mūkaṁ karoti vācālaṁ paṅguṁ laṅghayate girim
yat-kṛpā tam ahaṁ vande śrī-gurun dina tāriṇam
paramānanda-mādhavam śrī caitanya īśvaram
hariḥ oṁ tat sat
Jayapatākā Swami: I have to keep it short, that is what the MC said. He said it after His Holiness Bhakti Puruṣottama Swami Mahārāja!
You know, we are personalists and we never knew that the festival had a personality. But this festival is also a special śakti of Kṛṣṇa! And so, raising the flag, worshiping guru and Garuḍa, these are all parts of the inauguration. We are entering into a special domain – the domain of festivals! So, this year’s parikramā we have around seven parties. We have the international party, different kinds of Bengali and Bangaldeshi parties, and we have the Russian speaking party, the South Indian party, the Hindi party – so many parties! And we have camp sites which we purchased for the devotees to stay overnight. If they want to, they can come back also. So like this, we have Mahā-milan on the last day where all the parties join together. Last year we had around 12,000 devotees. This year as per the co-directors, they have improved the Nāma-haṭṭa and Gītā Bhavan and Gadā extensions, etc. and have many guest rooms. His Grace Hṛdaya Caitanya is also having some rooms ready. So I don’t know how many rooms – maybe a 1008! But there are many details involved – we have to have the land conversion from agricultural land to guest house. But immediately we have different festivals – like the we have the Kīrtana-melā, Parikramā and other festival days. We hope that the Śāntipura Festival on the Dvādaśī festival would be celebrated with great pomp.
So, this festival we are supposed to concentrate on giving our heart to Kṛṣṇa! This festival was also started by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda. He would come every year and spend two weeks. We hope that everybody takes with them some special moments of Kṛṣṇa consciousness! Hare Kṛṣṇa!
Just celebrating this festival, I think I am missing the presence of His Holiness Gopāla Kṛṣṇa Goswami Mahārāja. He has always been present at these festivals and has been helping in many ways. When I I think about him, also I remember His Holiness Bhakti Cāru Mahārāja. His presence is felt and has absences is also felt. And along with His Grace Jananivāsa Prabhu, his twin brother His Grace Paṅkajāṅghrī Prabhu, he was the backbone of these festivals. Hare Kṛṣṇa!
Lecture Suggetions
20250310 Questions and Answers Session
20250309 Address to Navadvīpa-maṇḍala Parikramā Devotees Day 8 Mahā-milan
20250309 Celebrating Vaiṣṇavīs, Savitrī Awards Ceremony Address
20250309 Questions and Answers Session
20250308 Address to Parikramā Devotees Day 7 Realizations Night
20250307 Address to Parikramā Devotees Day 6 in Belpukur, International Party
20250306 NMP - Addressing International Party - Vaikuṇṭhapura
20250304 - NMP Addressing International Party in Pañca Veṇī
20250304 - NMP Addressing Prabhupāda A Party in Caṁpāhāti [Bangla]
20250304 - NMP Addressing Hindi Party in Caitanya Maṭha
20250304 - NMP Addressing Nāmahaṭṭa A Party in Surabhi Kuñja [Bangla]
20250304 - NMP Addressing Prabhupāda B Party in Māmgāchi [Bangla]
20250303 NMP Address to Hindi Parikramā Party in Belpukur
20250302 Address to International Parikramā Party in Narasiṁhapallī
20250301 Address to Navadvīpa-mandala Parikramā Devotees Adhivāsa Day
20250222 Address in the Śravaṇa Utsava
20250220 Address in the Prabhupāda Connect Festival
20250216 Address on Mayapur Institute 25 Years Celebration
20250211 Short Address to Devotees
20250210 Nityānanda Prabhu Appearance Day Address
20250209 Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 3.13.46-48
20250208 Address to Congregational Development Ministry
20250205 Addressing Sylhet Bangladesh Devotees Online
20250204 Addressing the Pañca-tattva Challenge on Advaita-saptamī
20250202 Initiation Address to Bangladesh Devotees
20250201 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 3.13.37–38
20250201 Addressing Mangalore Devotees
20250201 Śrī Caitanya-śikṣāmṛta Class
20250130 Addressing ISKCON Dvārakā Congregation
20250130 Message for Viśvanātha Cakravartī Festival