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19881005 Caitanya-caritāmṛta Madhya Līlā 20.218

5 Oct 1998|Duration: 00:52:34|English|Caitanya-caritāmṛta|Atlanta, USA

Lecture Code: 19881005 

Scripture: Caitanya-caritāmṛta 

Verse: Madhya Līlā 20.218

Date: 5-Oct-1988

Place: Atlanta Georgia


Transcribed By: Svayam Nitāi Das

Transcribed On: 28-Nov-2020


First Level Proofer: Dhyana Lakshmi DD

First Level Proofed On: 18-Dec-2020


STATUS: Completed


The following is the class given by HH. Jayapataka Swami on October 05, 1988 at Atlanta Georgia, the class begins with a reading from the Caitanya Caritamrita.


Chapter 20,Madya lila Text 218 


ei-mata brahmāṇḍa-madhye sabāra ‘parakāśa’
sapta-dvīpe nava-khaṇḍe yāṅhāra vilāsa

(Caitanya Caritamrita Madhya 20.218)


“Within the universe the Lord is situated in different spiritual manifestations. These are situated on seven islands in nine sections. Thus, their pastimes are going on.


The seven islands are mentioned in the Siddhāntaśiromaṇi:

bhūmer ardhaṁ kṣāra-sindhor udak-sthaṁ
 jambu-dvīpaṁ prāhur ācārya-varyāḥ
ardhe ’nyasmin dvīpa-ṣaṭkasya yāmye
 kṣāra-kṣīrādy-ambudhīnāṁ niveśaḥ

śākaṁ tataḥ śālmalam atra kauśaṁ
 krauñcaṁ ca gomedaka-puṣkare ca
dvayor dvayor antaram ekam ekaṁ
 samudrayor dvīpam udāharanti

The seven islands (dvīpas) are known as (1) Jambu, (2) Śāka, (3) Śālmalī, (4) Kuśa, (5) Krauñca, (6) Gomeda, or Plakṣa, and (7) Puṣkara. The planets are called dvīpas. Outer space is like an ocean of air. Just as there are islands in the watery ocean, these planets in the ocean of space are called dvīpas, or islands in outer space. There are nine khaṇḍas, known as (1) Bhārata, (2) Kinnara, (3) Hari, (4) Kuru, (5) HiraṇMaya, (6) Ramyaka, (7) Ilāvṛta, (8) Bhadrāśva and (9) Ketumāla. These are different parts of the Jambudvīpa. A valley between two mountains is called a khaṇḍa or varṣa.


sarvatra prakāśa tāṅra — bhakte sukha dite
jagatera adharma nāśi’ dharma sthāpite

(Caitanya Caritamrita Madhya 20.219)


“The Lord is situated in all the universes in different forms just to please His devotees. Thus, the Lord destroys irreligious principles and establishes religious principles.


In the material world, the Lord is situated in different arcā-mūrtis (Deities) in the temples just to decrease the material activities of the conditioned soul and increase his spiritual activities. Particularly in India there are many temples throughout the country. Devotees may take advantage of them and go see the Lord at Jagannātha Purī, Vṛndāvana, Prayāga, Mathurā, Hardwar and Viṣṇu-kāñcī. When the devotees travel to these places and see the Lord, they become very happy in devotional service.


iṅhāra madhye kāro haya ‘avatāre’ gaṇana
yaiche viṣṇu, trivikrama, nṛsiṁha, vāmana


“Of these forms, some are considered incarnations. Examples are Lord Viṣṇu, Lord Trivikrama, Lord Nṛsiṁha and Lord Vāmana.


astra-dhṛti-bheda — nāma-bhedera kāraṇa
cakrādi-dhāraṇa-bheda śuna, sanātana

“My dear Sanātana, just hear from Me as I tell you how the different viṣṇu-mūrtis hold Their weapons, beginning with the disc, and how they are named differently according to the placement of the objects in their hands.

dakṣiṇādho hasta haite vāmādhaḥ paryanta
cakrādi astra-dhāraṇa-gaṇanāra anta

“The procedure for counting begins with the lower right hand and goes to the upper right hand, the upper left hand, and the lower left hand. Lord Viṣṇu is named according to the order of the objects He holds in His hands.

siddhārtha-saṁhitā kare cabbiśa mūrti gaṇana
tāra mate kahi āge cakrādi-dhāraṇa

“According to the Siddhārtha-saṁhitā there are twenty-four forms of Lord Viṣṇu. First, I shall describe, according to the opinion of that book, the location of the weapons, beginning with the disc.

