they have no material conception of life, why should they aspire for liberation? The gopīs do not want that liberation desired by yogīs and jñānīs, for they are already liberated from the ocean of material existence.

Time when the Gopis in the Ganges were worshipping Krishna in sometime 

bahūnāṁ janmanām (BG 7.19) for thousands and so many births even crores of births finally when I see Vishnu, they request give us liberation from the cycle of birth and death ,the Gopis were not anxious for that they dont even have anybody consciousness they were completely do much thinking about Krishna day and night that they have no other consciousness other than to please Krishna therefore, they dont even have any bodily concept of life so what is the question of liberation? liberation is for those who are in the bodily concept , a pure devotee of Krishna is so absorbed in wanting to serve Guru and Krishna, they forget about bodily concept of life, in their absorption in that they exceptively represented or exhibited by the Gopis they were completely absorbed in "how to serve Krishna?" thats an opportunity that the festival provides. I know that when Prabhupad was preaching in Mayapur onetime all devotees were sick. Not all, many they were...prasad was too rich or something they had diarrhea and so they were lying down in their rooms. desentary...desentary... (devotees laugh) (23:08 not clear)

lamenting and rolling in the ground inside the room Prabhupad were able to see them, out of his compassion for his devotees but then he said actually the cure for this is to do more service because if you do more service then you can digest stone. And when you come to the dham you get thousand times the benefit for every service you do so thousand times zero is one (devotee says zero)..zero so or if you do one service chanting, hearing, serving then it starts multiplied by a thousand you can make...you can become very wealthy that way. Actually i dont know much about business seeing how for so many years ...Touch stone (not sure) has been contributing so much of the energy for (24:08 not clear) protecting that project of Srila Prabhupad we are able to get these (24:16 not clear) haribol..(devotees say) thousand times profit i think even better is it a good business (devotees laugh) 24:33 Touch Stone...in the material world if we get 25%,100%, if you get 200% , then you are really doing good probably you can make up or you can’t make up 15% 0r 20...some people show me a 7% margin anytime you goto a shop and buy some little toy you find very small margin the fact is they are selling at low cost  ..(devotees laugh) so many businesses of low cost but here in  the dham we can invest little energy (25:06 not clear)thousand times so if we are able to bring Panihati which is no different from Vrindavan and non-different from Navadwip here in the festival and we get 100 and 1000 times benefit by our service because we give opportunity for everybody to get a large of resource of investment so this is an opportunity for everybody to get Lords Mercy this festival this is the first year actually the actual Sunday also is the actual day of the Chipped rice ,chida dahi, danda mahotsav haribol!!!( devotees clap) of this will happen not all lifetime connection(26:15 not clear) so this is real special mercy.. weekend understand when will happen on the exact day so thats a special mercy and the festival is known as the Danda Mahotsav which is a kind of a (26:36 not clear) because ahh...danda means punishment means a stick which represents the stick of chastisement ,punishment so danda mahostav is the festival of punishment (devotees laugh) nobody thinks that punishment has a festival (devotees laugh) if the parents tell the children I am punishing you we are not having festival (devotees laugh) that means I have been made to do something that I don’t want to do but in spiritual life even a punishment is function Raghunath Das he had a punishment Lord Nithyananda saw him and said I am going to punish you because you had been hiding something away from me you have been upscounding now I captured you I caught you so now I am going to punish you. Your punishment is you have to feed all my associates here with flat rice and yogurt and fruits


so he very happily accepted the punishment. Actually in Tirupathi they this festival that Lord Balaji , Venkateswara He had to borrow money inorder to pay for the wedding, dowry and inorder to pay for that he had debt with Kuvera so that he has his devotees to help Him so that temple is especially known for lot of donations that people give really millions of dollars every week and in somedays you may have (28:41 Not clear) is to end their expense for a month is more than a million dollars monthly expenditure deity worship and all that because thry do that want to have their ends meet. firstly, the lord has kept His lila of people helping Him to pay His debt and may get multiple benefit that really helps so that people give donations to Lord Venkateswara bound to because there is similar way we see here is Raghunatha das Goswami he has his debt, the punishment he has to pay to Lord Nityananda so if we. If we also help Raghunath Das in his service to Lord Nityananda, Nityananda is the original guru and sometimes the punishment is that Raghunath Das tried to go directly to Lord Caitanya trying to go directly to Krishna avoiding the guru is a very great offense. Krishna comes as a guru inorder to facilitate the devotee to get to Him very easily ,it’s the guru who gets the devotee to Krishna (30:21 not clear) but the guru sees the good prospects of the devotee although sometimes he has some defects or refining the devotees devotion training in better devotional movement that’s the guru's (30:35 not clear) is to train the devotee in devotional service and service attitude so by going throught the spiritual master, to serve Krishna, by serving Krishna throught His devotee, Krishna is even more pleased than He is  served directly.

