The following is a class given by His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami on January 19th,1999. The class begins with a reading from the Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 1st canto, chapter 14, text 10.
dāruṇānśaṁsato ’dūrād
bhayaṁ no buddhi-mohanam
(twice, Guru Maharaj leads, everyone repeats)
Just see, O man with a tiger’s strength, how many miseries due to celestial influences,
earthly reactions and bodily pains — all very dangerous in themselves — are foreboding
danger in the near future by deluding our intelligence.
Material advancement of civilization means advancement of the reactions of the threefold miseries due to celestial influence, earthly reactions and bodily or mental pains. By the celestial influence of the stars there are many calamities like excessive heat, cold, rains or no rains, and the after effects are famine, disease and epidemic. The aggregate result is agony of the body and the mind. Man-made material science cannot do anything to counteract these threefold miseries. They are all punishments from the superior energy of māyā under the direction of the Supreme Lord. Therefore, our constant touch with the Lord by devotional service can give us relief without our being disturbed in the discharge of our human duties. The asuras, however, who do not believe in the existence of God, make their own plans to counteract all these threefold miseries, and so they meet with failures every time. The Bhagavad-gītā (7.14) clearly states that the reaction of material energy is never to be conquered,
mama māyāduratyayā
māmeva ye prapadyante
māyā metāṁ tarantite
because of the binding effects of the three modes. They can simply be overcome by
one who surrenders fully in devotion under the lotus feet of the Lord Sri Kṛṣṇa.
Jayapatākā Swami: Thus, ends the Bhaktivedanta Swami translation and purport to the 1st canto,14th chapter, 10th verse of the Śrīmad Bhāgavatam in the matter of the disappearance of Lord Kṛṣṇa.
Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare,
Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare!
(Everyone repeats after Guru maharaja)
The three-fold miseries of the material life is mentioned here, cannot be avoided in this
world. Of course, here, it’s a (pause) the appearance of these threefold miseries has been used as a symptom of the coming of Kali Yuga. The threefold miseries are increased because of Kali Yuga but they were always there. One of the threefold miseries is called Adhyatmika.
Who can say what that is?
What is the example of Adhyatmika klesa, difficulty?
Devotee: Mind
Jayapatākā Swami: By one’s mind and?
Devotee: Body
Jayapatākā Swami: body. Any example?
Devotee: Fear
Jayapatākā Swami: Fear. Any other example. Any example of how your body gives you trouble, anytime? Sleeping. (laughter)
What he said? Can’t hear what he said.
Devotee: Stomach pain
Jayapatākā Swami: Stomach pain due to being hungry. You are hungry? Trying to eating too much sweets.
Stomach pain due to being hungry. You are hungry? (Laughter) Due to eating too much weet. If you eat too much, you will get stomach pain. If you don’t get enough, you will also get stomach pain. Or you get stomach pain due to anxiety. President of Russia is in hospital now with ulcers.
First, he had Bypass, now he has ulcers. Like that. Today, the Ruler of Jordan is coming back after getting cancer of the lymph glands. So, you can be the head of State, you can be anyone, but the ‘threefold klesas’ are coming. It is not that you are president of this country or that country therefore you will not get cancer, you will not get stomach ache.
You don’t know one time; the President of United States was in a big banquet and he
suddenly got a stomach ache and he vomited right at the table. How embarrassing?
What could he do?
So that is Adhyatmika. Our own body gives us trouble. So, what about old age? Isn’t that an unwanted trouble I Was thinking how in this verse, it describes Arjuna as a Nara vyagra.
Nowadays this modern medicine, it came, they gave the name Viagra. I know I knew that name somewhere, I just know it. (laughter) Can’t you see tiger for the old men or for anyone getting impotent they take some medicine. Very expensive. Many people are dying. It is the most popular one.
So, this Viagra, they want to be like a tiger. An old age, excessive sense gratification, everything wears out and it doesn’t function like it used to function.
So, these bodies have got some inborn obsolescence and modern medicine that are trying to get over that, in various ways but that can have only some temporary partial effect. Completely they cannot stop the effect of old age. Even some modern scientists they figured out no matter what we do we cannot extend the life more then 100-120 years, the body won’t sustain.
In kaliyuga their bodies are designed optimum 100 years. Then hardly anyone is 100 years. It is very, 100 years means very old person. Seventies, Eighties, Nighties, hundred it is very difficult to find. Even if the body is not giving trouble the mind is giving trouble. Now due to the fast lifestyle, tension is more. Tension means mental problems. How will I get?
