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20160730 Śrī Caitanya-līlā Class

30 Jul 2016|Duration: 00:37:30|English|Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book|Śrī Māyāpur, India


Mukam karoti vacalam 

Pangum langhyate girim 

Yat kripa tamaham vande sri gurum dina tarinam

Paramananda madhavan

Sri Chaitanya ishvaram

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Just as when the Lord wants to perform his battle lila, he is the topmost fighter. Whenever the Lord wants to enjoy his conjugal affairs, pastimes, he manifests millions of… hundreds of thousands… billions of beautiful woman. A thousand crores is ten billion… a hundred thousand ten billions is a zillion (laughter).

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When he wants to enjoy the pastimes of opulence, all his devotees have millions of oceans of wealth. That means whatever pastimes the Lord wants to do he is the best, he is incomparable. Whatever pastimes he wants to do he does it in a superb topmost fashion. 

So when he wanted to do the pastime of being a scholar, as Nimai Pandit he was the topmost scholar. He knew all the scriptures by heart, he knew all the books by heart and he would carry the books in his hands. He was known as vachaspati, the husband of the goddess of speech and he is also the Vidyapati, he was the husband of the goddess of learnings, Saraswati. Similarly when he was a devotee, in his pastimes as a devotee he was most the merciful devotee. His mercy knew no bounds. 

Even Jagai and Madhai were delivered, what to speak of others? When he was a sanyasi, he was the most peaceful of renounced, controlled sanyasi. So every pastime that he realizes he does it in a most wonderful way. 

Jai Bhagavan Ki


What do you think?

When we do something it is in the most dis-coordinated.

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In this way in the pastime as Nimai Pandi, Gaur Sundar was the most arrogant scholar but when he came into the sanyas dharma, where can there be in the whole three worlds anyone who can hold even a drop of his bhakti and his renunciation? 

Sri Gaur Sundar, who is the source of all incarnations, who performs pastimes out of his own sweet will, who is the reservoir of all transcendental pastimes, who personally fought with the demons, madhu and kaitav in his incarnation as Hayarsesa. The demon Hiranyaksha as Varaha, the demon Hiranyakashipu as Narasimhadev, and demon headed by Ravana as Ram in his incarnation as Ramchandra, in his conjugal pastimes as Krishna- the source of all incarnations, he engages in the rasa dance with innumerable cow-herd girls. Yet in the houses of his subjects he displays affluent pastimes as the supreme Lord full in all opulences.

Sri Gaur Sundar who enacts such wonderfully variegated pastimes is also most expert in displaying various arrogant and mischievous pastimes. When Gaur Sundar manifested the pastime of the sanyas order of life, in his detachment for topics non-Krishna conscious, not related to the Lord, his direct experience of the supreme Lord and his attachment for the service of the Lord will be ideal example for those desiring to serve Krishna. Even a particle of renunciation and devotion exhibited by the Lord Gaurasundar is rarely found within the three worlds. 

So like in Lord Caitanya’s pastime, as a child he was mischievous, he was taking the men’s clothes and putting it by the ladies, ladies clothes by the men, bathing in the Ganges, doing all kinds of mischievous sports and then when he was studying he was the best student, when he teaching he was the most arrogant and best master and when he took initiation he was the utmost in pure devotion. 

In his one pastime as Gaur Sundar, he displayed so many different aspects but he didn’t apart from his marriage pastimes and pastimes with his wife, he was a widower and then he married again with Lasmipriya and Visnupriya. Apart from this  he didn’t have the pastime of conjugal love like Krishna. So he took the mood of Radharani and acted as a devotee of Krishna.

If you think of his variegated pastime it is very much wonderful and amazing. How he took so many different roles in his one pastime as Gaur Sundar.

Hari Bol

Hari Bol (everyone)

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So the Lord is the undisputed best in everything he does but his nature is, he likes to be defeated by his devotee. 

The Padma Puran states that of all types of worship, “worship of Lord Visnu is the best, better than the worship of Lord Visnu is the worship of his devotees- the vaisnavas.”

