vande 'haḿ śrī-guroḥ śrī-yuta-pada-kamalaḿ śrī-gurun vaiṣṇavāḿś ca
śrī-rūpaḿ sāgrajātaḿ saha-gaṇa-raghunāthānvitaḿ taḿ sa jīvam
sādvaitaḿ sāvadhūtaḿ parijana-sahitaḿ kṛṣṇa-caitanya-devaḿ
śrī-rādhā-kṛṣṇa-pādān saha-gaṇa-lalitā- śrī-viśākhānvitāḿś ca
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.29.74)
evaṁ pañca-vidhaṁ liṅgaṁ
tri-vṛt ṣoḍaśa vistṛtam
eṣa cetanayā yukto
jīva ity abhidhīyate
Translation: The five sense objects, the five sense organs, the five knowledge-acquiring senses and the mind are the sixteen material expansions. These combine with the living entity and are influenced by the three modes of material nature. Thus, the existence of the conditioned soul is understood.
(devotee speaks in foreign language)
om tat sat.
So, we have our five sense objects, five sense organs, five knowledge- acquiring senses and the mind sixteen in all. Knowledge acquiring ears, eyes, nose, tongue, sense of touch and the mind. So, which one are you?
Which of these 16 elements, are you? Which combination of the 16? The total package, is you? What do you think? How many people in Moscow think these 16 elements are themselves? The total package is you. What do you think? How many people in Moscow think these 16 elements are themselves? Guru Maharaj laughs.
All you have to do is to explain to them that they are not these 16 elements. And get them to believe it. And to understand who they really are. That’s all. Then we got 2010 words.
So, in this technical talk between Nārada and King Prachinabarhi. When we discuss the things this way, breaking it down into little parts then its little easier to understand that there is a difference between matter and the spirit. Then Prabhupad gives example sometimes you know cutting off the arm is the arm you, is the leg you, you take part by part which is the you. Ultimately the whole body never gets us. Whether the pure spirit soul living force that makes the body alive. As I hear, Madhavacharya says the consciousness the living force in the heart is present then when its agitated by the three modes then all the other things start to happen. The living force is gone everything stop.
So, Krishna is saying everyone is my fragmented part and parcel. In order to give us an opportunity to fulfill our material desires as well as to get back to Him, Krishna creates the material world. He gives us this opportunity to know who we are? not qualified to be in the spiritual world he gives us an opportunity to act and function here in material world.
Now to use all these senses to serve Krishna then we become immediately freeze. But if we use the senses simply to experience all the different sense gratification we become entangled. There are many processes of yoga. But these processes are very tedious. Except bhakti yoga. Bhakti yoga is the direct process. And by bhakti yoga we can very easily get free from this condition. To get bhakti this sometimes gets difficult. Only very highly qualified persons used to get bhakti. Lord Caitanya he has come and he is giving out his causeless mercy. It is very special mercy.
That’s his very special mercy. Lord Caitanya he came to Māyāpur 513 years ago to give this process which has not been given before in recorded history. Never been given so freely before and in Māyāpur dham he started the sankirtan yajña and he predicted that it will spread all over the world. So, we are very grateful to Śrīla Prabhupad that he brought this holy message all over the world and we are grateful to all of you for helping Prabhupad in spreading this movement. Which is the only hope that people have to awaken from this ignorance. Now sometimes when the world gets in illusion, the lord wants to step up the preaching, increase, he wants to see that everybody gets the mercy. When in order to indicate that to give a special message that now it’s the need to really increase the preaching sometimes the Lord has his normal birth place area in Māyāpur to get flooded by Ganges. Now it’s one of those times.
So, he really wants that his preaching should be stepped up. Not everybody has to preach. Lord Caitanya didn’t order everyone to preach. Who did Lord Caitanya order to preach?
Practice and preach?
Somebody said devotees of ISKCON. Lord Caitanya said all devotees of ISKCON should preach. Who did Lord Caitanya order to practice and preach? You can get it to everyone, get it to certain life of living beings. Only all the human beings. He said every human being they should engage in practicing this krishna consciousness. I think we have a few human beings here.
So, the animals they are not ordered to do it but if they like to, they are welcome. Jarikhanda Lord Caitanya got even the animals to sing and dance. Prabhupad said Lord Caitanya can get the animals to chant and dance. At least we should get the human beings to sing and dance. Atleast in Moscow people like to sing and dance, right? So, we can get them to sing and dance on Hare krishna. Last night in the train there’s someone who is very friendly with us. Offered us some refreshments but we don’ t take those refreshments
His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami Mahārāja: After that some refreshment. No, we don’t take those refreshments. Unfortunately, afterwards I think he took too many refreshments. He said it was a Russian custom. He went to the bathroom and he emptied his stomach. This is happiness?
