Lecture Code: 19990304
Scripture: śrī Advaita Prabhu’s Tattva & Pastimes
Date: 4th March 1999
Transcribed By: Subhadra Shubhangi DD
Transcribed on: 25 September 2020
Status: Completed
Proof reading by : Bindu Mādhavi DD
Date : 10/10/2020
Following is class given by His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami on March 4th, 1999 the class is about śrī Advaita Prabhu’s Tattva & Pastimes.
mūkaṁ karoti vācālaṁ // paṅguṁ laṅghayate girim
yat-kṛpā tam ahaṁ vande // śrī-guruṁ dīna-tāraṇam
paramānanda-mādhavam // śrī caitanya iśvaram
CC Ādi 6.4
mahā-viṣṇur jagat-kartā
māyayā yaḥ sṛjaty adaḥ
tasyāvatāra evāyam
advaitācārya īśvaraḥ
Guru Mahārāja saying Ādi līlā Chapter 1
Lord Advaita Ācārya is the incarnation of Mahā-Viṣṇu, whose main function is to
create the cosmic world through the actions of māyā
CC Ādi 6.5
Because He is nondifferent from Hari, the Supreme Lord, He is called Advaita, and
because He propagates the cult of devotion, He is called Ācārya. He is the Lord and
the incarnation of the Lord’s devotee. Therefore, I take shelter of Him.
I offer my obeisances on to the Supreme Lord Kṛṣṇa who is non-different from His
feature as devotee, devotional incarnation, devotional manifestation, pure devotee,
devotional energy. So, today we meditate on the unlimited qualities śrī Advaita
ācārya. Advaita ācārya was a disciple of Mädhavendra Purī , how can he be the
disciple of Gaurāṅga , he prayed for Gaurāṅga to come (Devotees laughing). He was disciple of Gaurāṅga in another sense simply he is expansion of Lord Gaurāṅga but externally he took initiation from Mädhavendra Purī. Actually, He
appeared in śrīhatta in a place called Lauda gram. Lauda gram he appeared in a
year 1355 who had written down yesterday Lord Caitanya seven day of waxing
moon oh! that’s they said that He was born 1434. When Lord Caitanya appeared, he was already in his fifftys,fifty-two his father’s name was śrī Kuvera Pandit his mother name was Nabhadevi. Before initiation he has name was Kamalaksha
Vedapanchanam. Sītā devi and śrīdevi are His consort’s name. Sītā devi had
Achutananda then Krishna das, Gopal, Balarama Swaroop, and Jagadish and
śrīdevi had Shyama das. He had two houses one house in Shantipur and another
house in Nabadwip. He lived hundred and twenty-five years that means he
disappeared twenty-five years after Lord Caitanya pastimes were unmanifested.
Mädhavendra Purī meet Advaita Gosai quite interesting, that Mädhavendra Puri he was travelling from Vṛndāvana to go down to Jagannātha Purī on the Ganges side. He was one of the very few vaiṣṇava sannyāsī in North India. He went that public road he went by that public road and he was meet Māyāvādī sannyāsī he didn’t like to meet them they only wanted to talk about Vedanta and how they are all Gods.
The common people were asking for blessings. You know one time I was walking in one place and one lady fell down before me offering her obeisances and crying and finally touch my feet I forgot when this all about, then maybe she is such a devoted to something vaiṣṇava and then she got up then she said you are sadhu please bless me my son has got stomach tumour he got a stomach ache you had to bless him that the operation will be successful. So, we promise that the operation will be successful? So, vaiṣṇava sannyāsī they, not supposed to give material blessings, who knows that you promise that the operation will be successful then they come back that it wasn’t successful. Any way we not supposed to give such type of material blessings. So, apparently in those days people they are all go to the sannyāsīs asking only such material things. So, this was very disturbing because someone who wanted to practice Kṛṣṇa consciousness every time somebody is coming give me blessing that I can have this or that something else nothing… no interest in Kṛṣṇa consciousness. Mädhavendra Purī he was going off the main road and going just by side of the Ganges and then somehow because of Advaita ācārya live right by the side of Ganges he walked into the courtyard of the Advaita Gosai. Advaita Gosai was very surprised to see vaiṣṇava sannyāsī with tilak and tridanda immediately he jumped up and Mädhavendra Puri was very surprised to see a vaiṣṇava brāhmaṇa. They were also quite rare to see someone with vaiṣṇava tilak. Immediately Advaita offer his obeisance gave a sit gave a nice sit to Mädhavendra Purī please sit down and then he gave reception they sit and
requested to please take some prasāda here we are worshiping śālagrāma śilā
we are pure vaiṣṇava only worshiping viṣṇu. So, they start to discussing about
Kṛṣṇa consciousness and Advaita Gosai was very moved by Mädhavendra Purī
and he beg the stay at night like this then he requested that he could take initiation.
