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20200303 Question and Answer Session

3 Mar 2020|Duration: 00:14:51|English|Question and Answer Session|Śrī Māyāpur, India



Mukham karoti vacalam pangum langayate girim

Yat kripa tam aham vande sri gurum dina tarinam

Paramananda Madhavam Sri Caitanya Isvaram


The second last day of the parikrama, many times we have a storm. So some of the parikrama parties get rained out! This year like other years, there was a similar storm. But mainly the Russian party was affected. And to some extent the Tamil party. Other parties don’t seem to be affected. So we are trying to get some buses  to get the Russian ladies back. So since we are a little later, we will just have some questions and answers.


Audio break


Question: Dear guru maharaj. If I have sincere desire to serve Kṛṣṇa will the Lord and guru award pure devotional service immediately, or one’s heart should be completely purified before that?


Guru maharaj: You start off the question by saying if I have a pure desire to serve Kṛṣṇa. If you have a pure desire, then it is a very pure devotion. Anyway, you should try to serve Kṛṣṇa as purely as you can and certainly He will appreciate it. Any question?


Question: Today at Bel Pukur someone said it is in Simantadvip and somebody said it was in Rudradvip. And one devotee chanted a verse, Jai Simantadvip, something, something, about the place. And someone said that Bel Pukur was on the border of Simantadvip and Rudradvip. Can you please explain that?


Guru maharaj: Well, scripture says that we cannot exactly say the boundaries of Navadvip dham because it is transcendental. But generally I am told that Bel Pukur is in Simantadvip. And that Rudradvip also comes close to that. So exactly where Rudradvip ends and Simantadvip begins that should be researched. But Bel Pukur I think is in Simantadvip. But we could see the Navadvip dham mahatmaya, see which of the holy places are in which dvip.


Question: Dear guru maharaj. PAMRO. How to cultivate the mood that I always remain the fixed as the servant of the guru and acaryas?


Guru maharaj: Because if we feel that by mercy of guru we are able to do some devotional service, then naturally you will stay in that consciousness. If we think that I am the Supreme Personality of Servitors then… ! Once I told Srila Prabhupada, that I am the most fallen! He said, you are not the most anything! So, you have to keep me humble! So, if we think we are the doer, then we are in trouble. If we think that our devotional service is due to the mercy of guru and Kṛṣṇa, then we are in a safe position. Audio break


Question: Hare Kṛṣṇa guru maharaj. PAMRO.  Guru Maharaj said : Accepted. How can we understand what is the reason of our suffering? Is it because of our karma or our purification that Kṛṣṇa arranged for our progress?


Guru maharaj: Yes! If we have to suffer our karma, why is that not also a purification for us to progress in devotional service? If we think that actually the full effect of our karma would be much greater, Kṛṣṇa gives us a little token. And in that way, we can think that this material world is not a place we want to stay in. And we can render devotional service. So, we do lots of things wrong and certainly we could suffer some karmas for that. At the same time, Kṛṣṇa reduces the effect and gives us a little bit of taste so that we can have the proper consciousness. If everything is  very blissful, we will think that material world is alright! I will stay here! And if there is too much suffering then we would be distracted. And we couldn’t focus on devotional service. So a little balance is good for us.


Question: Sometimes devotees have to take homeopathic medicines and it has got alcohol, so what is to be done?


Guru maharaj: It is a very small amount. Homeopathic pills are very small. We shouldn’t take intoxication. But with that little pill, I have never heard anyone getting intoxicated with that. It is at the Size of a mustard seed!


If you have any books? Is the book table behind?


A little update: Bhakti Gau Yin offered Rs. 20,000 for TOVP E. Tomorrow lunch prasadam in the International Party is sponsored by the Chinese devotees who cannot come to Mayapur. They offer this prasadam so that next year the Chinese devotees can come to Mayapur and they pray for your good health!







Transcribed by Jayaraseshwari DD
Verifyed by Bhavatarini Radhika DD
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