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20151030 Darśana

30 Oct 2015|English|Darśana|Kanhaiya-desa

Darśana at Kanhaiyadesh

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Friday, October 30, 2015


Needs enhancement

30/OCT/2015 - Kanhaiyadesh Mei thoda thoda Hindi janthaahoon. Lekin ithar atmi hei, Hindi nahi janthaahoon. Ami besi Bangla Janin. Kintu yati ami bangla bole tho jan ache bangla janina. So I will speak in English and then you translate in any way you want. So I am very happy to be here Kanhaiya desh again. I wanted to come here every year twice (Haribol!) But I became physically sick. And so some of those diseases are cured. That’s why I am here. My doctor said, "Please go to those places, they need to see you." So I am here. And I am very glad that today you are observing Damodar-puja. Krishna spent 16 years in Gokula. And there He had various pastimes. So He says that He never leaves Gokula. He is always there visible or invisible. So according to the Vedas. There is one Lord; but He has unlimited forms—ananta rupam. So sometimes He appears as a Boar. A boar means pig. And the earth had fallen from its orbit; it was at the karbodaka ocean. So, they went to Lord Brahma, how to solve this problem? He was meditating on Lord Visnu. Ahhhthuum! He sneezed out. Like we sneeze out some flume. He sneezed out a little boar—a size of an insect. And the Boar was running around; before everyone's eyes He became as big as a cat. Pretty soon He became as big as tiger or lion. Then He became as bigger than a elephant. Then He went in outer space. Then He became bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. He became so big that He could lift the earth in His tusk. The Boar is expert in lifting things from the dirty place. So He lifted up the earth and put the earth back in its orbit. Then Hiranyaksa—the elder brother of Hiranya Kasipu, he said, "What? Who is interfering with my pleasure." And there was a big fight between him and Varahadev. It was a long fight. Then Varahadev put His foot on the earth and with the other foot He smashed Hiranyaksa in the head. And Hiranyaksa was instantly dead. Now where did Maha-varaha touched the earth? Do you know? Do you know? Raise your hand, who knows. Where? He touched the earth at the Navadvipa dhama. (Haribol!) Navadvipa has nine islands. And so the Simantadvipa, Godrumadvipa, Rudradvipa, Koladvipa. Koladvipa means, Kola means another name of Varaha. So Navadvipa dhama is a special place. Narayana, He stays in Vaikuntha; Lord Rama stays in Ayodhya; and then Krishna stays in Dvaraka, Mathura and Gokula. So, in Goloka there are four dhamas Dvaraka, Mathura, Gokula and Svetadvipa. Lord Gauranga stays in Svetadvipa. And that is very great confidential thing. In Dvaraka, Krishna went from the house/palace of Satyabhama to the palace of Rukmini. So Krishna went from Sathyabhama's palace to Rukmini's palace. And Rukmini arranged very reception for Lord Krishna. On the door, she puts sugarcane stocks; and also full water pots; brahmins were chanting mantras; musicians playing music; and personally lead all the maids to clean the house. She had her sons run to Krishna, and greet their father. Then Krishna return to Their private quarters. Rukmini was bathing Lord Krishna's lotus feet. But Krishna noticed that she was crying; "You are suppose to be happy, I am coming to your palace, Why are you crying? Has some child not listen to you? Or some servant argued back? Why you are crying?" And she replied, "You are Bhagavan, You know what Brahma is doing in Satya-loka, you know what Siva is doing in Kailash, but it seems that one thing that you don't know. Radharani knows, I know. But you don't know." "I don't know what's that?" "No! This thing I don't think You know" "Tell Me what it is?" "You don’t know, how much Your devotees love You. And in what way they love You. If You promise me that You never leave my palace. Then I won't cry. But, now You are coming soon You will go." And Rukmini has such a strong love for Krishna that even in His presence she feel separation. So Krishna brought her up by His side, try to wipe tears from her eyes. Just at that time Narada Muni, flew through window. Krishna said, " OH! Gurudev! Gurudev!" And immediately they stood up and offered him a special seat for the Guru. In Dwarka Krishna was playing the part of a Ksatriya and Naradmuni was his siksha guru. So when Rukmini put water on his feet… Naradamuni’s feet, then Krishna rubbed it in. But then Krishna noted that Narada was agitated. What a day! Wow! My wife said that I don’t know something! My guru who is always peaceful today he is agitated. Why you are disturbed Naradamuni…why you are disturbed gurudev? He said, “Well, I see that by the symptoms in the world, you will soon leave and ah… Kaliyuga will begin. So I wondered what will deli verse of the people in Kaliyuga? I am very worried about them.” Then Krishna said, “Alright, to satisfy I will again come in Kaliyuga, and I will come as my devotee to satisfy Rukmini. I will know what my devotee feels for me because I will become my own devotee.” Everything is possible for bhagavan. So that’s one of the reasons why Lord Krishna came Sri Krishna Caitanya and we saw in the drama tadoy, how Ajamil was a sinful person but somehow he named his son as Narayana and he was again and again calling his son, “Narayana! come and take food with me, Narayana ! come and walk with me, Narayana! What’s this, What’s that” Calling Narayana! Narayana! So when Yamudata’s came he called “Narayana” And then he remembered the original Narayana, and ah… the Visnuduta’s came and saved him. That was one real story I personally experienced. The mother and daughters were all initiated by me but father he was disinterested in Krishna consciousness. “It’s a waste of time. Life is meant to enjoy.” Then he got cancer and it was level four. One, two, three, four. Four means last one. So one day some guys like this yamaduta’s walked through his wall. They had leather ropes and they