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20151103 Arrival Address

3 Nov 2015|English|Arrival Address|Avatārīdeśa

20151103 Arrival Address

Type Of Talk:

Arrival Address




Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Needs enhancement

20151103_Avataridesh Gurumaharaj: But since my stroke left half of my face paralysed. So as a result some people cannot understand what I say. So Shyam Madhusudhan is repeating. So first I would like to welcome everybody on this auspicious month of Damodar. There was some universal disturbance. The devas headed by Indra came to the ocean of milk and they wanted to get help from Lord Visnu who was the expansion of the supreme personality of Godhead in every universe but it was the month of kartik, Damodar and the Lord was taking rest. So they were worried that if we wake Him up He will be angry one us. Then they got the idea, lets chant the holy name of Krishna, he will be happy with that. So they began to chant an dance. Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare The Lord was so happy to see the devas singing and chanting His holy name. The devas in the cultures are knows as angels. I got a book once, “18000 angels.” So angels in the material world, baby angels. For us we know Indra, Vayudev, Agnidev, four kumaras, and then in the spiritual world or the kingdom of God they are the personal associates or parshads. So in the Vedas this are given in great details. But in other cultures they just call angels. So the Lord was so happy on this tithi, on this month, a hundred times the benefit, How much does a Land Rover cost? Answer : $100,000 Gurumaharaj: So in $1000 you can get it. (Applause) So favourite mobile phone you can get in a couple of diram??07.55 I just drew a comparison but there is no comparison actually. It means that you can get elevated to the highest spiritual goal with just very little effort. So the month was the kartik month of damodar, and the tithi was ekadasi which is known as Hari Vas or the day of Hari. So that’s why this is a very special month, and offering a lamp on this day not only helps you but also your forefathers and also helps your descendents- your children, your grandchildred, even those who are not yet born. So who will not take this opportunity to offer a lamp or do some simple seva. So in the Bhagavat Puran, there are three forms of the absolute truth, “brahmeti, paramatmeti, bhagavaneti sabhdhate. There is the impersonal absolute truth. There is the antaryami or the paramatma rup and there is the bhagavan, personality of Godhead rup. So the nirakar is realized by the jnana yogi’s. The dyanana or astanga yogi’s realizes the nirakar and the paramatma. The bhakti yogis realize all three and especially they realize the personality of Godhead. So in this Kali yuga there are various problems and there are various advantages. So just the material...the material influence is much greater in this kali yuga and one can place obsatacles like quarrelling and cheating but there are some advantages as well that in other yuga just by thinking something bad you get the bad result or bad karma but in kali yuga just by thinking something good you can get the good result. In Kali yuga there is specially the golden age now for 10,000 years. Lord Krishna said that after 5000 years He would send someone to spread the chanting of the holy names all over the world and we were trying to figure out who that was? And we came to the conclusion that it was His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada and he spread the holy name all over the world. He was the first to do that, he led the way and ah... he went as a humble servant of Krishna and the guru parampara. So ah... you are greatly privileged to have his association and his spiritual decadence. In ISKCON we are multiple guru society and ah... so you should offer your respect appropriately to all the different gurus that come. We need guru to guide us to the realization of Krishna. Bhagavan has unlimited names. The.... we like to call Him as Krishna which means the source of all happiness and the all attractive, but he has unlimited names. Visnu means all pervasive. So in Sanskrit their names and their names in other languages. So by a little bhakti or devotional service to Krishna one can receive the highest benediction. Some people want material blessings- to get a new house, to get a new car or to get a beautiful wife or husband, have nice children. This are natural desires of people in the material world, but as one advances they gradually becomes more and more attached to Krishna, and Krishna when He was on this planet, He had his pastimes in Vrindavan, Mathura and Dwarka. In the Bhagavat Puran it tells how Krishna went to meet two devotees and with him he took many sages. In the souther part of what today is know as Nepal, in the northern part of Bihar, in that there was a kingdom and Bahulashwar was the king, and ah... Suta dev was the poor Brahmin devotee. So simultaneously Krishna divided into two and with one expansion and all the sages he went to see the King and with the other expansion and the all the sages he went to see the poor Brahmin. The King Bahulashwar was so happy to receive Krishna, he gave a them a royal reception. His queen poured water and the King bathed the feet of Lord Krishna and all the sages. He took the water and sprinkled it on the head of his children and his ministers, and on his rani’s head. So they offered Krisna special gifts of jewels, hira, mani, then gave Krishna golden seats, and all the sages special golden seats. He gave all the sages cows with golden decorations. He requested, “Please will you accept my lunch?”, he gave them 56 preparation(chappan bhoga), he was so happy Krishna came to his palace, he was crying in ecstasy, “please Krishna stay a few days with us.” Meanwhile Krishna went to see the other devotees, the poor Brahmin. Sutadev saw when Krishna walked into his yard, immediately he offered his obeisance’s, he didn’t have appropriate sits to give to Krishna and the sages, he had to borrow something from the neighbours, he just put down some asanas, then he and his wife poured water and he massaged it to the lotus feet of Lord Krishna and all the other rishis. You know he was very