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20141104 Śrīla Prabhupāda Kathā Day 9

4 Nov 2014|English|Prabhupāda Kathā|New Delhi, India

Śrīla Prabhupāda Kathā Day 9

Type Of Talk:

Prabhupada Katha


New Delhi


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

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Inspiration series - 2014

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20141104_Srila_Prabhupada_Katha_Day_009_@New_Delhi mūkaṁ karoti vācālaṁ paṅguṁ laṅghayate girim yat-kṛpā tam ahaṁ vande śrī-gurum dīna-tāranam paramānanda mādhavam śrī caitanya īśvaram Śrīla Prabhupāda started the Life Membership and other pastimes. So, at first the life membership was one, one, one... And to be a life member, you had to give 1,111 rupees. So, Prabhupada would prasadā at different aristocratic homes, and they used to pay him just to take prasadā. Like that he would give the menu that we don’t take meat, fish, egg, onion and garlic. But one time it seems that there were onions in the food. So the devotees went to tell Prabhupāda (whispering), “There’s onions.” But Prabhupāda ignored it. Because he would act as the perfect guest. He may or may not eat it, but he would not show anything. One time he went to the S. P. Muhkerjee Road. And there, on the second floor, he saw some association, and he spoke Kṛṣṇa consciousness to them, and afterwards they said, “You are a śakti- aveśa avatar. Only a śakti- aveśa avatar can do what you’ve done.” And Prabhupāda just smiled, and didn’t say anything. Like this, different programs were held. Sometimes he would take his meals at the Jungjung Majoria (Indistinct). Agarwal. So, we would also sign up some Life Members. We were sent out to enrol some Life Members. I remember, on Algan Road, I went out to see one man. A big businessman, and I tried to show him my picture book of how we’re doing our Food For Life and different activities. But the man, he responded, “I don’t believe in any of this. You’re all cheaters! You just come here to take our money! No, no! It’s not all true. I don’t believe in all this.” And he went on and on and on. I was just sitting there. And when he was finished, I said, “What you’re saying is not true.” And I started preaching to him, and showing him again what activities we’re doing. And he was very shocked, “I was just testing you.” (Laughter) You met all kinds. “So how much do I have to pay?” “1,111 rupees.” “Here, take the cheque.” Crazy guy. (Laughter) So like that, we’d spend every day signing up Life Members.