He only knows the Brahmanical Vedic mantra, but he wanted to get the pancaratrika mantra from a pure vaiṣṇava guru. So, Mädhavendra Purī gave him initiation after some time and then he went on. Now observing the festival disappearance festival of Mädhavendra Purī so that there are lots of books about Advaita Gosai you know all the gosvāmī are bona fide affect one specifically about Advaita Gosai. So far, we haven’t researched it there were quite a the few that were written about his childhood pastime there is Advaita Mangal, Advaita Vilas, Sītā charitra, balylīlā sutra in Sanskrit. Lot of books written about Advaita Gosai. So, of course the most important aspect of Advaita Gosai personality that was actually he who brought Caitanya Mahāprabhu into this world it explained in the Caitanya-caritāmṛta. In the house of Advaita ācārya all the vaiṣṇava’s took pleasure and always talking about Kṛṣṇa, always worshiping Kṛṣṇa, and always chanting the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahamantra.
Prabhupāda explain in the purport that on these principles only does the Kṛṣṇa
consciousness movement go on. We have no business other than to talk of Kṛṣṇa,
worship Kṛṣṇa, and chant the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahamantra.
CC Ādi 13.67
kintu sarva-loka dekhi’ kṛṣṇa-bahirmukha
viṣaye nimagna loka dekhi’ pāya duḥkha
But Śrī Advaita Ācārya Prabhu felt pained to see all the people without Kṛṣṇa
consciousness simply merging in material sense enjoyment.
A bona fide devotee of Lord Kṛṣṇa is always pained to see the fallen condition of the
whole world. Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura used to say, “There is no
scarcity of anything within this world. The only scarcity is of Kṛṣṇa consciousness.”
That is the vision of all pure devotees. Because of this lack of Kṛṣṇa consciousness
in human society, people are suffering terribly, being merged in an ocean of
nescience and sense gratification. A devotee onlooker is very much aggrieved to see
such a situation in the world.
CC Ādi 13.68
lokera nistāra-hetu karena cintana
kemate e saba lokera ha-ibe tāraṇa
Seeing the condition of the world, He began to think seriously of how all these
people could be delivered from the clutches of māyā.
CC Ādi 13.69
kṛṣṇa avatari’ karena bhaktira vistāra
tabe ta’ sakala lokera ha-ibe nistāra
Śrīla Advaita Ācārya Prabhu thought, “If Kṛṣṇa Himself appears in order to distribute
the cult of devotional service, then only will liberation be possible for all people.”
So, Advaita Gosai wanted that the Supreme Lord should come and liberate everyone
one. Just like the head of state comes and liberates everyone from the prison house.
CC Ādi 13.70
kṛṣṇa avatārite ācārya pratijñā kariyā
kṛṣṇa-pūjā kare tulasī-gaṅgājala diyā
With this consideration, Advaita Ācārya Prabhu, promising to cause Lord Kṛṣṇa to
descend, began to worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kṛṣṇa, with tulasī
leaves and water of the Ganges.
CC Ādi 13.71
kṛṣṇera āhvāna kare saghana huṅkāra
huṅkāre ākṛṣṭa hailā vrajendra-kumāra
By loud cries He invited Kṛṣṇa to appear, and this repeated invitation attracted Lord
Kṛṣṇa to descend.
Guru Mahārāja : Advaita Gosai took Ganges water and Tulasi manjaris and He started to offer the worship to Lord Kṛṣṇa and this way the Lord was moved, and He came down. So, Lord Caitanya was a small child at that time His elder brother this Vishvarupa used to go to listen to the scriptural discourses of Advaita Gosai. Nimai would go to get His elder brother sometimes He would sit there and listen for a while then He would ask
His brother to come. When Vishvarupa took sannyāsa, Advaita ācārya, He cried in
great separation of the Vishvarupa. Vishvarupa is Shankarshan so very natural
that Advaita feel separation. Ishwar puri came to Advaita’s temple then Ṭhākura
Haridas he sometime joins with Advaita Gosai that was also the interesting thing.
One-time Advaita Gosai he was performing shradha ceremony for his father he
performs shradha for the father he performs tirobhav for the guru two different
ceremony. So, in the shradha ceremony he offers worship to Lord viṣṇu and then
he feed the brāhmaṇa s prasāda. There are some special brāhmaṇa s who only go
around and eat food at sradha ceremony (laughter). If you go to the proper
vaiṣṇava shradha ceremony, then you get Kṛṣṇa prasāda - they are very healthy.