 The twenty-four forms are (1) Vāsudeva, (2) Saṅkarṣaṇa, (3) Pradyumna, (4) Aniruddha, (5) Keśava, (6) Nārāyaṇa, (7) Mādhava, (8) Govinda, (9) Viṣṇu, (10) Madhusūdana, (11) Trivikrama, (12) Vāmana, (13) Śrīdhara, (14) Hṛṣīkeśa, (15) Padmanābha, (16) Dāmodara, (17) Puruṣottama, (18) Acyuta, (19) Nṛsiṁha, (20) Janārdana, (21) Hari, (22) Kṛṣṇa, (23) Adhokṣaja and (24) Upendra.

Then he gives the description of how each of these different forms, hold their weapons, then in verse 237, explains

hayaśīrṣa-pañcarātre kahe ṣola-jana
tāra mate kahi ebe cakrādi-dhāraṇa

(Caitanya Caritamrita Madhya 2.237)

“According to the Hayaśīrṣa-pañcarātra, there are sixteen personalities. I shall now describe that opinion of how they hold the weapons.

The two different scriptures giving their  explanations, the only difference is that kesava is described as  holding lotus, conch shell and disc, and Madhava is disc, conch and lotus and Narayana also presented the holding the weapons differently, so  little difference between Hayasirsa-pancaratra, and the previous one which was  mentioned by Siddhārtha-siromani,  and lord Chaitanya doesn’t clarify this both opinion, may be sometimes different forms who knows two opinions, they have spiritual sometime differences of opinion so Lord Caitanya respects both because  of the superior Gurus, gives both the opinion, in spiritual life sometimes there is difference of opinion, some of the details, and the details difference from one Guru to   another Acharya to another between Ramanuja despite difference may be there but the basic things there is no difference, so in the philosophy there is unity, that’s why Srila Prabhupada used to follow the philosophy, sometimes  interpretation of  the description of the universe, may vary from one person to next, some people may have a different interpretation what is the dvipa, what is the varsa, in order to explain but these  differences do not affect the ultimate conclusion, of what is the purpose of life ? the Vedas has so vast, and the covered from different point of view by different rishis , sometimes there is a little difference in vision, but what is most important is, Bhaktivinod thakur says that we shouldn’t be distracted by this because the basic philosophy is , what is important, sometimes , he stress that the order of the planets something, someone may differ that opinion but doesn’t really affect the ultimate conclusion, when we got into the transcendental world  , the eternal relationship with Krsna, trying to explain because now of course we have some information from Astronomy and we take that information to be absolute in truth so if we hear something different from the Vedas, and we think may be Vedas are wrong ,we get doubts,  we have concept of planets, stars, things like that, in those days people have no concept of whatsoever, they just put dots in the sky, they don’t know what’s there so they we have to explain, now if you say outer space,  if we say planets, people have a concept in their mind , either from science fiction , or from science whatever, they can , like conception which have become acceptable in society but before they were very conceptual they were very similar for the ordinary people to understand because they have no experience what , was actually beyond this planet, so explaining , sometimes they were using allegories, or examples  figurative language sometimes they would be explaining may be even our own modern perception, not actual, we don’t  know, we have a thing  already taught to us we have been conditioned  by a certain idea, which  may or may not ultimately be correct some pandit say that the order of the stars mentioned in the Vedas, is in the orders of influence on us, not in the order of  the distance, others hold no its order of distance in modern some difference of opinion like that,so that’s why because knowledge is with  complex situation then one Veda describes think in one way other Veda in another, like here they say nine varsas, and the varshyas are the spaces between the mountains, but then someone may say ,well actually a varsa is really what it mean it is a planet , in what a dvipa means  is a solar system , and so on, because the terms in Vedic debate first thing have to do is establish a definition, so  you can define from two people looking at apple you could say “this is apple, when you something which neither of the person has seen either through telescope in mean you know  , but they heard, so sometimes the definition which was handed  down people may be talking about the same thing  but giving different names, that’s why all the names in the Vedas, description in the cosmology, we find that most difficulty in trying to match with the modern because possibly there is a difference in what we conceive ,and what the Vedas considered of varsa or dvipa may be different, in what the scientist considered. Until we can match up the definitions that will very difficult  I mean verified and they may also be not telling us the truth, it’s not unusual for scientist to jimmy around with the different nomenclatures and the results to prove their own point. Darwin’s theory is proven according to some scientist but Sadabhuta prabhu has gone through all the ancient , broad references and he found that where ever they found this javarman (caveman11.21), __ man they also around the same time frame, and they are also modern man born but they will do  that the scientist, they would, they wanted to prove their was  evolution so they would purposefully give a different standard of rejecting it, see wheather one way of doing it is ignorance or something, ___ ,(11.46) the second way is you reject it as being inaccurate so what they do is they would give  two different standards, like for testing,(12.00) ___ they would close all the eye , and this is correct, not even tested, this proved basic things but the other one is that , wow was the wind blowing, was the earth this way, was it scientists wash his hand  before and after all kind of this can be some doubt and in this way they you know, they thing proved evolution, he went up to record and found that if you apply it, the same criteria to accept or reject scientific evidence to bones many of you find that modern man’s bones are found two million years ago , three millions years ago, also (12.41)they also used the same criteria, if they applied the criteria they used to reject the modern also reject the  cave man born(12.51) two separate criteria , they claimed to do  they present what they wanted to present at that time, to push there own things, it’s not, the cheating propensity is there, Srila Prabhupada has requested certain disciples to , I know he requested harikrish, he must have requested Sadabhuta and Bhakthi Swarup Damodar, one day I was sitting in the room this (13.10) came to explain Harikrsh swami how they rewrite the fifth canto and study the final cosmology the Vedas was actually what the Vedas was the present there in Mayapur temple and I was just, doing some menial service, and he looked at me and said you should figure out the universal scenario , just in one statement he shook me, (13.57)so these qualifying therefore it is critical, Srila Prabhupada wanted to challenge the scientist even on their own ground in different places, there are many scientific evidence, in the Bhagavatam like a development of embryo the atomic theory which do match up, which are even , have been verified by modern scientist, Vedas says we change all our cell in body in 12years , originally the scientists say NO we change in 7years, then now recently couple of years ago they found NO its actually 12years there are many things like that, the Vedas are proven correct in the end, but the scientist  universal situation is difficult because you have to personally see the definitions are matching and because the explanation given to people are never any concept about what is beyond the planet, therefore the rishi, they make it a little simple for them to explain in such a way , once the king and other king they may try to explain it differently we have to match up all the definitions, but we shouldn’t get confused by the cause the doubt actually the real point is the philosophy in relationship to the soul, to reincarnation, to life, to  Krsna what is our relationship with Krsna, these are the actual essential philosophy that we should focus on,  the other things are there just to help us we don’t want to waste so much time in useless research , modern society works so hard but they waste so much time in researching something , other than not official, they research for the sake for researching just like Olympics they work so hard even they try to sneak in and take  steroid drugs just they win gold medal to get some name and fame , so lot of artificial situation are simply waste of valuable life  in the modern society of people, engage their valuable intelligence , everything except trying to understand who is God, so that is what the Vedas have to offer which is above everything else, this is science of self realization to give Lord Caitanya explained 

