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20140403 Deity Installation Address

3 Apr 2014|English|Public Address|Madurai, India

Here, the temple is inviting the Deities of Lakshmi Narasiṁha from the spiritual world. There are different types of avatāras. Kṛṣṇa has eight types (of avatāras) in the Bhāgavatam. The eighth type is the arcā-avatāra, which is the worshipable Deity.

As you approach the Deity, the Deity will reciprocate with you. If you think the Deity is metal or stone, then the Deity will reciprocate like that. If you think the Deity is present, then the He will reciprocate that way.

Raghunandana approached his father’s Bāla Gopāla Deities. His father Mukundānanda had to leave for some urgent matters. So, he had no time to train his son on the intricacies of Deity worship. He told his son that he had to give the Deities laḍḍus, they will eat them and he can take the plates and give back to his mother. So, he gave the Deities the plate filled with laḍḍus, but the Deity was not eating so the young boy began to cry.

The Deities asked, “Why are you crying?”

“My father said that you would eat the laḍḍus but you are not eating.”

“So, if I eat the laḍḍus you will not cry?”


So then the Deities ate the laḍḍus. Raghunandana, he gave the empty plates back to his mother. Mother said, “Where are the laḍḍus?” “Oh! The Deity ate them.” She thought, “Maybe he has eaten the laḍḍus.” So, this was going on everyday. Then the father came back. Mother told the father what was happening. So the father said, “You give him the laḍḍu plate like you do everyday, I’ll hide in the living room and look from behind. I’ll see what’s happening.” So the boy put on laḍḍus, “My dear Gopāla, please take these laḍḍus,” and the Deity moved for taking the laḍḍus. The Father peeked out to see what the Deity was doing.

Oh! He saw the Deities was eating the laḍḍus. But when the father gasped, “Ahh!” but then he stood still. Then father walked down. He saw the half-eaten laḍḍu. The Deity was holding the laḍḍu, but half the laḍḍu plate was empty. Father said, “I have caught You! I have caught You! In Your hand, You have a half-eaten laḍḍu.” So, Raghunandana became famous. But he had faith in the arcā-avatāra. He didn't have the idea, “Oh this Deity is stone or this Deity is metal. He can’t do it; rather, he had faith in what his father said, the Deity would eat the laḍḍu. So, Kṛṣṇa had said he would reciprocate. Because Raghunandana had faith, he reciprocated.

So, if you put your faith in the Deity, the Deity will reciprocate. In Māyāpur, we have the Jagannātha Deities; they do many pastimes. You can ask His Holiness Bhakti Puruṣottama Swami. He knows many (in background devotees chant Haribol). I’ll just tell one. It happened just a few years ago. You see, in this village, Rājāpur, it is surrounded by Muslims. So there are devotees, Hindus, Muslims all kinds of devotees. So it’s not unusual for Muslims to come and see the Deities. They bathe the deity and get some boon. They pray. This one Muslim came with a big beard and the pūjārī offered him some prasad. He took the prasāda. He said, “I do not eat prasādam of idols.” He threw it. The pūjārī said, “What have you done! That it’s offensive. If you do not have faith, then don’t come.” So that person walked off. Next day, he came back. He offered his prostrated obesiances. Then he came up to the pūjārī and asked, “Can I please have some prasādam? The pūjārī looked at him and said, “Are you crazy? Yesterday, you threw the prasādam. Now you are bowing down and begging for prasādam. What happened to you?”

Then the Muslim man replied, “Last night last night in my dream, the one with the white face came and grabbed me by my neck and said, “You threw My brother’s prasāda. I am going to get you.” The lady with a yellow face said, “Get him get him! Get him!” I was shaking and I was saved by the one with the black face with a big smile (in the background clapping and Haribol). He came up and said, “Let him go, let him go. This is his first offense and it wasn’t so great.” So, the white-faced one let him go. Now I believe, I believe, I truly believe I will never ever throw prasādam again (Haribol) Please give me prasāda.” So, Lord Jagannātha is so merciful that even if you don’t have faith, he gives you mercy.

So, these Deities are being invited to come. and by all the devotees. There maybe some system where senior devotees officially invite them, but it’s the desire of all you devotees to serve the Lord that makes the Lord come. How many here want the Lord to come and accept your worship? (Haribol). Today there are some ceremonies tomorrow you’ll see others. From your heart, you should pray, “O my Lord! Please come! O Energy of the Lord! Please come.

(Jayapatākā Swami chants Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra devotees repeat).

Narasiṁha Deity removes all obstacles on the path of devotional service. So, Kṛṣṇa Balarāma, Nitāi-Gaura are all very merciful. So, please in your heart, pray to the Lord to come and accept your service. So, prepare your consciousness for this request. I’m very grateful to all these devotees for being present. Haribol!

Transcribed by Prasādeśvara Kṛṣṇa dāsa and Prema Priya Rādhikā devī dāsī (Avatārīdeśa)
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