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20140306 NMP Day 02 01 Naimisāraṇya Russian Party

6 Mar 2014|English|Navadvīpa Maṇḍala Parikramā|Navadvipa dhama, India

NMP Day 02 01 Naimisaranya Russian Party

Type Of Talk:



Navadvipa Parikrama



West Bengal


Thursday, March 6, 2014


Inspiration series - 2014

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140306 - NMP Day 02 - Naimisaranya Russian Party mukam karoti vachalam pangum langhayate girim yat-kripa tam aham vande shri-gurum dina-taranam Paramananda Madhavam Sri Caitanya Iswaram


Hari Om tatsat.


Naimisaranya is manifested here. Anything spiritual done here will affect the entire universe. So Sukhadev Goswami chanted the Gaura Bhagavat Here. Here, everyone chanted the Gaura Lila? All those speakers?


We heard that Lord Siva was so eager to hear the Lila that he borrowed the swan of Lord Brahma. You've heard all these things. But I want you to think first of what I am saying. To hear the Lord’s pastimes is so wonderful that the result of devotional service when you hear the pastimes of the Lord always is you can participate in His lilas. That’s called the Nitya lila; we want players in Lord Krsna’s and Lord Gauranga’s pastimes. Who would like to be in the pastimes of the Lord? So people say, "What is different in Krsna consciousness? Where can we even begin to explain? We know the Lord’s qualities and pastimes, but it is all a mystery to others. And then we can also participate in those pastimes if you are very very fortunate.


When Parikshit Maharaj was hearing Bhagavatam from Sukhadev Goswami, at the end of the 10th canto, he had to pass six days with no water, no food, no sleep. And what was he thinking? What was he doing? “What did my unlimited Lord do? What did my unlimited Lord do? What next? What next”? He was so eager to know— he wanted to hear more and more. That is Krsna Consciousness. But don’t worry. They will feed you. Haha! Haha! Hahaha! But when you are so eager to hear, you will forget eating. You have to be reminded it is time to eat. Anyway, we are in this very sacred place. And in that tree there are so many bats, but I don’t know if they can understand. You are all fortunate, because you born as human beings. You can understand.


There is a Holy place (which we will be passing by) called Pushkara Tirtha. I heard they will not sit there. What is your plan? We bought a little of that land. But there are lot left to buy. It is said that if you bathe in that pond, you get love of Godhead. There was a Brahmin called Diva. He was visiting all the holy places. But desired to visit the king of Holy places, the tirtha raj, Pushkar dham. But then he reached that place and someone told him to stay in Navadvipa. So he had a grass hut and he was staying here. But he became very old, he could hardly walk, and then he had a great desire to see Pushkara tirtha. But he was too old. So he was crying, saying, "All my life is wasted. I didn’t see Pushkara tirtha.” And then Pushkara tirtha appeared to him and told him, "All the holy places are present in Navadvip. And I am here also. So just bathe in this pond and you will get the benefits, even more." Just opposite there is Kurukshetra and there it says if you live hundred years in Kurukshetra in North India, and if you stay one night there, it is equal. So much mercy flows in Navadvipa dhama.


You are now in Madhya dvipa. It is an island of remembrance. And then you cross over the river and go to Koladvip. That is the island of pada sevanam, serving the lotus feet of the Lord. That is the place where offenses are easily forgiven. I don’t imagine any of you would have done any offenses but just in case hahaha! And it is known as Aparadh banjan Kuliya pat. So when you get there where Dhameshwar and Jagannath das babaji’s, our leader here, have everybody forgive everyone else and pray that they get forgiven for all the offenses. And then there offer their obeisances, chanting vanca kalpa. Not here, there. One thing to get to those places, you will be marching through the centre of Navadvip town and all the shopkeepers will be watching. You have to go there in a very orderly manner, chanting and dancing. Do you know how to do that? And may be some Russian-speaking ladies can do ulu dhvani. So there is also Parama tala there is deity of Devi and we worship her as yoga maya. She is the protectress of the dhama. And you pray to enter into the esoteric aspect of the dhama.


So we are going to ask the shop keepers which group had the most ecstatic Kirtan. I think you will win. But there are also the international group and will have heavy competition. You don’t seem to be afraid. Om Hari Om. It is another sampradaya, they coming every year and they seem to be coming up then otherwise you don’t have any connection. The party leaders supposed to give some donation at every temple they visit. Then all the devotees they don’t have to give. So yesterday, did they tell the parrot pastime?


