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20140308 NMP Day 04 05 Vidyānagara International Party

8 Mar 2014|English|Navadvīpa Maṇḍala Parikramā|Navadvipa dhama, India

NMP Day 04 05 Vidyānagara International Party

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Navadvipa Parikrama


Saturday, March 8, 2014


Inspiration series - 2014

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So you were hearing the nice glories of Vidhyanagar from His Holiness Kavichandra Swami. Hari bol! Gauranga! Have we talked about Saarvabhauma Bhattacharya? Saarvabhauma Bhattacharya, he wanted to take part in the lila of Lord Caitanya. You see many people would like to take part in the Lord’s pastimes. So He tells the devas where they should take birth to particiate in His pastimes. So many of them took birth in Navadwip dham. And actually, Saarvabhauma Bhattacharya was extra terrestrial. Many of the associates of Lord Caitanya, in fact most of them, came from other planets. Some were fortunate to be included on this planet. Saarvabhauma Bhattacharya, he is the guru of the devas. He is Brihaspathi. In the Sanskrit weekdays we have Virwaar, Brihaspathiwaar that is Thursday. They have the guru. Shukrawaar, Shaniwaar and so on. Once you come down to participate in the Lord’s pastimes, many times you forget who you are and you just remember you did participate as who you are in that birth. So he came down as a Pandit and he left for Jagannath Puri and therefore he was not able to teach Lord Caitanya. But Lord Caitanya remembers his desire and therefore when he offered to teach Him the Vedanta Sutra, Lord Caitanya agreed. So when you go on Navadwip parikrama, you hear about the Lord’s pastimes and those pastimes are so nice and we like to hear them all again and again! Parikshit Maharaj at the end of the tenth canto, he was asking Shukadev, what more did my unlimited Lord do? What more did He do? He was so eager! What more did He do? What did He do next? You would think that he was fasting, no water, no sleep and this was probably the fifth or sixth day but he wasn’t saying, water! He was saying, what more did my unlimited Lord do? What more did He do? So hearing the Lord’s pastimes is a very wonderful thing! We hear that Lord Siva, when He heard that Guada Bhagavat was being told in Naimshaaranya. So He was impatient to get there quick. He borrowed the swan from Brahma to get there quick to Audurya dham to see how the Lord’s pastimes are relished. We shall take the special blessing so all of you can also participate in those pastimes. How many of you would like to participate? So there are different avatars but Nitai Gaur, They are considered the parama karuna because They were available so freely, They give out the mercy so freely. Lord Varahadev, He saved the earth, He touched Navadwip dham but somehow the rishis from the higher planets, they saw the gigantic form of Varahadeva. Varahadev shook his back and some water sprinkled on the sages but there wasn’t much chance to serve Him personally. So we see how Krishna, He made Himself available but that was particular to the Vrajvasis, the wives of the brahmanas who were from the neighboring village and who were not allowed because Lord Krishna said I am playing the part of a vaisya, a cowherd boy and you are brahmanas and we cannot mix. So, it was very hard to approach the Lord. But still if you are fortunate to be born in Vrajdham, then you could. By getting such a birth is a special mercy. But then we see Lord Caitanya, He travelled, north, south, west of India, for six years and in East Bengal for one year. Each place, He would stay one day and in each house he stayed, the wife would put water on His feet and the husband would massage His feet. The wife would cook for Him and the husband would serve the Maha prasad and the villagers would gather together and hear some instructions from Lord Caitanya. Can you figure how many days that was? More than thousands of days! And every day, except for the rainy season, He was at a different house. So like this so many devotees got a chance to serve the Lord directly. There are unlimited ways, but this is one way Lord Caitanya is parama karuna. Also Lord Nityananda. So here, in Vidhyanagar, you heard from Kavichandra maharaj and the other maharajas, all the knowledge comes from here. Lord Caitanya got a pen made from one of these trees. He put the pen on a tree manifest. He also made a pen again. They say that these trees are here but I did not check it, you can check on Google. It is nowhere else in the world. You can check it out and see whether it is true or not. So this is the far western side of Navadwip dham and this is in Burdhman District. There are eighteen districts in Bengal and Navadwip dham falls in two – mainly Nadia and some islands are in Burdhman. How many of you would like Lord Caitanya come to your house? Gauranga! Nityananda! Today we can take the archa avatar in your house but 500 years ago you had the moving Lord Caitanya in your house! Of course, They are non different. So I don’t want to delay your prasadam any more. I saw all the nama hatta devotees waiting for all of you, for the Prabhupad disciples, sanyasis and the devotees. So please remember all the Prabhupad disciples, sanyasis, we have arranged prasad for all of you in one home, in a namahatta devotee’s house, that we take every year. If you don’t know where it is, devotees will stop you on your way and guide you to the house. Hari bol!


9 March 2014 Jayaraseshwari dd

Transcribed by Jayaraseshwari dd
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