Someone told me I don’t know how far it was true that the ones who go to the
non- vaiṣṇava sradha they all turn very black because they get all karma from the
people giving the sradha but I don’t know any way that’s someone mention to me
today who know that. In any case this are… In this case Advaita Gosai invited the
pure vaiṣṇava Haridas Ṭhākura and He also invited many brāhmaṇa He did worship viṣṇu. He had viṣṇu prasāda and at the first prasāda He supposed to offer senior most brāhmaṇa He offer to Haridas Ṭhākura . One of the brāhmaṇa protested that he is not born in a brāhmaṇa family he is born in a Mohmaddean family so how could you soffer to him. Then Advaita Gosai said that he is greatest vaiṣṇava that means that he is also the greatest brāhmaṇa. But they were not immediately accepting so then he took some wood and said all right brāhmaṇa s are supposed to be able to light fire by mantra, so you blow on a wood and you light it. So, He brought wood before each of the brāhmaṇa (*makes sound of blowing fire*) they are blowing but they didn’t light any fire. So, he went to each one and each one is hopping and popping but nothing is happening finally he took to Haridas Ṭhākura and he chanted Hare Kṛṣṇa and blew on it and it lit into fire. So, that no one of the brāhmaṇa could say anything and
Haridas Ṭhākura was given the first mahaprasāda others were given other prasāda. The pastime he told me on the parikrama about Murāri Gupta. After Murāri Gupta
saw Lord Caitanya come to his house and he went again to offer obeisances in the
house of Jagannātha Mishra he went and talked to Advaita Gosai to say what he
thought. Advaita He was uncommittal so who… the neighbour Rama… Rama Pandit the brother of Śrīvāsa Pandit was sent by Lord Caitanya “you go to Advaita Gosai and tell Him that Lord for whom he had fasted loudly shouted the holy name cried in
separation and worshiped the tulasī … śālagrāma tulasī and Ganges water that Lord is
now in Nadia”. So, Rama Pandit went over to the Advaita’s house and when he went into the house, he offered his obeisances to Advaita was singing. Advaita ācārya
jumped out and immediately said how do I know its true? How do I know that He
is not just lying? Many people know that I prayed for the Lord to come what is the
proof that He is the Lord of my life the Lord of my heart? Rama Pandit answer
anything and Advaita was walking this way and that way in the courtyard saying all
these things. Well, he thought that Advaita ācāryas known to be little eccentric unusual quality, so, it’s not possible to understand everything he does anyway so he just waited. Then Advaita ācārya sat down and said “Hare Kṛṣṇa what is it that you want?”. Then Rama Pandit he stood up and he said the Lord for whom He giving that message “Lord Caitanya ordered him that Lord for whom you had fasted that Lord to whom you had worship the śālagrāma in tulasī and Ganges water that Lord for whom you loudly shouted out the Holy names and cry for separation that Lord has now appeared in Nadia.” Advaita ācārya jumped up Hariii…Bol Hari…Bol Hari… Bol. He is come ! He is come ! I made Him come I brought Him from the spiritual world Hari Bol Hari Bol.
Then his mood changed but How do I know it’s Him for sure how do I know? You tell Him “I am not going, I won’t go to see Him” that’s all too much for Rama Pandit he is sitting listening… you tell Him that I am not going what I will do is I will go hide in the village, and it is really my Lord you have called me and I come to You and offer my obeisance and you put his Lotus feet on my head and then You show me the
transcendental glory. Lord Advaita was ready to go and Sītā Thakurani was right by
His side with the whole Aarti tray. He said, “what is that for?” “just in case (laughter)
Lord did come – He is the Lord; you are an agent”. She was very expert. So He went
and hid in the village Rama Pandit came over to see Lord Caitanya from the other
way before He could say anything he offered his obeisances to Gaurāṅga
Gaurāṅgaaaaaa! Lord Gaurāṅga just ignored Rama Pandit and He looked over in the village area - “Naria Naria come here” its name of Advaita – “come here Advaita
Gosai”. So, very humbly Advaita came out looking and He came, and He offered His
obeisances and some distance from Lord Caitanya, Lord Gaurāṅga went and He
put His lotus feet on the head of Advaita Gosai.
Guru Mahārāja: Gaurāṅga
Devotees: Gaurāṅga!