‘svayaṁ bhagavān’, āra ‘līlā-puruṣottama’
ei dui nāma dhare vrajendra-nandana

(Caitanya Caritamrita Madya 2.240)


“Kṛṣṇa, the original Supreme Personality of Godhead, indicated as the son of Mahārāja Nanda, has two names. One is svayaṁ bhagavān, and the other is līlā-puruṣottama.

purīra āvaraṇa-rūpe purīra nava-deśe
nava-vyūha-rūpe nava-mūrti parakāśe

(Caitanya Caritamrita madya2241)


“Lord Kṛṣṇa personally surrounds Dvārakā-purī as its protector. In different parts of the Puri, in nine places, He expands in nine different forms.

catvāro vāsudevādyā
hayagrīvo mahākroḍo
brahmā ceti navoditāḥ

(Caitanya Caritamrita Madhya 2.242)


“ ‘The nine personalities mentioned are Vāsudeva, Saṅkarṣaṇa, Pradyumna, Aniruddha, Nārāyaṇa, Nṛsiṁha, Hayagrīva, Varāha and Brahmā.’


This verse is found in the Laghu-bhāgavatāmṛta (1.451). The Brahmā mentioned herein is not a living entity. Sometimes, when there is a scarcity of living entities to take charge of Brahmā’s post, Mahā-Viṣṇu expands Himself as Lord Brahmā. This Brahmā is not considered to be a living entity; He is an expansion of Viṣṇu.


prakāśa-vilāsera ei kailuṅ vivaraṇa
svāṁśera bheda ebe śuna, sanātana

(Caitanya Caritamrita Madhya 2.243)


“I have already described the pastime and prakāśa forms. Now please hear about the different personal expansions.

