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20140305 NMP Day 01 04 Surabhi Kunj Russian Party

5 Mar 2014|English|Navadvīpa Maṇḍala Parikramā|Śrī Māyāpur, India

NMP Day 01 04 Surabhi Kunj Russian Party

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Navadvipa Parikrama



West Bengal


Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Inspiration series - 2014

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Mukha karoti vaachalam… Welcome to the Navadwip Mandal Parikrama! So, you have probably heard of all these transcendental places. You heard something about Bhakti Vinod Thakur? First of all, I offer my respectful obeisances to all the swamis and speakers and Prabhupad disciples who are present here today and all the devotees who are present. This temple is being managed by devotees who are very affectionate to us. The late guru who was here, he used to greet me and call me his younger brother. So that swami who gave me a garland, used to call me his uncle guru. So this is a good place to roll in the dust as here, because here, Lord Nityananda used to dance and somewhere here, Surabhi cow is still present. Hari bol! Ha! Ha! You have to have transcendental vision, some of you may have it. Bhakti Vinod Thakur, he was a school teacher in Orissa and he at some point, he was in Persia and spoke the Persian language. But then he switched over to working for the British government. So then he was the first administrator the Puri temple. But his keen desire was to find the real birth place of Lord Caitanya. So he got transferred to Nadia and he went by His house. Actually, it is said that he is a manjari from Lalita’s troupe and came down to respect Lord Caitanya’s movement. He tried different ways to locate the birthplace of Lord Caitanya. One night he saw a light coming from that direction. So he went there and started looking around. He asked the local Muslim villagers, what is this place? They said, this is a useless place, useless. No matter what we grow, eggplant or okra, only Tulasi would grow. Ha! Ha! So he thought, somewhere here must be the place. So he took Jagannath das babaji who was 113 years old . He was so old that to keep his eyes open he used a match stick. So he took him in a basket and he started to walk towards those Tulasi plants. At one place, Jagannathdas Babaji, he lit up and shouted Gauranga! Gauranga! Gauranga! And he danced in ecstasy. Otherwise, he could not even sit up. In this way the exact place of Lord Caitanya’s yoga pitha or touchdown from the spiritual world was discovered. Bhakti Siddhantha Thakur, he got a donation from one businessman, he gave everything, all his money, to the last penny. So then he took the babaji, his Samadhi mandir is by the gate, Shakticharandas babaji by the gate of the yoga pitha. So when they were excavating the foundation , they found a terracotta deity of Vishnu. So he checked the placement of the hands and its combination – shanka, chakra, gada, padma. So this particular formation indicated the Adhokshaja Vishnu, which was Jagannath Mishra’s household deity. So like this, Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur, he tried to develop the dham, Antardwip and all the Dwips. Prabhupad was saying how he also was trying to develop the dham, that is why he is building the TOVP and he said he was very grateful to all the followers who are helping him. So this morning I was feeling very blissful, I went and prayed before the deities for the success of this parikrama. I prayed to Prabhupad. I realized Prabhupad and the previous acharyas were very pleased, very pleased with all of you! Hari bol! Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur, on one of his last parikramas, he predicted that one of the people I just initiated, he is going to go and preach all over the world and he will bring people from Russia, from England, from America, and other western countries. They will all come and do the Navawvip Dham parikrama. I have never been happier in my life and it will happen after some time. It will happen sometime, it will happen. IT WILL HAPPEN. IT WILL HAPPEN! Hari bol! So your going around Navadwip dham will have wonderful effects. Last night we had a press conference and the journalist asked, there is tension between Russia and Ukraine. Anuttama prabhu, he said, those who are in the material platform are in Kali yuga, but here we have devotees from Russia and devotees from Ukraine, they are all friends. We don’t have any fighting. Ha! Hari bol! So this is the solution for worldwide peace! Hari bol! Apart from that, just like Lord Caitanya, Krishna, are non different from Their name, Their form, pastimes, but sometimes we forget that They are also non different from Their Dham. And the Dham of Navadwip has a special quality, that one by drinking the water, taking the food, prasadam, one gets inspired to serve Krishna. Gradually this develops into pure love. So the Dham is a very special place. So even Brahma, even Shiva, even unlimited mouths of Ananta Dev cannot describe all the glories of the Dham. So we have no idea how great it is just to be in the Dham. And in this Kali yuga all the other dhams get overwhelmed by the sins of Kali, but the Navadwip dham increases its power. Hari bol! So in your parikrama, please remember this holy dham is something very special, transcendental. We just were singing the glories of Nitai Gaur by Locanadas, he said how even the animals would cry, even the stones melted, by the mercy of Lord Caitanya! Then he said, but I am totally immersed in the samsara and I am suffering and enjoying my senses according to my karma. So on your path to Mayapur, you took various aeroplanes, jets, some may have come by Aeroflot, some by Uzbekistan, some by Kazakhstan, some by Lufthansa, and so many airlines. So here you have been given two choices, you can take the airline of karma or Lord Caitanya’s mercy! So who wants to go with karma! Hari bol! So we will take a vote. So all those who want the law of karma, raise your hands! Ha! Ha! And those who want the mercy of Lord Caitanya and Lord Nitayanada, raise your hands! Hari bol! Almost unanimous! Ha! Ha! Thank you very much! Bless you all! Hare Krishna!

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