Guru Mahārāja : Sītā nath
Devotees : Sītā nath
Guru Mahārāja : Advaita Gosai
Devotees : Advaita Gosai
Guru Mahārāja: Then Advaita Gosai looked up and instead of seeing just Nimai
Pandit that he had seen so many times before, now he was seeing a completely
effulgent form of Lord Gaurāṅga millions and millions of suns the whole world was
covered by Brahmajoti only the devotees were visible and Lord Caitanya everything
else disappeared. Of course, that the famous time of Lord Caitanya asked Advaita
Gosai that alright you ask me to come now ask Me the boon - what do you want?
why did you call Me? Advaita made His request after lot of encouragement from Lord
Caitanya Mahāprabhu [break] he was present when Nitai and Haridas came back
telling about Jagai and Madhai deliverance along with Lord Nityānanda there was
some special pastime. Gaurāṅga!
Devotees: Gaurāṅga!
Who can read Bengali? (aside: open up the chapter madhya fifteen) then Lord
Caitanya was offering His revealed His mahaprakash līlā Advaita Gosai was
worshiping Him then it was the pastime that Shivaram maharaja mentioned on
parikrama how Saci mata committed offence to Advaita Gosai that Lord Caitanya
was giving love out to everyone. When devotees asked please give mother Saci
then Lord Gaurāṅga said “No, I can’t”. Devotees said “Why not? You have to give
mother Saci she is greatest devotee” but he wouldn’t he said “No, she has offended a vaiṣṇava, offended a vaiṣṇava she can’t get love of Godhead. Śrīla Prabhupāda warned us actually, he was very worried that the devotees were offending each other. Actually, it’s a very important point living together in the society like this,seeingeverybody all the time we can’t disrespect everything very familiar.
And sometimes in light talk we may refer to vaiṣṇava s in a material sense or make offences to them mentally or physically or with words. Here Lord Caitanya said because mother Saci had offended Advaita Gosai just been in mind not in words, she never did anything more than that and explain that Vishvarupa use to go to study under Advaita and when he left and took sannyāsa mother Saci in her separation and love for Vishvarupa got angry and blame Advaita Gosai that he had turned her son in to a sannyāsī so on so forth and so that was considered an offence against a vaiṣṇava, so he said “So she can’t get love for Godhead”.
So, how did she get forgiven? So, how did she… she
has to ask Advaita Gosai to forgive her. So, they all went together with Gaurāṅga
Gaurāṅgaaaaaa! to see Advaita Gosai begging him to please give forgiveness to
mother Saci she personally requests to please forgive me I committed this offence
and Advaita Gosai said what is this you are the greatest devotee and he started to
glorify mother Saci in so many ways, how devoted she is how wonderful devotee
she is, he got so ecstatic glorifying mother Saci he fainted on the ground in ecstasy.
Then, Lord Caitanya told mother Saci now she has chance grab his lotus feet get
the dust he explained sometimes a vaiṣṇava will not take any offence but the dust
from the lotus feet of the vaiṣṇava take offence. She had to take the dust form the
feet of the vaiṣṇava and then you can be forgiven for that offence. So, mother
Saci took the dust from Advaita ācāryas lotus feet and got the mercy. Of course,
Advaita was so much older - fifty years older than Lord Caitanya, so Lord Caitanya
although treated him with great respect also he was initiated, he was His uncle in
guru parampara. But Advaita knows that he was expansion of Lord Caitanya and
Advaita ācārya wanted to worship Lord Caitanya but only when Lord Caitanya
was in that very special ecstasy with Advaita ācārya do that. Lord Caitanya forgot
His consciousness as Gaurāṅga He was in a mood of Kṛṣṇa, so that was very rare.
Sometime Advaita wanted to respect Lord Caitanya but Lord Caitanya became
very angry and respect him instead. That’s what the pastime came where Advaita
started to preach a non-bona fide philosophy and Lord Caitanya start chasing him
with the stick and Advaita was feeling relief that once he was being disrespected.
One-time Lord Caitanya fell on the ground in ecstasy and Advaita ācārya went
and touch His lotus feet and took the dust. Then Lord Caitanya He came back to
consciousness and He said “Somebody has stolen all my devotion, all my
everything, someone has stolen everything I have nothing left, what is the use of
living, I have no devotion.” And Lord Caitanya ran out and went where everybody
running after, but He go so fast He jumped in the Ganges. Nityānanda ran after and he was jumping after and the others they went nearby the shore and they are looking, and they couldn’t see Lord Caitanya anywhere. They looked and they looked and didn’t appear. Actually, until Lord Caitanya went around the in the Ganges may be from (not audible, 26:59)opposed to ghat as a joke. He jumped in and went under water until he got opposite of Nandan ācāryas house little bit opposite of Māyāpur Chandrodaya mandir grihastha section over there.