Now it is interesting to note that how bigger position, being a Brhama, sometimes you don’t find anyone to be Brahma , so Vishnu himself has to expands to be a Brahma , sometimes in ISKCON its difficult to find someone temple presidents, we need expansions, sometimes living entity they don’t want to take responsibility for Krsna, to take the responsibility of being a Brahma and also to be qualified to do that one require tremendous pious activity, to give that position to someone who is not pious , (will create havoc )rather than put someone as a Brahma who is a unqualified , Mahavisnu comes himself sometimes, if there is no one qualified, in this  case how important the position of Brahma is, sometimes they don’t find to someone to fill this  post , so as I mentioned that when Lord Krsna indicated here we discussing Lord Krsna, in Dvaraka, when Krsna was in Dvaraka, NaradaMuni went to him and asked about what would be the future of the conditioned souls in kali yuga , and he told him that I am going to come as  Caitanya mahaprabhu  and when I come you should tell Brahma and you should tell Siva and other principle demigods that they should all ready to come, and assist me , I am going to be a devotee, and give out love for godhead and experience love for Godhead, so Narada Muni, he went to see Lord Siva , when he went he went to see Lord Brahma ,  forget who he went to see first, Brahma told him that ok I am preparing to know anyway ,to help Lord Caitanya  because Brahma came as Haridas Thakur , then Narada Muni went to see lord Siva and when he was talking with lord Siva , he remaindered lord Siva that lord has promised Parvathi , kathiyayani, that he would come sometime to distribute the mercy to everyone,  the lord’s mahaprasadam to all the fallen souls, so  lord Siva, he hasn’t remembered when this happened so Narada Muni remind him remember the time  that was a time, I had listen to the class discussion between Krsna and uddava and Krsna has been glorified by uddava and uddava glorified that just by having the mahaprasadam remnants flowers from Krsna or some cloth what to speak of prasadam remanant food, it’s enough to just completely purify the devotee and give unlimited transcendental happiness, so how great Krsna was,  even  by little something like just touching him that was enough to make the devotee completely ecstatic what to speak of directly having the lord association , Narada Muni after hearing the story he  became meditated , he started to meditate that I travelling all over the universe playing on my vena, chanting the holy name , feeling transcendental bliss, but I don’t get mahaprasada because being a great rishi he doesn’t need to eat also, so he thought I should get mahaprasad , so he went to vaikunta by his mystic powers and he served Lakshmi for 12years like a menial servant , finally Lakshmi said , What do you want , you’re doing such  nice service I will give you whatever you want, he said I don’t want anything material, all I want is  mahaprasadam remnants foodstuff prasadam from lord Narayana , O no no, why did you choose that, why did you ask for that, Lakshmi said that’s the one thing I can’t give you Narayana forbade me from giving  anyone His mahaprasad , anything else you want, no I just want a little bit, little bit, something, may be Narayana what you give special, that’s all I want nothing else, So Lakshmi was in anxiety, given a promise now  she couldn’t fulfill it, so one day narayan saw that she was in anxiety , and so she explains in night to narayan that she given a promise to Narada Muni, He said why you given promised like this, anyway, you take it when I am not looking, so one day Lakshmi calls Narada Muni and tells I have the prasadam, for you in one handful Narada Muni ___ (devotee laughs) got the handful of mahaprasad from Narayanans plate  and paid his obeisance’s to Lakshmi went out, of course he flies to the sky he went out to the outer space , nearly ate that , mahaprasad , he suddenly felt intense love for Krsna  , he just started to glow like a millions of suns , he stared to just chant loudly 

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare 

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare 

(Devotee also joined in chanting)

He is just loudly chanting and going to the outer space , (Devotee laughs) you know, completely ecstatic (Devotee laughs) you know shouting__ Narada Muni , wow  (Devotee laughs)  he was going all over universe the you know , spiritual world, coming down, so somehow he ended up going by Sivaloka chanting , he came to see lord Siva, saw Narada Muni what happened to him? He is like brilliant like moons and suns so lord Siva calls NaradaMuni, O Muni what happened you are so beautiful , I never saw you so beautiful __ you are just like brilliant like anything what happened , Narada Muni, was still on such ecstasy he said well, explained what happened you know, I got mahaprasad everything, he never felt so much ecstasy  ,so much love for Krsna before getting the mahaprasad and looked over to lord Siva , very happy smiling, lord Siva like head hanging down, (Devotee laughs_) angry, says you got a whole handful of mahaprasad , and you didn’t give me any , you didn’t save any for me, we known each so well, and you ate it all yourself without thinking of anybody else, ? how could you do it, it is totally out of your character , you always kind, how you this time didn’t think , Narada Muni  he didn’t think at all when he get the Prasad and just, he actually felt bad, I could have given I didn’t even think about you, (Devotee laughs) he is looking down ,kind of  feeling ashamed that he didn’t give anything to lord Siva and other, when he saw that , you know,he never know many a time he didn’t wash or anything, you got a speck of mahaprasad got struck in his finger now , (devotee laughs) look at mahaprasad, __ konic matra, Konic like a speck , lord Siva went give it me , give it me, (devotee laughs) then lord Siva came , like you know speck(Devotee laughs) then  suck it

