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20250307 Address to Parikramā Devotees Day 6 in Belpukur, International Party

7 Mar 2025|English|Navadvīpa Maṇḍala Parikramā|Śrī Māyāpur, India

Jayapatākā Swami: You are in Belpukur which is part of Sīmantadvīpa. It has a 1100 or 1400 years old Deity which was worshiped by Nīlāmbara Cakravartī and Śacīmātā, and is still worshiped by the family of Śacīmātā. You will see Madana Gopāla in the center, left is Śacīmātā and right is Nīlāmbara Cakravartī. This temple sevite owner is Nimāi Prabhu and he is my disciple and his spiritual name is Nimāi Kṛṣṇa dāsa. The BSCT (Bhaktivedanta Swami Charity Trust) and ISKCON are gradually developing this holy place. We built a roof on the Deity, it was leaking and we put a new roof which does not leak. We built a kitchen and a room by the side of the temple. And the Nāṭ-mandir or kīrtana hall which you see, that was also built by us. My disciples Kīrtana-priya and Subhadrā devī, they come every day to worship the Deity. They dress the Deity as well. If you would like to donate for the sevā-pūjā of the Deity, you could do so.

We have a Jagannātha temple where we have the Deity of Lord Gaurāṅga and Sīmantinī devī. This island is called Sīmantadvīpa and it is the island for hearing. Because Sīmantinī devī took the dust from the lotus feet of Lord Gaurāṅga and put it on her forehead, so this island is called Sīmantadvīpa. I would explain more about that later.

Now, here we have the Deity of Madana Gopāla, he is blessing the devotees and you can take advantage of His smiling face!

Today is the Vyāsa-pūjā of His Holiness Bhakti Tīrtha Swami. And so we are offering our homages to his lotus feet. On this Navadvīpa-maṇḍala parikramā path we used to have His Holiness Gopāla Kṛṣṇa Goswami Mahārāja with us. But he has gone back to Godhead, so we offer our prayers at his lotus feet because he has done so much service for Śrīla Prabhupāda! Hare Kṛṣṇa!

Your well-wisher always,

Jayapatākā Swami

Transcribed by Jayarāseśvarī devī dāsī
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