And then He came out of the Ganges firstly came out of
the water His head look around and all of a sudden(Guru Mahārāja makes a sound ‘poop’) Nityānanda’s head came out of
the water. What are you doing here? I am with You, alright come on. He came out of
water and He went in the house of Nandan ācārya nobody saw them, its middle of
the night or I don’t know when it was, but nobody saw them, by the way in the night is time of kīrtana but it’s middle of the night don’t remember the detail. Anyway,
devotees looking everywhere where was Gaurāṅga, but they thought that He had
disappear. And Advaita for his mistake he starts fasting he couldn’t eat couldn’t sleep he became like a mad man Gaurāṅga Gaurāṅga Gaurāṅga Gaurāṅga Gaurāṅga
Gaurāṅga (Devotees repeated) and all the devotees they were like mad they how
can we live without Gaurāṅga Gaurāṅga Gaurāṅga (Devotees repeated) . Looks like
all the devotees will die in separation Advaita Gosai like a mad man rolling on the
ground crying Gaurāṅga. When Lord Caitanya and Gaurāṅga Nityānanda heard that then they became moved so then first they called Śrīvāsa then they called the Advaita.
Advaita said: “please I never do it again please forgive me he was so relieved
that Gaura Nitai was back Lord Caitanya took danger take the dust of lotus feet I
have to do at right time otherwise sometime highly reaction. So, like this there was
so many pastimes
TEXT 341
gadādhara-gaurāṅge miliyā jala-keli
nityānanda-advaite khelaye doṅhe mili'
Gadādhara and Gaurāṅga were playing in water splashing each other. Nityānanda
and Advaita they were playing splashing one to another.
TEXT 342
advaita-nayane nityänanda kutühalé
nirghäte märiyä jala dila mahäbalé
Nityānanda raised his hand and he gave a big splash with His great power and water was flying hitting, Advaita right in the eye after that.
TEXT 343
dui cakṣu advaita melite nāhi pāre
mahā-krodhāveśe prabhu gālāgāli pāḍe
After that water hit so much, he couldn’t properly close the both eyes, he couldn’t
properly see with his eyes they are like… he got a such a heavy splash. So, he
started to give some words to express great anger at Nityānanda for this attack on
Advaita Gosia
TEXT 344
nityānanda-madyape karila cakṣu kāṇa
kothā haite madyapera haila upasthāna
TEXT 345
śrīnivāsa paṇḍitera mūle jāti nāi
kothākāra avadhūte āni' dila ṭhāñi
TEXT 346
śacīra nandana corā eta karma kare
niravadhi avadhūta-saṁhati vihare”
Nityānanda acting in such a intoxicated passion he has made my two eyes blind now, where has all this foolishness come from it could not come from Śrīvāsa Pandit where did he He bring this avadhuta from. Saci Nandan He simply He is doing so much inconceivable avadhuta activity with Saci Nandan. This is you know whole thing was like giving Nityānanda’s case really acting to wild. Why he
splashed me in the eye what is going on here what kind of where did He come from
anyway. Nityānanda he responded
TEXT 347
“mukhe nāhi vāsa lāja
hārile āpane—āra kandale ki kāja?”
He is saying that Arey what’s the use of crying to speak as you can’t see any more
(Devotees:Laughing). Then Gurachandra Lord Caitanya said
TEXT 348
gauracandra bale,—“eka-bāre nāhi jāni
tina-bāra haile se hāra-jita māni”
Arey I don’t accept one splash to be the winner he had to win three times then I
accept he is the winner. Otherwise Nityānanda He gave a good splash to Advaita one-time Arey That’s only one-time that’s the three. So,
TEXT 349
āra-bāra jala-yuddha advaita-nitāi
kautuka lāgiyā eka-deha—dui ṭhāñi
TEXT 350
dui-jane jala-yuddha—keha nāhi pāre
eka-bāra jine keha, āra bāra hāre
So the two they started a huge water war splashing each other, and one couldn’t defeat the other splashing so hard one time one would win next time the other one would win then the one would win then the other one would win (Devotees: Laughing)
TEXT 351
āra-bāra nityānanda saṁbhrama pāiyā
dilena nayane jala nirghāta kariyā
Then one-time Nityānanda he really gave a water again real hard in the eyes of
Advaita. Then Advaita got pain from that he says “crazy guy why you are doing this to a brāhmaṇa just because you are going all those western countries and eatingall their rice this is what they have done to you. You lost your Kula your janma your jati it’s all gone away, mother father guru all gone that’s why because you eaten all this food from the people in the western country.” You know like Bombay and all these eastern places I am saying Bombay but there was no Bombay then but western - west means from here west (Devotees: Laughing). That’s why they are calling you Avadhuta be careful when you go to the west don’t eat that western food only food of Nitaiii Guaranga
otherwise…(Devotees: Laughing)
TEXT 355
nityānanda-prati stava kare vyapadeśe
śuni' nityānanda-prabhu gaṇa-saha hāse
Actually, in the purport all these pastimes explains how all these things although theysound like criticism by Sarasvati’s blessing each one of them is actually explaining