Hari bol

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare 

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare 

(Devotee also joined in chanting)

And he played his drum and dance, 

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare 

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare 

I can’t dance he danced beautifully ecstatic dance , effulgence , bom, bom, bom, so intense with every step the whole universe boom, boom, boom, is shaking and they you know, have the demigods , what’s going on, (Devotee laughs) this   tidal wave going down to Rasatala the bottom plannets , people are like earthquakes going on, Mother Parvathi said what’s going on, , the whole universe is like blowing  apart  , you know, this is not the time for mahapralaya,yet what is lord Siva doing, he is in complete ecstasy, hare Krsna hare Krsna, boom, boom, dancing but his dancing is so intense, shaking the whole universe, so Mother Parvathi, in the form of katyayani she comes Mother of the whole universe, and she says lord Siva, the universe is being destroyed you destroy the universe you know ,in a  very grave voice, frantically trying  to stop ,and then he hears a voices you know opened his eyes and says” O Parvathi, what have you done, you broke my ecstasy , I was in the greatest ecstasy I ever had, and you broke it, you could have killed me why did you ruined by ecstasy, how could you do it Parvathi. I  never had  such a ecstasy ,before” then she explains , sorry, I am very sorry, I would not have done, if had known  but the whole universe was shaking ,and people were (26.43)lot of living entities, were suffering like anything and , I thought the whole pralaya was (26.45)the way you are dancing , then he understood she was just (26.53)meditative mood, Mother Parvathi you know, my dear husband, you always chanting Hare Krsna in ecstasy hare Ram, everyday you are having some chanting and dancing in ecstatic , but the whole universe start to fall apart, but what was special about this day , can you explain what happened how you got the mahaprasad , Narada Muni was there, he was very happy, he explained everything Mother Parvathi, I got second half   of your body, half of your body you are always kind to me, you are always have your mercy upon me why I didn’t get a speck ____ (Devotee laughs_)  like a menial servant, how come this time you get mahaprasad of Narayana you forget about me, how come you didn’t give me the mahaprasad little bit also, so lord Siva he thought first and said you are not qualified, ( Devotee laughs) ,, O  katyanani, she became very angry, what do you  mean by I am not qualified? I am a devotee of Vishnu; my name is Vaisnavi, Narayani, what I am managing the whole material world because of devotion to Vishnu, Why am I not qualified? How could you say that? then she really angry  (28.25)Scared , really going, then she took a vow,  I vow  now no one should deprived of mahaprasad of narayan or Vishnu I vow I am going to give the mahaprasadam distributed to everyone in the whole universe, (28.43)to get maharpasad (Devotee laughs), lord Siva, ssssss (Devotee laugh) even when Narayana heard , o mother Parvathi my external energy , vowed to give my mahaprasad to the whole universe, even he came now what ‘s going on , you know, he heard everything Mother Parvathi she was still you didn’t give me the mahaprasadam  I am not qualified, you tell him, I am qualified to get mahaprasad , then Narayan to break up the whole situation, you can image the how in the universal situation, lord Siva and Parvathi had some (Devotee laughs).(29.22). only Narayana could intervene, so he called Mother Parvathi aside and said you are my dear expansion, my external energy , certainly I will fulfill your desire, you know , first he told her , what if they just smell the mahaprasadam people will be delivered, the whole universe will be empty, )