were looking at him. “No, No, No, No, No, No, not me, you got a mistake here. They smiled and they disappeared. He called his wife, “I want neckbeads, I want japa, I want to read Gita, please read it.” So he started to chant japa, reading gita, putting on tilak. Overnight change. “Who were this guys who came through the wall?” They scarred him like anything. Don’t make the yamaduta’s to come to inspire you to chant. Chant all the time anyway. In the Padmapurana it tells of a wife who married a man who is 35 years old. I don’t know how many years they were married but the husband he had some disease and he died, but she was too young to remain a widow. So she started to associate with different men. This is avaida- non vedic way. So the father in law said, “You are welcome to stay here but you have to be strict. I have unmarried daughters and if you behave this way, they will think that my daughters are like that and it will be very hard to marry them. If you can’t follow the principles then you should live separate.” So lived separately. Somehow she got a parrot and this parrot will chant, “Rama Rama! Rama Rama! Rama! Rama!” So she would chant with the parrot “Rama Rama!” Rama Rama ! Rama Rama ! Rama Rama ! Rama Rama ! Rama Rama ! Rama Rama ! So she actually developed some attachment to chanting the holy name. One day there was a storm. Bilkul thik hindi bola. So lighting hit the house and she and the parrot were instantly dead just as they were chanting Rama Rama! So the yamaduta’s came to take her away, but the Visnu dutas came. Now the yamadutas had never met the visnuduta’s before and they said that “We are the representative of the Yamaraj.” “And we are the representatives of Lord Visnu.” Yamudatas said, “This lady has done sinful acts, so we are taking her to narak.” But the Visnudutas said that, “She has been chanting the names of Ram, so we are taking her to Lord Visnu.” So ah… Yamudata said “No, we are taking her.” They tied the ropes around her neck. But the Visnuduta’s cut the rope. “You go back to Your Yamaraj and tell him that Visnuduta’s have come to take her away.” “We got order to take her. We are taking her.” “No you are taking her.” Ok yamudutas fight. And they threw burning coals from hell but the Visnudutas held up their club. And immediately the burning flew back to the yamadutas. Then one yamaduta came forward, he is known as the crusher. So one of the Visnudutas came forward and the crusher with all his might and all his force smashed the Visnudutas in his chest but Visnudutas have a spiritual body and the Visnuduta’s slightly tapped the crusher and as a result the yamaduta’s started to bleed from his mouth, his ears, nose, from his pores. So the yamaduta’s took their leader back and they went to yamadutas and they told everything that happened. They said, “We thought you are the supreme, who are the Visnuduta’s?” “I told you I am a servant of Lord Visnu and I told you you should bring to me those who lie, cheat, sin but those who chant the holy names of Visnu you should not bring them. They are under Visnu directly. Everyone else you can bring.” So by chanting the holy names of the Lord we get this great benefit and if we chant here and remember and if we offer some service, offer some puja, we offer prayers and obeisances, we consider ourselves as the servant of the Lord, or as a friend of the Lord, that is navavida bhakti. Now there are three main yogas- jnana yoga which gives one liberation in the nirakar bhrma, there is the asthanga yoga which allows one the darshan antaryami parmatma and get mystical powers, but if one fixes one’s mind on the personality of Godhead, this is called bhagavan realization then one can go to the spiritual world and serve the Lord eternally. So we are following this bhakti yoga where we worship the personal form of the Lord. That’s easier because we are used to thinking of people. Just like remembering Krishna and Yasoda. How mother Yasoda tied down Krishna on his belly.... Damodara, dam udara. So Krishna’s childhood pastimes are unlimited and very glorious. So this month is a special month to get people to offer a lamp to Krishna, to get people to remember this lila of Krishna. So this is a great- great opportunity. It’s opportunity for the fallen souls to get the mercy of Krishna by you being the representatives of Krishna. It gives you a special mercy. With somehow your neighbor’s and friends, you get them to offer a lamp to Krishna in this month as a great opportunity. And now Radharani, she told Krishna that as Ram you are always fighting. You were carrying the bow and arrow. So in Vrindavan Krishna had no weapon. Whatever demons were there, he would kill them with his bare hands and when he went to Mathura and Dwarka, he had his weapons. So when he came as Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he brought no weapon of violence. His only weapon was Hare Krishna chanting. Mrdanga drums, kartal, dancing and his personal beauty and the mahaprasad. How many of you like mahaprasad? I went to West Africa. They were throwing the prasadam front the rath kart but the father said, “don’t take it! The padri we call him the priest the father “because there is something in that food. It makes you a devotee.” So some people were afraid to touch the food but some took it. They took it and chanted and danced with the devotees. So Lord Caitanya has come without any weapon of violence. There was one cultivator, he grew bananas and vegetables. He would sell it in the market place. “kela, kela, sabse aacha kela.” So Lord Caitanya would go and He would say, “Give me 12 bananas.” He took 12 and He said, “How much?” “You can ask around. I charge the lowest price.” “Six karis” Those days 80 karis was one paisa. A kari is a small shell. Lord Chaitanya said, “Oh! You are trying to take excess from a Brahmin.” And then he took back the bananas and told, “No, No my cheapest price.” “What you took a banana from a brahman” “You think I will not pay you?” And he took back and he gave six karis.