what material family does Nityānanda have he is on a spiritual world and what mother and father he is himself is a timeless and unborn and he is the guru of everyone. So, where is the question of guru and disciple this are all external like that every point here, every word is explained in the purport how although it’s sounds like Advaita criticising him he is actually offering him praise in a very esoteric way. Just Advaita and Nityānanda they are having a water sport and Lord Gaurāṅga is watching all the devotees are watching they had a very special relationship. Tomorrow we are going to the place where
three prabhus sat. When Lord Gaurāṅga took sannyāsa and Nityānanda brought him back and tricked Him to come to Shantipur and Lord Gaurāṅga thought that He was going to Vṛndāvana then He looked, and He saw that Advaita and Nityānanda were in a boat. So what is Advaita and Nityānanda doing in Vṛndāvana? And His ecstasy snapped and He realised He wasn’t in Vṛndāvana He was in Shantipur He said what, you cheated me You told me this is the Jamuna. Nityānanda said yes, “that side of Ganges is Jamuna that’s why Jamuna mixes on the western side and Ganges is on the eastern side.” Anyway, then He got in the boat and the three together they sat down by the side of the Ganges and they took prasāda that also mentioned in Caitanya-caritāmṛta.
Then again Advaita and Nityānanda got into the fight because Nityānanda took prasāda from Advaita, from his plate. Actually no one can understand their relationship it’s so it’s very it’s we listen and we laught but their relationship is actually completely transcendental, and they understand what we see externally is nothing compare what their
understanding. All these things have got very esoteric meaning which we can only
see the tip of the iceberg so to speak. So, that three prabhu vishram sthan, the
place where three prabhu sat that is there in Shantipur we are going there you can pay your obeisances also. Then Lord Caitanya took sannyāsa of course we know so many time Advaita Gosai went to visit Him with Sītā Thakurani offering Him
prasāda in Jagannātha Purī. And then after some time after ten years when Lord
Gaurāṅga came back to Navadvīpa and didn’t come to Navadvīpa but came on the other yside we told that pastime in a parikrama. And then the way back He stop in a Shantipur and it was Govind Dwadashi tomorrow is Dwadashi and Ekadashi mixed according to our Panjika all the Gauḍīya math observing Ekadashi today Dwadashi tomorrow. So, everybody else is praying tomorrow but we got Ekadashi
tomorrow. So today Ekadashi and go there and feed everybody else with khichadi
and this little token some nongrain prasāda there and come back and have prasāda
here. In any case when Lord Caitanya was there, He saw this massive
arrangement that Advaita ācārya had made I mean houses after houses were constructed, bamboo houses were filled one with leaves plate, one with rice, one with yogurt you know so many he had made the whole village just all the ingredients for the feast. some people
were cutting subjis some were cooking some were… In other place some-one
was giving lecture from the Bhagavatam other place people were chanting and kīrtana. Just like we saw everywhere there was like you know it, was like a mini Māyāpur festival something so many people doing so many things preparing a massive festival big prasāda offering to Mädhavendra Purī and massive prasāda distribution to all of the people.
And then Lord Caitanya He was so moved by all those details all the wonderful
arrangement and seeing a wonderful devotion for the guru then Advaita Gosai was
showing to Mädhavendra Purī Lord Caitanya He declare anyone who takes
prasāda here on this day of Govind Dwadashi he will get devotion for Govinda he
will get love for Govinda. Gaurāṅga Gaurāṅga Nitai gaur Sītā nath premanande Hari
Hari Hari Bolllll (laughter). That is the very…actually the description is very long but it is
already very late so. Otherwise description on Govinda Dwadashi I don’t know
tomorrow will be time, you see there some public discussion but because at least to
give a limited version of this thing today more detail today may be…but if you go in
a much detail there is actually more detail but it explains every house every ingredient
everything that’s going on who is dancing who is going so wonderful festival. So,
anyway, in this way Advaita Gosai’s pastimes inseparable with Lord Caitanya was a friend at the same time someone has to have respect for… he has respect for Lord Caitanya
but outwardly act differently. Twenty-five years he lived after Caitanya Mahāprabhu was disappear hundred and twenty-five years he was on this planet.
śrī Advaita Gosai Ki jay( devotees responding) Sītā nath Ki jay( devotees responding) Sītā Advaita śrīdevi Ki jay (devotees responding).
You saw Acutanand was a very great preacher he is a very great devotee of
Lord Caitanya.