              (29.44) what is the big   use of the universe if nobody is there we don’t want conditioned souls. she was  adamant I don’t know, let the universe be a peaceful one, I know what it is to not to get mahaprasad why should people suffer if they want mahaprasadam let them have it, no one be deprived it should be available to everyone, Narayana told , ok come here I tell you I can’t give to everyone  ,to satisfy your desire  I will tell you how, then he revealed his plan to her how he is going to come in the age of kali as a devotee and that time you would see that the mahaprasad distributed to everyone,that the mercy the highest mercy be given to everyone, you will also be coming as purusuhothama , nilakachal, so in this way Mother katyayani vows has to be fulfilled, so Narada Muni explained about lord Siva, because of this,now she is also in fulfilment of the promise , so the lord is coming ,  she has to also come, actually in Jagannath Puri all the Prasad after offer to lord Jagannath is offered to bhoga, in the form of Vimala Devi  , whatever Prasad we get, anyone get is what the prasad  offered from Jagannath  to Vimala then  the people  get,  she get first, she distributed, maha maha Prasad, I don’ t know, the whole other details of the story which they know in Jagannath Puri, its unusual that lord Siva is in Bhubaneswar which is a bit far from Puri, the non different deity lord jagananth  as Anantha vasudevan, all the Prasad of Ananta vasudevan is first offered to Siva, then given out, that all we can also vaishnava can take, I don’t know why  Siva is so far away from Puri,  whether , what is the inner reason for that I can speculate but that’s not allowed, this is the very big pastimes, in the Caitanya book is coming about lord Jagannath but doesn’t get all the details , but Bhakti purusuthotam swami told NO this is very well known story in Jagananth Puri, everyone knows this story, that’s why all the Prasad offered from Jagannath to Vimala Devi , I don’ know, I knew that Srila Prabhupada told that she will get the all the Prasad , offered to him, Srila Prabhupada  always said they worship Vimala in jagannth Puri and Prasad offered to Lord Jagannath , (32.05) so we don’t know, little speck of Prasad is so sacred , we have to show respect to prasada so carefully , sometime quickly (32.13) lord Siva, universe, so the mercy of Krsna is coming down in this age of kali, for every (32.28)we get mercy,  we get  prasadam , the holy name, we get Lord Caitanya sankirtan movement, we get the Srimad Bhagavatam this kali yuga is very special, people are so dull headed you know they don’t  know how to take advantage,  so somehow or other we have to giving them Krsna Prasad, holy name, let them hear the holy name, harinam let them taste the Krsna Prasadam,let them read Srila Prabhupada ‘s Srimad Bhagavatam, this Caitanya Caritamrita  , Bhagavat Gita, eventually all have defect, they don’t even know how valuable these things are they so, covered over when someone like lord Siva, he take little speck of prasadam he got ecstasy , when they covered with mode of passion and ignorance , mahaprasad we can only experience a small fraction of the ecstasy, as we can become Purified we can experience much more the  transcendental happiness of the lord, love of Krsna  which is in mahaprasad , Lord Caitanya  came for giving out mercy to everyone , and his confidential service to help Lord Caitanya  mahaprabhu to give out the mercy, who will give out the mercy if someone goes and gives out, when people take prasadam they will Purified , next birth they can achieve liberation or take a birth as a devotee , opportunity to be a devotee just by taking prasada, so important just by reading a little bit of Srimad Bhagavatam , little bit of this Krsna consciousness is so powerful can counteract unlimited sinful reaction, this is the special benediction otherwise Maya is expert in  keeping people , distracted of course she doesn’t object if anyone takes prasadam. Take Vishnu prasadam, get Purified by the mercy of Vishnu she is happy, but for those who never take Krsna prasadam, never chant the holy name of Krsna, never read Bhagavat Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam they don’t associate take the dust of lotus feet of devotees , associate with the pure devotees for those kind of people , Maya really keep them tied up so the special contingent of  Krsna  devotees  ,devotee  servants to servants give out this mercy, Lord Caitanya pastime throughout the entire world love of godhead to be qualified to become the  representative of Lord Caitanya, Lord Caitanya taught, apane acharya _____ korehe sika, teach others by example , we need to chant, we need to follow the four regulative principles, we need to be strict in our personal dealings, we need to know the philosophy and repeat it properly  then we can probably be his confidential service properly , actually life is very short we should  just concentrate somehow or other  Srila Prabhupada say s the world is on fire, you just , in that mood, going with the fire engine used to put out the forest fire, put out the burning houses , whole world is in the fire , samsara, ignorance of Krsna , they are burning suffering like anything even the demigods they were praying to Caitanya when he was in the womb of Mother Saci , we don’t ,  we want your mercy, we don’t need material benediction,  we already have material happiness, we don’t have material suffering , no disease ,no old age, none of the problems exist in the heavenly planets, we have two problems two sufferings, one is the fear of demon , who attach us, they always have a little bit of fear they come and takes us away, the second reason because we have so much sense gratification, we may forget our Krsna consciousness, we are get deprived from love of Godhead , we don’t feel the transcendental  ecstasy of love for Krsna being preoccupied with sense gratification this is the greatest suffering, the demigods considered sense gratification, nice comfortable life, unlimited you know, gratification for all their senses to be like a suffering because it was depriving them from achieving the love of Godhead  , real transcendental happiness the love of Krsna , we should remember sometimes devotees they go after material happiness ,even sometimes we hear someone say I work so much for Krsna, I put in my dues and now its  my time to enjoy  , this not stopping me for a while even bewilders me quite a bit, you know the seventh offence to the holy name is to sin on the strength of chanting, that someone thinks let me commit sin and I will chant, so logically one side sin, one side material gratification I lose my purity, but I will chant latter and purify myself, so here whole logic that I already taken by bath, so I have to go out and roll in the dirt, because I am clean enough now, , I don’t know because I Purified myself, now I can go out and dirty again, it doesn’t make any senses at all, but it is like reverse order of the seventh offence, if some how I have done enough pious activity, that service to Krsna, now if I go out and do sinful life , it’s ok if I don’t follow strictly, I can do furtive activity, doesn’t make any sense at all , it is a totally illogical when the people said with all conviction, I done my dues now I  , the same like a reverse of the seventh offence, certainly (38.09)that doesn’t mean , we heard about elephant bath,  elephant takes a bath comes out and put dirt on his back, and that is critized , so don’t chant, and then go out do