So here, Raghunath das was trying in so many ways to get to Lord Chaitanya. Even he went and begged Lord Chaitanya, take me away with You. Lord Chaitanya ordered him: Go back to your house and serve as a congregational member, (devotees laugh), with your wife and family, you just serve there. Managing your father’s and uncle’s business and so on.

So, he was really frustrated, because he was actually very, actually it is so, that generally, Lord Chaitanya, He didn’t want people to artificially renounce, He wanted them to go on with their service, but in this particular case, Raghunath das was actually a, one of the gopis from the spiritual world.

He was totally a liberated soul and he wanted to join the Sankirtan movement, but Lord Chaitanya was making him an example. He wasn’t going through the Guru properly. And in Bengal Lord Caitanya made the founder acharya the..of all the preaching act Lord Nithyananda, if you wanted to get Lord Caitanya's mercy in Bengal you have to go through Nithyananda Prabhu. He was going to Lord Caitanya few meeting on there(not clear) so Lord Nithyananda took that you know why He is staying away from me. He will come to me, I would induce Him the mercy of Lord Caitanya. So now He had Raghunath Das so he is going to give him the punishment but the punishment was a blessing to engage him in service so here by serving Panihati you get forgiven for offence to guru and ordinance to go to get to Lord Caitanya. So it’s very esoteric actually the whole pastime and many things happening anyway Krishna is  someone who can do with one thing He does many things how many things Lord Nithyananda did by this one festival think and see (33:15 not clear) how he gave mercy to Raghunath Das, how he gave mercy to so many people I mean how He gave mercy to so many people hundreds came and increased the preaching by many times, how He gave very intimate association to His associates, how He Himself was in the mood of a cowherd boy when everyone attended the picnic of chida and dahi, flat rice and Yogurt. Then He was going amongst all the people and He called Lord Caitanya there, He called Lord Caitanya back to Bengal and brought Him to Panihati then He was taking the Chida and Dahi with Lord Caitanya feeding Lord Caitanya, He would take from the pot some He would eat a little take put in Lord Caitanya's mouth. Now Lord Caitanya was invisible to everyone except a few rare associates so people were seeing Lord Nithyananda putting the prasad in the air disappearing (devotees laugh) like a magic trick. Nobody knows what is going on so many things were happening, things were becoming you know, Lord Caitanya was giving mercy to so many different people at the same time so that the wonderful nature of the Lord that He is able to give the mercy to many people at the same time and to acheive many purposes at the same time. Many different paqstimes happened at Panihatti with Lord Nithyananda. It is the place where He started the Nama Hatt preaching in Bengal. First (34:54 not clear) place He went to when He came back from Jagannath Puri is Panihatti. For three months non-stop He bestowed Harinam. (35:05 not clear) I dont need Hari, I dont need Hari..I mean (devotees laugh) chanting tens of thousands of people coming and participating Lord Nithyananda, sitting in a raised seat and whenever glance over the devotees, they would immediately feel ecstatic symptoms, tears will be pouring from the eyes they were just collapsing on the ground, and start putting up hand in separation of Krishna..rolling on the ground.. Just glance haaa..will be like...something like special weapon all the glance ...and there He danced ...He danced in other places Lord Caitanya states He always resides whenever, whereever, Lord Nithyananda dances, He is there. In other words Lord Nithyananda's dancing is so special. It is so beautiful, it is so devotional , loving, Lord Caitanya, He won't miss it . He is there.As soon as Lord Nithyananda dances, He dances because He is actually the origin of  Varaha Dev who lift off the Earth, He Himself is the husband of the Earth. Every step He was taking the Earth was trembling in ecstasy so they were like Earthquakes, you know Earth trembles for every step. Thats how intense His dancing is. And because He is holding on all the universes as Anantasesa with every step the Earth would, He weighs more than the whole universe sometimes He is light as a flower is also the origin of the purusa avatars makes the planets float sometimes He is heavy as everything total mass, every step the Earth is haaa...being impressed and is trembling like this Lord Nithyananda was dancing so long and this completely covered with very hot .                      

And like this, Lord Nityananda was dancing for so long and he was completely covered with. Very hot, so afterwards to cool Him down, when He sat down, all the devotees brought buckets and claypots, not buckets, big pots of containers, of Ganges water, and did abhishek to Lord Nityananda. How many of you would like to participate in the Maha Abhishek of Lord Nityananda? Haribol!(devotees say)

And then finally, many pastimes He had. Many, many, different pastimes. So Panihati is a very, very, special place, and it has the best cooks. Raghava Pandit and Dhamayanti, are like eternal cooks in the spiritual world. Cooking is a service you can do eternally. Looking for a mitch, (Devotees laugh) there is an opening eternally if you like cooking. You can do it forever. Radharani is absolute best cook. And then her right hand is Dhamayanti and then her extension. And Raghava Pandit is another maha cook.