I think to be happy the second you chant hare Krishna. Even if I sing and dance after taking refreshments, its not a problem. The refreshment will wear off. But the chanting will not. The chanting will stay to their benefit. Have any of you been to Māyāpur during the floods?
What’s your realization?
Devotee: He said in normal course all vaiṣṇavas get out from Māyāpur to preach Only
few Vaiṣṇavas stayed up and see their service.
His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: One thing I would say – normally the Ganges in this time river bed, you know the river bed. Its hard to imagine that she will become so big. I mean it starts to rain drop by drop, it keeps raining and raining and raining, and again she keeps rising and rising and rising. She crosses over the banks, gets up to the road, then finally sometimes goes over the road. And then she keeps getting higher and higher until fills up the temple, fills up everything. Sometime, the Ganges becomes ten kilometres wide.
Everywhere you look, it’s just water. To go from one place to next, you have to go by
boat. Its kind of an amazing situation because just flood means everybody alert as
warning. So, that’s what Lord Caitanya said that Krishna consciousness inundate.
Inundation means everybody alert to be devotees. Chanting Hare Krishna, wearing
How many like to see that day?
(devotees repeat)
(Devotees repeat)
We were discussing in Mayapur about because its everywhere Ganges, so we were
talking about the glories of Ganges.
Yeah, but in a flood, you become Ganges conscious. You don’t have to go anywhere to
take a bath. I asked the children ‘How do you like the floods?’ “Very nice! Lot of
swimming “
(Devotees laugh) Ladies are going by boats, little canoes. Bath in Ganges. So that
Ganga is actually very special. Although Lord Caitanya took sanyas.
It’s actually very special as Lord Caitanya took sanyas he was on the side of the Ganges, then he went to the west for several days he kept walking he got up to the temple of Vakreshwar it’s a Shiva temple. But then he decided that he wanted to go back to the Ganges, as he was going back to the Ganges he saw that people started to chant Hare Krishna, so one gentleman he said that one Brahmana he said that everyone who sees you they chant Hare Krishna, so you must be specially empowered by Krishna, you must be Krishna himself, every one see’s you they chant, he said no Lord Caitanya said how far is it from here to the Ganges, so it’s about 3 hours walk, so you see because you are near the Ganges so the wind from the Ganges wherever it blows it makes people Krishna Conscious, that’s why people are chanting Hare Krishna easily, that the Ganges is liquid Krishna prema.
So, when you not only bathe in the Ganges but if you even breathe the air around the Ganges it helps to increase the love for Krishna it helps to increase the attraction towards Krishna. Lord Caitanya went he got to the Ganga he just dived in he was so happy, there is a special rasa between Lord Gauranga and the (devotees repeat)
(Devotees repeat)
We were discussing in Māyāpur about because its everywhere Ganges, so we were
talking about the glories of Ganges.
Yeah, but in a flood, you become Ganges conscious. You don’t have to go anywhere to
take a bath. I asked the children ‘How do you like the floods?’ “Very nice! Lot of
swimming “
(Devotees laugh) Ladies are going by boats, little canoes. Bath in Ganges. So that
Gaṅgā is actually very special. Although Lord Caitanya took sanyas.
It’s actually very special as Lord Caitanya took sanyas he was on the side of the Ganges, then he went to the west for several days he kept walking he got up to the temple of Vakreshwar it’s a Shiva temple. But then he decided that he wanted to go back to the Ganges, as he was going back to the Ganges he saw that people started to chant Hare Krishna, so one gentleman he said that one Brāhmaṇa he said that everyone who sees you they chant Hare Krishna, so you must be specially empowered by Krishna, you must be Krishna himself, every one see’s you they chant, he said no Lord Caitanya said how far is it from here to the Ganges, so it’s about 3 hours walk, so you see because you are near the Ganges so the wind from the Ganges wherever it blows it makes people Krishna Conscious, that’s why people are chanting Hare Krishna easily, that the Ganges is liquid Krishna prema.