Are there any questions? Lokeshwari?
Devotee: you were talking about vaiṣṇava devotees would take the dust from the feet of the vaiṣṇava they offended.( not clearly audible, 42:07) A devotee doesn’t actually take the dust from the feet, then……
Guru Mahārāja: Then the person says you are forgiven then you are forgiven. But in the case of Advaita he never said that she was forgiven he said no no she never
offend how can she offend me he said I am fallen soul she is a great devotee. She
couldn’t offend me she didn’t anyway and he went in so much ecstasy explaining her glories he never admitted offence so, therefore, he never apologized. But Lord
Caitanya said no, he was offended. Even though he may not accept out of his
humility. But Lord Caitanya was offended, so figuratively to accept the dust of the lotus feet of Lord I don’t know exactly how dust of the lotus feet why he said like that but that what sastra said that you take the dust from the feet when you get forgiven for offence or the person forgives you then you also forgiven. One time somebody ask senior vaiṣṇava so I don’t know are you offended or didn’t offend but even thought I don’t take any offence I pray to Kṛṣṇa just in case any offence please forgive me.
Any other question?
vaiṣṇava Yes, Maharaja Oh that was said more than once, but that might have been said. you want me to look it out. He is the combination of SadaŚiva and Maha viṣṇu. So, the Maha viṣṇu aspect is given more importance in the Caitanya-caritāmṛta. In
Caitanya-Bhāgavata it stresses some time Śiva aspect but that was clarified by Kṛṣṇadāsa Kavirāja, out of two the Caitanya-caritāmṛta considered philosophically more dependable, more accurate you know minutely accurate. So, that explain that he is also Śiva but that SadaŚiva ….that Śiva – there is form of Śiva before comes in contact with the material world, there is spiritual form and that form and Maha viṣṇu combine. There is no material pinch in Advaita Gosai everything about him is transcendental.
Any other question?
Yes, Devakinandan
Devakinandan : you were saying that Lord Nityanand ….(not audible, 44:52) jumped in Ganga.
Guru Mahārāja : Who jumped?
Devakinandan : Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu
Guru Mahārāja : But you see Lord Caitanya would never let Advaita touch His
lotus feet because He always said no no you are My guru you are guru varga you
are older than Me and He would instead touch Advaita’s feet or He would respect
Advaita as an elder. One time Lord Caitanya fainted on the ground so that time
Advaita always wanted to worship Lord Caitanya, but Lord Caitanya wouldn’t let
him. Unless He was in a rare time when He was mahabhav something I mean in the
mahaprakash mood otherwise He wouldn’t let . So, one time Advaita sneaked, when He was fainted on the ground, he took the dust.
Lord Caitanya immediately knew what happen and like to teach him a lesson don’t do that. Then he put on this whole thing that someone has stolen everything from mewhen you touch somebody’s feet you get their good qualities and you dump your bad qualities on them.
That’s why like when Prabhupāda was sick he was requesting please don’t let any
non-disciple touch my feet because anyway he didn’t like non-disciple touch my feet.
And when he was sick he did not want anybody to touch his feet. So, touching the feet has this characteristic apart from gaining forgiveness for offences.
So, Lord Caitanya said, “ Well somebody has taken everything from me.” Otherwise Advaita knew everybody knew everybody see Advaita take dust from His feet. So, Lord Caitanya say some one stolen it means Caitanya is pretending Himself ordinary very simple devotee and I don’t have so much spiritual asset somebody touch my feet and took away whatever asset I have. So, now what… what He was doing is like this in a very graphic way telling Advaita don’t touch My feet, but He was giving several instructions through that He was churning the ocean of rasa in separation. He was using this as
opportunity on one hand He was establishing that He had to be treated like devotee
and people shouldn’t deceive for touching His feet thinking He was God or someone
thinking He is Kṛṣṇa some other… That was not directly said but some influence is
there. So, one thing was Lord Caitanya was warning don’t touch His feet like that other thing was He was just churning the ocean of transcendental mellow His devotee just
like Kṛṣṇa would leave the rasa dance and put everyone in separation Lord
Caitanya just left the saṅkīrtana and disappear for two days and all the devotees
were ready to leave their body. So that separation and then when Lord Caitanya
came back, and everybody get a new life the pleasure they felt by re-join with Lord
Caitanya was unlimited. So, sometimes Lord Caitanya how important the actual
pastime what a significance of reaction I mean the incidence these are beyond my ability give some kind of commentary on that. This what actually happened some of the things are more to be heard the rasas to be experienced but as deep as you can go you can understand. So, Lord Caitanya put them all in separation then later everything was
taken out. One of the reason might be heard that I am sure Lord Caitanya
everything He has got so many reasons we are only given the access to certain
number of them which had been revealed by the ācārya some time you may realise
more by their blessings that was effect .Does that answer your question?