misdeeds , but even then ,I don’t think  we should , ever  didn’t conceive it, but people will be so foolish, to actually think sometime , if I have done ten years of devotional service five years or three years so now I can spend rest of my life in sense gratification, somehow I will get back to Godhead, just like totally  later think that’s stupid to say something like that, they get confused , someone is doing devotional service and he gets into the sense gratification, that again does some devotional service, some sense gratification, like that, but, someone who think I did devotional service I will not sacrifice , allow me just you know,, to completely get into the furtive activity work hard for nice comfortable life  it’s  so obvious that you will not go back to Godhead if we do something like that just by seer mercy to get back to Godhead, to complete  like Ajamla, (39.23)special dispensation because Krsna satisfies the desireyou have, if we develop so many material desires in the last log of our life he is going to try to satisfy that first for you that’s what he want, then we ,get heavenly planet something like that, so demigods they are praying we don’t want any material benediction, we already got too much  what we want is love for Godhead  when you are giving out to the conditioned soul ordinary human beings, please let us have that also we are up to ear in sense gratification it’s depriving as our love for Godhead if we always satisfying materially we won’t’ get the desire love for Godhead , this is the (40.07) we are stuffing, we are praying please have a mercy on us, this is a second , biggest suffering, our worst suffering offence we are not experiencing love for Godhead , we see from the demigod point of view  , like in America you  know the whole thing you know is pseudo happiness, but they misplace what is real happiness, is it real happiness to have a nice sense gratification, situation, what is your happiness is to work for Krsna, to be feeling in separation for Krsna in ecstasy  to be relishing the association of vaisnavas, to be hearing the holy name and dancing in ecstasy is that real happiness, are we see the that is the real happiness people should be pursuing. Sense gratification is nothing special, even dogs and hogs have it in one degree demigods they are in much , you know, more glorious one , you know, sophisticated, better than human beings you know, develop their sense gratification, I remember one Indian boy, I ask him are you getting married, he said NO, I am not interested in this ordinary female , so what do you want well, I like to go to Svarga have an apsara, atleast If I  could born again in America, (Devotee laughs) , really it took me for a surprise, he thinks America is something like svarga lokha, because better be careful which part of town he drives in, (Devotee laughs) someplace bullets are flying  , ganga wars, people have the strangest idea , material world we got here the bhu svarga something like , this is not our real purpose of life, Krsna by doing one’s devotional service, keeping our full association of devotees, keeping a full devotional service if somehow by the mercy of Krsna one gets money just financial opulence, why have to throw it away, you can use it for Krsna, Srila Prabhupada  never told Amrish prabhu to throw his wealth away , he invest it properly and gave him so many projects to do., how you can use the wealth , some people  may be by karma they are rich  like anything kolavesa Sridhar, he worked like a for anything, he never get the (42.43) go by, still he gave fifty percentage of his income to the worshiping the Ganges everyday even if theirs  starvation, practically he eat bananas, he would eat simple food but he do his devotional service without compromise , he got love for Godhead, Pundarika Vidyanidhi got love for Godhead , whoever follow the principles they get love for Godhead  , they get the mercy of Lord Caitanya , better we think that we can avoid following Lord Caitanya how are you going to do, serve,  billions of years, we don’t know how, we don’t know how many billions of birth , unlimited billions of birth, so, now we have the opportunity to have a life of taking prasadam, chanting hare Krsna, associating with Vaisanavas, hearing of Srimad Bhagavatam , till 60 years or 57 years whatever to go, we will fixed in devotional service then we in get eternally this mercy , just like they was some news report in 1924 some African year there was a Olympics, Olympics story is how, one person he ran entire marathon and one foot from the end line  he chipped and fell down and unconscious , he would have won it, but he missed, someone else crossed him , similarly he only have to put last foot, stupid thing, we are in America we have to finish today , otherwise we won’t be able to this life, we have to take next life , (44.19) we think about what things we do, we didn’t do once we reach the finish line, before that, there is no use just stopping and , so many offence, and how many offence we also commit how many times we do devotional service and we throw mud on ourselves., we should be careful, to just remain focused, take advantage of the mercy you are getting, don’t leave any scope for (44.48)may be someone get still got delivered like Ajamila , (44.53) we should not rely on that, we should try to remain fixed in our devotional service and try to help other people also we don’t want get liberation we want love of Godhead, to go upto the Brahmajyothi and again come down and heavenly planet you are still back particular, reincarnation same problem, we lack love of godhead, if we get Krsna, Lord Caitanya came down as avatar  , has come down especially to give their  mercy to the conditioned soul , and to protect the devotee, since Lord Caitanya movement, was present is still present also, lord destroy irreligious principles and establish religious principle , we want to get the mercy of the God, we can’t live in some irreligious principle, so Lord  Caitanya for him, irreligious means anything which is not love for Godhead is not pure devotion practically speaking doesn’t come up to the mark, he wants people to take shelter of pure(devotion) love of Krsna, not just be some pious , sense gratifier, furtive worker, so imbibed the mission of Lord Caitanya and act as a real devotee of Lord Caitanya , if we don’t then just like we sing the song udilo aruna puraba-bhage ____ said that one line the sun is raising and everyone is busy, then sun already set   with no time, oh the days already gone , No Time, No Time, in this way every day is coming and going we are missing our day by day, missing our chance to serving Krsna if we don’t worship Nandana , suta, if we don’t worship Krsna in this life time, if we don’t get love of godhead this life time, yasoda suta,carame poribe laye, laye means like embracement, someone is very ashamed___ like really , you know really intense but we are so ashamed of ourselves how we have in our grips in our hand , we had pure Krsna consciousness, we had it, we have it slip through we get struck in some heavenly planets, once in a while, one we get sensory realize , we blew it, we really being ashamed, we really be, kicking ourselves, I blowed charuma lage, we shouldn’t put ourselves in that position, we should take advantage of Lord Caitanya , clean today, whatever way Maya tries to distracts away we shouldn’t be allow us to be distractive, we should remain fixed, in our devotional service, otherwise greatest misfortune, to come so close end up so far,

