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20160804 JSSS

4 Aug 2016|Duration: 01:36:16|English|JSSS Meetings|Śrī Māyāpur, India

20160804 JSSS 

Mukam karoti vacalam

Pangum langhyate girim

Yat kripa tamaham vande sri gurum dina tarinam

Paramananda madhavan

Sri Chaitanya ishvaram

Hari Om Tat Sat

So since we don’t have the translation in the Bengali set up for the Chaitanay Lila, so I will speak a little bit about Prabhupada’s pastimes. Of course these are pastimes which I had personally had with Srila Prabhupda.

So we had invited many kirtaniyas over to Mayapur to chant, and we offered them that there will be a competition and there will be a prize reward for the best and there would be some cash prize.

So they started to chant. So the professional chanters would chant so that they would stretch it out in a long way, Hareee……… Ha… …… one sanyasi was listening for 45 minutes, he said, “Oh! they are singing very nice, what mantra are they chanting.”, I told him that they are chanting the Hare Krishna mantra.


So Prabhupada was listening and he said, “what is going on?”, and someone told him, “A kirtan competition.”

He said, “they are chanting- taka, taka, money, money. They were chanting for Krishna, they were chanting for money.”

So Prabhupada told me never to have this kirtan for money again. So like this we were learning by doing things.

Prabhupada would go for morning walk, and he would walk all over the property. If he saw some paper, “What is that?”, someone would say it is paper. “you call yourself a Brahmana, there will be no dirt in the presence of Brahmana.”

So we had to quickly clean up the refuse and he would go around and see everything that Mayapur would be spotlessly clean.

I was going around the property yesterday and we saw some neglected areas and Prabhupada he was very particular that Mayapur should be spotlessly clean.

So you see the grass hut. He said to keep that because at one time that was all that was there in Mayapur.

Confirmed… thik thik

So grass huts are alive. All different types of bugs and insects and live there… lizards, insects. From the roof used to fall dust. Some bugs would eat the bamboo sticks and that dirt would fall down, and the roof made of the grass would stay for about seven to eight years. So Prabhupada would sit there and say, “this is a sattvic house. This is all we need, by the side of the Ganges, a grass hut like this, we can chant Hare Krishna but people the cities from the West they won’t like this house.  They want houses with steel, plaster, brick. So they are in the mode of passion. In fact the masions who make that are called Raja-mistri’s because those houses are for the kings. So that’s why we are building this city here in Mayapur so that we can provide for our guests from all over the world, and we can provide for guests from all over India.

One time in the lotus building the brahmacharis would stay on the third floor and Prabhupada would stay on the second floor. So Prabhupada went up and he saw that they had tied a coconut rope to tie the dhoti, and as the wind blew the dhoti the rope was making a line on the wall. Prabhupada got irritated. They are destroying my building. So he moved them over to the chakra building but they ate may be too much prasadam and they  got diarrhoea. They were all laying down oh… oh… oh… Bengal belly, Bengal belly, Bengal belly. That time we didn’t have many local devotees and they were not accustomed to the prasadam. So Prabhupada came over and saw them all lying down there.

He said that if they were active then they can digest even a stone. So then he started the Nabadwip dham parikrama and he started the kirtan. So in this way the devotees were doing kirtan, walking during the parikrama. So their digestion improved. Let’s see what else happened.

One more story. So there were three sets of deities. At that time there was a Calcutta dog’s strike, so three deities were stuck in the strike and Prabhupada had one sent to Mayapur and he went to Gorakhpur with the Gita Press and brought one deity with him.

We heard him telling the pastime of how Santan Goswami was waiting outside the house of Tapan Mishra to see Lord Caitanya. Then at that time Sanat Goswami had not saved and he was wearing  a fakir’s blanket. So Lord Caitnya said that there is devotee outside, see him. He went and came back. There was only one muslim fakir there. Then Lord Caitanya said, “he is the one.”

The he went outside and immediately Sanatan Goswami stood up and  bowed down, and Lord Caitanya picked him up and embraced him and Prabhupada said that this is just like gopis meeting Krishna. And then he choked up and then he couldn’t speak anymore.

Hari Bol

Hari Bol (everyone)

Hari Bol

Hari Bol (everyone)

Srila Prabhupada ki


So when he came back from Gorakhpur, with those Radha Madhav deities he said that this Radha-Madhav deities should not leave Mayapur. So the small deities of Radha-Madhava and Mayapur Chandra were the deities worshipped by Srila Prabhupada. We installed the big Radha-Madhav and astha sakhi later.

So just for your information the other matching deities, one is in Boston and one Murli Set is in Burkli,California. So since I came let I will end my talk here.


Transcribed by: Sadananda Krishnaprem Das


Transcribed by Sadananda Krishnaprem Das
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