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20140307 NMP Day 03 03 Pratāpanagara Hindi Party

7 Mar 2014|English|Navadvīpa Maṇḍala Parikramā|Navadvipa dhama, India

NMP Day 03 03 Pratāpanagara Hindi Party

Type Of Talk:



Navadvipa Parikrama



West Bengal.


Friday, March 7, 2014


Inspiration series - 2014

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Mukha karoti vaachalam…


Are you all happy? You had enough prasadam? You had a good rest? You are not chanting out loud! Gauranga! Either they had too much prasadam or they didn’t have enough. Now you can rest on the boats. On this western side of the Ganges there is which river? Do you know? Jamunaji! Saraswati is in the middle and on the eastern bank is the Ganges. Don’t you remember at the Triveni in Allahabad there is confluence of Ganga, Jamuna and Saraswati. So that same idea is here. So you passed through Ritudwip, Jahanudwip, Modudramdwip, and now you are going toward Rudradwip. And you end up back in Simantadwip. So today you are going through many different islands. Sometimes we have to tell the foreigners not to take the feet in the water because the Ganges is a holy river. We don’t want to put our feet down. Also, sitting on the boat side is dangerous because sometimes devotees fall asleep. One time a brahmachari, he fell asleep and fell into the Ganges and was taken over by the matajis’ boat, because emergency knows no rules. Of course, he was very embarrassed. So first thing is sit inside the boat and don’t sit on the edge. So when you arrive at Shankarpur and there is a place we are not going is the place Nityananda showed to Jiva Goswami from far there. It is the northern border of the dham. That place is called Rukunpur and Lord Rama has another lila there. He defeated one demon and that place is considered a special Rama thirtha. So from next year we may take the devotees there to eat prasad. I heard that when you went to Modrudamdwip, the island of servitude, you did not hear the glories of Lord Rama. So there Lord Rama was in the forest with Lakshman and Sita. He started smiling. Sita asked Him, why are You smiling? And He said, in Kali yuga, I come here as Lord Gauranga and there I come as a brahmana. And I will marry Vedavati and Yourself. But when I am 24 years old, I will take sanyas and I will banish Myself to the forest and You are worshipping a golden form of Me. You saw the deity worshipped by Vishnupriya, Dhameshwar, the deity made from the neem tree and painted golden yellow. So that was the form that Vishnupriya worshipped. And Lord Rama said in this lila I will banish you to the forest and I will worship a golden form of you. But Sita was not happy with this. She was sad of separation from the Lord. So like that the Lord knows that this is His holy dham for all the yugas. But here in Kali yuga, in this dham, the glories expand more and more and more! And this dham is called Audurya dham because it gives out unlimited mercy! Who needs kripa? Gauranga! Gauranga! Gauranga! This time you chanted loud! And now you will proceed to Rudradwip and Simantadwip, that is why I am speaking from the car, so you can quickly achieve your destination. So have a very nice time. And there should be life saving jackets on the boat. If anyone does not know swimming, they can put on these jackets and chant the holy names. If you go for a dip, be very careful because there are strong currents . Hari bol!

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