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20250304 - NMP Addressing Hindi Party in Caitanya Maṭha

4 Mar 2025|English|Navadvīpa Maṇḍala Parikramā|Navadvipa dhama, India

Jayapatākā Swami: Śrīla Prabhupāda! Navadvīpa dhāma kī jaya! Now you devotees have reached near the house of Murāri Gupta. And Murāri Gupta is an eternal associate of Lord Caitanya. Once Lord Caitanya told him to think of Kṛṣṇa. But he was only thinking about Rāma. So he could not sleep the whole night. I will now take my life because I did not follow the instruction of Lord Caitanya. So he saw Lord Caitanya again and asked for forgiveness from Him and confessed to Him that he could not follow the instructions of Lord Caitanya. I think I will commit suicide now he said. But then Lord Caitanya embraced him and said, “Actually you are the real bhakta of Lord Rāma!” And he was previously Hanumān in rāma-līlā. Then He embraced Murāri Gupta. There are many pastimes with Lord Caitanya of Murāri Gupta. In his house he had Deities of Sītā Rāma, Lakṣmaṇa and Hanumān, which you can see in Murāri Gupta’s house. One time he was reading the Viṣṇu sahasranāma and in one Purāṇa it says that chanting the whole sahasranāma is equivalent to chanting one name of Lord Rāma. Then he got to the name of Varāhadeva. And Lord Caitanya manifested a form like Varāhadeva and sported four hoofs. So if someone says they are Kṛṣṇa, ask them to manifest their hoofs! Because Lord Kṛṣṇa, Lord Caitanya, He manifested hoofs! So, like this Lord Caitanya was running around Murāri Gupta’s house. There are many pastimes.

He was chanting the name of Lord Narasiṁhadeva. Lord Caitanya became in the mood of Lord Narasiṁhadeva and He took a stick and ran out in the street and started shouting, “Where are the demons? Where are the demons? I will kill them.” All the people started running away when they saw the angry form of Lord Caitanya! Then Lord Caitanya felt embarrassed. He is supposed to give out the mercy but He scared all these people! Śrīvāsa Ṭhākura came and told Him, “These people were all liberated seeing You in this mood!”

One pastime is there where Murāri Gupta is carrying Lord Caitanya on his shoulders. So, it is a very sacred place, you are near the house of one of Lord Caitanya’s eternal associates. Hare Kṛṣṇa!

Your servant

Jayapatākā Swami

Transcribed by Jayarāseśvarī devī dāsī
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