Will I lose my job?
(Loud laughter from Audience and GM. Someone from audience said Every now and
So, then we have Adhibautik. That’s if we want to get rid of these things
So actually, you see, all these things, it is possible to diminish by chanting Hare Krsna. That’s what Śrīla Prabhupāda is saying ‘be constant in touch with the lord by devotional
service it can give us relief without our being disturbed in the discharge of our regular
See asuras, they are trying to teach one. Ok your mental anxiety, take one. Tell for the brain, you have got some stomach ache so bit by bit they are trying to solve all the problems but ultimately teaching their ways always something new happens. Some new problems, some new disease. More anxiety. But if one is always in touch with the lord then automatically you will be sheltered and peaceful. Adhibautic place is there.
Any example of Adhibautik?
What is the meaning of Adhibautik?
Devotee: Other living entities.
Jayapatākā Swami: What other living entities could cause you trouble?
Devotee: Mosquitoes,
Jayapatākā Swami: you have mosquitoes right,
Devotee: “Lizard”
Jayapatākā Swami: “Lizard” Lizards is fine, cockroaches you have here so many,
Devotee: “small small ants”
Jayapatākā Swami: ants, fire ants, mad dogs, thieves, terrorists.
One place Prabhupāda was saying, one place you go there are no mosquitoes but maybe there is flies, so where else to go.
So, he went to one place UP or Madhya Pradesh some where he was going, he thought
the road was asphalted, he was going in a tunga but the road was not asphalted it was
all flies, the dirt road so many flies had made the road look black, when he was driving
haaaa preying at them.
Somehow, they liked to sit on that road, dogs, and cats sometimes they get rabies, infections. Animals get rabies, is very dangerous, they scratch you once and they are……. So, they don’t allow any animal going to UK, fearing they may bring rabies. In Mayapur there was a dog bit one devotee, they were afraid maybe the dog may have rabies, taking all these injections, so he had to remove all his dogs, Adibhautik sometime your neighbors’ cause you trouble, sometimes family members, different people, any living entity, other living entity can cause some trouble, when you are driving on the road somebody runs into your car, in Bahrain are there car accidents?
Devotees: So many.
Jayapatākā Swami: So many?
Is that Adibhautik?
Troubled by someone else maybe your car troubled some else, who is at fault?
Sometimes you go to check in your luggage they say overweight, you have to pay extra they are giving you Adhibhautik place, you try to negotiate something.
Then you have Adidaivik celestial interference, causes of natural, causes beyond
human control. What are some examples of Adhidaivik?
Devotee: “floods”
Jayapatākā Swami: So, floods, you have floods here? O man they have floods so much rains come and all the roads get flooded for some days some times. What other?
Devotee: “Drought,
Jayapatākā Swami: Drought
Devotee: Earthquake,
Jayapatākā Swami: Earth quake forest fires. High temperatures, you get that here sometimes?
Devotee: “yes”
Jayapatākā Swami: How much? 50 degrees
Devotee: “54”
Jayapatākā Swami: Cold?
Devotee: “not that much”
Jayapatākā Swami: when you get extreme cold like in Siachen glacier it is -40.
I went in Russia in November suddenly the winter began, it was only -19, I went to St Petersburg it was with factor of -35 and coming from India and yet going in such a place it was like burning, so cold it was burning, burning cold, wanted to chant japa I can’t chant with the freezing hands, so these things are beyond our control. Adhidaivik - earthquakes,
cyclones, hurricanes, tornadoes lots of these things are going on these days.
GM: This year 1999 is filled with natural calamities. Astrology says in this year, end of
July and mid-August will have 2 eclipses one after another. Solar lunar, lunar solar one
that happen after another, 2 eclipses.
Beginning of the Kuruksetra war doesn’t look
good I don’t know, but anyway these things are happening “Adidaivik” so actually in this
world we may make temporary or paper plans to build our house high but something
may happen we can make all the arrangements but actually how do we have peace of
mind, that happens when we are always in touch with the lord. How can we always be
in touch with the lord any suggestions?
Devotee: chanting
Jayapatākā Swami: Chanting,
Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare,
Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare.
Chant Hare Kṛṣṇa, read Gītā Bhagavat, chant Śrīmad Bhāgavatam, and the devotional service, worship the lord, in this way you can always be in contact with the lord. Keep the contact alive, keep it tight then you will always be in protection of the lord.