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare 

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare 

 (Devotee also joined in chanting )


Any question:

By executing devotional service, getting more opportunities, sense gratification, Krsna has give him so much service, there is no time for Maya that’s also blessing, to become more expert, to become more organized, we could fit in many more things, sometimes, the person so much service does whatever the authority say but then they don’t finish their rounds they become spiritually weak, and then they discuss with authorities and properly schedule , so they have time for chanting, so on, individual things, sometimes someone does you know, hardly any service for Krsna, spent most of the time in material maintenance activities he has like (48.57)___  simply take care of my material side, gradually because of they couldn’t do , that’s an effort, make effort, and become , shouldn’t be lazy, Bhaktivinod thakur says anyone busy in the whole day same person baby sitter, they do something, they go out for job on their own money , for Krsna, no I can’t do this , I can’t do that, because they give thousand one excuses, once that they spiritually weaker, weaker finally  they seek the association of devotees then work like dog , just to get few dollar, they buy a new car, better hifi status , husband and wife working, everyone working, long hours, you know, for Krsna they don’t have to work so hard even , may be sometimes intense, , complete the program but for so many excuses gradually you know, they are so clever , they got themselves out of service, weakened their own spiritual standard and then end up in why I have to(50.04)look up for my you know, you know, watch the news in the TV right, any have see it’s happening well good movie tonight __ we can use it in Krsna consciousness , pretty sooner, , you know , Maya is there always pulling our  brain , we start to become  more receptive to Maya than its wow, well, actually work in five years you know pay off our bills, then we can take it easy , that’s way they kept asking Kolavesa Sridhar, why don’t you save up your money than start giving fifty percent to the temple, to Krsna, then you will be better off, he said if stop giving who knows, I am starving in one thing (50.56) Krsna wants to make me rich  I will be rich give my percentage to Krsna _(51.04)Krsna consciousness is a totally different level , different kind of happiness, once developed the higher taste, they can tolerate any situation for Krsna , they need to get that mercy from Lord Caitanya get that to develop that taste, one should have a principle and stick to it, like kolavesa Sridhar, just like we have chant our rounds, probably have to catch up   , stick to , once you start to compromise then of course having a spiritual master comes in, you can organize how much should I give , this is my finances, I want to be Krsna conscious under this circumstance, this sounds general rule is there, may be the spiritual master gives special dispensation some (52.05)we have a general guidelines if you don’t follow that we don’t take any dispensation or special instruction how to do it, then position is naturally unprotective. 

Srila Prabhupada  ki jai (Devotee repeats jai)


**Thus end of recording***


Transcribed by Svayam Nitāi Das
Verifyed by Dhyana Lakshmi DD
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