So, when you not only bathe in the Ganges but if you even breathe the air around the Ganges it helps to increase the love for Krishna it helps to increase the attraction towards Krishna. Lord Caitanya went he got to the Gaṅgā he just dived in he was so happy, there is a special rasa between Lord Gaurāṅga and the Gaṅgā, I told you the past times of Gaṅgā, I told you the past times of about the glories of Gaṅgā. There was once a brāhmaṇa called Satyadhama every day he would go and bathe in the Gaṅgā and he would take a bucket of water home and sprinkle on his hair and chant the mantra so this was a regular daily routine so one day like every day he went to the Ganges in the midday to take his bath he offered his prayers to the Gaṅgā, he took water and offered back to the Gaṅgā. This is one of the ways you worship the Gaṅgā you take Gaṅgā water and offer it back to them and then he decided to finish his bath and he started to head back home, then around the same time there was a person called kalakutty he was born in a Brāhmaṇa family but he was actually pretty fallen he was you know a good devotee he was what you call a brahmā bandhu he was born in a Brāhmaṇa family but Brahmā Bandu he was born in a brahamin family but he had neglected his spiritual life and he was into sinful activities. He became a politician and he was socializing with royal people and politicians, he was by nature angry, selfish, greedy, cruel and all his other nice qualities impatient, offensive, lusty so as he was walking on the road, there was a big bull lying in the middle blocking the road why should I step off this road for this bull, bull must be lying across the entire road, must have been lying across the road, blocking the way, he could have walked around the road but he didn’t want to, why should he walk around the bull is just a stupid animal, doesn’t know anything [Not Clear – 00:26:54] stupid animal, he picked up a stick from the side of the road, stupid bull and he started swearing and hitting the bull, get out of here the bull you know was sleeping nicely and suddenly he got awaken and he got very angry then he started to kick his feet [ Gurumaharaj: mimicking the bull kicking his feet and devotees laugh] and put his horns down he charged that kalakutta with his horn right in the chest pierced in the heart thrown a good distance he was lying on his back, open heart, dead and the stupid bull so called by this guy walked up victorious. But then what happened was Satyadhama was happened to go on that road back to his house, he saw, oh! Look at that poor brahamana dead on the road, what had just happened, Gaṅgā, Gaṅgā, he
poured water on him, sprinkled dust to dust, ashes to ashes. Gaṅgā, Gaṅgā, Hare Krishna, alright, sprinkled the water then he went walking down the road 15 minutes later, he could somehow see Yamaduthas, wounded Yamaduthas, bleeding Yamaduthas, Yamaduthas were bleeding.
Yamadūtas were bleeding they were missing arms some were dead being carried without heads, some has got slices in their body and were bleeding, some were carrying the injured yamadūtas.
My goodness what happened to all of you?
What do you mean?
It was all because of you. You did this, you, Satyadhama you did this to us. Why did you
do this? Why, why did you do this to us?
“Laughter” stop Yeah that’s it. …… sad day he didn’t know, I don’t know what you are talking about. What did I do? I didn’t do anything.
What do you mean you didn’t do anything?
You did this to us. Will you sprinkle that Ganges water on us?
On that dead body. Yeah, I will sprinkle some Ganges water. Then you caused all the trouble. What do mean how could a nice sprinkle of Ganges water on a dead body cause so much trouble. Cause us so much trouble. We were that person who died their kalakutta he was a very sinful man whenever he died, we came in big numbers to take him away. When we came, we were tying him up, we had a leather noose around his neck, suddenly you sprinkled his body with Ganges water, these four celestial beings Viṣṇudūtas they had clubs, the spinning wheel with the cutting edges, conch shell, lotus, they cut our leather ropes that were tying this kalakutas subtle body, you cannot take him we are going to take him. What do you mean you are going to take him Our leaders had a big argument with the Viṣṇudūtas He was a sinful person, he belongs to us, we have a special program for him? This guy is so sinful he killed his own friend and cut his body out of little pieces, steal his money, he made widows pregnant
and then had them have abortion, so many things, we have to take him
So many things. We have to take him, sorry about this. No way, we can let you not give him to us. We are representing Yamaraj, we have to punish sinful people this was a sinful person’s soul. You don’t know who you people are but you should get lost. He says very sorry but this person has just sprinkled the Ganges water.
When somebody touches the Ganges water at the time of death, they are free from sins. So, we cannot let you take him, we are going to take him. Arre baba c’mon he is a sinner, we are taking him.
What is this, little Gaṅgā water and all the sin gone, c’mon he goes with us.
You people are offensive. Gaṅgā is the Lotus foot of Lord Krishna, the dust, the dust is floating in the water. You are being offensive to this great devotee and to The Supreme Lord Himself. We cannot tolerate this. The Yamadūtas, they were just so passionate, they only wanted to take this guy. They came forward with their arms to attack the Viṣṇu dūtas. Somehow, they didn’t get proper training. Don’t attack Vishudutas. Don’t take people that have been touching the Ganges water. So, when they went with them weapons open to attack the Viṣṇudūtas, the issues to look at first of all you are offensive to the Gaṅgā, then to Krishna now you are attacking us, we have got no option but to defend us. Chakrrrrrra! Sudarshan chakras they have let go.