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One day Nimai Pandit, he was walking down the main road with five or seven of his students.

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Nimai Pandit was just like a king, he was wearing yellow clothe that covered his body and made him look just like Krishna.

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As he walked on the main road, he chewed bittle-nut and his face resembled millions of moons. The thing is that the moon has got some blackish marks but there is no such mark in Lord Gaura Sundar’s face. People who saw him, enquired, “Is he cupid?”

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On his forehead, is decorated with tilak. He has in his lotus hands some books. A glance from his lotus eyes, all sinful reactions will be destroyed. 

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His nature was restless and he was surrounded by his students who walked with him, his arms were swinging by his side and he came in a sportive mood, in a happy mod.

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By the divine intervention by providence, Srivas Pandit was coming along the path. When he saw the Lord, he was… he began to laugh loudly. 

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When the Lord saw Srivas, he offered him obeisance’s. Srivas blessed the Lord, said, “may you live forever… chiro jivi hau…live for ever.”

So in different pastimes, different senior devotees like Sandipani muni taught Krishna, Gargamuni- he was the astrologer for Krishna and Brahmananda Puri was the Godbrother of Ishwar Puri. So Srivas Pandit who is a senior brahman, they all considered the Lord as the subordinate object of affection and care and thus acted as guardians of the Lord but it should be understood that if one is in the mood of awe and reverence it would be an obstacle in devotional service.

They were in the pastimes of the Lord. So they didn’t see the Lord as bhagavan, they saw him in a kind of vatsalya mood, so in that mood it is alright- proper. 

If one tries to imitate and tries to act in a condescending way to Radha-Krishna and Laxmi-Narayan that would be offensive. So we can appreciate his pastime but we cannot imitate it.

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So laughing, Srivas inquired, “Please tell me, O best of the arrogant, O churamani, the topmost of the arrogant, where are your going?”

Srivas scolded Lord Nimai Pandit, “I am worshipping… why do you teach day and night continuously, you don’t worship Krishna, what is the use of this education if it doesn’t lead to worshipping Krishna?

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What is the purpose of studying? Why do people study? To know about Krishna bhakti . If you study but not knowing about Krishna bhakti,  then what is the use of such knowledge? 

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In this don’t waste your time. You studied enough, now simply worship Krishna.

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Laughing the Lord Mahaprabhu said, “Listen Pandit! By your mercy I am sure it will happen. It is certain to happen by your mercy. 

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After speaking in this way, Mahaprabhu, he went smilingly. By the side of the Ganges, he came and joined with his students.

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On the side of the Ganges sat Sri Sachinandan. In all directions his students sat down around him.

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Even I had ten millions mouths I would not be able to describe the beauty of that scene. I can’t find anything to compare it with. Nothing in the three worlds can compare to the beauty of Sri Sachinandan surrounded by his students.

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So then Vrindavan Das Thakur, he is saying, he is trying out different examples but they don’t fit. The moon surrounded by different stars. I can’t say that because the moon has got some black marks but the moon has waxing and waning aspects. 

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But the Lord’s lotus face, is always full and complete without any blemish. So that example fails.

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So I tried the Brihaspati being surrounded by the devas but I can’t compare Nimai with Vrihaspati because Vrihaspati is partial to the devas but Lord Nimai  is impartial, his mercy is for everyone.

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So because the Lord is helping everyone, he works for everyone’s welfare. Therefore this example also fails.

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Can I compare Nimai with Cupid? Because Cupid agitates the mind… agitates the heart, in this way he affects the consciousness in a negative sense.

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But if this Lord awakens in your heart, all the bondages are destroyed, your heart is made completely, supremely pure.

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All these examples cannot be used but there is only one comparison that I can think of.

Stay tuned in tomorrow to find out what example?



Gauranga (everyone)


Nityananda  (everyone)


Gauranga (everyone)


Nityananda  (everyone)


Gauranga (everyone)


Nityananda  (everyone)

Transcribed by Sadānanda Kṛṣṇaprem Dās
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