Last question
Being translated into Russian or some other language.
Devotee: In the personal aspect, do personal association, it is said that there is vāṇī and vapuh in service.(not so clear, 49:11)
Guru Mahārāja: Actually in the sense of the Guru, associate with the guru and whenyou served him directly that is vapu and when you follow his instruction that is vāṇī I didn’t hear that specifically referred to relation to Kṛṣṇa’s pastimes but there are some parallels, so that the devotees when they are with Kṛṣṇa that’s calledsambhoga and when they are separation from Kṛṣṇa that s called vipralamba. So Lord Caitanya taught them the higher ecstasy is in separation but usually what we talk about being with Kṛṣṇa is called sambhoga and when we talk about the separated as vipralamba.
When we said we are serving the guru and he is personally present that’s called
vapuh seva when we are serving his order is called vāṇī the two the term is usually
use far as I know in the relation to the Guru. So, Lord Caitanya just like those devotees they are feeling so much separation when disappear for two days then He came back again they felt more happiness. So, this separation increases the desire of the devotee when the Lord reveales again then their ecstasy is even more so that kind of situation also happen by separation the heart responded the love is deeper this is another aspect. Like Prabhupāda said, “When we doing vapuh seva maybe someone’s guru is present, they are serving they look out of the corner of their eyes.hmmm.. maybe I should go get a pizza or maybe I should go here and there….. so they may not be so intense, they may be thinking of other things, trying to do something else whatever might be one might get distracted. But then when you are in separation of the guru carrying out his orders, some time no matter what you are
doing you always remember the guru because on the separation your feeling more…”
You always remind that you are not with the guru you are remembering the guru
trying to carry our all his instructions, that way the connection,so meditation remains
unbroken and the more intense so both of these…Also Lord Caitanya, stressed that whole pastime of Lord Caitanya - He is feeling separation from Kṛṣṇa He
has trained all His devotees to feel separation from the Lord so that is called vāṇī seva vipralamba. So, that saṅkīrtana movement. Just like Lord Caitanya is not physically present we can’t see Him revealed His pastime and we are getting some blessing we are feeling some desire to be with Lord Caitanya we are feeling some separation and some ecstasy sometimes hearing about His wonderful quality. So, all these things are even though physically we are not in His manifested pastime His līlā’s aprakrta. But we are able to get this experience just by remembering His pastime discussing them in association with devotee. So, that is something Lord Caitanya said is to be cultivated that’s the higher test devotees were feeling. When Kṛṣṇa back Vṛndāvana differently He was still there in bhava from the gopis all feeling separation of Lord Kṛṣṇa and in that separation, there was a great unity with
Kṛṣṇa. So, we really feel separation from the Lord and His devotee that brings us
on the spiritual platform even in a more united way.
Hare Kṛṣṇa
Thank you
Jay Jayapatākā Swami śrīla ācāryapada Ki Jay
I don’t know what’s going to happen about that…he said prasāda for devotees is
going to be at 5. If that’s so, then I just don’t know what is going to be happen.
Otherwise, if its 4, then I will see you.
Lecture Suggetions
Śrīmad Bhāgavatam (4.12.43) Class
Description of Holy Navadvīpa-dhāma
19991223 Bhagavad-gītā 9.34
19991223 Śrīmad Bhāgavatam (4.22.5)
19991218 Śrīmad Bhāgavatam (5.5.24) Class
19990929 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 4.29.74
19990814 Caitanya-caritāmṛta (Ādi 7.31) Class
19990620 Questions And Answers
19990603 Addressing Devotees
19990603 Initation Lecture
19990513 Addressing Devotees
19990401 Question & Answer
19990401 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 6.5.42-43
19990330 Vyasa Puja Celebration 'Śrīla Bhaktivinoda Thakur līlā' - Godruma Dvipa
19990327 Vyāsa Pūjā Talk
19990302 Gaura Pūrṇimā Festival
19990301 Diksha & Siksha
19990223 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 6.6.44
19990119 Bhagavad-gītā 7.18
19990119 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.14.10
19990112 Speaking For Asianet TV
19990104 Initiation Address
19990103 Ratha-yātrā Address
19881005 Caitanya-caritāmṛta Madhya Līlā 20.218
19940915 Bhagavad-gītā 17.16
19980606 Caitanya-caritāmṛta Madhya.13
19980521 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 3.21.13
19980520 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.8.27
19980504 Festival Address - Ratha-yātrā
19980504 Question & Answer Booth - Ratha-yātrā festival