Even you may face some difficulties you will have the inner strength how to cross over them.
In this material world, Kali yuga we cannot expect that we will have situation without difficulties. Whole world is filled with difficulties even now this year is the most hot year in history. It’s said that the global warming too much burning of the Petroleum and other things. Ozone layer is depleting. You never know what kind of difficulties are going to happen. So, the devotees, although they may make some attempt to protect themselves by material means. they are even dependent on Kṛṣṇa.
Once in the 1970 something, the devotees asked Prabhupad there was a big nuclear war between Russia and America they were New York devotees, they were like what will we do if Russia sends a missile with nuclear warheads, they were like what will we do Prabhupad, what will we do you?
He said you should sit in a temple and chant Hare Kṛṣṇa, going back to godhead (laugh) Hari Bol!
Devotees: Hari Bol!
Jayapatākā Swami: because the devotees know we are not this body we have to leave this body but actually, there is no hope like someone is trying to send a nuclear bomb where are you going to run and hide unless they have a bombshell and they don’t throw it at you. So that way we are all prepared no matter what happens if we do have to leave our body, we should do what?
Devotee: Chant Hare Kṛṣṇa
Jayapatākā Swami: Chant Hare Kṛṣṇa, that right we should be ready. In fact, many devotees have been helping the people.
When I was recently in Malaysia the Hindu leaders the hindu sangam, they came to see me they were very nice gentleman they were very concerned for the Hindus in their country. They said sometimes they have problems.
In their country, there is drugs dealing, there is death penalty. Sometimes the Hindus are doing these things so they get arrested and they get sentenced to death penalty and they asked what shall we tell them?
They want to know what they should do, just waiting to be executed so we don’t know
what actually to tell them.
We asked the Christian priest we tell them we know that you are innocent you are good man, your mother used to teach you bad, your uncle used to create problems for you that’s why you have this resentment and so you are doing all these things but actually you are innocent, it’s not your fault. You should, so like that they give some rationalization. So, we are telling like that but we don’t know if it is the right thing. I said that it is not useful to people.
They are going to die Kṛṣṇa says that at the time of death those who remember me, will come back to me. So better you tell them at that time to chant the names of Kṛṣṇa they should chant the name Hari, is that correct?
Children in Audience: Yes.
Jayapatākā Swami: See even our children, they know it. that way they now understand that, again seeing me, again they told me people
have became very peaceful. You explain you are not a body you are ātmā, ātmā does
not die. when i leave this body, when I leave this for all the pains, for all the sins by
capital punishment, they go to swarga, if they remember the name of Viṣṇu they go
right back to Visnu.
These people becoming peaceful and chanting and living like that and anything that got the death penalty what could you do. All you can do prepare them to go back to the Supreme.
I told you about my disciple from Argentina helped her father, father was in coma, she is Roman Catholic and her father is in Argentina she is serving with husband in London and manage the restaurant and some seva.
So, she went to Buenos Aires and her father had a stroke and he was in coma, so that time all the relatives they were like saying you know and your religion, all this, what are you are doing, what you can do for your father, now do something all this Krsna Krsna
Kṛṣṇa … why don’t you do something for your father he is dying, what you are doing
for your father (all laughing) alright nothing, I will see what can I do.
So, then she started to the father, lying their face for face. She then began to read the verse from Bhagavad Gītā.
Like that reading verse after verse there, all the relatives looking. so, then she saw the
father’s face changing as she is going out reading Gītā shlokas (laughing) ...he is
smiling her brother and sister said mummy mummy look at daddy is smiling.
The wife, she went over and looked “my god i haven’t seen him smiling 10 years” (all laughing) just smiling, then I saw actually smiling, so nasty feeing must be happy. So, then she stopped then, (laughing) then they keep on smiling. All the relatives are going and reading Gītā, chanting
Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare
Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare
So, the doctor said never saw anybody read like that, smiling. They get the vibration
going on and very peacefully he left, I mean very old man and since that time the whole
family chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa and reading Bhagavad Gītā, no more criticism. Haribol.
So, this Kṛṣṇa Consciousness is not just the faith, just we have the faith so we do it.
Actually, Kṛṣṇa Consciousness is science; it’s a prime spiritual science like a spiritual
technology. We know what the technical aspect of life are, we know what is ātmā, what
is the mind, what is body, how they are related. We know what is the process of birth
and death how many people in this world know these things?
