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20160805 Caitanya Book

5 Aug 2016|Duration: 00:24:02|English|Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book|Śrī Māyāpur, India

20160805 Caitanya Book

Mukam karoti vacalam

Pangum langhyate girim

Yat kripa tamaham vande sri gurum dina tarinam

Paramananda madhavan

Sri Chaitanya ishvaram

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Sandalwood paste, flowers, incense, lambs, scented water, all the ingredients required for worshipping Visnu Laxmipriya arranged.

Following the scriptural injunctions Laxpriya had arranged all these things for worshipping Narayana.

The customs in some other places at the turn of the century, in the 20th century was that the husband didn’t take anything touched by the wives but 500 years ago that was not the custom and what the custom in Bengal amongst Krishna conscious couples, there is no restriction in organizing all the ingredients.

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Laxmipriya served Tulasi constantly but even more she served mother Sachi. So serving Tulasi as one of the dear most associates and ingredients for the Lord’s service and as such she was most intimate with the Lord.

Laxmipriya Devi spent more time in serving her mother –in-law, Gaura’s mother Sachi than in serving Tulasi Devi.

Srila Bhaktisiddhantha Saraswati Thakur said, “those who are prakrita sahajiyas, who hold tulasi devi in one hand and a fight for taking intoxication on the other hand should follow the good example of Laxmipriya devi.

Knowing that the Lord was very much devoted to her mother, Laxmipriya Devi served mother Sachi as a service to her husband.

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So seeing the wonderful character of Laxmipriya Devi, Gaura Sunda, he didn’t say anything but he saw and he was very happy with her.

Due to social injunctions and personal embarrassments, he didn’t publicly say anything or approve but he appreciated the dedication of Laxmipriya Devi and he gave his non-duplicitous heart-felt mercy on her and she in turn reciprocated with the Lord by arranging all the ingredients that he required to worship Narayana by serving Tulasi and serving his own mother who is the personification of pure goodness and devotion.

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Some days Laxmi felt the lotus feet of the Lord and hold the Lord’s lotus feet for hours. So Laxmipriya Devi wanted to show the world the glories and opulence’s of serving the lotus feet of Gaura Narayana.

Laxpriya Devi who was attached to serving in the mood of awe and reverence ultimately exhibited pastimes as the maid servant of Gaura by holding the lotus feet of the Lord on her lap.

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Wonderful visions Sachi saw that from her sons lotus feet a brilliant light effulgence of the flames are emanating from his lotus feet.

Due to the influence of Gaura-Narayana mother Sachi could see the opulence of the Lord. She saw the effulgence emanating like flames from the lotus feet of her son. The impersonalists only see this effulgence, they don’t see the Lord’s body or his form. So they are convinced that the effulgence is the which emanates from the Lord that this is the absolute truth, that there is nothing beyond it but in the brahma Samhita, rather in the bhagavatam, first canto, it’s said that the Lord is realized in three steps, as the impersonal brahman, as the super-soul and as the personality bhagavan, the personality of Godhead.

So Mother Sachi could see her son and she could also see the effulgence. So she understood at that moment that her son was directly Lord Visnu.

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Some days, mother Sachi would smell the scent of Lotus flowers and in all parts of the house she would have this strong fragnance of this lotus flowers blooming. So there was no limit to this.

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In this way Laxmi-Narayan, were secretly having their pastimes in Nabadwip but no one was able to recognize them. They were in a hidden form.

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One day he thought and he spoke all of a sudden. I will go to eastern Bengal, to deliver all the people there.

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The Land which was rejected by the Pandavas, everyone says, although the Ganges flows there she is not known as the Ganges but by some other name.

This place has this fame.

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If I touch the Padmavati it will become glorious. All the people except for me no one knows the glories.

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 So thinking in this way the Lord told his mother that I will go to gather some wealth.

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The Lord who is independent and according to his sweet will he decided that he will go to Bangladesh and that was his desire. So the eastern part of Gaura Desh is known as Bangadesh which is today known as Bangladesh.

The celestial Bagirathi river flows through Gaura Desh.

The northern and eastern province of Gaura Nabadwip which consists of the eastern south banks of the Brahmaputra river through which flows the main branch of the Ganges, the Padmavati which merges in the Bay of Bengal. These entire tracks of lands were known as Bangadesh.

In the Shakti Sangam Tantra book, the Bangadesh according to the ancient description is from the Bay of Bengal upto the Brahmaputra river.

O Parvati ! This land bestows on one all perfection.

So since the Pala dynasty the capital was shifted to Nabadwip and Vikrampur. What’s today known as West Bengal was known as Gaura and Rarha desh.

The other land to the northern east was known as karna subarna. South Bengal was known as Sama Tata and Tamra lipta.

The Prime Minister of Akbar, Abul Fazal, he wrote in a book, the history of Akbar, the rule of Akbar, Aini Akbari that the former Hindu kings, they surrounded their kingdoms with mud walls known as mud-dike, therefore they ended being known as bangal.

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It is said that if in Padma one bathes the devotees get love for Krishna but if one bathes there and is the offender of the devotees you get misfortune.

So hear sometimes in Bangladesh there are sometimes floods and various problems. So how there were many great devotees there like Narottam Das Thakur and others, Pundarak Vidyanidhi, Prema Nidhi.

So this is the secret of the Padma and from Tibet in China, the Brahmaputra comes down and flows through Assam and then it goes into Bangladesh, it goes to the Bay of Bengal.

So this part from the Brahmaputra to the Bay of Bengal is also known as Bangadesh… Bangladesh.

Hari Bol (everyone)


Transcribed by: Sadananda Krishnaprem Das



Transcribed by Sadananda Krishnaprem Das
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