(Guru Maharaj making sound of chakra), cutting, cutting this cutting of arm with the sword. Some are really screaming aaaaa, off with their head, they are just getting sliced. then yamadūtas say wow wait a minute this is not what we expected. Its cutting even subtle bodies.
So, they had to run off, but they are wounded. You see Satyadharma this is all because of you, sprinkling the Ganges water. You go to see your uncle or aunt or father, grandfather lying there in funeral home in the coffin. You go to see some relative dying dead. Everybody is crying. Grandfather is gone, father is gone, husband is gone, brother is gone, he is gone, O, didn’t leave me any inheritance, didn’t leave me any inheritance. Gone, gone, everything dead except for the self
Everything that is up to the bank, so what’s gone? Why there all kinds? prisoners gone,
who is the real prisoner?
Who can say?
The soul, even though that soul is gone with the subtle body and we don’t know where the soul is gone could be the yamadūtas any way, if you sprinkle little Gaṅgā water, he may be creating a big revolution with the yamadūtas. Sudden change of destination, I am sure your relatives will appreciate just that you are about to be thrown in some boiling oil or something, true hold it! That one coming “swish” well I am really glad my nephew Mr Hare Krishna devotee, I always knew my granddaughter she was a Hare Krishna devotee I was really happy about that. She really understands it so well at times, know I can understand, very good.
So, we don’t realise how powerful the things we do are, how powerful it is to get somebody to Śrīmad Bhāgavatam or any other sacred books. How powerful it is to give them Mahā
Prasad or even a few drops of Ganges, very powerful beyond even beyond description because these things are directly connected to Krishna. Things which are directly connected to Krishna impacts Krishna’s books, so all of you can create revolution in people’s sinful lives. Prabhupāda said the bell of the pūjārī ringing during the ārati “ding
ding ding ding ding ding” that bell is more powerful, that …… bell! Russia may have so
many nuclear weapons and America may have so many nuclear weapons they have enough to completely blow up the entire material all the human beings few times over,
but not anyone will be free from the laws of karma we all have to take birth again, don’t
know what birth will be left to take in this planet, but some planet we will take birth, but
even hearing that bell offering ārati “ding ding” that is string of so many karmas and that
is awakening our spiritual life.
And that is awakening our spiritual life, what to speak of Prabhupāda books and Harinaam, chanting, so please take care of this mercy Prabhupāda gave you Lord
Caitanya Gaura Nitāi gave you and created a revolution.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare.
Question: The process by the lotus feet of Prabhupāda This water that you offer ah ah Carnamrta is it powerful sometimes?
Yes, it also has some kind of spiritual potency.
There is similar pass times about the Charnamrita of the lord. Yes, mātājī Can you say a
few words about astrology. Who didn’t hear How many are going to the most that’s right?
So, few here 3 coaches its fine to mine One Prabhupāda disciple 1987 went to a very big astrologer in Delhi to find out what will be the future of isckon because that time their
were some disturbances and the astrologer said by 2010 Krishna Consciousness will be
very big very much expanded powerful all over the world and 4 places will be very very powerful center of Krishna Consciousness major centers of Krishna Consciousness something like that and so where are these four places. So, one of the four places was
Moscow, Māyāpur, Los Angeles and Mauritus. Its a island country in the Indian Ocean
1.2 million people 60 percent Indian 40 percent mix French, African different very nice
people. Prabhupāda he even ordered there when he was their 30 years ago to make it a
Krishna Conscious country.
Question and Answer Session:
His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: Kṛṣṇa Conscious country. So, it’s good score, if they systematically preach to actually get us stronger spiritual scores than that. One island, if
we have 30- 40% of the population of Krsna conscious, you could have your own prime minister.
we have 30- 40% of the population of Kṛṣṇa conscious, you could have your own prime minister.
His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: Oh. Yes Dham. What’s….
Devotee Mātājī [Puts her query in Russian which is translated into English by some other
Translation Devotee: You said today that you were just on that dead, on that person he
will get liberated, so what Śrīla Prabhupāda gave us so difficult process.
Why do you want to die and get that mercy?
Gurumaharaj: Everybody I didn’t get the mercy. Nobody chants Hare Kṛṣṇa, who will get
sprinkled the water
Devotees: [Laugh]
His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: Who all have the faith to do that? Who have the faith to do that? Ya. We have to follow the process of Lord Caitanya. Of course, we may not devotees more than just climb back to Godhead, is want to really develop our Love of Kṛṣṇa.