Very few people know and somebody indirectly knows some pandit or some scholar but they may not also believe it. Actually, the devotees are in best position that when people are in crisis devotees are able to go and specially this life and death crisis, able to help people to get over this, help them.
Some people are in hospital, go and see them, chant for them, pray, read Gītā and in this way either they recover and then they are very happy or otherwise they don’t recover they go back very good destination back to Krsna or to the heavenly planets by the help from devotees. Everybody appreciates going back.
One of the Namahatta special activity because everybody has to leave the
body, even our devotees. We don’t live forever, anytime something may happen
We have to be ready. When any difficulty like that happens to be able to give
them support, to give them association, to help them remain Kṛṣṇa Conscious
while, they are in that place facing such a situation and it happens quite a bit that’s not the only thing we can do, we do much more than that but that is something especially Hare Kṛṣṇa devotees know how to do because they know what this whole process is, we read about it in the Gītā and Bhagavatam we know whatever
Yam Yam Vaapi Smaran Bhāvam Tyaja-yan the Kale-varam
Whatever you are thinking at the time of death that’s where you go. So, what’s
our job help people to think of what?
Audience- Hare Kṛṣṇa!
Jayapatākā Swami: One of my Godfather, mjuu told me he went to see his father who was on the Death bed, at that time all the relatives were there crying and he was saying don’t worry, everything will be alright, he was thinking what everything will be alright. But they we’re telling him don’t worry we will manage and we will take care of your dog, we will take care...
So, this is sansar, this is a horrible situation, how is he going to remember
Kṛṣṇa when everyone was crying, you know. He said give me five minutes with my
father alone, five minutes.
He threw everybody out. Then all the relatives I think they gonna give him signs you know we were I think nice. One of the concerns at that moment, is other concern not really helping.
He wanted to help his father, he said they are not helping.
One time I wanted to tell, you are not this body, actually you are the living force in the body and you never gone die, you just leave this body but you will continue to exist eternally ever forever but now you can do one-time just do this for me, chant Hare Kṛṣṇa. He got his dad to chant Hare Kṛṣṇa, even he was saying yes, it is very peaceful. With spiritual knowledge even he was feeling very peaceful. They were whacking at the door in the kaliyuga they all come back and started all over again. He does not how much permanent effect he could be, but something was good for his father.
Prabhupāda said the boy went to his mother and said Mom you talk to Dad to please chant Hare Kṛṣṇa. No, she said I am really tired I am very weak I cannot say all those things I don’t know how to pronounce everything I don’t feel like, so many things she said. If she said I cannot chant Hare Kṛṣṇa, then she would have you know “Fasgaya”.
Prabhupāda said instead of saying I can’t, can’t, can’t why not just chant, chant, Chant, chant instead of can’t, can’t, can’t. So, in Kaliyuga there are so many difficulties.
Kulodosya Nidhi Asthi Eka Mahāguṇa Keerthana eva Kṛṣṇa -asya
Mukhta-sangata Karaam bhaje
So many difficulties in kaliyuga but one good quality is there what’s that? Chanting the holy name of Kṛṣṇa liberates us from the material association and takes us back home, back to Kṛṣṇa.
We see Caitnaya Mahaprabhu, he was giving this process to everyone and because of his massive travelling to South India whoever he met he told to chant Hare Kṛṣṇa. From house to house, he was personally giving, Bengal crowd in Navdeep, he was giving…Nityananad Prabhu he was also going door to door and requesting everyone please chant Hare Kṛṣṇa, make your life perfect that’s what we are doing like everywhere we are requesting people to chant.
Lord Caitnaya he was chanting and Srivas Thakur’s son died in the Kirtan, in the house there he had died. When the Kirtan was over, his body was brought out and he told his son to stand up get up, get up Gopal, the dead son stood up opened his eyes.
So, Gopal why have you left good your mother and father?
Srivas and Malini. Why you left? Why have you left your mother and father?
The Boy now speaking from atma level, which mother and which father I have taken millions of births which birth are you talking about?
Śiva’s and Malini, Oh, very nice parents. Why you have left them and why you are asking me why I have left it’s not in my control you have taken me, you have taken me back to the spiritual world.
Hare Kṛṣṇa
I left doing your kirtan. Now why you are bringing me back to this material world?” Like
that, discussion was going on.
Then the mother suddenly realized that my son is not the same anymore, not the normal nine-year-old boy. Now he is already come to light going back to Godhead.
So now he is asking, “How can I go back?”