Raghava and Dhamayanti, they would make the Raghava joli here in Panihati, they would make preparations that would last for one year. They had different preparations. Each one has an expiry date. You know in America you buy, everything has an expiry date, you know you buy orange juice, it says use before, you know, two weeks from now, one month, whatever. So there everything they give, this is a one-month expiry date, this is a two-month expiry date, this is three months, this is a six month, this is a one-year expiry date. This is twelve-year expiry date. This is a never expiry (Devotees laugh). She would make some lemon pickle, you could keep for a hundred years, it won’t expire, but there it never last that long because everybody would eat them (Devotees laugh).

But, so she would, they would prepare, and when these things would come, they’d have, it was famous, it was Raghava’s joli. The dates of Raghava, they had to carry all these preparations. They were worried that Lord Chaitanya, you know, they might not… He has these special digestive aids,

nice little preparations to augment His normal meal. So, they would send these preparations.

She even was such an expert cook, Dhamayanti, she knew how to take Ganges mud and take it down to such a fine level and mix it with different things, that she would make Ganges mud sweets. And by taking it, we get love of Krishna. Nectarean, it is very hard to cook mud (devotees laugh), and make it not only palatable, but nectar. So, that type of mystic power Damayanthi had to prepare these wonderful preparations.


So, time is over and I want to take this opportunity to thank everybody for being here, at the New Panihati festival. Lord Chaitanya, Lord Nityananda, He was personally welcoming everybody. Anybody came, He would welcome, sit down, give them: Raghunath… Give them chida dahi.


So, we hope that everybody, I want to especially thank those who are contributing, financially, on behalf of Raghunath. We don’t have a Raghunath dasa, he was a multi millionare, Billionare.. so the people are helping him, on his behalf, to serve Nityananda and I thank them for their service. Before the festival, who gave 5000 dollars donation, Pratap Singh Chohan (devotee says), is he here right now, I want to definitely thank him. I want to thank all

the others who contributed, those who also contributed in the auctions. Also, there may be many services that devotees can’t do. Who’s the service coordinator? Mother Jayadhini, is she here? For the chipped rice, is it Maha guna? Maha guna and for other services it’s Mother Jayadahini... and introduce her.

There are services that devotees could volunteer for. I don’t know what the all are, but here are a few. For the chipped dahi preparation, there’ll be tonight, cutting vegetables, and artistic, decorative, vegetable cutters. Just ordinary vegetable cutters, 10. Artistic, decorative, vegetable cutters, usually make this palm trees, out of carrots and capsicums, and things like that. So, these are cut the night before, last thing, and then put into the walkin. Pot washers are always needed, anytime. If somebody wants to clean their heart. I’m sure there’s also temple cleaners to clean that. Here’s Jayadhahini, raise your hand there, you can see her for some service. Cleaning crew in the night, different times. Is there any coordinator, she’s coordinating for both men and women? So Sunday, from 4 O’ clock on until, there’s

fruit peelers 10,

fruit cutters 15,

artistic decorator,

fruit cutters 5,

washing fruits 4,

heavy lifters, need to carry fruits to the crew from the basement restaurant 3, pot washers 2,

pot decorating crew is 8,

pujaris to help carry the pots on the alter 3,

it’s actually more.

Mixing crew, that’s like a special team that helps me putting them..that’s about 8 and miscellaneous services 3. This is coordinated actually between Maha Guna devi dasi and Bhagavad Amrta prabhu. Here is Bhagavad Amrta prabhu and Maha Guna she is inside? Here she is …stand up everyone see… So first come, first serve. If you wanna get included in any other services, and any other services, this is an opportunity to get the mercy while you here. Of course, apart from that, whenever there is a kirtan, just come and participate.

Whenever there’s a class, something to watch, something to participate, and I’m sure also, you can always, serve the Lord. One of the requirements is, you must have prasadam while you here. So Many times, because that’s Lord Jaganaths special dharma and that’s also Lord Nityananda prabhu’s dharma, that everybody has to get prasadam here. Is there anything you would like to add to that?

We want to thank especially Balabhadra prabhu, for putting on this festival, and all of the Atlanta devotees and all the devotees who are coming and helping to put on the festival, every year (devotees clap). The festival in India with... Maharaj, with the students, everyone is coming and helping like that (devotees clap). Any question…. (some announcement)

I hope some people learn the secret of all the preparations…I wanted to know…I want to learn it..eternal pastime here..the next ten thousand years..just like they had the circle of (49:44 not clear) exhibited one day in Panihati (some question asked and Gurumaharaj answers)

aa…Ecstatic..chanting, dancing, feeling lot of care for Lord Caitanya, loving association

there everyone was joyful…any other question…any other announcement..schedule

there will a class after prasadam in the temple before the initiation ceremony by Mother Janava Devi, Prabhupa disciple (devotess..haribol)

Hare Krishna!!!


Transcribed by Bhakthin Charlene
Verifyed by Ramani Tungavidya DD
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