poor, he couldn’t offer jewels or gold like the King, but he gave a lotus flower to each, and he begged them, “please stay for lunch.” But his wife could only cook a simple mean. Rice, dal, some sabjis, an ordinary meal. While he was serving out he was so happy, so overwhelmed, Krishna came to my house, he was dancing in ecstasy. Hari Bol, Hari Bol, so he was dancing and chanting the holy name of the Lord. He was like a madman, “the Lord has come to my house.” How many of you want that the Lord should come to your house? (Hari Bol) How would you like Srila Prabhupada should come to your house? (Hari Bol) I see this year in Abu Dabi, he is coming to your house. In everybody’s house you have A.C. A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami. So Lord Caitanya for six years He travelled by foot all over India. He travelled all over Bengal. He travelled over Eastern India, Orissa, He travelled towards South India, Andra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, He also visited Maharastra and Gujrat, also Uttar Pradesh and Jharkand and as well as Bihar. Basically He visit all of India, and each night He would stay in a different house. So calculate how many homes He visited. Each house welcomed Him with a foot bathing. Then He would take their prasadam, He would preach to them, give a lecture to them, to the family members, like this He visited thousands and thousands of homes, and ah... He is Krishna Himself but He came as a devotee because when He was in Dwaraka and Rukmini was crying at His arrival and He was saying, “Why you are crying, I have just come to your palace.” And she said, “You are Bhagavan, You know what is Brahma is doing on Satyaloka, what Siva is doing on Kailash, but it seems there is one thing that You don’t know. Radharani Knows, I know, but You don’t know. No one tells Bhagavan that there is something He doesn’t know. So He said, “What is that?” “You don’t how much we devotee love You, and in what way we love You.” “You are the Lord. You see things from Your point of view, but what Your devotees feel and they way they love You, You don’t know.” So He said, “Please. Please”, dried the tears from His wife’s eyes. At that moment Narada Muni came. “Oh! Gurudev, Gurudev, Bach Gaya, He saved me.” So He and Rukmini were playing the part of a ksatriya. So they received their guru Narada muni. He bathed the feet of Naradamuni although He is the Lord of all Lords, He is playing the part of a ksatriya. So then they noticed that Narad Muni was agitated. He said that, “ my guru is always peaceful, but today you are not peaceful, and today my queen says that there is something that I don’t know. So why are you disturbed today.” Naradamuni said, “Study the symptoms in the universe. I understand that Your pastimes are soon to end, You will go to some other universe or You will go back to the spiritual world. So what will happen to the conditioned soul in the Kali Yuga, I am worried about them.” Then Krishna said, “Alright, I say I will come again in Kali Yuga, I will come as my devotee to satisfy my queen and to satisfy You I will spread the chanting of the holy. If anyone chants the holy name he will easily get delivered. They will feel spiritual bliss and they will dance in ecstasy.” So Lord came as His devotee as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. In Kali yuga everyone has some deva and some asura bhav, the divine as well as a demoniac mentality. So in Kali yuga he didn’t carry any weapon of violence, He in Ramlila, He always had the bow and arrow, in Krishna lila he didn’t use weapons in Vraja but He used weapon in Mathura and Dwarka but as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu He said, “No weapons.” He had the drums, musical instruments, kartals, singing. Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare So with this spiritual accessories He would kill the demoniac nature and leave the divine nature, but He wouldn’t kill any people. So this is Lord Caitanya’s special program and if you would like to develop this natural affection for Krishha, that’s simply by singing this names. There is no difference between the name and the Lord. If you are in the desert and you are dying of thirst and you say, “Water, water, water, water”, but it doesn’t quench your thirst, but when you chant the name of Krishna, you will feel the presence of Krishna. “Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Krishna.” Don’t take my word for it, try it for yourself. So when Lord Caitanya was touring South India, on man came and said, “I want to leave everything and join You and be like a sanyasi.” Lord Caitanya said, “NO! You can stay with your family, don’t abruptly change, don’t be a monkey or a markat vairagya. By my order you spread this Krishna consciousness, be a guru and show the way.” So in Kali Yuga it doesn’t.... whatever your nature you can be a grhastha or you can be in the renounce order, but you should try to use your activities also to please Krishna. This is called Yukta Vairagya. Just in conclusion this yukta vairagya is very easy. You all have to eat, so offer your food first to Krisha and then you take Krishna prasadam. Like this you have to raise your children because you love them, you want to give them the best in life. So naturally you want to give them Krishna consciousness because this the very best that you can give you. Like this if you have a flat invite people over sometimes, have chanting, have prasadam. Like that use what you have in Krishna’s service. That is called Yukta Vairagya. It all depends on the consciousness, like a knife in the hands of the thief he can take a life, but in the hands of a surgean or a doctor he can save a life. So depending on you consciousness the husband and wife can read the sastras together. So gradually increase your activity to centre on Krishna. So you will find unlimited spiritual happiness, we want you to be happy, so with this words I would like to complete here. And please all of you welcome Krishna in your heart and chant three times Hare Krishna. Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare Transcribed by: Sadananda Krishnprem Das.


His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness

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