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20151115 Śrīla Prabhupāda Disappearance Day @ Samādhi temple

15 Nov 2015|English|Festival Address|Śrī Māyāpur, India

20151115 Śrīla Prabhupāda Disappearance Day @ Samādhi temple

Type Of Talk:



Prabhupada's Disappearance


Sridham Mayapur / India


Sunday, November 15, 2015


Needs enhancement

20151115_Srila_Prabhupada_Disappearance_Day_@_Srila_Prabhupada_Samadhi_Sri_Mayapur_Dham My obeisance’s to all the previous acharyas. When I first met Srila Prabhupada I had the kind of experience that he was illuminating the whole room. Then he asked me to take lunch with him and I was seated between Brahmananda and Garga Muni. I was very thin and they were hefty, then Prabhupada said that he would send me to India. First he said he has got to train me up. So I was in Montreal as the President. I am fastracking, then I was in India in 1970 and then Prabhupada gave me sanyas, and then I was in Mayapur with Bhavananda Prabhu and so to facilitate Bhabhananda Prabhu’s staying with Prabhupada in the last days I came and went and I still remember the day of his Tirobhav. Of course I couldn’t believe that Prabhupada could leave. So he had to get me a cheque and said that there was work to be done in Mayapur. I remember that I bowed down to Srila Prabhupada, he was lying down on his bed looking at his picture of Krishna-Balaram and his was in the air and kirtan was running softly. I ran and caught the train. Next morning I reached Calcutta. I saw the newspaper and then the front cover said, “A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhuapada, he had left the world”, and I cried. And I cried the first year. I took a plane back to Vrindavan but it was too late. So remember that Prabhupada on the roof of the lotus, he was talking to me and Bhavananada. He was very concerned that after the departure of gurumarahaj the gaura math split up and sold properties, and said, “I want that atleast you maintain whatever I did. If you increase it I will be happy but atleast maintain what I did.” So we are very grateful to all the devotees that we kept ISKCON together so far with only one exception, and the.. the ISCKON movement has expanded from 108 temples by Prabhupada to 216, 355 and today about 600 with 1000’s of bhakti vriksas, counsellor groups, namahattas. So as we heard Prabhupada as most predicted as the senapati bhakta and we have yet to complete the campaign ah... Prabhupada started a war against illusion and we have work to increase that. So this temple of Vedic planetarium is a big step in Prabhupada’s strategy. Prabhupada wanted everyone to think how to extend this movement. He said preaching is essence and that the books are the basis. We should see that people get the books and also read the books. So there are so many pastimes that I can tell. I think that tonight between 8-9 I will tell Prabhupada’s Mayapur pastimes on the roof of the lotus building. So I don’t want to delay abhisekh any further. Commentator: Thank you very much.

Sadananda Krishnaprem Das.

Transcribed by Sadananda Krishnaprem Das
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