Then mother said alright.
Then Lord Caitanya took the dead body of Gopāl and they bathed him in the Ganges and did all these final rites. Of course, I told you that story about the glories of the eleventh chapter of the Bhagavad-gītā and the rākṣasas.
All these children here you don’t mind hearing about rākṣasas?
We don’t want you to have any nightmares. There was a devotee, every day he would read the 11 th chapter of Bhagvat Gītā.
What is that chapter about?
Devotees: visrupa
Jayapatākā Swami: Visavrupa, universal form. Even reciting eleventh chapter, of Bhagwat Gītā that gives us sādhana, so he decided, he is going to go very nice place, all devotees with nothing on, visit some holy places. He was travelling. Sometimes bathing in association of devotees, is always a best thing to do. Anyway, he is travelling and one night he didn’t know where to stay.
He was coming in a village so asked the people any place to stay here. One man said yes, we have a guest house (mysterious laugh) you can go there and stay. Do you want to stay in a guest? house (mysterious laugh). So, it’s very strange people there. I don’t know why. Then he went, they said yes you can stay here; we have a guest house. They get locked upstairs at night. They lock everyone at night for their protection. In the morning we open the door and you can come out. So, there were many people in the guest house and he had his room. In the room was reading the 11th chapter of Bhagvat Gītā
nāhaṁ vedair na tapasā
na dānena na cejyayā
śākya evaṁ-vidho draṣṭum
dṛṣṭavān āsi mām yathā
The form which you are seeing with your transcendental eyes cannot be understood simply by studying the Vedas, nor by undergoing serious penances, nor by charity, nor by worship. It is not by these means that one can see me as I am.
haktyā tv ananyayā śākya
ahaṁ evaṁ-vidho arjuna
jñātum draṣṭum ca tattvena
praveṣṭuṁ ca parantapa
My dear Arjuna, only by undivided devotional service can I be understood as I am, standing before you, and can thus be seen directly. Only in this way can you enter into the mysteries of my understanding.
bmat-karma-krn mat-paramo
mad-bhaktaḥ saṅga-varjitaḥ
nirvairaḥ sarva-bhūteṣu
yaḥ sa mām eti pāṇḍava
My dear Arjuna, one who is engaged in My pure devotional service, free from the contaminations of previous activities and from mental speculation, who is friendly to every living entity, certainly comes to Me.
So, like this he is studying every day 11 th chapter of Bhagwat Gītā, wonderful chapter, very informative although people think of his swarupa as something impersonal but actually, we can find in that chapter that bhakti is the one of things, modifying. Actually, Arjuna cannot see this directly, this form of the lord of bhakti. That’s why he got the blessing.
So that devotee, he took his rest, in the morning he got up. Trying to get out but the
door was locked. All the other guests were gone, where everybody went?
Alright I am not able to go out, others have gone out. Yet he is again reading the 11th chapter of Gītā in the morning anyway, i will do my morning sādhana, daily sādhana is chanting.
Then a man came and opened the door, he goes out and man looks at him (with freighting
gesture) you are mine. That place is very strange. While man was looking at this gin, he
went by and gone, all looking.
Why everyone is pointing and looking then one brahmana came running up to him and said save me, save me, save my son, he is going to be killed. You are only one who can save my son, please please help me.
What do you mean?
What is this all about, I don’t understand its very strange place. You see, please please save my son.
How can I can save your son, you tell me. Calm down, what is it?
You see he is eaten by Raksha you are only one who can save him. How can I, I don’t understand, please? Explain what is it? How can I save your son, he is eaten by a Raksa?
Ok let me explain to you see in this village we are attacked by the raksa for a long time, for many many years all the village elders decide to discuss with him. There was too much all of sudden he comes down and grab a little girl or boy, runs up and eat them. So too much disturbance.
So, he said can we make some arrangement you are just frightening everyone all the time. Is it frightening, Raksa. Then he said ok you make a guest house, all the guest, I eat the guests, I won’t eat the children. Woh! Oh that’s
Why they all could be my guest’s ha ha ha.
So why, why wasn’t I eaten?
It’s a miracle. You are only one who has survived. You see i went to the raksa this
morning, what happened that there was a guest who was supposed to stay in our house
last night but accidently he went to wrong house he went to guest house.
My son heard oh no he is going to eat my friend. He ran to get him. He got locked in the house.