But there was one thing. I think that one time before, when we were staying in the Gaudiya Maṭh, I met Prabhupāda’s sister. She was also his Godsister. She took first initiation from Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvatī Ṭhākur, and second initiation by Goswamī Maharaja. So we would call her Piśimā. The father’s sister. So, she loved to cook. So she would invite us over, let us see the Deities she was given by Śrīla Prabhupāda. And she would have prepared a big feast. So, we sat down and she served us this elaborate Bengali feast. Nothing like her cooking! And her son was a clock businessman. His shop was on (Indistinct) Banerjee Road. That leads to the bus-stops in Central Kolkata. And sometimes we would go and take misti dahi. Just a few roads down from the clock. There was a Yasodananda Bhandar. And they have misti dahi, white. In Māyāpur, they have a misti dahi, red. But now it’s Bhisma Pancaka! (Laughter) We’re fasting from yoghurt. So, every so often, Piśimā would invite us to take prasadā. And when Prabhupāda came, she wanted to cook for him. He said, “Just let her do what she wants to do. She likes to cook.” So he would have him cook for him. One time he had dysentery, and she prepared puris for him, with a little bit of salt. And it cured his dysentery. Well, you know, if you take puris it won’t work, but somehow her puris worked. Also one time we went to the house Tusha Kanti Ghosh, and Taruna Kanti Ghosh was a devotee. And they have 24-hour kirtan going on. And his grandfather wrote a book on Bhaktivinod Ṭhakūr, saying that he was the Seventh Goswamī. So, we went to his house. He had a big house in Barasat. And he showed us how he would bath the Deity of Lord Caitanya. And the caranamṛta would flow over newspapers. He owned two newspapers; one in Bengali, and one in English. The Yukantha(?) and the Amṛt Bazaar Patrika. (Translator: “When he bath, there was so much caranamṛta that it goes all the way to the newspapers?”; GM: “He put the paper underneath.” GM laughs. Translator: “So he put the paper underneath and bath, like that?”) He was a personality. He had us all sitting down and taking prasadā. I think he became a Life Member also. There was rice in a mound, and surrounded cups of vegetables, and some dhalls and chutneys. Of course we don’t think of these things in Bhishma Pancaka. (GM laughs.) So then it came time for the sandesh, rasagulla. Of course, he knew we were full, so he said, “You can squiggle it down!”( GM laughs.) So everybody took their rasagulla and squiggled it down! (Translator: “Prabhupāda was there also, GM?” GM: “Yes.”) So Prabhupāda had everybody chant kirtan. So around that time started the Bangladesh Liberation War. And there was a big war between Pakistan and India. And all the headlights were painted on the top black. And the foreigners were told that they couldn’t leave Kolkata. At that time, we saw the... there was a devotee that was watching over the grass hut in Māyāpur. His name was Vipra Sūdama. So I would sneak out every week and give him some money. Then there came a flood and I couldn’t go out. So he was inside the grass hut, and gradually the water rose and rose and rose. So if he didn’t leave, he may drown. So he took a deep breath and dived under. He got out but his leg got hit by the hut. And then he somehow swam to the next Gaudiya Maṭh. And I forgot where I saw him – either Kolkata or Māyāpur – but as soon as possible, I gave him the laxmi. I don’t remember what day it was, the first time I went to Māyāpur. I was alone at the time. And I was very happy to be in the Holy Dham. I got out of the ferry boat, and I just fell to the ground and I touched my head to the mud. When I reached Māyāpur Dham, it was a big moment for me. So, around this time Śrīla Prabhupāda went to the Artha Kumba Mela in Prayag. There were something like 16 million people, and Prabhupāda had a campsite with a pandal and some tents for staying. At that time one of the families came from Malaysia, aristocratic family. The husband was a Dato. He was a police chief, and he had been knighted by one of the Kings. In knighting, in England they give the title “Sir”, and in Malaysia they give the title “Dato”. A devotee Deputy-Minister, he is also a Dato. The wife of the Dato is called a ‘Datin”. If she is a Dato herself then she is a Dato, or if she is the wife of the Dato she is called a ‘Datin. So Datin Saraswati and her family members came to the campsite. They invited Śrīla Prabhupāda to come to Malaysia, and they said that they have land in Charas – although that never happened. But, anyway, Prabhupāda went to Malaysia, and he started preaching there. They have some books on the preaching in Malaysia, in the time of Prabhupāda. Like that people would come and Śrīla Prabhupāda would speak to them. Then he gave a public talk in the pandal. And in the Question and Answer Session ... (Translator: “This happened in 1971? GM: 1971. In Allahabad? January 12 to January 31, Allahabad, Did you go with Śrīla Prabhupāda to Allahabad? GM: “Yes, I went, and then I was sent back because we hadn’t had our own place for Prabhupāda to come (in Kolkata). Around that time, we got the 3C Albert Road. (Translator, “So you were saying something about Prabhupāda answering the Questions and Answers.”) GM: He (Prabhupāda) was saying how, to be Kṛṣṇa consciousness, a person would have already gone through yajñas, tapasyas and so on. So one devotee raised his hand and he said, “I look at my history. I don’t find any auspicious acts in my life. Chanting the name of God or