Other hawkers said, “Why you take that from that boy.” “I don’t know when I see him my heart melts.” So Lord Caitanya He came down on the request of Sitanath Advaita Gosai. So He but… He didn’t reveal that He was bhagavan. So one time He had to reveal to Advaita that, “OK, I came.” So Advaita was offering Him a 21 hour arati. At that time He was grown up and He was known as Nimai Pandit. So He said that, “Bring that hawker, the vegetable salesman. His name is Sridhar, bring him.” So they went to Sridhar, “Nimai pandit is asking for you.” He fainted. So they picked him up and brought him to Nimai. When he woke up he was at the feet of Lord Caitanya and then he couldn’t see anything. It was just the brahma jyoti coming from Lord Caitanya. Lord Nityananda was fanning him. So Lord Caitanya said, “Ask me a boon, I will give you anything.” He said, “I don’t want anything.” “I will make you a king.” “No, No, No, I don’t want to be anything.” “I will give you mystic powers.” “No, No, No, I don’t want anything.” “I will give you liberation, nirakar brahma. You have to ask for something, my job is to give out blessings. What do you want.” “If I have to ask for something let me meet all Your banana and vegetable needs in all Your avatars. Let me always see that mischievous smiling boy.” “I can give you even what even Brahma and Siva want. I will give you Krishnaprema”


Hari bol. All the devotees were so happy that even the simple hawker from the market could get Krishnaprem. For 10,000 years, in the golden age you can all get Krishnaprem by the mercy of Lord Caitanya. So we see Narad muni was received by Rukmini and Krishna and in ISKCON we are a multi guru society. So when any guru or swami comes it’s nice to give them a fitting reception. So there is so much I could tell you about Lord Caitanya but there is not much time. Lord Caitanya when He toured India for six years, He stayed in different houses everyday. Everyone He asked to give out the message of Krishna. One grihasta said, “Oh, I want to join you and become a sanyasi.” But Lord Caitanya said, “No, you stay with your family. Don’t be a markat vairagya or a false renunciant. So as a grihasta on my order become a guru and give out the message of Krishna to all the Kali yuga people. Jare dekho tare kaho krihsna upadesh, aamar ajnae guru hoiya taro ei desh” So you can read Bhagavat Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, husband and wife can read together. In your house you can worship this deities of Yasoda and Damodar with lamps during the month of Kartik. Yukta Vairagya means to engage your mind, words and sense in the senses of Krishna. Too much austerity may lead one to aspire to the impersonal realization. So Lord Caitanya is not wanting that you do excess austerity. Within the grihasta ashram one can also achieve this pure love of Krishna. So whether you are a brahmachari, whether you are a grihastha or wherever you are stay there. This way chant Hare Krishna and be Happy. Hare Krishna “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare.”

Sadananda Krishnaprem Das

Transcribed by Sadananda Krishnaprem Das
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