Raksa came and ate my son and the guests and everyone but you, you were not eaten. I went to the Raksha how you ate my son. You acknowledged you won’t eat. He said how can I eat your son, why would I eat your son. Where was he. In the guest house. In the guest house how would I know it’s your son.
Nobody is supposed to stay in the guest house, that was an accident. What can I do? You should save my son. You promised you are not going to eat our children you ate my son, give me son back. He is not, he is fully digested. You can get him back but its karma I have to tell you. I was cursed to become a Raksha, if you free me from the curse then your son can be liberated.
You better act very fast because he is digesting. What you mean, tell me what happened. I used to be a farmer; I was ploughing my field tending my crop. In the next field there was a man who broke his leg and he was injured. He was crying for help and I just ignored him. The vultures came and killed him.
One rishi heard his cry from the distance. He came running to save him. by the time he reached it was too late. Normally vultures they don’t attack a living person, because of his broken leg he couldn’t run so they start to attack him. the rishi got so angry with me; you were there you could have saved him. Anyone who is attacked by flees, tigers or wild animals, some hyenas or vultures or something.
Someone does not go to help him; they are great sinners. I curse you to become a Raksha. You didn’t save him; you could have saved him. You didn’t scare away the vulture, you didn’t do anything. Please forgive me, didn’t know, I was bit understand what was going on, i was worried about my crop and mosquitoes and just the other things.
So, he said ok, I cannot back the curse but someone will come who knows the 11th chapter of Bhagvat Gītā. If you chant the 11th chapter of Bhagwat Gītā over the bhoga water, sprinkle the water over your head. It will free you from the curse. The only reason I could eat that man is because he read the 11th chapter of Bhagwat Gītā. Raksas cannot eat man, woman and children who regularly chant 11th chapter of Bhagwat Gītā.
If you ever going into the raksha territory you know what to chant. So, I couldn’t eat him,
you get him to chant over the water. 11th chapter and sprinkle the water over me and
free me from the curse.
So, then the Brahman said please please you are only one who can save my son, please help me. So ok let’s go, then they went over where the raksha was, they chanted the 11th chapter of Bhagwat Gītā over the water, they took and sprinkle the water over the raksha,
changed. Immediately he was liberated just by the water of 11th chapter of Bhagwat Gītā. Not only he got liberated from the curse, he got the siddha swaroop, self-realization. He has got completely sat cid annanda form. Not only that the son of brāhmaṇa, he was also in spiritual form.
Brahmana said no, no where you going, no, no, no don’t leave me, your mother, your sister everyone waiting for you. Dady come on, they are taking me back to the spiritual world, look at the Viṣṇu duttas they have are spiritual forms what do you want me to go home for. No, we miss you; we want you go home with us. Dad after having millions of births now I have chance to go back to Godhead, why you want to me to come.
We need you we love you. Look here, the brahmana chanted 11th chapter of Bhagwat
Gītā chant it every day, end of the life come back to godhead. I will be waiting for you,
bye daddy. Then he went to the spiritual world
Oṁ namo Nārāyaṇa. Oṁ namo bhagwate Vāsudevāya.
Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare
Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare.
Lecture Suggetions
19990929 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 4.29.74
19990814 Caitanya-caritāmṛta (Ādi 7.31) Class
19990620 Questions And Answers
19990603 Addressing Devotees
19990603 Initation Lecture
19990513 Addressing Devotees
19990401 Question & Answer
19990401 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 6.5.42-43
19990330 Vyasa Puja Celebration 'Śrīla Bhaktivinoda Thakur līlā' - Godruma Dvipa
19990327 Vyāsa Pūjā Talk
19990304 Śrī Advaita Prabhu's Tattva & Pastimes
19990302 Gaura Pūrṇimā Festival
19990301 Diksha & Siksha
19990223 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 6.6.44
19990119 Bhagavad-gītā 7.18
19990112 Speaking For Asianet TV
19990104 Initiation Address
19990103 Ratha-yātrā Address
19881005 Caitanya-caritāmṛta Madhya Līlā 20.218
19940915 Bhagavad-gītā 17.16
19980606 Caitanya-caritāmṛta Madhya.13
19980521 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 3.21.13
19980520 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.8.27
19980504 Festival Address - Ratha-yātrā
19980504 Question & Answer Booth - Ratha-yātrā festival
19980407 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 11.17.27 - Vyasa-puja
19980310 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 5.13.9
19980215 Bhagavad-gītā 18.61-65
19980206 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 4.24
19971003 Bhagavad-gītā 10.7