tapasyas, austerities. I didn’t do any of that . So how is it possible that I got Kṛṣṇa consciousness?” Then Prabhupāda said, “I created your good fortune for you.” We know that we got the house in 1970. I don’t know what I have to do, but for some reasons I have to prepare things. (?) Prabhupāda was very expert with trains. The station, Allahabad Station was over-booked, but one station before... there was space ... so Prabhupāda booked one station before. He knew how manipulate the trains. And Prabhupāda liked to take trains to relax from ... because he was flying all the time. Vidvan Gauranga dās: “Ok, there are quite a few letters. But there is one resolution here for opening a bank account. This is 29 September 1970, and there’s a resolution here: “A meeting of the President, secretary, treasurer and Founder-Ācārya of the International Society for Kṛṣna consciousness, Calcutta Branch 37/1 Hindustan Road was held, and it is passed by resolution that a local account be opened with the Central Bank of India, Ballygunge Branch. In the meeting the following gentlemen were present: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada – Founder-Ācārya; Tamal Kṛṣna dās Adhikari – president; Ācyutānanda Swami – secretary; Jayapataka Swami – treasurer. Out of the four, cheques will be signed by any two. Signed, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada – Founder-Ācārya. Do you remember anything about this? How come Tamal Kṛṣṇa Maharaj ... when did he become president?” GM: He was there just for the opening of the branch ... bank account, because when Prabhupāda left, he also left. Vidvan Gauranga dās: “There are two letters. Prabhupāda is writing from Bombay, 10 November 1970: ‘My dear Jayapataka Maharaj, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 6 November, along with enclosed plans for the Hamilton House. Regarding the Hamilton House, it is a first class. My Guru Maharaj wanted us to open temples in the most congested part of modern cities. We don’t want a place in a quiet and solitary place. So offer them six to seven lakhs, and eventually you can offer them seven lakhs, but that is the highest you can go. And we shall arrange 1 lakh rupees in advance. If they agree, we can come immediately and finish the business. You should get the Society immediately registered through Mr. Sen, under the Societies Act, not under the Companies Act. Please do this as quickly as possible as these men are expecting us to be a bona-fide institution. I have asked Haṃsaduta and Himāvati to come an live with me here in Bombay. Now I think the remaining members in Calcutta, except for yourself can go to Gorukpur, as Ramānanda has asked for six more men. Since you are the president in Calcutta, and there are so many businesses pending, you should remain in Calcutta. I have instructed Haṃsaduta to hand over to you for your sole care all that are remaining in 37/1 Hindustan Road flat, including my books, table etc. In addition, three sets of Deities there should be taken by you and kept carefully. See that they are unwrapped, set securely, wrapped and boxed, as the others are. Also you can take from Haṃsaduta the document Bill of Lading for the shipment of books from LA and Boston. I’m arranging through a forwarding and clearing house in Bombay, which has a branch in Calcutta to clear these books. So, once I know the address of the Calcutta Branch Office, I will inform you and you may bring them the documents. I hope you have already sent by registered post my bank office pass book as I asked you by telegram. So far as the 11 000 rupees to be given by Sitaram Podaan. He can give the cheque in the Society’s name. We have also established an account in Bombay under the International Society for Kṛṣṇa Consciousness. Immediately we have no South Indian program. Our first business is to go to Gorukpur. So far, all of our success has been through following the regulative rules of devotional service. So our good standing will be diminished if we join with groups who permit the use of intoxicants etc. We should not compromise on this point if we wish to remain pure and strong. Please write to Tamal Kṛṣṇa at least once a week what are your activities. Please send me immediately your new address and telephone number if you have one. I hope that this will find you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami. This is a letter from Bombay.” GM: The Hamilton House was e very prestigious building. It was just opposite the American Express Office. It was in the Dell Houses (?) Square. Somehow I told a member of the Bharat Chamber of Commerce that we were bidding 6.25 lakhs, and he cheated us. He went and bid higher to get the building for himself, or for his Chamber of Commerce. So, there were some Englishmen – two or three – and they wanted to sell the land and leave Calcutta because of all the disturbance. And the Hamilton House was a real jewel in the middle of the office square, two blocks from the Governor’s House. The Writer’s Building, which was for the Ministers, maybe four or five blocks. And the Hamilton House was right next to one prestigious hotel. Prabhupāda came by train to get the building. And some lawyers stared saying we should check it out, see the title etc. But when we arrived there, the Bharat Chamber of Commerce already outbid us. Now that building is worth crores of rupees. But at that time, six lakhs rupees. (GM laughs)


Transcribed by Caitanya Caraṇa dāsa, ISKCON Māyāpur

Transcribed by Caitanya Caraṇa dāsa
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