So, for relatives, its ok, we say, we can go back to Godhead but for ourselves, we want to get Love of Kṛṣṇa. We want to get out of this illusion, where we think we are this body and simply chant till they enjoy their senses. Everybody should be able to express little Spiritual bliss. Okay!
So Prabhupāda did want his devotees to go to Māyāpur, wanted them to take bath in the Ganges. I see that many things we do that, we chant, we read, we go to Maṅgala Ārati all these things Chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa, Guru Pūjā, Worshipping Tulasī.
Each of these has tremendous spiritual potency. But if we miss Maṅgala Ārati, we don’t
go to Tulasī Pūjā, we don’t Chant Japa, if we miss Guru Pūjā, if we miss Deity greeting,
forgot to take carnamrt, too tired to go to Bhāgavatam Class, we are missing out so much mercy. So much as possible, we should try to take the mercy. The full package is very powerful.
Guru maharaj to Devotee: Dah…
Devotee Mātājī [Puts her query in Russian which is translated into English by some other
Translation Devotee: Again, devotee gets Spiritual bliss while staying still in this material
His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: Why not! It’s not dependent on the body. I mean here doing ārati
sometimes that devotees dancing very ecstatically. They are not getting Spiritual bliss.
How many of you get Spiritual happiness chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa?
How many of you get spiritual happiness chanting Hare Krishna?
Gaurāṅga Nityānanda
The secret is to sustain that and keep on getting it all the time, for that purpose we have
certain rules and regulations but to get the happiness we need to chant, to get the happiness we need to chant and surrender.
Question from the audience. It is said that if one devotee is then seven generation before and after will be liberated what does it mean will he be liberated from life or will he get some good spiritual association for spiritual purpose?
One is liberated from birth and death If a devotee goes back to Godhead then seven generations also go according to their Consciousness’ they may get some different kind of liberation also some devotee being In the family he or she purifies other family members practically getting them to do some devotional service also while they are alive they also get people to chant other family members. How many of you were encouraged to chant by a family member or have been able to get another family member to chant?
Not so many a rare chance I got my mother to chant four rounds a day Haribol. My brother was chanting but he stopped...unlimited benefits it’s the mercy
of the lord can’t put any material limitation. Next question you got up here What is the difference If you go back to Godhead Is it without faith or full faith what is the main
difference? If you go without faith it has an effect but with faith it is even more
powerful. With faith what
First day, what devotional qualities you can get which are not clear. You know you can
chant the name of Gaṅgā even through a 100,000 locahanas from the Ganges and you
get the benefit of bathing in the Ganges. Gaṅgā! Gaṅgā! Gaṅgā! Gaṅgā! Gaṅgā!
Gaṅgā! Gaṅgā! So had a good bath?
So, I am also fine and I am going through of the yatra at BBT place. In case anybody has to see me, if you didn’t get my address, email, then you can get from Sundar Madhavan. If there is anybody that before has to be in touch with me then you give me your request how you are doing.
Lecture Suggetions
Śrīmad Bhāgavatam (10.03.40)
Addressing Devotees
Śrīmad Bhāgavatam (4.12.43) Class
Śrīmad Bhāgavatam (4.7.50) || Nepal
Śrīmad Bhāgavatam Class (ŚB. 2.5.20)
Śrīmad Bhāgavatam Class (6.5.26, 27-28)
Śrīmad Bhāgavatam Class (4.11.35)
Śrīmad Bhāgavatam (7.9.26) Class
Śrīmad Bhāgavatam Class (1.18.21)
Śrīmad Bhāgavatam Class (1.1.15)
Śrīmad Bhāgavatam (2.5.6-7) Class
Description of Holy Navadvīpa-dhāma
19991223 Bhagavad-gītā 9.34
19991223 Śrīmad Bhāgavatam (4.22.5)
19991218 Śrīmad Bhāgavatam (5.5.24) Class
19990814 Caitanya-caritāmṛta (Ādi 7.31) Class
19990620 Questions And Answers
19990603 Addressing Devotees
19990603 Initation Lecture
19990513 Addressing Devotees
19990401 Question & Answer
19990401 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 6.5.42-43
19990330 Vyasa Puja Celebration 'Śrīla Bhaktivinoda Thakur līlā' - Godruma Dvipa
19990327 Vyāsa Pūjā Talk
19990304 Śrī Advaita Prabhu's Tattva & Pastimes
19990302 Gaura Pūrṇimā Festival
19990301 Diksha & Siksha
19990223 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 6.6.44
19990119 Bhagavad-gītā 7.18
19990119 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.14.10