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20151001 Talk

1 Oct 2015|Duration: 00:25:45|English|Others|Balarāma deśa

Today we were on working on Lord Caitanya’s book. Just like a Kṛṣṇa book we want to make a Caitanya book. Which tells all the land many other past times of lord Caitanya as we know. So for the first 24 years Lord Caitanya spent his life as a house holder. And the next 24 years he will spend his life as a sanyasi. When He, Lakshman and Sita, when they traverse through Navadvīpa dhāma. They took shelter under a large banyan tree. There Lord Rāma smiled, the Sita asked, “Why are you smiling?”  In Kali yuga I come here in a golden form as to spread the chanting the names of Lord Hari. So in this pastime I banish you to the forest. And so in that pastime I banish myself to the forest, to reciprocate. But Sita she didn’t like that because she was losing the association of the Lord in both cases. So just like here in Bahrain, the Kingdom of Bahrain there are many embassies. And those embassies are specially the domain of the country they have come from, right? [Guru Mahārāja questions ]  So like that some of the places on this planet are like spiritual embassies of the spiritual world. Like in Bharat there is Vṛndāvana ,Mathurā and Dvārakā.These are places of Lord Caitanya, and there is Ayodhya and whats that called citrachila ?…. Chitrakoot ah..? Chitrakoot and Rameswaram,  Srirangam,  Srilanka and such places.

 In Tirupathi  Balaji has manifested his pastimes there and that place is known as  non-different  from Vaikuntā and all the places where they installed the form of the Lord are present  are like consulates and those Lords are  known as arcā avatars. So here in Balaramdesh there is some arcā avatars and in different  countries of the world there are arcā avatars  and where pure devotee has had his pastimes that is considered as Sridham [6.45-6.47] and certain areas around that place are also considered as mini dhāma. I think it is something like the radius of one and a half krosās, so about  three miles. So Śrīla Prabhupāda  said if we would like to leave his body in some holy place and that also includes near some  sacred temples of Lord Viṣṇu  in his various forms.  So being next to Śrī Padmanbji , Guruvayoor, Srirangam or like Ahobilam or  Melukote and there are also  so many temples all over the world. Like in Gita Nagari there is a Radha Kṛṣṇa deities. So there my dear friend and God brother His Holiness Bhakti Tirtha Swami. He left his body. Prabhupāda said that these temples around the world are also holy places. So and he was encouraging the devotees to make some pilgrimages to see these temples.  We heard that from Damodardesh a group of devotees have gone to Europe and to Bangladesh  and to different places. So like this one can visit the temples either ancient or modern. Whichever have installed the deities of Kṛṣṇa, Rāma, Viṣṇu  and  its nice that  some of our devotees decided to live together and establish some deity . Somehow you need to protect your spiritual consciousness that you have achieved here in Balaramdesh .  Today you have nice association and you don’t know what the association will be in other places. Sometimes friends, relatives , work- colleagues are Mayavadis or Sunyavadis  or atheists. when two of disciples were married in USA and the girl, the boy’s father, he was working as a scientist, he was at that time making a 100 thousand dollars in a year which was a pretty good amount but the wife and the husband were doing aarti in the home, and the father he was saying, “Oh! Why are you doing this? You are young, you should go and enjoy a cinema or something and go out to a restaurant.” They said, “Father we are very happy like this.” [ Guru Mahārāja nodded his head in despair] When the father retired he was back to India, he had a nice villa in Bangalore. When his younger brother was asking him, “Dear brother, why don’t you go to the holy temples? Why don’t you go to Guruvayur or Srirangam or Tirupathi .” He said, “I have to marry my daughters”, all your daughters are married, “What about our grand- daughters”, their fathers will see. You should prepare now to go back to Godhead, you getting old why don’t you go to the temples? “I go but I can only pay attention for about only 5 or 7 minutes. I made all this money in America. Now I have kept it in fixed deposits, mutual funds, stock market, Fds you know ,  you need to trust, so many thoughts you know. I am not used to this thinking of spiritual things. So his son wrote to me,” like this I couldn’t help my father and he died in material consciousness” and so I encouraged that you be in Kṛṣṇa conscious and if you are in Kṛṣṇa conscious you go back to Godhead and your father will get a free ticket. 

This is the problem, everyone thinks that serving the senses is the goal of life, but actually serving Kṛṣṇa gives one unlimited happiness. There is one family where mother, sister, brother, son everybody was initiated by me, except the father. He would always say that, “Oh!  Why do you have to do this? Then he diagnosed with cancer, chemotherapy didn’t work, his cancer increased 3rd level, 4th level. Doctor said he could go anytime, not sure and he was in his room and suddenly through the wall they were four people. Their upper body dark color hair, hands by the ropes Oh... you must be in the wrong place No, No ,...... not me... ..They looked at him and they went the other way. He calls his wife, “I want neck beads, I want Bhagavat Gita, I want Bhagavat Gita quick quick Bhagavat Gita. Give me, give me beads I can chant mantras he chanted  Hare Hare Rāmā Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa ram ram hare hare .hare krishna hare Krishna oh krishna krishna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare, he noted on..... and he was chanting curiously on the beads and he said read to me Bhagavat Gita, sudden change who were these four people? We should have more class, more good preachers. [Guru Mahārāja laughs and devotees laugh along]  But so then he became completely Kṛṣṇa conscious, bhoom just like that. I think those four must have been Yamadutas  hands, muscles [Guru Mahārāja shows actions] ready to rip him apart, he said that suddenly he believed  and he didn’t play around anymore, but most people don’t get that chance, may be somehow he got the chance we don’t know why he got the chance, maybe because his wife is giving him prasadam.  So don’t wait for the Yamadutas. [Guru Mahārāja and devotees laugh]

 So being in this profession, you all engage in the service or being a guru, we need all kinds of people and I will tell you some more stories later but, [Guru Mahārāja looks at his watch ]

 I wanted to take time to meet all the devotees, I thought  family by family, ok this therapist can be a bit late’  so I am running by hour and half late, so lets decide where to do this, here? or we can go to my room  and  have family come in  and take  blessing but, its late 9:20 .

Devotee: Room is better 

Guru Mahārāja: ah?

Devotee: Room is better Guru Mahārāja.

Guru Mahārāja:  May be if it is a Bhakti vriksha they can come in together. Or if the family is coming then you organize they come and how and meet them, they tell what their services is? Or someone  should introduce what their services are? And you have those papers? You have. So give it to here someone. Check if everyones record here is same as there in the office . Actually in the notes you write down their services. 

Are there any questions here?

Devotee: Mahārāja, I would suggest you that you meet the devotee and have Prasad there.

Maharaja:  Yeah in the room or if there is someone, who is bachelor here or someone whose family is in India so they come in a group of four.  



Transcribed by Srirupa Kamala Devi Dasi
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