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20200226 Making Navadvīpa to Mathurā

26 Feb 2020|Duration: 00:14:32|English|Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book|Śrī Māyāpur, India

Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book






Mukham karoti vacalam pangum langayate girim

Yat kripa tam aham vande sri gurum dina tarinam

Paramananda Madhavam Sri Caitanya Isvaram


Last night I vomited three times, having diarrhea, so I took some medicine, and I rested all day today. I couldn’t go to the Antardwip Parikrama adivas. I hope that tomorrow I will be able to speak to all the parikramas, from here! Ha! Tonight three people took initiation. One first and two second.


Artists in the circus. I will read four or five verses and get some purport.


Making Navadvip to Mathura


Caitanya Carita Mahakavya, 6.15:


“One time in the evening, Gauracandra appeared in the ocean of kirtana with His lotus devotees. Seeing the sky suddenly become covered with clouds, fearing an obstacle, He showed mercy! Like cupid personified on earth, He took in His lotus hands excellent cymbals and in joy loudly sang the Lord’s glories, with raga and correct notes. Immediately, the clouds losing power, were scattered in all directions by the wind. The sky became clear and the moon rose with the stars to extinguish the darkness. The shining moon, spreading its hands, firmly embraced its attractive new bride, the night, with a cloth imposed of absence of darkness. The moon took pleasure in the light, which agitated the waves in the ocean of bliss. As the moon with the stars, poured out nectar in the clear sky, Gauranga, with His shining rays, enjoyed the rasa of sweet kirtana with His devotees on earth.”


So in the parikrama, there is a place called Megacora, it is in Simantadvip. As you are going from the Bel Pukur to the Jagannath Mandir, you see the place Megacora. Now it says that Lord Caitanya pulled out His kartals and started to play it, and thus all the clouds scattered. So, this is one of the pastimes of Lord Caitanya. And, you can see the place where He performed the pastime.


Caitanya Carita Mahakavya 6.20:


“As the bewilderer of cupid with the golden rays began dancing, the place shone with the anklets on His lotus feet, with the bracelets on His pink arms, and with the rhythm, there was a tumultuous festivity with joyful voices of the devatas situated in the sky, mixed with the loud shouts of Jai! and Uludhwani, emanating from the mouths of the wives of the brahmanas.”


Now Lord Caitanya danced and the angels from heaven, and the wives of the brahmanas on earth, did Uludhwani. And all the males were singing jai! Jai! In this way, they were performing the kirtan.


“As He danced with garlands made of jasmine, karavira, fresh malli and jathi flowers, His whole body shone with ointments of musk, sandalwood and kum kuma. Therein, the brahmana named Suklambara would weep constantly, falling repeatedly to the earth like a rod. He proclaimed again and again. Mahatma Suklambara fell on the ground and said to the Lord with apprehension – Oh Lord, with Your many pastimes, You have made Navadvipa into a new Mathura. “


Murari Gupta Korca:


“Dear Lord, now, You have transformed Navadvipa into Mathura. So saying, he wept and rolled about on the earth, immersed in loving sentiments.”


So, he realized how Lord Caitanya had transformed Navadvip into Mathura. Actually, there is no difference from Mayapur and Vrndavana. But, to have that realization is something special. So Suklambara Brahmacari had that realization.


“Saying this, with choked words, shedding tears on the earth, with confused, miserable heart, he loudly wept, while praising the Lord profusely.”


So Suklambara, he appreciated the pastimes of Lord Gaura, which was transforming the Navadvip dham into Mathura.


“In dancing the Lord rested His generous, full arms, for a moment on the attractive shoulder of a friend. Like a pole with hairs standing on end, He then stumbled on the ground, out of control, for a moment!”


Murari Gupta Korca:


“At times the Supreme Personality of Godhead would dance, placing His hand on the shoulder of an associate. At times the hairs of His body would thrill out of rapture!”


So the Lord was manifesting various ecstasies. Sometimes He danced in ecstasy, keeping His shoulder of an associate, and sometimes all His hairs would stand on end, and this way He would be filled, out of rapture.


“Sometimes in the mood of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He awarded boons to His servitors and sometimes, while dancing, He taught the people, the moods of bhava, by many kinds of expressive gestures.”


So, the ecstatic love of Krsna, of bhava, He would show that by His expressive gestures, and people in general would be able to understand what bhava was, by watching His transcendental gestures.


“Gauranga the ocean of mercy, for a moment accepting the mood of being the Supreme Personality of Godhead, mercifully gave gifts to the devotees. Thus, the moon in the ocean of mercy, taught people in various ways, by His unlimited moods, during His pastimes!”


While Lord Caitanya was manifesting different pastimes, He would sometimes give His mercy to the devotees, and sometimes He would be in an ecstatic mood. Gauuuuranga!


“Mahaprabhu, attractive with extreme, ecstatic symptoms, climbed the shoulders of His devotees, who served His lotus feet. The Lord more beautiful than a million moons, performed His pastimes, increasing the full ocean of joy of His devotees!”


So different devotees were enjoying the pastimes of Gauranga, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In this way they were tasting unlimited bliss! Sometimes He would climb on the shoulders, sometimes He did different things. So this was appreciated by the devotees.


Murari Gupta Korca:


“Once while the Lord was passing leisure moments at night, He enlivened the hearts of His associates by mounting upon their shoulders, and sporting in a pleasurable mood.”


Thus ends the chapter.


So Lord Caitanya, He would have some of His pastimes in Mayapur, and He may climb on the shoulder of some of His devotees. This was very often experienced by the devotees and in this way the Lord, He was relishing pastimes with His devotees. In this way, Lord Caitanya made Navadvip non-different from Mathura! Haribol! Gauranga!


What is that? Those are the different parikramas – which parikrama is that? How are you feeling? Today I spent most of the day resting. I am hoping I will be alright tonight! Ha!


Any questions?


Navadvip is Nila, Durga is the protectress of the holy dham, she is known as Prauda Maya, and Lord Siva is known as Vridha Siva, in Navadvip. They protect the holy dham. If you want to enter into the esoteric part of the dham, you have to have Their mercy!


Question: Antardvip in the center, all other eight dvipas are touching the border. So which are all the dvipas within our campus?


Guru maharaj: Rudradvip and Antardvip.


Transcribed by Jayarāseśvarī devī dāsī
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