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20140305 NMP Day 01 03 Nrsimhapalli International Party

5 Mar 2014|English|Navadvīpa Maṇḍala Parikramā|Navadvipa dhama, India

NMP Day 01 03 Nrsimhapalli International Party

Type Of Talk:



Navadvipa Parikrama



West Bengal.


Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Inspiration series - 2014

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140305 - NMP Day 01 - Nrsimhapalli International Party mukam karoti vachalam pangum langhayate girim yat-kripa tam aham vande shri-gurum dina-taranam Paramananda Madhavam Sri Caitanya Iswaram


First let me offer my respectful obeisances to the assembled Sanyasis and Senior devotees who are speaking. I am very grateful to the Gaudiya Math for giving us this place to sit.


You heard the glories of Nrsimhapalli and Devapalli, how here in the Holy dham Lord Nrsimhadev have become very approachable. He was not so approachable after killing Hiranyakasipu. But that changed here in Navadvip dham. Here all the Devas and their wives they offered their devotional service to Lord Nrsimhadev. In this regard Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur he glorified the Holy Dham. He said that the Holy dham is non- different from Lord Caitanya. And he said Lord Caitanya is very merciful in the Holy dham of Navadvip, is also very merciful. And here Navadvip Dham is also very merciful. So in Kali Yuga all the other dhams are decreasing but Navadvip Dham is increasing more and more and more and more. More! Gauranga! Nityananda!


One time if you chant the name of Gauranga, you can get rid of more sins that you can create. Even the vegetables, the water, everything about Navadvip dham is so charged, has the special ingredients, transcendental ingredients. Someone told Bhakti Siddhanta Thakur how by drinking water and eating the food here my health has improved. He said “that’s not the purpose. That’s still physical. We need food for atma and the atma benefits by taking anything from the dham”. In The dham all the food has a special ingredient that increases ones desire to serve the Lord. Haribol! So by visiting the Dham, by doing this Navadvip parikrama your desire to serve Lord Caitanya and His devotees should increase more and more and more more. Haribol!


So we hope that you all so charged with that the desire to serve that when you leave Navadvip dham you could still serve the Lord and you will preach the glories. By this way of separation you will always be the resident of the Navadvip dham. You will see this as your original home. And you are not coming back to visit the Dham, you are visiting home, you are coming home. Haribol! So in this dham all kirtans, all avatars, all devotees from different yugas, they have all come to serve Lord Caitanya. They all come to serve Radha and Krsna. So it is our great good fortune that Srila Prabhupad has revealed the dham to us and that we can enter into its esoteric glories. It says that when one visits Vrindavan they should first visit Navadvip dham then they enter into Vrindavan, just like we chant Pancatattva mantra before chanting Hare Krsna. So hope all of you are getting special mercy here in the Navadvip parikrama. Every step is more, more than million Aswamedha yagna. We are trying to figure it out how many steps you are taken. But we want more love for Krsna. And Lord Caitanya He gives that for free without considering who deserves it who doesn’t. He gives to everyone. Haribol!


So this is an ancient deity of Nrsimhadev. Please see the deities, put some water from the deity on the head and chant always Hare Krsna.

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