We hope that devotees will be more careful not to commit offenses in the future. 140306 - NMP Day 02 - Naimisaranya Russian Party mukam karoti vachalam pangum langhayate girim yat-kripa tam aham vande shri-gurum dina-taranam Paramananda Madhavam Sri Caitanya Iswaram


Hari Om tatsat.


Naimisaranya is manifested here. Anything spiritual done here will affect the entire universe. So Sukhadev Goswami chanted the Gaura Bhagavat Here. Here, everyone chanted the Gaura Lila? All those speakers?


We heard that Lord Siva was so eager to hear the Lila that he borrowed the swan of Lord Brahma. You've heard all these things. But I want you to think first of what I am saying. To hear the Lord’s pastimes is so wonderful that the result of devotional service when you hear the pastimes of the Lord always is you can participate in His lilas. That’s called the Nitya lila; we want players in Lord Krsna’s and Lord Gauranga’s pastimes. Who would like to be in the pastimes of the Lord? So people say, "What is different in Krsna consciousness? Where can we even begin to explain? We know the Lord’s qualities and pastimes, but it is all a mystery to others. And then we can also participate in those pastimes if you are very very fortunate.


When Parikshit Maharaj was hearing Bhagavatam from Sukhadev Goswami, at the end of the 10th canto, he had to pass six days with no water, no food, no sleep. And what was he thinking? What was he doing? “What did my unlimited Lord do? What did my unlimited Lord do? What next? What next”? He was so eager to know— he wanted to hear more and more. That is Krsna Consciousness. But don’t worry. They will feed you. Haha! Haha! Hahaha! But when you are so eager to hear, you will forget eating. You have to be reminded it is time to eat. Anyway, we are in this very sacred place. And in that tree there are so many bats, but I don’t know if they can understand. You are all fortunate, because you born as human beings. You can understand.


There is a Holy place (which we will be passing by) called Pushkara Tirtha. I heard they will not sit there. What is your plan? We bought a little of that land. But there are lot left to buy. It is said that if you bathe in that pond, you get love of Godhead. There was a Brahmin called Diva. He was visiting all the holy places. But desired to visit the king of Holy places, the tirtha raj, Pushkar dham. But then he reached that place and someone told him to stay in Navadvipa. So he had a grass hut and he was staying here. But he became very old, he could hardly walk, and then he had a great desire to see Pushkara tirtha. But he was too old. So he was crying, saying, "All my life is wasted. I didn’t see Pushkara tirtha.” And then Pushkara tirtha appeared to him and told him, "All the holy places are present in Navadvip. And I am here also. So just bathe in this pond and you will get the benefits, even more." Just opposite there is Kurukshetra and there it says if you live hundred years in Kurukshetra in North India, and if you stay one night there, it is equal. So much mercy flows in Navadvipa dhama.


You are now in Madhya dvipa. It is an island of remembrance. And then you cross over the river and go to Koladvip. That is the island of pada sevanam, serving the lotus feet of the Lord. That is the place where offenses are easily forgiven. I don’t imagine any of you would have done any offenses but just in case hahaha! And it is known as Aparadh banjan Kuliya pat. So when you get there where Dhameshwar and Jagannath das babaji’s, our leader here, have everybody forgive everyone else and pray that they get forgiven for all the offenses. And then there offer their obeisances, chanting vanca kalpa. Not here, there. One thing to get to those places, you will be marching through the centre of Navadvip town and all the shopkeepers will be watching. You have to go there in a very orderly manner, chanting and dancing. Do you know how to do that? And may be some Russian-speaking ladies can do ulu dhvani. So there is also Parama tala there is deity of Devi and we worship her as yoga maya. She is the protectress of the dhama. And you pray to enter into the esoteric aspect of the dhama.


So we are going to ask the shop keepers which group had the most ecstatic Kirtan. I think you will win. But there are also the international group and will have heavy competition. You don’t seem to be afraid. Om Hari Om. It is another sampradaya, they coming every year and they seem to be coming up then otherwise you don’t have any connection. The party leaders supposed to give some donation at every temple they visit. Then all the devotees they don’t have to give. So yesterday, did they tell the parrot pastime?


We hope that devotees will be more careful not to commit offences in the future.

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